Research Article
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Pamuk Atığı, Fındık Kabuğu ve Ceviz Kabuğu’nun Piroliz ve Oksidasyon Davranışlarının Kıyaslanması

Year 2019, Volume: 2 Issue: 2, 43 - 54, 31.12.2019


Türkiye, bir tarım
ülkesi olması nedeniyle önemli bir biyokütle potansiyeline sahiptir. Fakat
sahip olunan biyokütle kaynaklarının enerji üretmek amacıyla kullanımı yaygın
değildir. Bu çalışma ile amaçlanan, enerji kaynağı olarak kullanılabilecek üç
tür biyokütlenin (fındık kabuğu, ceviz kabuğu ve pamuk bitkisi atıklarının)
enerji değerlerinin piroliz ve oksidasyon prosesleriyle belirlenmesidir.
Piroliz ve oksidasyon deneyleri öncesinde kullanılacak biyokütlelerin nem,
uçucu madde ve kül içerikleri proksimet analiz ile, karbon ve kükürt içerikleri
ise C-S analizörü kullanılarak belirlenmiştir. Biyokütlelerin ısıl değerlerini
belirlerken bomb kalorimetre cihazı kullanılmıştır. Piroliz ve oksidasyon
deneyleri ise laboratuvar ölçeği temsil etmesi sebebiyle TGA analizörü ile
takip edilmiştir. Piroliz prosesi azot gazı akışında ısıtma ile sağlanırken,
oksidasyon prosesi için kuru hava kullanılmıştır. Oluşacak gazların analizini
yapabilmek için FTIR entegreli bir TGA deney sistemi tercih edilmiştir. Bu
sayede hem biyokütlelerin termal davranışları hem de farklı iki proses
esnasında açığa çıkan gazların analizi mümkün olmuştur. Sonuç olarak, bu çalışma
ile Türkiye’nin üç önemli biyokütle kaynağının enerji potansiyeli, termal
davranışları ve neden oldukları emisyon gazları belirlenmiş olacaktır.


