Subjektif Uyumun İş Çıktıları Üzerindeki Etkisi: Benzerlik Uyumu mu, Bütünleyici Uyum mu?
Year 2015,
Issue: 29, 165 - 186, 01.06.2015
Esra Alnıaçık
Özge Mehtap
Bu çalışmada subjektif uyumun bileşenleri olan benzerlik uyumu ve bütünleyici uyumun duygusal bağlılık ve işten ayrılma niyeti üzerindeki etkisinde iş tatmininin aracı etkisinin incelenmesi amaçlanmaktadır. Çalışmada kolayda örnekleme metodu kullanılarak farklı sektörlerde çalışan 224 kişiye ulaşılmıştır. Veriler, oluşturulan web tabanlı anket formları aracılığıyla toplanmıştır. Araştırma hipotezleri SPSS 18 Programı kullanılarak regresyon analizleriyle test edilmiş; benzerlik ve bütünleyici uyumun iş tatmini, duygusal bağlılık ve işten ayrılma niyeti üzerinde istatistiksel olarak anlamlı etkileri bulunmuş ve hipotezlerin bir kısmı doğrulanmıştır. Bunun yanı sıra benzerlik uyumunun, bütünleyici uyuma göre iş çıktıları üzerindeki etki şiddetinin daha yüksek olduğu bulguları elde edilmiştir
- Angle, Harold L., ve James L. Perry (1981). “An Empirical Assessment of Organizational Commitment and Organizational Effectiveness”. Administrative Science Quarterly, 26: 1-14.
- Becker, Howard S.(1960, July). “Notes on the concept of commitment”. American Journal of Sociology, 66(1): 32-40.
- Bowen, David E., Gerald E. Ledford, Jr. ve Barry R. Nathan (1991, November), “Hiring for the organization, Not the Job”, The Executive, 5(4): 35-51.
- Bretz, Robert D., Jr. ve Timothy A. Judge (1992). “The Relationship Between Person- Organization Fit and Career Studies, Working Paper Series: 92-11.
- Success”. Center for Advanced Human Resource
- Brown, Barbara B. (2003). Employees' Organizational Commitment and Their Perception of Supervisors' Relations-Oriented and Task-Oriented Leadership Behaviors, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, PhD Thesis.
- Cable, Daniel M. ve D. Scott DeRue (2002). “The Convergent and Discriminant Validity of Subjective Fit Perceptions”. Journal of Applied Psychology, 87(5): 875–884.
- Cable, Daniel M. ve Jeffrey R. Edwards (2004). “Complementary and Supplementary Fit: A Theoretical and Empirical Integration”. Journal of Applied Psychology, 89(5): 822–834.
- Cable, Daniel M. ve Timothy Judge (1996). “Person–Organization Fit, Job Choice Decisions, and Organizational Entry”, Organızatıonal Behavıor and Human Decısıon Processes. 67 (3):294–311.
- Carless, Sally A. (2005). “Person–job fit versus person–organization fit as predictors of organizational attraction and job acceptance intentions: A longitudinal study”. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 78: 411–429.
- Cavanagh, Stephen J. ve Douglas A. Coffin, (1992). “Staff turnover among hospital nurses”. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 17(11): 1369–1376.
- Chatman, Jennifer A. (1991) “Matching People and Organizations: Selection and Socialization in Public Accounting Firms”. Administrative Science Quarterly, 36(39): 459-484.
- Chatman, Jennifer A., (1989). “Improving Interactional Organizational Research: A Model of Person-Organization Fit”. Academy of Management Review, 14(3): 333-349.
- Chen, Peter Y. ve Paul E. (1992). “Spector, Relationships of work stressors with aggression, withdrawal, theft and substance use: An exploratory study”. Journal of Occupational & Organizational Psychology, 65(3):177-184.
- Coomer B, Barriball KL, (2007). “Impact of job satisfaction on intent to leave and turnover for hospital-based nurses: A review of the research literatüre”. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 44:297–314.
- Cotton, John L., ve Jeffrey M. Tuttle, (Jan.1986). “Employee turnover: A meta-analysis and review with implications for research”. The Academy of Management Review, 11(1): 55-70.
