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Year 2005, Issue: 10, 46 - 68, 01.12.2005


Bu makale bilgi ve haberleşme devriminin devlet ve kamu yönetimi üzerine etkilerini
konu almaktadır. Bilgi devrimi, bürokrasinin doğasını değiştirmekte ve geleneksel-hiyerarşik
bürokrasi yerini 'Bilgiselleştirilmiş Bürokrasi'ye bırakmaktadır. Bu
yönelimin dört önemli göstergesi bulunmaktadır: Yeni bürokratik elitlerin ortaya çıkışı, bilgi teknolojileri yardımıyle örgütsel yeniden yapılanma, değişen kamu özel sektör
ilişkileri ve hiyerarşiden şebeke tipi örgütlere geçiş eğilimi.


  • Applegate, Lynda M., James I. Cash, Jr., and D. Quinn Mills (1988), "Information Technol- ogy and Tomorrow's Business Manager," Harvard Business Review, November-December 1988.
  • Ateş, Hamza (1999), An Exploration of the the Theory and Practice of the New Public Management, PhD Thesis, Liverpool University.
  • Ateş, Hamza (2000), Serving Democratic or Totalitarian Ethos? Reconciling the Optimistic and Pessimistic Views on the Effects of Information Revolution on Governance”, Unpub- lished research manuscript.
  • Ateş, Hamza (2002), Bilgi Çağında Kamu Yönetimi, Geleneksel Bürokrasiden Bilgisell- eştirilmiş Bürokrasiye Geçiş, paper presented to ''the First Congress on Information, Economics and Management'', Kocaeli Üniversitesi, 10-11 May.
  • Atkinson, Robert D. (2003), Network Government for the Digital Age, Progressive Policy Institute.
  • Bastow, Simon; Patrick Dunleavy; Helen Margetts and Jane Tinkler (2000), The Advent of a ‘Digital State’ and Government-business Relations, Paper to the Annual Conference of the UK Political Studies Association, London School of Economics and Political Science, 10-13 April.
  • Bell, Daniel (1987), "The World and the United States in 2013," Daedalus, Summer, pp. 1-31.
  • Bell, Daniel (1980), "The Social Framework of the Information Society," in Forester (ed.), pp. 500-549.
  • Bell, Daniel (1979), "Thinking Ahead," Harvard Business Review, May-June, pp. 20-27.
  • Bellamy, C and J Taylor (1998), "Introduction: Exploiting IT in Public Administration - To- wards the Information Polity?" Public Administration, 72, pp. 1-12.
  • Bellamy, C and J Taylor (1999), Governing in the Information Age, Open University Pres, Buckingham.
  • Beniger, James R. (986), The Control Revolution: Technological and Economic Origins of the Information Society, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1.
  • Benjamin, Roger (1989), "Some Public Policy Implications of the Information Revolution," in Meheroo Jussawalla, Tadayuki Okuma,Toshihiro Araki (eds.), Information Technology and Global Interdependence, East- West Center and The Japan Institute of Interna- tional Affairs, Greenwood Press, Westport, Connecticut, pp.47-53.
  • Caldow, Janet (1997), Governance in the Information Age, Institute for Electronic Gov- ernment.
  • Cleveland, Harlan (1985), The Knowledge Executive: Leadership In An Information Society, Truman Talley Books, E. P. Dutton, New York.
  • Converse, Philip E. (1985), "Power and the Monopoly of Information," American Political Science Review, March, pp. 1-9.
  • Drucker, Peter F. (1989), The New Realities: In Government and Politics , Harper and Row, New York.
  • Drucker, Peter F. (1988), "The Coming of the New Organization," Harvard Business Review, January- February.
  • Dunleavy, Patrick and Helen Margetts (2000), The Advent Of Dıgıtal Government: Publıc Bureaucracıes And The State In The Internet Age, Paper presented at the Annual Con- ference of the American Political Science Association, Washington, 4 September
  • Eisenstein, Elizabeth L. (1968), "Some Conjectures about the Impact of Printing on West- ern Society and Thought: A Preliminary Report," Journal of Modern History, March, pp. 1-56.
  • Feketekuty, Geza, and Jonathan D. Aronson (1984), "Meeting the Challenges of the World Information Economy," The World Economy, 3/, 7 (1), pp. 63-86.
  • Forester (ed.), Tom (1980), The Micro Electronics Revolution: The Complete Guide to the New Technology and Its Impact on Society, The MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass.
  • Forester, Tom (ed.) (1989), Computers in the Human Context: Information Technology, Productivity, and People, The MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass.
  • Fountain, Jane E. (2002), Developing a Basic Research Program for Digital Government: In- formation, Organizations, and Governance, National Center for Digital Government, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, September.
  • Gelernter, David (1991), Mirror Worlds, or the Day Software Puts the Universe in a Shoe- box...How It Will Happen and What It Will Mean, Oxford University Press, New York.