  • Evrendilek F., Ertekin C., 2003. Assessing the potential of renewable energy sources in Turkey. Renewable Energy, 28(15), 2303-2315.
  • Kaya D., 2006. Renewable energy policies in Turkey. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 10(2),152-163.
  • Soyhan H.S., 2009. Sustainable energy production and consumption in Turkey: A review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews,13(6–7),1350-1360.
  • HERDEM, 2013. Turkey Energy Report. Herdem Attorneys At Law 2013.
  • Bain R., Overend R., Craig K., 1998. Biomass-fired power generation. Fuel Processing Technology, 54(1-3), 1-16.
  • Werther J., Saenger M., Hartge E.U., Ogada T., Siagi Z., 2000. Combustion of agricultural residues. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, 26(1), 1-27.
  • Hamawand I., Sandell G., Pittaway P., Chakrabarty S., Yusaf T., Chen G.N., et al., 2016. Bioenergy from Cotton Industry Wastes: A review and potential. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 66, 435-448.
  • Haykiri-Acma H., Yaman S., 2006. Slow-pyrolysis and -oxidation of different biomass fuel samples. Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part a-Toxic/Hazardous Substances & Environmental Engineering, 41(9), 1909-1920.
  • Voivontas D., Assimacopoulos D., Koukios E., 2001. Aessessment of biomass potential for power production: a GIS based method. Biomass and Bioenergy, 20(2), 101-112.
  • Kaygusuz K., 2009. Bioenergy as a clean and sustainable fuel. Energy Sources Part a-Recovery Utilization and Environmental Effects, 31(12), 1069-1080.
  • Kocabas-Atakli Z.O., Okyay-Oner F., Yurum Y., 2015. Combustion characteristics of Turkish hazelnut shell biomass, lignite coal, and their respective blends via thermogravimetric analysis. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 119(3), 1723-1729.
  • Shah M.A., Khan M.N.S., Kumar V., 2018. Biomass residue characterization for their potential application as biofuels. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 134(3), 2137-2145.
  • Açıkalın K., 2011. Thermogravimetric analysis of walnut shell as pyrolysis feedstock. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 105(1), 145-150.
  • Akdeniz R.C., Acaroglu M., Hepbasli A., 2004. Cotton stalk as a potential energy source. Energy Sources, 26(1), 65-75.
  • Putun A.E., 2002. Biomass to bio-oil via fast pyrolysis of cotton straw and stalk. Energy Sources, 24(3), 275-285.
  • Gomes R.S., Wilson N.P, Coates W.E., Fox R.W., 1997. Cotton (Gossypium) plant residue for industrial fuel: an economic assessment. Industrial Crops and Products, 7(1), 1-8.
  • Sumner H.R., Hellwig R.E., Monroe G., 1984. Harvesting cotton plant residue for fuel. Transactions of the Asae, 27(4), 968-972.
  • Fanu F.Y., Li H., Xu Y.Q., Liu Y., Zheng Z.F., Kan H., 2018. Thermal behaviour of walnut shells by thermogravimetry with gas chromatography - mass spectrometry analysis. Royal Society Open Science, 5(9).
  • Idris S.S., Rahman N.A., Ismail K., Alias A.B., Rashid Z.A., Aris M.J., 2010. Investigation on thermochemical behaviour of low rank Malaysian coal, oil palm biomass and their blends during pyrolysis via thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). Bioresource Technology, 101(12), 4584-4592.
  • Mortari D.A., Torquato L.D.M., Crespi M.S., Crnkovic P.M., 2018. Co-firing of blends of sugarcane bagasse and coal. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 132(2), 1333-1345.
  • Mureddu M., Dessì F., Orsini A., Ferrara F., Pettinau A., 2018. Air- and oxygen-blown characterization of coal and biomass by thermogravimetric analysis. Fuel, 212, 626-637.
  • Vhathvarothai N., Ness J., Yu J., 2014. An investigation of thermal behaviour of biomass and coal during co-combustion using thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). International Journal of Energy Research, 38(6), 804-812.
  • Vhathvarothai N., Ness J., Yu Q.M.J., 2014. An investigation of thermal behaviour of biomass and coal during copyrolysis using thermogravimetric analysis. International Journal of Energy Research, 38(9), 1145-1154.
  • Hu W., Liang F., Xiang H., Zhang J., Yang X., Zhang T., et al., 2018. Investigating co-firing characteristics of coal and masson pine. Renewable Energy, 126, 563-72.
  • Souza B.S., Moreira A.P.D., Teixeira A., 2009. TG-FTIR coupling to monitor the pyrolysis products from agricultural residues. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 97(2), 637-642.
  • El-Sayed S.A., Mostafa M.E., 2014. Pyrolysis characteristics and kinetic parameters determination of biomass fuel powders by differential thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA/DTG). Energy Conversion and Management, 85, 165-172.
  • Haykırı-Açma H., 2003. Combustion characteristics of different biomass materials. Energy Conversion and Management, 44(1), 155-162.
  • Zhang L., Xu C., Champagne P., 2010. Overview of recent advances in thermo-chemical conversion of biomass. Energy Conversion and Management, 51(5), 969-82.
  • Stein S.E.(director), 2018. Infrared spectra. Eds: Linstrom P.J., Mallard W.G., National Institute of Standards and Technology, 20899, doi:10.18434/T4D303, (retrieved September 13).
  • Tao L., Zhao G.-B., Qian J., Qin Y.-K., 2010. TG–FTIR characterization of pyrolysis of waste mixtures of paint and tar slag. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 175(1), 754-761.
  • Kanca A., 2019. The effects of cotton waste addition on pyrolysis and combustion characteristics of the low quality lignite. (Submitted for publication).
  • Reed A.R., Williams P.T., 2004. Thermal processing of biomass natural fibre wastes by pyrolysis. International Journal of Energy Research, 28(2), 131-145.
  • Parthasarathy P., Narayanan S.K., 2014. Determination of kinetic Parameters of biomass samples using thermogravimetric analysis. Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy, 33(1), 256-266.
  • Fu P., Yi W., Bai X., Li Z., Hu S., Xiang J., 2011. Effect of temperature on gas composition and char structural features of pyrolyzed agricultural residues. Bioresource Technology, 102(17), 8211-8219.
Year 2019, Volume: 2 Issue: 2, 43 - 54, 31.12.2019



