Çevresel Tutum ve Duyarlılığın Ekolojik Ürün Satınalma Davranışına Etkisi
Year 2010,
Issue: 20, 127 - 140, 01.12.2010
Veysel Yılmaz
Cengiz Aktaş
Ceren Yağızer
Tüketiciler hem daha sağlıklı hem de çevreyi gelecek nesiller adına korumaya
yardımcı olduğu için giderek artan bir şekilde ekolojik ürünleri tercih etmektedirler.
Bilinçli tüketiciler ekolojik nedenlerle çevre kirliliğine yol açan işletmelerin
ürünlerini satın almama veya ekolojik olanlarıyla değiştirme niyetindedir. Bu çalışma,
ekolojik davranışların anlamlı bir tahmincisi olan çevresel tutumlara odaklanmıştır.
Çalışmada tüketicilerin ekolojik gıda ürünü satın alma davranışına çevresel duyarlılık
ile çevresel tutum ve davranışların etkisi bir yapısal eşitlik modeliyle (YEM) araştırılmıştır. Analizler sonucunda çevresel duyarlılığın çevresel davranışı doğrudan etkilemediği, ancak çevresel tutum geliştirenlerin çevresel davranış sergileyerek ekolojik
gıda ürünü satın alma davranışı gösterdiği belirlenmiştir.
- Akgüngör Sedef, Miran Bülent, Abay Canan, Olhan Emine and Nergis K, Nermin (1999)
- “Forecast of Potential Demand of Consumers in İstanbul, Ankara, İzmir Cities Towards Environment Friendly Agricultural Products”, Agricultural Economy Research Insti- tute, Project Report (15), 2: 1999: 1-117.
- Ay Canan and Ecevit Zümrüt, (2005) Environment Conscious Consumers. Akdeniz University FEAS Journal, (10):2005: 238-263.
- Babekoğlu, Yasemin (2000) Effect of Demographical Characteristics and Individual Atti- tudes of Consumers in Responsible Consumer Behaviors,( PhD Thesis not Published )
- Ankara University, School of Science, Household Economics B. , Ankara. Byrne MB (1998) Structural equation modeling with LISREL, PRELIS and SIMPLIS: Basic concepts, applications, and programming. New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum.
- Fraj Elena and Martinez Eva (2007) Ecological Consumer Bahavior:An Empirical Analysis.
- International Journal of Consumer Studies, 31, 26-33. Hayduk L A (1987) Structural equation modeling with LISREL: Essentials and advances.
- Baltimore: John Hopkins. Joreskog K and Sorbom D (2001) LISREL 8: User’s reference guide. Chicago, USA: Scien- tific Software International Inc.
- Kaiser, Florian., Ranney, Michael., Hartig, Terry. & Bowler, Peter A. (1999a) Ecological behavior, environmental attitude, and feelings of responsibility for the environment.
- European Psychologist, 4, 59–74. Kaiser, Florian., Wölfing, Sybille. & Fuhrer, Urs. (1999b) Environmental attitude and ecological behavior. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 19,1–19.
- Keleş Ceyda (2007) An Application on Green Product Consuming Behaviors of Green Mar- keting Consumers and the Effect of Culture in Consumption of Green Products. Master
- Thesis, Çukurova University, School of Social Sciences, Department of Business Ad- ministration, Adana. Schlossberg H (1991) Green Marketing Has Been Planted-Now Watch It Grow. Marketing News, 4, 26-30.
- Straughan Robert D and Roberts James A (1999) Environmental Segmentation Alterna- tives: A Look At Green Consumer Behavior In The New Millennium, Journal of Consum- er Marketing,16, 6, 558-575.
- Tilikidou Irene and Delistavrou Antonia (2008) Types and influential factors of consumers' non-purchasing ecological behaviors. Business Strategy and The Enviroment 17, 61-67.
- Tilikidou Irene and Delistavrou Antonia (2006) Consumer’s Ecological Activities and Their
- Correlates. http://www.ctw-congress.de/ifsam/download/track_9/pap00169.pdf
- Yılmaz Veysel, Çatalbaş K Gaye and Çelik H Eray (2008) Research on the Relationship be- tween Value, Satisfaction and Loyalty to Perceptions with Structural Equation Model- ing: An Application on Credit Cards. Banking Journal,19, 64, 27-38.
