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Nesnelerin İnterneti Tabanlı Akıllı Uzaktan Hasta Sağlık Takip ve Uyarı Sistemi

Year 2021, Volume: 4 Issue: 1, 14 - 21, 30.06.2021


Dünyada kalp krizlerinin çoğu, hastalar herhangi bir tedavi almadan önce ölümle sonuçlanır. Kalp kaynaklı acil bir sağlık problemi ortaya çıktığında bilinçsiz kişiler genellikle sağlık hizmetini çağırmakta başarısız olabilirler. Oysaki, kalple ilgili acil durumlarda, etkin sağlık hizmeti hayati bir öneme sahiptir. Bu amaçla da Nesnelerin İnterneti (Internet of Things, IoT) teknikleri sağlık alanında da yaygın olarak kullanılmaktadır. IoT teknikleri ile hastaların kendilerinin farkına varamayacakları veya sağlık hizmetlerine ulaşım sağlayamadığı acil durumlarda hasta yakınları ve acil durum hatlarına bilgi verilebilir. Bu şekilde acil müdahale için geç kalınmayabilir. Bu çalışmada, hastaların fizyolojik parametrelerini gerçek zamanlı olarak izlemek için bulut tabanlı bir sağlık izleme sistemi önerilmiştir. Önerilen sistem, internet bağlantısı olan akıllı telefonları kullanarak EKG sinyalleri, nabız değeri, oksijen saturasyonu (SpO2) ve vücut sıcaklığı gibi temel sağlık parametrelerini gerçek zamanlı olarak etkili bir şekilde saklamak ve iletmek için tasarlanmıştır. Hastanın kendi değerlerini izleyebildiği uygulama dışında, uzman doktorun ve hasta yakınlarının hastanın durumunu takip edebilmesi amacı ile ayrıca bir rapor uygulaması oluşturulmuştur. Hasta değerlerinde bir anormallik oluştuğu anda uygulama, hastanın sisteme kayıt olurken verdiği telefon numarasına SMS yolu ile bilgi verir.


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  • [4] Pandey S., Voorsluys,W., Niu S., Khandoker A., Buyya R., 2012. An autonomic cloud environment for hosting ECG data analysis services. Future Generation Computer Systems, 28(1), 147–154. doi:10.1016/j.future.2011.04.022.
  • [5] Yakut O., Solak S., Bolat E.D., 2015. Implementation of a web-based wireless ECG measuring and recording system. In 17th International Conference on Medical Physics and Medical Sciences, Istanbul (Vol. 9, No. 10, pp. 815-818).
  • [6] Yang Z., Zhou Q., Lei L., Zheng K., Xiang, W., 2016. An IoT-cloud Based Wearable ECG Monitoring System for Smart Healthcare. Journal of Medical Systems, 40(12). doi:10.1007/s10916-016-0644-9.
  • [7] Catarinucci L., de Donno D., Mainetti L., Palano L., Patrono L., Stefanizzi M.L., Tarricone L., 2015. An IoT-Aware Architecture for Smart Healthcare Systems. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2(6), 515–526. doi:10.1109/jiot.2015.2417684.
  • [8] Li C., Hu X., Zhang L., 2017. The IoT-based heart disease monitoring system for pervasive healthcare service. Procedia Computer Science, 112, 2328–2334. doi:10.1016/j.procs.2017.08.265.
  • [9] Saha J., Saha A.K., Chatterjee A., Agrawal S., Saha A., Kar A., Saha H.N., 2018. Advanced IOT based combined remote health monitoring, home automation and alarm system. 2018 IEEE 8th Annual Computing and Communication Workshop and Conference (CCWC). doi:10.1109/ccwc.2018.8301659.
  • [10] Kalid N., Zaidan A.A., Zaidan B.B., Salman O.H., Hashim M., Muzammil H., 2017. Based Real Time Remote Health Monitoring Systems: A Review on Patients Prioritization and Related “Big Data” Using Body Sensors information and Communication Technology. Journal of Medical Systems, 42(2). doi:10.1007/s10916-017-0883-4.