  • Evrendilek F., Ertekin C., 2003. Assessing the potential of renewable energy sources in Turkey. Renewable Energy, 28(15), 2303-2315.
  • Kaya D., 2006. Renewable energy policies in Turkey. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 10(2),152-163.
  • Soyhan H.S., 2009. Sustainable energy production and consumption in Turkey: A review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews,13(6–7),1350-1360.
  • HERDEM, 2013. Turkey Energy Report. Herdem Attorneys At Law 2013.
  • Bain R., Overend R., Craig K., 1998. Biomass-fired power generation. Fuel Processing Technology, 54(1-3), 1-16.
  • Werther J., Saenger M., Hartge E.U., Ogada T., Siagi Z., 2000. Combustion of agricultural residues. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, 26(1), 1-27.
  • Hamawand I., Sandell G., Pittaway P., Chakrabarty S., Yusaf T., Chen G.N., et al., 2016. Bioenergy from Cotton Industry Wastes: A review and potential. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 66, 435-448.
  • Haykiri-Acma H., Yaman S., 2006. Slow-pyrolysis and -oxidation of different biomass fuel samples. Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part a-Toxic/Hazardous Substances & Environmental Engineering, 41(9), 1909-1920.
  • Voivontas D., Assimacopoulos D., Koukios E., 2001. Aessessment of biomass potential for power production: a GIS based method. Biomass and Bioenergy, 20(2), 101-112.
  • Kaygusuz K., 2009. Bioenergy as a clean and sustainable fuel. Energy Sources Part a-Recovery Utilization and Environmental Effects, 31(12), 1069-1080.
  • Kocabas-Atakli Z.O., Okyay-Oner F., Yurum Y., 2015. Combustion characteristics of Turkish hazelnut shell biomass, lignite coal, and their respective blends via thermogravimetric analysis. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 119(3), 1723-1729.
  • Shah M.A., Khan M.N.S., Kumar V., 2018. Biomass residue characterization for their potential application as biofuels. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 134(3), 2137-2145.
  • Açıkalın K., 2011. Thermogravimetric analysis of walnut shell as pyrolysis feedstock. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 105(1), 145-150.
  • Akdeniz R.C., Acaroglu M., Hepbasli A., 2004. Cotton stalk as a potential energy source. Energy Sources, 26(1), 65-75.
  • Putun A.E., 2002. Biomass to bio-oil via fast pyrolysis of cotton straw and stalk. Energy Sources, 24(3), 275-285.
  • Gomes R.S., Wilson N.P, Coates W.E., Fox R.W., 1997. Cotton (Gossypium) plant residue for industrial fuel: an economic assessment. Industrial Crops and Products, 7(1), 1-8.
  • Sumner H.R., Hellwig R.E., Monroe G., 1984. Harvesting cotton plant residue for fuel. Transactions of the Asae, 27(4), 968-972.
  • Fanu F.Y., Li H., Xu Y.Q., Liu Y., Zheng Z.F., Kan H., 2018. Thermal behaviour of walnut shells by thermogravimetry with gas chromatography - mass spectrometry analysis. Royal Society Open Science, 5(9).
  • Idris S.S., Rahman N.A., Ismail K., Alias A.B., Rashid Z.A., Aris M.J., 2010. Investigation on thermochemical behaviour of low rank Malaysian coal, oil palm biomass and their blends during pyrolysis via thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). Bioresource Technology, 101(12), 4584-4592.
  • Mortari D.A., Torquato L.D.M., Crespi M.S., Crnkovic P.M., 2018. Co-firing of blends of sugarcane bagasse and coal. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 132(2), 1333-1345.
  • Mureddu M., Dessì F., Orsini A., Ferrara F., Pettinau A., 2018. Air- and oxygen-blown characterization of coal and biomass by thermogravimetric analysis. Fuel, 212, 626-637.
  • Vhathvarothai N., Ness J., Yu J., 2014. An investigation of thermal behaviour of biomass and coal during co-combustion using thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). International Journal of Energy Research, 38(6), 804-812.
  • Vhathvarothai N., Ness J., Yu Q.M.J., 2014. An investigation of thermal behaviour of biomass and coal during copyrolysis using thermogravimetric analysis. International Journal of Energy Research, 38(9), 1145-1154.
  • Hu W., Liang F., Xiang H., Zhang J., Yang X., Zhang T., et al., 2018. Investigating co-firing characteristics of coal and masson pine. Renewable Energy, 126, 563-72.
  • Souza B.S., Moreira A.P.D., Teixeira A., 2009. TG-FTIR coupling to monitor the pyrolysis products from agricultural residues. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 97(2), 637-642.
  • El-Sayed S.A., Mostafa M.E., 2014. Pyrolysis characteristics and kinetic parameters determination of biomass fuel powders by differential thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA/DTG). Energy Conversion and Management, 85, 165-172.
  • Haykırı-Açma H., 2003. Combustion characteristics of different biomass materials. Energy Conversion and Management, 44(1), 155-162.
  • Zhang L., Xu C., Champagne P., 2010. Overview of recent advances in thermo-chemical conversion of biomass. Energy Conversion and Management, 51(5), 969-82.
  • Stein S.E.(director), 2018. Infrared spectra. Eds: Linstrom P.J., Mallard W.G., National Institute of Standards and Technology, 20899, doi:10.18434/T4D303, (retrieved September 13).
  • Tao L., Zhao G.-B., Qian J., Qin Y.-K., 2010. TG–FTIR characterization of pyrolysis of waste mixtures of paint and tar slag. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 175(1), 754-761.
  • Kanca A., 2019. The effects of cotton waste addition on pyrolysis and combustion characteristics of the low quality lignite. (Submitted for publication).
  • Reed A.R., Williams P.T., 2004. Thermal processing of biomass natural fibre wastes by pyrolysis. International Journal of Energy Research, 28(2), 131-145.
  • Parthasarathy P., Narayanan S.K., 2014. Determination of kinetic Parameters of biomass samples using thermogravimetric analysis. Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy, 33(1), 256-266.
  • Fu P., Yi W., Bai X., Li Z., Hu S., Xiang J., 2011. Effect of temperature on gas composition and char structural features of pyrolyzed agricultural residues. Bioresource Technology, 102(17), 8211-8219.
There are 34 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Chemical Engineering
Journal Section Makaleler

Arzu Kanca 0000-0001-9110-2691

Publication Date December 31, 2019
Acceptance Date April 1, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 2 Issue: 2


APA Kanca, A. (2019). Pamuk Atığı, Fındık Kabuğu ve Ceviz Kabuğu’nun Piroliz ve Oksidasyon Davranışlarının Kıyaslanması. Kocaeli Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 2(2), 43-54.