  • Grace, J. Peter (1987), "Bringing Efficiency to Government," Leaders, a Special Tenth An- niversaryEdition: The World in the Next Ten Years--The Information Decade, January- March, p. 70.
  • Gingrich, Newt (2005), 21st Century Entrepreneurial Public Management As A Replacement For Bureaucratic Public Administration: Getting Government To Move At The Speed And Effectiveness Of The Information Age, speech at Gingrich Communications, on De- cember 12, 2005
  • Goldsby, Michael G. (1998) New Organization Forms: An Examination of Alienation and Ideology in the Postindustrial Workplace, PhD Dissertation, Virginia State University
  • Gurbaxani, Vijay, et al. (1990), "Government as the Driving Force Toward the Information Society: National Computer Policy in Singapore," The Information Society, Vol. 7, pp. 155-185.
  • Huber, George P. (1990), "A Theory of the Effects of Advanced Information Technologies on Organizational Design, Intelligence, and Decision Making," Academy of Management Review, Vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 47-71.
  • La Porte Todd M., Chris C. Demchak, Martin de Jong and Christian Friis (2000), Democracy and Bureaucracy in the Age of the Web: Empirical Findings and Theoretical Speculations, Paper presented at the International Political Science Association, Québec, Canada, August 5.
  • Leebaert, Derek (ed.) (1991), Technology 2001: The Future of Computing and Communica- tions, The MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass..
  • Levien, Roger E. (1991), "The Civilizing Currency: Documents and Their Revolutionary Tech- nologies," in Leebaert (ed.), pp. 205-239.
  • Lowi, Theodore (1972), "Government and Politics: Blurring of Sector Lines; Rise of New El- ites—From One Vantage Point," in The Conference Board, Information Technology: Some Critical Implications for Decision Makers, The Conference Board, New York, pp. 131-148.
  • Michael, Donald (1983), "Too Much of a Good Thing? Dilemmas of an Information Society," Vital Speeches of the Day, November 1, pp. 38-42.
  • Neustadt, Richard N. (1985), "Electronic Politics," in Forester (ed.), 561-568.
  • Olsen, Johan P. (2005), “Maybe It Is Time to Rediscover Bureaucracy”, Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, Vol. 16, No. 1, pp. 1-24.
  • Penzias, Arno (1990), Information and Ideas: Managing in a High-Tech World, A Touch- stone Book, Simon & Schuster Inc., New York.
  • Reich, Robert (1991), The Work of Nations: Preparing Ourselves for 21st- Century Capital- ism, Alfed A. Knopf, Inc., New York .
  • Revolution in Real Time (1990): Managing Information Technology in the 1990s, A Harvard Business Review Book.
  • Rheingold, Howard (1985), Tools for Thought: The People and Ideas Behind the Next Com- puter Revolution, Simon & Schuster Inc., New York.
  • Ronfeldt, David (1991), Cyberocracy, Cyberspace, and Cyberology: Political Effects of the Information Revolution, P-7745, RAND, Santa Monica.
  • Sproull, Lee, and Sara Kiesler (1991), Connections: New Ways of Working in the Networked Organization, The MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass.
  • Spennemann, Dirk H.R., Birckhead, Jim, Green, David G. & Atkinson, John S. (1996), “The electronic colonisation of the Pacific’. Computer Mediated Communications Magazine Vol. 3(2).
  • Stonier, Tom (1980), "The Impact of Microprocessors on Employment," in Forester (ed.), pp. 303-307.
  • Taylor, J and H Williams (1990), "Themes and Issues in an Information Polity," Journal of Information Technology, 5, pp151-160
  • Taylor, J and H Williams (1991) "Public Administration and the Information Polity" Public Administration, 69, pp.171-190
  • Tennant, Harry and George H. Heilmeier (1991), "Knowledge and Equality: Harnessing the Tides of Information Abundance," in Leebaert (ed.), pp. 117-149.
  • Toffler, Alvin (1990), Powershift: Knowledge, Wealth, and Violence at the Edge of the 21st Century, Bantam Books, New York.
  • Toffler, Alvin (1970), Future Shock, Random House Inc., New York.
  • Tufte, Edward R. (1990), Envisioning Information, Graphics Press, Cheshire, CT.
  • Walker, Warren E. (1991), Organizational Decision Support Systems: Centralized Support for Decentralized Organizations, P-7749, RAND, Santa Monica, Calif.
  • Weiser, Mark (1991), "The Computer of the 21st Century," Scientific American, Septem- ber, pp. 94-104.
  • West, Darrell M. (2005), Digital Government, Princeton University Pres.
  • Wriston, Walter (1988), "Technology and Sovereignty," Foreign Affairs, Winter, pp. 63-75.
  • Zuboff, Shoshana, In the Age of the Smart Machines: The Future of Work and Power, Ba- sic Books, New York, 1984.