- Çelebi, Nurhayat ve Nilüfer Ülker, (Şubat, 2013). “Yükseköğretim kurumlarında eğitimci bireylerin uyum algı ve davranışlarını etkileyen unsurlar”. Eğitim ve Öğretim Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2(1): 14.
- Demirkasımoğlu, Nihan, (2012). Kamu ve özel ilköğretim okulu sınıf öğretmenlerinin psikolojik sözleşme algıları ve iş çevresine uyum düzeyleri ile ilişkisi, Basılmamış Doktora Tezi, Ankara Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Ankara.
- Edwards, Jeffrey R., (1991). “Person–job fit: A Conceptual Integration, Literature Review, and Methodological Critique”, Şu Kitapta: Ed. C. L. Cooper ve I. T. Robertson, International Review of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 6, New York: Wiley.
- Fang, Y., ve V.V. Baba, (1993). “Stress and turnover: a comparative study among nurses”. International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 34(1-2):24–38.
- Finegan, Joan E., (2000). “The impact of person and organization values on organizational commitment”. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 73: 149-169.
- Griffeth, Rodger W., Peter W. Hom ve Stefan Gaertner, (2000). “A meta-analysis of antecedents and correlates of employee turnover: Update, moderator tests, and research ımplications for the next millennium”. Journal of Management, 26(3): 463- 488.
- Guan, Y., H. Deng Risavy, Stephen D. Bond, H. Michael ve F. Li, (2011). “Supplementary fit, complementary fit, and work-related outcomes: The role of self-construal”. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 60 (2): 286–310.
- Helmann, Chan M, (Dec.1997). “Job Satisfaction and Intent To Leave”. Journal of Social Psychology, 137(6): 677.
- Hoffman, Brian J. ve David J. Woehr (2006). “A quantitative review of the relationship between person–organization fit and behavioral outcomes”. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 68: 389–399.
- Jenkins, J.M., (1993). “Self-monitoring and turnover: The impact of personality on intent to leave”. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 14(1): 83-91.
- Johnsrud, Linda K., ve Vicki J. Rosser (Jul-Aug.2002). “Faculty members' morale and their intention to leave: A multilevel explanation”, The Journal of Higher Education, 73(4 ): 518-542.
- Judge, T. A., ve R. D. Jr. Bretz, (1991). The effects of work values on job choice decisions (CAHRS Working Paper #91-23). Ithaca, NY: Cornell University, School of Industrial and Labor Relations, Center for Advanced Human Resource Studies, 1- 35.
- Judge, Timothy A. ve Daniel M. Cable, (1997). “Applicant personality, organizational culture, and organization attraction”. Personnel Psychology, 50.
- Kristof, Amy L., (1996). “Person-organization fit: An integrative review of its conceptualizations, measurement, and implications”. Personnel Psychology, 49: 1– 49.
- Kristof-Brown, Amy L., Ryan D. Zimmerman ve Erin C. Johnson, (2005). “Consequences of individuals’ fit at work: A meta-analysis of person–job, person–organization, person–group, and person–supervisor fit”. Personnel Psychology, 58: 281–342.
- Lee, Kibeom, Allen, Natalie A., Meyer, John P., ve Rhee, Kyung-yong, (2001). “The three component model of organizational commitment: an application to South Korea”. Journal of Applied Psychology: An International Review, 50(4): 596-614.
- Lee, Thomas W., ve Mowday, Richard T., (Dec.1987). “Voluntarily leaving an organization: an empirical investigation of Steers and Mowday's model of turnover”. The Academy of Management Journal, 30(4): 721-743.
- Locke, E. A., (1976). The nature and causes of job satisfaction. In M. D. Dunnette (Eds.), Handbook of industrial and organizational Psychology (pp.1297-1349), Chicago: Rand McNally.
- Loi, Raymond, Ngo Hang-Yue ve Sharon Fole, (March 2006). “Linking employees' justice perceptions to organizational commitment and intention to leave: The mediating role of perceived organizational support”. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology , 79(1): 101–120.
