Research Article
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Year 2022, Volume: 10 Issue: 1, 40 - 48, 01.03.2022


Bozkır is an old town established on the skirts of the Taurus Mountains, and contain various tectonic units, eg. Bozkır unit, extending laterally several hundreds of kilometres. The Bozkır unit typically crops out and hence named around Bozkır district. It is formed by deep sea sediments, ophiolites and submarine basic volcanic rocks, all of which overlied by well-exposed Paleogene and Neogene? units. Bozkır is rich not only for its geological occurrence, but also for its culture, history and nature. Bozkır is in a central position of ancient Isauria and represented by Zengibar castle. The town has also a bridge of Seljuk period and various Seljuk and Ottoman Mosques. Çarşamba stream, source of the life in the region, is originated from Taurus Mountains both as Aygır spring, and as leakage from Sarıot lake. It crosses from various villages and town up to Mavi Gorge to meet with the water channel. All of which suggest that Bozkır district should be declared as a Geopark.


  • Apa, G., "Wooden Decoration in the Mosques of Bozkır and its Region.”, the SOMA 2009: XIII Symposium on Mediterranean Archaeology, Turkey, 23-24 April 2009, Selcuk University, Konya.
  • Blumenthal, M.M., 1944, “Bozkır Güneyinde Toros Dağlarının Serisi ve Yapısı", İst.Üniv. Fen Fak. Mec, Cilt, Sayı B, ss. 30.
  • Blumenthal, M.M., 1947, Geologie der Taurusketten im Hinterland von Seydişehir und Beyşehir, M. T. A., Ankara. Blumenthal, M.M., 1956, "Karaman Konya Havzası Güneybatısında Toros Kenar Silsileleri ve Şist- Radyolarit Formasyonu Stratigrafi Meselesi", Maden Tetkik Arama Enst. Derg, 48, 1-36.
  • Brunn, J.H., Dumont, J.F., Graciansky, P.C.d., Gutnic, M., Juteau, T., Martoux, J., Monod, O.Poisson, A., 1971, “Outline of the Geology of the Western Taurids”, A.S. Campbell (Editor), Geology and History of Turkey. Petrol Explor, Soci. of Libya, Tripoli.
  • Çiftçi, Y.Güngör, Y., 2016, "Proposals for the standard presentatıon of elements of natural and cultural herıtage wıthın the scope of geopark projects", Bulletin of the mineral research and exploration, 153, 223-238.
  • Galas, A., Paulo, A., Gaidzik, K., Zavala, B., Kalicki, T., Churata, D., Galas, S.Marino, J., 2018, "Geosites and Geotouristic Attractions Proposed for the Project Geopark Colca and Volcanoes of Andagua, Peru", Geoheritage, 10(4), 707-729.
  • Gutnic, M., Poisson, A.Dumont, J.F., 1979, “Geologie des Taurides Occidentales (Turguie)”, Mem Soci. Geol.France, Nouv., 58, 112 p. pp.
  • Hamilton, W.J., 1842, “Researches in Asia Minor, Pontus and Armenia; with some account of their antiquities and geology”, 2 vols., London.
  • Justice, S.C., 2018, "UNESCO Global Geoparks, Geotourism and Communication of the Earth Sciences: A Case Study in the Chablais UNESCO Global Geopark, France", Geosciences, 8(5).
  • Kaygili, S., Sinanoglu, D., Aksoy, E.Sasmaz, A., 2018, "Geoturism: Some Examples from Turkey" Dnipropetrovsk University Bulletin Series-Geology Geography, 26(1), 79-87.
  • Miraj, K., Plesinski, K.Radecki-Pawlik, A., 2019, "Fluvial Forms and Processes in Natural and Engineered Riverbeds: Geotouristic Potential of Mountain River Valleys (Geofluvioturism) - Examples of Zubrzyca, Syhlec and Lipnica Streams in the Polish Orava (Danube Basin)", Acta Scientiarum Polonorum-Formatio Circumiectus, 18(4), 71-85.
  • Mitchell, S., 1979, "Iconium and Ninica: Two Double Communities in Roman Asia Minor.", Historia: Zeitschrift für Alte Geschichte, 28(4), 409-438.
  • Monod, O., 1977, Recherches géologiques dans le Taurus occidental au sud de Beyşehir (Turquie), Université de Paris Sud ″ Centre D Orsay″.
  • MTA, 2002, "1:500.000 scaled Geological Map of Turkey. General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration”, Ankara. MTA, Ankara.
  • Özçelik, O., 1984, Toroslar'da Bozkır yöresinin jeolojisi, tektonik evrimi ve petrol olanakları, Selcuk Uni.
  • Özgül, N., 1971, "Orta Torosların kuzey kesiminin yapısal gelişiminde blok hareketlerinin önemi", T.J.K. Bült., 14, 75-87.
  • Özgül, N., 1976, "Toroslar ' ın bazı temel jeoloji özellikleri", TJB, 19, 65-78.
  • Özgül, N., 1984, "Stratigraphy and tectonics evolution of the central Taurides”, International Symposium on the geoloy of the Taurus Belt. MTA, Ankara, 77 - 90.
  • Özgül, N., 1997, "Bozkır-Hadim-Taşkent (Orta Toroslar'ın Kuzey Kesimi) Dolaylarında Yer Alan Tektono- Stratigrafık Birliklerin Stratigrafisi", Maden Tetkik ve Arama Dergisi, 119, 117-174.
  • Özgül, N.Arpat, E., 1973, "Structural units of the Taurus orgenic belt and their continuations in neighbouring regions: selection of papers on the Eastern Mediterranean region, presented at 23 rd Congress of CIESM in Athens, 1972, " Bull. Geol. Soci. Greece, 10-1, 156-164.
  • Pal, M., Albert, G., 2018, "Identifying Outcrops for Geological Hiking Maps", 7th International Conference on Cartography and Gis, Vols 1 and 2, 98-107.
  • Serrato, F.B., Diaz, A.R.Pelegrin, G.A.B., 2019, "The arid landscapes of the Badlands as a tourist resource", Investigaciones Turisticas, 17, 213-238.
  • Takçı, M., 2015, Bozkır birliği’nin (Bozkır-Hadim, Konya), mineralojik petrografik ve jeokimyasal incelenmesi, Cumhuriyet Uni., 134.
  • Tavera-Escobar, M.A.Alvarez-Ramirez, D., 2019, "Geoparks in Colombia: a strategy for the application of sustainable development objectives for Latin America, case: Magdalena Medio antioqueno", Boletin De Geologia, 41(2), 103-121.
  • Turan, A., 1990, Toroslar’da Hadim (Konya) ve güneybatısının Jeolojisi, Stratigrafisi ve Tektonik Gelişimi, Selcuk Uni.., PhD thesis, 228 s.