Public Administration in the Information Age: Towards An Informatised Bureaucracy

Year 2005, Issue: 10, 46 - 68, 01.12.2005


This article deals with the question of how the information and communications technology revolution would affect government and public administration of the near-future. It is argued that development of information revolution would alter the nature of bureaucracy. The traditional - hierarchical public bureaucracy is being replaced by the informatised bureaucracy. Four main indicators of this trend are identified: rise of new elites, IT-led institutional restructuring, changing public and private sector relations through IT-led innovations, and the trend of a move from hierarchies to networks


  • Applegate, Lynda M., James I. Cash, Jr., and D. Quinn Mills (1988), "Information Technol- ogy and Tomorrow's Business Manager," Harvard Business Review, November-December 1988.
  • Ateş, Hamza (1999), An Exploration of the the Theory and Practice of the New Public Management, PhD Thesis, Liverpool University.
  • Ateş, Hamza (2000), Serving Democratic or Totalitarian Ethos? Reconciling the Optimistic and Pessimistic Views on the Effects of Information Revolution on Governance”, Unpub- lished research manuscript.
  • Ateş, Hamza (2002), Bilgi Çağında Kamu Yönetimi, Geleneksel Bürokrasiden Bilgisell- eştirilmiş Bürokrasiye Geçiş, paper presented to ''the First Congress on Information, Economics and Management'', Kocaeli Üniversitesi, 10-11 May.
  • Atkinson, Robert D. (2003), Network Government for the Digital Age, Progressive Policy Institute.
  • Bastow, Simon; Patrick Dunleavy; Helen Margetts and Jane Tinkler (2000), The Advent of a ‘Digital State’ and Government-business Relations, Paper to the Annual Conference of the UK Political Studies Association, London School of Economics and Political Science, 10-13 April.
  • Bell, Daniel (1987), "The World and the United States in 2013," Daedalus, Summer, pp. 1-31.
  • Bell, Daniel (1980), "The Social Framework of the Information Society," in Forester (ed.), pp. 500-549.
  • Bell, Daniel (1979), "Thinking Ahead," Harvard Business Review, May-June, pp. 20-27.
  • Bellamy, C and J Taylor (1998), "Introduction: Exploiting IT in Public Administration - To- wards the Information Polity?" Public Administration, 72, pp. 1-12.
  • Bellamy, C and J Taylor (1999), Governing in the Information Age, Open University Pres, Buckingham.
  • Beniger, James R. (986), The Control Revolution: Technological and Economic Origins of the Information Society, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1.
  • Benjamin, Roger (1989), "Some Public Policy Implications of the Information Revolution," in Meheroo Jussawalla, Tadayuki Okuma,Toshihiro Araki (eds.), Information Technology and Global Interdependence, East- West Center and The Japan Institute of Interna- tional Affairs, Greenwood Press, Westport, Connecticut, pp.47-53.
  • Caldow, Janet (1997), Governance in the Information Age, Institute for Electronic Gov- ernment.
  • Cleveland, Harlan (1985), The Knowledge Executive: Leadership In An Information Society, Truman Talley Books, E. P. Dutton, New York.
  • Converse, Philip E. (1985), "Power and the Monopoly of Information," American Political Science Review, March, pp. 1-9.