  • [11] Walinjkar A., Woods J., 2017. Personalized wearable systems for real-time ECG classification and healthcare interoperability: Real-time ECG classification and FHIR interoperability. 2017 Internet Technologies and Applications (ITA). doi:10.1109/itecha.2017.8101902
  • [12] Rofouei M., Sinclair M., Bittner R., Blank T., Saw N., DeJean G., Heffron J., 2011. A Non-invasive Wearable Neck-Cuff System for Real-Time Sleep Monitoring. 2011 International Conference on Body Sensor Networks. doi:10.1109/bsn.2011.38.
  • [13] Bsoul M., Minn H., Tamil L., 2011. Apnea MedAssist: Real-time Sleep Apnea Monitor Using Single-Lead ECG. IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, 15(3), 416–427. doi:10.1109/titb.2010.2087386.
  • [14] Chin-Teng Lin, Chun-Hsiang Chuang, Chih-Sheng Huang, Shu-Fang Tsai, Shao-Wei Lu, Yen-Hsuan Chen, Li-Wei Ko., 2014. Wireless and Wearable EEG System for Evaluating Driver Vigilance. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems, 8(2), 165–176. doi:10.1109/tbcas.2014.2316224
  • [15] Lin W.-Y., Lee M.-Y., Chou W.-C., 2014. The design and development of a wearable posture monitoring vest. 2014 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE). doi:10.1109/icce.2014.6776027
  • [16] Sardini E., Serpelloni M., Pasqui V., 2015. Wireless Wearable T-Shirt for Posture Monitoring During Rehabilitation Exercises. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 64(2), 439–448. doi:10.1109/tim.2014.2343411
  • [17] Stone E.E., Skubic M., 2015. Fall Detection in Homes of Older Adults Using the Microsoft Kinect. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 19(1), 290–301. doi:10.1109/jbhi.2014.2312180.
  • [18] Mitra U., Emken B.A., Lee S., Li M., Rozgic V., Thatte G., … Sukhatme G., 2012. KNOWME: a case study in wireless body area sensor network design. IEEE Communications Magazine, 50(5), 116–125. doi:10.1109/mcom.2012.6194391
  • [19] Shanmugasundaram G., Thiyagarajan P., Janaki A., 2016. A Survey of Cloud Based Healthcare Monitoring System for Hospital Management. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 549–557. doi:10.1007/978-981-10-1675-2_54.
  • [20] Hu S., Shao Z., Tan J., 2011. A Real-Time Cardiac Arrhythmia Classification System with Wearable Electrocardiogram. 2011 International Conference on Body Sensor Networks. doi:10.1109/bsn.2011.17.
  • [21] Reyes B.A., Posada-Quintero H.F., Bales J.R., Clement A.L., Pins G.D., Swiston A., … Chon K.H., 2014. Novel Electrodes for Underwater ECG Monitoring. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 61(6), 1863–1876. doi:10.1109/tbme.2014.2309293
  • [22] Patel S., Park H., Bonato P., Chan L., Rodgers M., 2012. A review of wearable sensors and systems with application in rehabilitation. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation, 9(1), 21. doi:10.1186/1743-0003-9-21.
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  • [27] Ali Azzi, Wireless Heart Rate Monitor,, (Ziyaret tarihi: 19/03/2020)
  • [28] Yıldırım Ö., 2017. Kalp aritmisinin çift dalga boylu PPG sinyalleri kullanılarak belirlenmesi. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Trabzon, Türkiye
  • [29] Rusch T.L., Sankar R., Scharf J.E., 1996. Signal processing methods for pulse oximetry. Computers in Biology and Medicine, 26(2), 143–159. doi:10.1016/0010-4825(95)00049-6
  • [30] Tabulated Molar Extinction Coefficient for Hemoglobin in Water, Scott Prahl,
  • [31] MAX30102: High-Sensitivity Pulse Oximeter and Heart-Rate Sensor for Wearable Health., (Ziyaret tarihi: 19/03/2020) Available:
  • [32] Donoho D. L., Johnstone I.M., 1994. Ideal spatial adaptation by wavelet shrinkage. Biometrika, 81(3), 425–455. doi:10.1093/biomet/81.3.425
  • [33] Nemirko A.P., Lugovaya T.S., 2005.. Biometric human identification based on electrocardiogram. In Proceedings of the XIIIth Russian Conference on Mathematical Methods of Pattern Recognition, Moscow, Russian (pp. 20-26).
  • [34] Gertsch M., 2004. The Normal ECG and its (Normal) Variants. The ECG, 19–43. doi:10.1007/978-3-662-10315-9_4
  • [35] Normal adult 12-lead ECG. In:, (Ziyaret tarihi: 19/02/2020).
