Research Article
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Year 2022, Volume: 2 Issue: 44, 65 - 80, 10.01.2023


Anglikan Sosyalizmi, Anglikan siyasi düşüncesi ile sosyalist düşünceyi sentezleyerek sanayileşme sonrası yaşanan toplumsal sorunlara çözüm üretmeye çalışmış ve böylece Hıristiyan sosyalizmi olarak kabul edilen düşüncenin oluşmasına öncü olmuştur. Dönemin dini ve siyasi koşulları çerçevesinde Anglikan siyasi düşüncesini klasik yorumlamanın ötesine taşıyarak devlet-kilise ilişkisine toplumsal olayları dahil etmişlerdir. Ayrıca yürütmüş oldukları kampanyalar ile bu düşünürler devletin politikalarına müdahale edebilen bir kilise politikası geliştirmeyi başarmışlardır. Dönemin ağır ekonomik koşulları karşısında çalışsan kesimi destekleyerek ve toplumsal reformların olması gerektiğini savunarak sosyalist söylem üretmişler ve çözüm için dinin rehberliğini önererek sosyalizme farklı bir soluk getirmişlerdir.
Bu çalışmada 19. ve 20. yüzyıllarda sanayileşme sonrasında toplumun sorunlarına çözüm üretmek amacıyla oluşmuş Anglikan Sosyalizm düşüncesinin oluşumu ve savundukları genel tezleri incelenmiştir.


  • Allen, Peter (1968). F. D. Maurice and J. M. Ludlow: A Reassessment of the Leaders of Christian Socialism. Victorian Studies. 1(4), 461-482
  • Allen, Peter (1969). Christian Socialism And The Broad Church Circle. Dalhousie Review. 49(1), pp. 58–68
  • Anglican Communion (2021). “What is Anglican Communion” Erişim: 04.04.2022.
  • Atherton, John (1992). Christianity and the Market. SPCK
  • Badham, Paul (2008). Liberal Anglicanism. Anglicanism. Erişim: 04.04.2022.
  • Banes, Peter (1971). Rescued from Obscurity:the Impact of Henry George's Ideas on Christian Socialist Movement in England. erişim:04.04.2022.
  • Bliss, William Dwight Porter (2015). What is Christian Socialism? Palala Yayınları
  • Bloy, Marjie (2008, 19 Şubat). Chartism. Erişim: 04.04.2022.
  • Bryant (1996). Possible Dreams: A Personal History of the British Christian Socialists
  • Chapman, Mark (2006). Anglicanism: A Very Short Introduction. New York: Oxford Üniversitesi Yayınları
  • D’entreves, Alexander Passerin (1959). Medieval Contribution to Political Thought. New York: The Humanities Yayınları.
  • Dorrien, Gary (2019). Social Democracy in the Making. Yale Üniversitesi Yaynları.
  • Ecclestone, Gilles (1976). The Church and Politics. Theology.79(668), 107-108. doi:10.1177/0040571X7607900210
  • Goldman, Lawrence (2013) The Life of R. H. Tawney: Socialism and History. Bloomsbury Akademik
  • Grimley, Matthew (2004). Citizenship, Community, and the Church of England: Liberal Anglican Theories of the State Between the Wars. Oxford Universitesi Yayınları
  • Jones, Peter d'Alroy (2016). Christian Socialist Revival: 1877-1914. Princeton Üniversitesi Yayınları
  • Kaye, Bruce (2008). An Introduction to World Anglicanism, Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Singapore, São Paulo: Cambridge Üniversitesi Yayınları