- Luthans, Fred, S. Harriette McCaul ve Nancy G. Dodd (1985). “Organizational commitment: A comparison of American, Japanese, and Korean employees”. The Academy of Management Journal, 28(1): 213-219.
- Meyer, J. P., ve N. J. Allen (1991). “A three component conceptualization of organizational commitment”. Human Resource Management Review, 1(1): 61-89.
- Meyer, J.P., D.J. Stanley, L. Herscovitch ve L. Topolnytsky, (2002). “Affective, Continuance and Normative Commitment to the Organization: A Meta-Analysis of Antecedents, Correlates and Consequences”. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 61(1): 20-52.
- Mowday, T.T., R. W. Steers ve L.W. Porter (1979). T”he Measurement of Organizational Commitment”. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 14(2): 224-47.
- Muchinsky, P.M. ve C.J. Monahan, (1987). “What is person-environment congruence? Supplementary versus complementary models of fit”. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 31: 268-277.
- O’Reilly, C., J. Chatman ve D. F. Caldwell, (Sep. 1991). “People and organizational culture: A profile comparison approach to assessing person– organization fit”. Academy of Management Journal, 34(3): 487–516.
- O'Reilly, Charles III, ve Jennifer Chatman (1986). “Organizational commitment and psychological attachment: The effects of compliance, identification, and internalization on prosocial Behavior”. Journal of Applied Psychology, 71(3): 492- 499.
- Piasentin, K. A., ve D. S. Chapman, (2006). “Subjective person-organization fit: Bridging the gap between conceptualization and measurement”. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 69: 202-221.
- Piasentin, K. A., ve D. S. Chapman, (2007). “Perceived similarity and complementarity as predictors of subjective person-organization fit”. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 80: 341-354.
- Porter, L.W., R.M. Steers, R.T. Mowday,ve P.V. Boulian, (1974). “Organizational commitment, job satisfaction, and turnover among psychiatric technicians”. Journal of Applied Psychology, 59: 603-609.
- Price, J., (1977). The study of turnover. Ames: Iowa State Univ. Pres.
- Price, James L., ve Charles W. Mueller, (Sep. 1981). “A causal model of turnover for nurses”. The Academy of Management Journal, 24(3): 543-565.
- Quinn, R. P. ve L. J. Shepard, (1974). The 1972-73 Quality of Employment Survey, Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1-327.
- Rosin, Hazel M. ve Karen Korabik (1991). “Workplace variables, affective responses, and intention to leave among women managers”. Journal of Occupational Psychology, 64: 317-33.
- Rusbult, C. E., ve D. Farrell, (1983). “A longitudinal test of the investment model: the impact of job satisfaction, job commitment, and turnover of variations in rewards, costs, alternatives and investments”. Journal of Applied Psychology, 68: 429-438.
- Saks, Alan M., ve Blake E. Ashforth, (1997). “A Longitudunal Investigationof the Relationships Between Job Information Sources, Applicant Perception of Fit, and Work Outcomes”. Personnel Pscychology, 50: 395-426.
- Sığrı, Ünal, (2007). Kamu ve özel sektördeki kişisel ve örgütsel değerlerin uyumlaştırılması üzerine karşılaştırmalı bir çalışma. Muğla Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi (İLKE), 18.
- Simons, Shellie, (April/June 2008). “Workplace bullying experienced by Massachusetts registered nurses and the relationship to intention to leave the organization”. Advances in Nursing Science, 31(2): E48–E59.
- Smith, P.C., L.M. Kendall ve C.L. Hulin, (1969). The measurement of satisfaction in work and retirement. Chicago: Rand McNally.
- Spector, Paul E., (1997). Job satisfaction: Application, assessment, causes and consequences. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc.
- Tett, Robert P., ve John P. Meyer, (June 1993). “Job satisfaction, organizational commitment, turnover intention, and turnover: path analyses based on meta- analytic findings”. Personnel Psychology, 46(2): 259–293.