  • Drucker, Peter F. (1989), The New Realities: In Government and Politics , Harper and Row, New York.
  • Drucker, Peter F. (1988), "The Coming of the New Organization," Harvard Business Review, January- February.
  • Dunleavy, Patrick and Helen Margetts (2000), The Advent Of Dıgıtal Government: Publıc Bureaucracıes And The State In The Internet Age, Paper presented at the Annual Con- ference of the American Political Science Association, Washington, 4 September
  • Eisenstein, Elizabeth L. (1968), "Some Conjectures about the Impact of Printing on West- ern Society and Thought: A Preliminary Report," Journal of Modern History, March, pp. 1-56.
  • Feketekuty, Geza, and Jonathan D. Aronson (1984), "Meeting the Challenges of the World Information Economy," The World Economy, 3/, 7 (1), pp. 63-86.
  • Forester (ed.), Tom (1980), The Micro Electronics Revolution: The Complete Guide to the New Technology and Its Impact on Society, The MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass.
  • Forester, Tom (ed.) (1989), Computers in the Human Context: Information Technology, Productivity, and People, The MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass.
  • Fountain, Jane E. (2002), Developing a Basic Research Program for Digital Government: In- formation, Organizations, and Governance, National Center for Digital Government, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, September.
  • Gelernter, David (1991), Mirror Worlds, or the Day Software Puts the Universe in a Shoe- box...How It Will Happen and What It Will Mean, Oxford University Press, New York.
  • Grace, J. Peter (1987), "Bringing Efficiency to Government," Leaders, a Special Tenth An- niversaryEdition: The World in the Next Ten Years--The Information Decade, January- March, p. 70.
  • Gingrich, Newt (2005), 21st Century Entrepreneurial Public Management As A Replacement For Bureaucratic Public Administration: Getting Government To Move At The Speed And Effectiveness Of The Information Age, speech at Gingrich Communications, on De- cember 12, 2005
  • Goldsby, Michael G. (1998) New Organization Forms: An Examination of Alienation and Ideology in the Postindustrial Workplace, PhD Dissertation, Virginia State University
  • Gurbaxani, Vijay, et al. (1990), "Government as the Driving Force Toward the Information Society: National Computer Policy in Singapore," The Information Society, Vol. 7, pp. 155-185.
  • Huber, George P. (1990), "A Theory of the Effects of Advanced Information Technologies on Organizational Design, Intelligence, and Decision Making," Academy of Management Review, Vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 47-71.
  • La Porte Todd M., Chris C. Demchak, Martin de Jong and Christian Friis (2000), Democracy and Bureaucracy in the Age of the Web: Empirical Findings and Theoretical Speculations, Paper presented at the International Political Science Association, Québec, Canada, August 5.
  • Leebaert, Derek (ed.) (1991), Technology 2001: The Future of Computing and Communica- tions, The MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass..
  • Levien, Roger E. (1991), "The Civilizing Currency: Documents and Their Revolutionary Tech- nologies," in Leebaert (ed.), pp. 205-239.