Effect of Environmental Sensitivity and Attitude in Ecological Food Purchasing Behavior
Year 2010,
Issue: 20, 127 - 140, 01.12.2010
Veysel Yılmaz
Cengiz Aktaş
Ceren Yağızer
Consumers increasingly prefer ecological products since they are both healthier and help protection of the environment for future generations. Conscious consumers are prepared to switch products for ecological reasons and stop buying products from companies that cause pollution. This paper is focused on environmental attitudes as meaningful predictor of ecological behavior. Environmental sensitivity of consumers in ecological food purchasing behavior and the effect of environmental attitudes and behaviors were searched with a structural equation model (SEM) in the study. It was determined as a result of analyses that environmental sensitivity does not directly affect environmental behavior but those who developed environmental attitude display the behavior of purchasing ecological foods by exhibiting environmental behavior
- Akgüngör Sedef, Miran Bülent, Abay Canan, Olhan Emine and Nergis K, Nermin (1999)
- “Forecast of Potential Demand of Consumers in İstanbul, Ankara, İzmir Cities Towards Environment Friendly Agricultural Products”, Agricultural Economy Research Insti- tute, Project Report (15), 2: 1999: 1-117.
- Ay Canan and Ecevit Zümrüt, (2005) Environment Conscious Consumers. Akdeniz University FEAS Journal, (10):2005: 238-263.
- Babekoğlu, Yasemin (2000) Effect of Demographical Characteristics and Individual Atti- tudes of Consumers in Responsible Consumer Behaviors,( PhD Thesis not Published )
- Ankara University, School of Science, Household Economics B. , Ankara. Byrne MB (1998) Structural equation modeling with LISREL, PRELIS and SIMPLIS: Basic concepts, applications, and programming. New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum.
- Fraj Elena and Martinez Eva (2007) Ecological Consumer Bahavior:An Empirical Analysis.
- International Journal of Consumer Studies, 31, 26-33. Hayduk L A (1987) Structural equation modeling with LISREL: Essentials and advances.
- Baltimore: John Hopkins. Joreskog K and Sorbom D (2001) LISREL 8: User’s reference guide. Chicago, USA: Scien- tific Software International Inc.
- Kaiser, Florian., Ranney, Michael., Hartig, Terry. & Bowler, Peter A. (1999a) Ecological behavior, environmental attitude, and feelings of responsibility for the environment.
- European Psychologist, 4, 59–74. Kaiser, Florian., Wölfing, Sybille. & Fuhrer, Urs. (1999b) Environmental attitude and ecological behavior. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 19,1–19.
- Keleş Ceyda (2007) An Application on Green Product Consuming Behaviors of Green Mar- keting Consumers and the Effect of Culture in Consumption of Green Products. Master
- Thesis, Çukurova University, School of Social Sciences, Department of Business Ad- ministration, Adana. Schlossberg H (1991) Green Marketing Has Been Planted-Now Watch It Grow. Marketing News, 4, 26-30.
- Straughan Robert D and Roberts James A (1999) Environmental Segmentation Alterna- tives: A Look At Green Consumer Behavior In The New Millennium, Journal of Consum- er Marketing,16, 6, 558-575.
- Tilikidou Irene and Delistavrou Antonia (2008) Types and influential factors of consumers' non-purchasing ecological behaviors. Business Strategy and The Enviroment 17, 61-67.
- Tilikidou Irene and Delistavrou Antonia (2006) Consumer’s Ecological Activities and Their
- Correlates. http://www.ctw-congress.de/ifsam/download/track_9/pap00169.pdf
- Yılmaz Veysel, Çatalbaş K Gaye and Çelik H Eray (2008) Research on the Relationship be- tween Value, Satisfaction and Loyalty to Perceptions with Structural Equation Model- ing: An Application on Credit Cards. Banking Journal,19, 64, 27-38.