- Verquer, M. L., T. A. Beehr ve S. H. Wagner, (2003). “A meta-analysis of the relations between person- organization fit and work attitudes”. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 63: 473–489.
- Weisberg, J., (1994). “Measuring workers′ burnout and intention to leave”. International Journal of Manpower, 15(1): 4 – 14.
The Impact of Subjective Fit on The Work Outcomes: Supplementary or Complementary Fit?
Year 2015,
Issue: 29, 165 - 186, 01.06.2015
Esra Alnıaçık
Özge Mehtap
This study aimed at examining mediator effect of job satisfaction on the relationship between
supplementary and complementary fit which are the components of subjective fit with affective
commitment and intent to leave. Data have been gathered through convenient sampling and
survey method. 224 participants from various sectors answered the web based questionnaire.
Hypothesis of the study are tested using regression analysis through SPSS 18 Program and some of
the hypothesis are accepted. According to the results, the effects of supplementary and
complementary fit, on the job satisfaction, affective commitment and intent to leave are found
statistically significant while the mediation hypothesis are partially supported. In addition, it is
also detected from the results that supplementary fit has higher effects on the work outcomes than
complementary fit.
- Angle, Harold L., ve James L. Perry (1981). “An Empirical Assessment of Organizational Commitment and Organizational Effectiveness”. Administrative Science Quarterly, 26: 1-14.
- Becker, Howard S.(1960, July). “Notes on the concept of commitment”. American Journal of Sociology, 66(1): 32-40.
- Bowen, David E., Gerald E. Ledford, Jr. ve Barry R. Nathan (1991, November), “Hiring for the organization, Not the Job”, The Executive, 5(4): 35-51.
- Bretz, Robert D., Jr. ve Timothy A. Judge (1992). “The Relationship Between Person- Organization Fit and Career Studies, Working Paper Series: 92-11.
- Success”. Center for Advanced Human Resource
- Brown, Barbara B. (2003). Employees' Organizational Commitment and Their Perception of Supervisors' Relations-Oriented and Task-Oriented Leadership Behaviors, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, PhD Thesis.
- Cable, Daniel M. ve D. Scott DeRue (2002). “The Convergent and Discriminant Validity of Subjective Fit Perceptions”. Journal of Applied Psychology, 87(5): 875–884.
- Cable, Daniel M. ve Jeffrey R. Edwards (2004). “Complementary and Supplementary Fit: A Theoretical and Empirical Integration”. Journal of Applied Psychology, 89(5): 822–834.
- Cable, Daniel M. ve Timothy Judge (1996). “Person–Organization Fit, Job Choice Decisions, and Organizational Entry”, Organızatıonal Behavıor and Human Decısıon Processes. 67 (3):294–311.
- Carless, Sally A. (2005). “Person–job fit versus person–organization fit as predictors of organizational attraction and job acceptance intentions: A longitudinal study”. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 78: 411–429.
- Cavanagh, Stephen J. ve Douglas A. Coffin, (1992). “Staff turnover among hospital nurses”. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 17(11): 1369–1376.
- Chatman, Jennifer A. (1991) “Matching People and Organizations: Selection and Socialization in Public Accounting Firms”. Administrative Science Quarterly, 36(39): 459-484.
- Chatman, Jennifer A., (1989). “Improving Interactional Organizational Research: A Model of Person-Organization Fit”. Academy of Management Review, 14(3): 333-349.
- Chen, Peter Y. ve Paul E. (1992). “Spector, Relationships of work stressors with aggression, withdrawal, theft and substance use: An exploratory study”. Journal of Occupational & Organizational Psychology, 65(3):177-184.
- Coomer B, Barriball KL, (2007). “Impact of job satisfaction on intent to leave and turnover for hospital-based nurses: A review of the research literatüre”. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 44:297–314.
- Cotton, John L., ve Jeffrey M. Tuttle, (Jan.1986). “Employee turnover: A meta-analysis and review with implications for research”. The Academy of Management Review, 11(1): 55-70.
- Çelebi, Nurhayat ve Nilüfer Ülker, (Şubat, 2013). “Yükseköğretim kurumlarında eğitimci bireylerin uyum algı ve davranışlarını etkileyen unsurlar”. Eğitim ve Öğretim Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2(1): 14.