  • Leech, K (1968). Stewart Headlam, 1847-1924, and the Guild of St Matthew. (ed) Reckitt, M.B. For Christ and the People: Studies of Four Socialist Priests and Prophets of the Church of England
  • Marsden, John (2004), Frederick Denison Maurice, Christian Socialism And The Future Of Social Democracy. The Heythrop Dergisi. 45(2), 137 – 157 doi:10.1111/j.1468-2265.2004.00246.x
  • Massanari, Ronald (1974). The Christian Socialism of J. M. Ludlow. Theology. 77(646), 193–203. doi:10.1177/0040571x7407700405
  • Mayor, Sthephen (1967). The Churches and the Labour Movement. Independent Yayıncılık
  • Morrow, John (2018), "Samuel Taylor Coleridge." (ed) Mark Garnett, Conservative Moments: Reading Conservative Texts. Londra: Bloomsbury Academic, ss:51–58.
  • Muñoz, Daniel (2015). North to South: A Reappraisal of Anglican Communion Membership Figures. Journal of Anglican Studies, 14(01), 71–95. doi:10.1017/s1740355315000212
  • Newcombe, D.G. (1995). Henry VIII and the English Reformation. Londra ve New York: Routledge
  • Orens, John Richard (2003). Stewart Headlam’s Radical Anglicanism. İllinois Üniversitesi Yayınları
  • Norman, Edward (1987a). Victorian Christian Socialists. Cambridge Üniversitesi Yayınları.
  • Norman, Edward (1987b). Stewart Headlam and the Victorian Christian Socialists. History Today. 37(4), 27-32.
  • Plant, Raymond (1985). Conservative Capitalism in Britain and the United States. Routledge.
  • Preston, Ronald (1981). William Temple as a Social Theologian. Theology. 84(701), 334-341.
  • Risinger, Jacob (2015) “Coleridge, Politics, and the Theory of Life” SEL Studies in English Literature 1500-1900. 55( 3) Yaz, 647-667
  • Schneer, Jonathan (1990). George Lansbury. Manchester üniversitesi Yayınları
  • Shepherd, John (2014).George Lansbury: At the Heart of Old Labour. Oxford Üniversitesi Yayınları
  • Simkin, John (2020). Stewart Headlam. Spartakus Educational. Erişim: 04.04.2022.
  • Sinnoth, Nigel (2006). The Rev. Stewart Headlam and Friends: Anglo-Catholics, Atheists, Actors, Aesthetes and Radicals. Erişim: 04.04.2022.
  • Uslu, Ateş (2014). Avrupa’da Erken Dönem Sosyalist Teori ve İşçi Hareketleri (1830-1840). Akademik İncelemeler Dergisi. 9(1), 1-24
  • Williams, Anthony Alan John (2016). Christian Socialism as a Political Ideology. (Yayımlanmamış doktora tezi) Liverpool Üniversitesi Felsefe Bölümü.
  • Williams, Anthony Alan John (2021). Christian Socialism as PoliticalIdeologyThe Formation of the British Christian Left, 1877–1945. I.B. Taurus
  • Winter, J.M. ve Joslin, D.M. (2006) R.H. Tawney’s Commonplace Book. Cambridge Üniversitesi Yayınları
  • Woodworth, Arthur (1903). Christian Socialism in England. Sonnenschein & Co.
  • Wright Anthony (1987). R.H. Tawney. Manchester Üniversitesi Yayınları
Year 2022, Volume: 2 Issue: 44, 65 - 80, 10.01.2023