Bir Jeopark Adayı, Bozkır-Orta Anadolu

Year 2022, Volume: 10 Issue: 1, 40 - 48, 01.03.2022


Bozkır, Toros dağlarının eteklerinde yer alan ve Bozkır birliği gibi bir kaç yüz km yatay olarak uzanan çeşitli tektonik birimler içeren eski bir ilçedir. Bozkır birliği tipik olarak Bozkır bölgesinde yer aldığından dolayı bu yörede adlanır. Birlik iyi yüzeylemiş Paleojen ve Neojen? birimleri tarafından üzerlenen derin deniz tortulları, ofiyolitler ve deniz altı bazik volkanik kayaçlardan oluşur. Bozkır sadece jeolojik oluşumlarca değil aynı zamanda kültür, tarih ve tabiat açısından da zengindir. Bozkır antik İzauria’nın merkezi konumunda olup Zengibar kalesi ile temsil edilir. İlçe Selçuklu köprüsü ile çeşitli Selçuklu ve Osmanlı camilerine sahiptir. Yaşam kaynağı olan Çarşamba çayı, Toros dağlarından hem Aygır kaynağı ve hem de Sarıot gölünden sızıntı olarak doğmakta, çeşitli köyleri, kasabaları ve ilçeyi kesmekte ve Mavi boğazında su kanalıyla buluşmaktadır. Tüm bunlar Bozkır ‘ın jeopark olarak ilan edilmesi gerektiğini ileri sürer.