- Demirkasımoğlu, Nihan, (2012). Kamu ve özel ilköğretim okulu sınıf öğretmenlerinin psikolojik sözleşme algıları ve iş çevresine uyum düzeyleri ile ilişkisi, Basılmamış Doktora Tezi, Ankara Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Ankara.
- Edwards, Jeffrey R., (1991). “Person–job fit: A Conceptual Integration, Literature Review, and Methodological Critique”, Şu Kitapta: Ed. C. L. Cooper ve I. T. Robertson, International Review of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 6, New York: Wiley.
- Fang, Y., ve V.V. Baba, (1993). “Stress and turnover: a comparative study among nurses”. International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 34(1-2):24–38.
- Finegan, Joan E., (2000). “The impact of person and organization values on organizational commitment”. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 73: 149-169.
- Griffeth, Rodger W., Peter W. Hom ve Stefan Gaertner, (2000). “A meta-analysis of antecedents and correlates of employee turnover: Update, moderator tests, and research ımplications for the next millennium”. Journal of Management, 26(3): 463- 488.
- Guan, Y., H. Deng Risavy, Stephen D. Bond, H. Michael ve F. Li, (2011). “Supplementary fit, complementary fit, and work-related outcomes: The role of self-construal”. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 60 (2): 286–310.
- Helmann, Chan M, (Dec.1997). “Job Satisfaction and Intent To Leave”. Journal of Social Psychology, 137(6): 677.
- Hoffman, Brian J. ve David J. Woehr (2006). “A quantitative review of the relationship between person–organization fit and behavioral outcomes”. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 68: 389–399.
- Jenkins, J.M., (1993). “Self-monitoring and turnover: The impact of personality on intent to leave”. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 14(1): 83-91.
- Johnsrud, Linda K., ve Vicki J. Rosser (Jul-Aug.2002). “Faculty members' morale and their intention to leave: A multilevel explanation”, The Journal of Higher Education, 73(4 ): 518-542.
- Judge, T. A., ve R. D. Jr. Bretz, (1991). The effects of work values on job choice decisions (CAHRS Working Paper #91-23). Ithaca, NY: Cornell University, School of Industrial and Labor Relations, Center for Advanced Human Resource Studies, 1- 35.
- Judge, Timothy A. ve Daniel M. Cable, (1997). “Applicant personality, organizational culture, and organization attraction”. Personnel Psychology, 50.
- Kristof, Amy L., (1996). “Person-organization fit: An integrative review of its conceptualizations, measurement, and implications”. Personnel Psychology, 49: 1– 49.
- Kristof-Brown, Amy L., Ryan D. Zimmerman ve Erin C. Johnson, (2005). “Consequences of individuals’ fit at work: A meta-analysis of person–job, person–organization, person–group, and person–supervisor fit”. Personnel Psychology, 58: 281–342.
- Lee, Kibeom, Allen, Natalie A., Meyer, John P., ve Rhee, Kyung-yong, (2001). “The three component model of organizational commitment: an application to South Korea”. Journal of Applied Psychology: An International Review, 50(4): 596-614.
- Lee, Thomas W., ve Mowday, Richard T., (Dec.1987). “Voluntarily leaving an organization: an empirical investigation of Steers and Mowday's model of turnover”. The Academy of Management Journal, 30(4): 721-743.
- Locke, E. A., (1976). The nature and causes of job satisfaction. In M. D. Dunnette (Eds.), Handbook of industrial and organizational Psychology (pp.1297-1349), Chicago: Rand McNally.
- Loi, Raymond, Ngo Hang-Yue ve Sharon Fole, (March 2006). “Linking employees' justice perceptions to organizational commitment and intention to leave: The mediating role of perceived organizational support”. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology , 79(1): 101–120.
- Luthans, Fred, S. Harriette McCaul ve Nancy G. Dodd (1985). “Organizational commitment: A comparison of American, Japanese, and Korean employees”. The Academy of Management Journal, 28(1): 213-219.