  • Allen, Peter (1968). F. D. Maurice and J. M. Ludlow: A Reassessment of the Leaders of Christian Socialism. Victorian Studies. 1(4), 461-482
  • Allen, Peter (1969). Christian Socialism And The Broad Church Circle. Dalhousie Review. 49(1), pp. 58–68
  • Anglican Communion (2021). “What is Anglican Communion” Erişim: 04.04.2022.
  • Atherton, John (1992). Christianity and the Market. SPCK
  • Badham, Paul (2008). Liberal Anglicanism. Anglicanism. Erişim: 04.04.2022.
  • Banes, Peter (1971). Rescued from Obscurity:the Impact of Henry George's Ideas on Christian Socialist Movement in England. erişim:04.04.2022.
  • Bliss, William Dwight Porter (2015). What is Christian Socialism? Palala Yayınları
  • Bloy, Marjie (2008, 19 Şubat). Chartism. Erişim: 04.04.2022.
  • Bryant (1996). Possible Dreams: A Personal History of the British Christian Socialists
  • Chapman, Mark (2006). Anglicanism: A Very Short Introduction. New York: Oxford Üniversitesi Yayınları
  • D’entreves, Alexander Passerin (1959). Medieval Contribution to Political Thought. New York: The Humanities Yayınları.
  • Dorrien, Gary (2019). Social Democracy in the Making. Yale Üniversitesi Yaynları.
  • Ecclestone, Gilles (1976). The Church and Politics. Theology.79(668), 107-108. doi:10.1177/0040571X7607900210
  • Goldman, Lawrence (2013) The Life of R. H. Tawney: Socialism and History. Bloomsbury Akademik
  • Grimley, Matthew (2004). Citizenship, Community, and the Church of England: Liberal Anglican Theories of the State Between the Wars. Oxford Universitesi Yayınları
  • Jones, Peter d'Alroy (2016). Christian Socialist Revival: 1877-1914. Princeton Üniversitesi Yayınları
  • Kaye, Bruce (2008). An Introduction to World Anglicanism, Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Singapore, São Paulo: Cambridge Üniversitesi Yayınları
  • Leech, K (1968). Stewart Headlam, 1847-1924, and the Guild of St Matthew. (ed) Reckitt, M.B. For Christ and the People: Studies of Four Socialist Priests and Prophets of the Church of England
  • Marsden, John (2004), Frederick Denison Maurice, Christian Socialism And The Future Of Social Democracy. The Heythrop Dergisi. 45(2), 137 – 157 doi:10.1111/j.1468-2265.2004.00246.x
  • Massanari, Ronald (1974). The Christian Socialism of J. M. Ludlow. Theology. 77(646), 193–203. doi:10.1177/0040571x7407700405
  • Mayor, Sthephen (1967). The Churches and the Labour Movement. Independent Yayıncılık
  • Morrow, John (2018), "Samuel Taylor Coleridge." (ed) Mark Garnett, Conservative Moments: Reading Conservative Texts. Londra: Bloomsbury Academic, ss:51–58.
  • Muñoz, Daniel (2015). North to South: A Reappraisal of Anglican Communion Membership Figures. Journal of Anglican Studies, 14(01), 71–95. doi:10.1017/s1740355315000212
  • Newcombe, D.G. (1995). Henry VIII and the English Reformation. Londra ve New York: Routledge
  • Orens, John Richard (2003). Stewart Headlam’s Radical Anglicanism. İllinois Üniversitesi Yayınları
  • Norman, Edward (1987a). Victorian Christian Socialists. Cambridge Üniversitesi Yayınları.
  • Norman, Edward (1987b). Stewart Headlam and the Victorian Christian Socialists. History Today. 37(4), 27-32.
  • Plant, Raymond (1985). Conservative Capitalism in Britain and the United States. Routledge.
  • Preston, Ronald (1981). William Temple as a Social Theologian. Theology. 84(701), 334-341.
  • Risinger, Jacob (2015) “Coleridge, Politics, and the Theory of Life” SEL Studies in English Literature 1500-1900. 55( 3) Yaz, 647-667
  • Schneer, Jonathan (1990). George Lansbury. Manchester üniversitesi Yayınları
  • Shepherd, John (2014).George Lansbury: At the Heart of Old Labour. Oxford Üniversitesi Yayınları
  • Simkin, John (2020). Stewart Headlam. Spartakus Educational. Erişim: 04.04.2022.
  • Sinnoth, Nigel (2006). The Rev. Stewart Headlam and Friends: Anglo-Catholics, Atheists, Actors, Aesthetes and Radicals. Erişim: 04.04.2022.
  • Uslu, Ateş (2014). Avrupa’da Erken Dönem Sosyalist Teori ve İşçi Hareketleri (1830-1840). Akademik İncelemeler Dergisi. 9(1), 1-24
  • Williams, Anthony Alan John (2016). Christian Socialism as a Political Ideology. (Yayımlanmamış doktora tezi) Liverpool Üniversitesi Felsefe Bölümü.
  • Williams, Anthony Alan John (2021). Christian Socialism as PoliticalIdeologyThe Formation of the British Christian Left, 1877–1945. I.B. Taurus
  • Winter, J.M. ve Joslin, D.M. (2006) R.H. Tawney’s Commonplace Book. Cambridge Üniversitesi Yayınları
  • Woodworth, Arthur (1903). Christian Socialism in England. Sonnenschein & Co.
  • Wright Anthony (1987). R.H. Tawney. Manchester Üniversitesi Yayınları
There are 40 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Political Science
Journal Section Articles

Hacer Coskun 0000-0003-3193-6314

Early Pub Date January 10, 2023
Publication Date January 10, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 2 Issue: 44


APA Coskun, H. (2023). HIRİSTİYAN SOSYALİZMİNİN ORTAYA ÇIKIŞI: ANGLİKAN SOSYALİZM DÜŞÜNCESİ. Kocaeli Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 2(44), 65-80.