  • Apa, G., "Wooden Decoration in the Mosques of Bozkır and its Region.”, the SOMA 2009: XIII Symposium on Mediterranean Archaeology, Turkey, 23-24 April 2009, Selcuk University, Konya.
  • Blumenthal, M.M., 1944, “Bozkır Güneyinde Toros Dağlarının Serisi ve Yapısı", İst.Üniv. Fen Fak. Mec, Cilt, Sayı B, ss. 30.
  • Blumenthal, M.M., 1947, Geologie der Taurusketten im Hinterland von Seydişehir und Beyşehir, M. T. A., Ankara. Blumenthal, M.M., 1956, "Karaman Konya Havzası Güneybatısında Toros Kenar Silsileleri ve Şist- Radyolarit Formasyonu Stratigrafi Meselesi", Maden Tetkik Arama Enst. Derg, 48, 1-36.
  • Brunn, J.H., Dumont, J.F., Graciansky, P.C.d., Gutnic, M., Juteau, T., Martoux, J., Monod, O.Poisson, A., 1971, “Outline of the Geology of the Western Taurids”, A.S. Campbell (Editor), Geology and History of Turkey. Petrol Explor, Soci. of Libya, Tripoli.
  • Çiftçi, Y.Güngör, Y., 2016, "Proposals for the standard presentatıon of elements of natural and cultural herıtage wıthın the scope of geopark projects", Bulletin of the mineral research and exploration, 153, 223-238.
  • Galas, A., Paulo, A., Gaidzik, K., Zavala, B., Kalicki, T., Churata, D., Galas, S.Marino, J., 2018, "Geosites and Geotouristic Attractions Proposed for the Project Geopark Colca and Volcanoes of Andagua, Peru", Geoheritage, 10(4), 707-729.
  • Gutnic, M., Poisson, A.Dumont, J.F., 1979, “Geologie des Taurides Occidentales (Turguie)”, Mem Soci. Geol.France, Nouv., 58, 112 p. pp.
  • Hamilton, W.J., 1842, “Researches in Asia Minor, Pontus and Armenia; with some account of their antiquities and geology”, 2 vols., London.
  • Justice, S.C., 2018, "UNESCO Global Geoparks, Geotourism and Communication of the Earth Sciences: A Case Study in the Chablais UNESCO Global Geopark, France", Geosciences, 8(5).
  • Kaygili, S., Sinanoglu, D., Aksoy, E.Sasmaz, A., 2018, "Geoturism: Some Examples from Turkey" Dnipropetrovsk University Bulletin Series-Geology Geography, 26(1), 79-87.
  • Miraj, K., Plesinski, K.Radecki-Pawlik, A., 2019, "Fluvial Forms and Processes in Natural and Engineered Riverbeds: Geotouristic Potential of Mountain River Valleys (Geofluvioturism) - Examples of Zubrzyca, Syhlec and Lipnica Streams in the Polish Orava (Danube Basin)", Acta Scientiarum Polonorum-Formatio Circumiectus, 18(4), 71-85.
  • Mitchell, S., 1979, "Iconium and Ninica: Two Double Communities in Roman Asia Minor.", Historia: Zeitschrift für Alte Geschichte, 28(4), 409-438.
  • Monod, O., 1977, Recherches géologiques dans le Taurus occidental au sud de Beyşehir (Turquie), Université de Paris Sud ″ Centre D Orsay″.
  • MTA, 2002, "1:500.000 scaled Geological Map of Turkey. General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration”, Ankara. MTA, Ankara.
  • Özçelik, O., 1984, Toroslar'da Bozkır yöresinin jeolojisi, tektonik evrimi ve petrol olanakları, Selcuk Uni.
  • Özgül, N., 1971, "Orta Torosların kuzey kesiminin yapısal gelişiminde blok hareketlerinin önemi", T.J.K. Bült., 14, 75-87.
  • Özgül, N., 1976, "Toroslar ' ın bazı temel jeoloji özellikleri", TJB, 19, 65-78.
  • Özgül, N., 1984, "Stratigraphy and tectonics evolution of the central Taurides”, International Symposium on the geoloy of the Taurus Belt. MTA, Ankara, 77 - 90.
  • Özgül, N., 1997, "Bozkır-Hadim-Taşkent (Orta Toroslar'ın Kuzey Kesimi) Dolaylarında Yer Alan Tektono- Stratigrafık Birliklerin Stratigrafisi", Maden Tetkik ve Arama Dergisi, 119, 117-174.
  • Özgül, N.Arpat, E., 1973, "Structural units of the Taurus orgenic belt and their continuations in neighbouring regions: selection of papers on the Eastern Mediterranean region, presented at 23 rd Congress of CIESM in Athens, 1972, " Bull. Geol. Soci. Greece, 10-1, 156-164.
  • Pal, M., Albert, G., 2018, "Identifying Outcrops for Geological Hiking Maps", 7th International Conference on Cartography and Gis, Vols 1 and 2, 98-107.
  • Serrato, F.B., Diaz, A.R.Pelegrin, G.A.B., 2019, "The arid landscapes of the Badlands as a tourist resource", Investigaciones Turisticas, 17, 213-238.
  • Takçı, M., 2015, Bozkır birliği’nin (Bozkır-Hadim, Konya), mineralojik petrografik ve jeokimyasal incelenmesi, Cumhuriyet Uni., 134.
  • Tavera-Escobar, M.A.Alvarez-Ramirez, D., 2019, "Geoparks in Colombia: a strategy for the application of sustainable development objectives for Latin America, case: Magdalena Medio antioqueno", Boletin De Geologia, 41(2), 103-121.
  • Turan, A., 1990, Toroslar’da Hadim (Konya) ve güneybatısının Jeolojisi, Stratigrafisi ve Tektonik Gelişimi, Selcuk Uni.., PhD thesis, 228 s.
There are 25 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Research Article

Kerim Kocak 0000-0002-4379-8791

Veysel Zedef 0000-0002-3827-0941

Gürsel Kansun 0000-0002-4581-6076

Adnan Doyen This is me 0000-0003-1431-9461

Publication Date March 1, 2022
Submission Date September 16, 2021
Acceptance Date December 26, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 10 Issue: 1


IEEE K. Kocak, V. Zedef, G. Kansun, and A. Doyen, “A GEOPARK CANDIDATE, BOZKIR-CENTRAL TURKEY”, KONJES, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 40–48, 2022, doi: 10.36306/konjes.994897.