- Meyer, J. P., ve N. J. Allen (1991). “A three component conceptualization of organizational commitment”. Human Resource Management Review, 1(1): 61-89.
- Meyer, J.P., D.J. Stanley, L. Herscovitch ve L. Topolnytsky, (2002). “Affective, Continuance and Normative Commitment to the Organization: A Meta-Analysis of Antecedents, Correlates and Consequences”. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 61(1): 20-52.
- Mowday, T.T., R. W. Steers ve L.W. Porter (1979). T”he Measurement of Organizational Commitment”. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 14(2): 224-47.
- Muchinsky, P.M. ve C.J. Monahan, (1987). “What is person-environment congruence? Supplementary versus complementary models of fit”. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 31: 268-277.
- O’Reilly, C., J. Chatman ve D. F. Caldwell, (Sep. 1991). “People and organizational culture: A profile comparison approach to assessing person– organization fit”. Academy of Management Journal, 34(3): 487–516.
- O'Reilly, Charles III, ve Jennifer Chatman (1986). “Organizational commitment and psychological attachment: The effects of compliance, identification, and internalization on prosocial Behavior”. Journal of Applied Psychology, 71(3): 492- 499.
- Piasentin, K. A., ve D. S. Chapman, (2006). “Subjective person-organization fit: Bridging the gap between conceptualization and measurement”. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 69: 202-221.
- Piasentin, K. A., ve D. S. Chapman, (2007). “Perceived similarity and complementarity as predictors of subjective person-organization fit”. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 80: 341-354.
- Porter, L.W., R.M. Steers, R.T. Mowday,ve P.V. Boulian, (1974). “Organizational commitment, job satisfaction, and turnover among psychiatric technicians”. Journal of Applied Psychology, 59: 603-609.
- Price, J., (1977). The study of turnover. Ames: Iowa State Univ. Pres.
- Price, James L., ve Charles W. Mueller, (Sep. 1981). “A causal model of turnover for nurses”. The Academy of Management Journal, 24(3): 543-565.
- Quinn, R. P. ve L. J. Shepard, (1974). The 1972-73 Quality of Employment Survey, Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1-327.
- Rosin, Hazel M. ve Karen Korabik (1991). “Workplace variables, affective responses, and intention to leave among women managers”. Journal of Occupational Psychology, 64: 317-33.
- Rusbult, C. E., ve D. Farrell, (1983). “A longitudinal test of the investment model: the impact of job satisfaction, job commitment, and turnover of variations in rewards, costs, alternatives and investments”. Journal of Applied Psychology, 68: 429-438.
- Saks, Alan M., ve Blake E. Ashforth, (1997). “A Longitudunal Investigationof the Relationships Between Job Information Sources, Applicant Perception of Fit, and Work Outcomes”. Personnel Pscychology, 50: 395-426.
- Sığrı, Ünal, (2007). Kamu ve özel sektördeki kişisel ve örgütsel değerlerin uyumlaştırılması üzerine karşılaştırmalı bir çalışma. Muğla Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi (İLKE), 18.
- Simons, Shellie, (April/June 2008). “Workplace bullying experienced by Massachusetts registered nurses and the relationship to intention to leave the organization”. Advances in Nursing Science, 31(2): E48–E59.
- Smith, P.C., L.M. Kendall ve C.L. Hulin, (1969). The measurement of satisfaction in work and retirement. Chicago: Rand McNally.
- Spector, Paul E., (1997). Job satisfaction: Application, assessment, causes and consequences. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc.
- Tett, Robert P., ve John P. Meyer, (June 1993). “Job satisfaction, organizational commitment, turnover intention, and turnover: path analyses based on meta- analytic findings”. Personnel Psychology, 46(2): 259–293.
- Verquer, M. L., T. A. Beehr ve S. H. Wagner, (2003). “A meta-analysis of the relations between person- organization fit and work attitudes”. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 63: 473–489.
- Weisberg, J., (1994). “Measuring workers′ burnout and intention to leave”. International Journal of Manpower, 15(1): 4 – 14.