  • Lowi, Theodore (1972), "Government and Politics: Blurring of Sector Lines; Rise of New El- ites—From One Vantage Point," in The Conference Board, Information Technology: Some Critical Implications for Decision Makers, The Conference Board, New York, pp. 131-148.
  • Michael, Donald (1983), "Too Much of a Good Thing? Dilemmas of an Information Society," Vital Speeches of the Day, November 1, pp. 38-42.
  • Neustadt, Richard N. (1985), "Electronic Politics," in Forester (ed.), 561-568.
  • Olsen, Johan P. (2005), “Maybe It Is Time to Rediscover Bureaucracy”, Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, Vol. 16, No. 1, pp. 1-24.
  • Penzias, Arno (1990), Information and Ideas: Managing in a High-Tech World, A Touch- stone Book, Simon & Schuster Inc., New York.
  • Reich, Robert (1991), The Work of Nations: Preparing Ourselves for 21st- Century Capital- ism, Alfed A. Knopf, Inc., New York .
  • Revolution in Real Time (1990): Managing Information Technology in the 1990s, A Harvard Business Review Book.
  • Rheingold, Howard (1985), Tools for Thought: The People and Ideas Behind the Next Com- puter Revolution, Simon & Schuster Inc., New York.
  • Ronfeldt, David (1991), Cyberocracy, Cyberspace, and Cyberology: Political Effects of the Information Revolution, P-7745, RAND, Santa Monica.
  • Sproull, Lee, and Sara Kiesler (1991), Connections: New Ways of Working in the Networked Organization, The MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass.
  • Spennemann, Dirk H.R., Birckhead, Jim, Green, David G. & Atkinson, John S. (1996), “The electronic colonisation of the Pacific’. Computer Mediated Communications Magazine Vol. 3(2).
  • Stonier, Tom (1980), "The Impact of Microprocessors on Employment," in Forester (ed.), pp. 303-307.
  • Taylor, J and H Williams (1990), "Themes and Issues in an Information Polity," Journal of Information Technology, 5, pp151-160
  • Taylor, J and H Williams (1991) "Public Administration and the Information Polity" Public Administration, 69, pp.171-190
  • Tennant, Harry and George H. Heilmeier (1991), "Knowledge and Equality: Harnessing the Tides of Information Abundance," in Leebaert (ed.), pp. 117-149.
  • Toffler, Alvin (1990), Powershift: Knowledge, Wealth, and Violence at the Edge of the 21st Century, Bantam Books, New York.
  • Toffler, Alvin (1970), Future Shock, Random House Inc., New York.
  • Tufte, Edward R. (1990), Envisioning Information, Graphics Press, Cheshire, CT.
  • Walker, Warren E. (1991), Organizational Decision Support Systems: Centralized Support for Decentralized Organizations, P-7749, RAND, Santa Monica, Calif.
  • Weiser, Mark (1991), "The Computer of the 21st Century," Scientific American, Septem- ber, pp. 94-104.
  • West, Darrell M. (2005), Digital Government, Princeton University Pres.
  • Wriston, Walter (1988), "Technology and Sovereignty," Foreign Affairs, Winter, pp. 63-75.
  • Zuboff, Shoshana, In the Age of the Smart Machines: The Future of Work and Power, Ba- sic Books, New York, 1984.
There are 56 citations in total.


Other ID JA34KT69DT
Journal Section Articles

Hamza Ateş This is me

Sabri Bozali This is me

Publication Date December 1, 2005
Published in Issue Year 2005 Issue: 10


APA Ateş, H., & Bozali, S. (2005). Public Administration in the Information Age: Towards An Informatised Bureaucracy. Kocaeli Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi(10), 46-68.