Year 2021, Volume: 4 Issue: 1, 14 - 21, 30.06.2021



  • [1] “WHO | Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs),” WHO, 2017. [Online]. Available: mediacentre/factsheets/fs317/en/. (Ziyaret tarihi: 12/02/2020).
  • [2] Abadi M., Subramanian R., Kia S. et al , 2015. DECAF: MEG-based multimodal database for decoding affective physiological responses. IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, doi: 10.1109/taffc.2015.2392932.
  • [3] Chiauzzi E., Rodarte C., DasMahapatra P., 2015. Patient-centered activity monitoring in the self-management of chronic health conditions. BMC Medicine, 13(1). doi:10.1186/s12916-015-0319-2.
  • [4] Pandey S., Voorsluys,W., Niu S., Khandoker A., Buyya R., 2012. An autonomic cloud environment for hosting ECG data analysis services. Future Generation Computer Systems, 28(1), 147–154. doi:10.1016/j.future.2011.04.022.
  • [5] Yakut O., Solak S., Bolat E.D., 2015. Implementation of a web-based wireless ECG measuring and recording system. In 17th International Conference on Medical Physics and Medical Sciences, Istanbul (Vol. 9, No. 10, pp. 815-818).
  • [6] Yang Z., Zhou Q., Lei L., Zheng K., Xiang, W., 2016. An IoT-cloud Based Wearable ECG Monitoring System for Smart Healthcare. Journal of Medical Systems, 40(12). doi:10.1007/s10916-016-0644-9.
  • [7] Catarinucci L., de Donno D., Mainetti L., Palano L., Patrono L., Stefanizzi M.L., Tarricone L., 2015. An IoT-Aware Architecture for Smart Healthcare Systems. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2(6), 515–526. doi:10.1109/jiot.2015.2417684.
  • [8] Li C., Hu X., Zhang L., 2017. The IoT-based heart disease monitoring system for pervasive healthcare service. Procedia Computer Science, 112, 2328–2334. doi:10.1016/j.procs.2017.08.265.
  • [9] Saha J., Saha A.K., Chatterjee A., Agrawal S., Saha A., Kar A., Saha H.N., 2018. Advanced IOT based combined remote health monitoring, home automation and alarm system. 2018 IEEE 8th Annual Computing and Communication Workshop and Conference (CCWC). doi:10.1109/ccwc.2018.8301659.
  • [10] Kalid N., Zaidan A.A., Zaidan B.B., Salman O.H., Hashim M., Muzammil H., 2017. Based Real Time Remote Health Monitoring Systems: A Review on Patients Prioritization and Related “Big Data” Using Body Sensors information and Communication Technology. Journal of Medical Systems, 42(2). doi:10.1007/s10916-017-0883-4.
  • [11] Walinjkar A., Woods J., 2017. Personalized wearable systems for real-time ECG classification and healthcare interoperability: Real-time ECG classification and FHIR interoperability. 2017 Internet Technologies and Applications (ITA). doi:10.1109/itecha.2017.8101902
  • [12] Rofouei M., Sinclair M., Bittner R., Blank T., Saw N., DeJean G., Heffron J., 2011. A Non-invasive Wearable Neck-Cuff System for Real-Time Sleep Monitoring. 2011 International Conference on Body Sensor Networks. doi:10.1109/bsn.2011.38.
  • [13] Bsoul M., Minn H., Tamil L., 2011. Apnea MedAssist: Real-time Sleep Apnea Monitor Using Single-Lead ECG. IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, 15(3), 416–427. doi:10.1109/titb.2010.2087386.
  • [14] Chin-Teng Lin, Chun-Hsiang Chuang, Chih-Sheng Huang, Shu-Fang Tsai, Shao-Wei Lu, Yen-Hsuan Chen, Li-Wei Ko., 2014. Wireless and Wearable EEG System for Evaluating Driver Vigilance. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems, 8(2), 165–176. doi:10.1109/tbcas.2014.2316224
  • [15] Lin W.-Y., Lee M.-Y., Chou W.-C., 2014. The design and development of a wearable posture monitoring vest. 2014 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE). doi:10.1109/icce.2014.6776027
  • [16] Sardini E., Serpelloni M., Pasqui V., 2015. Wireless Wearable T-Shirt for Posture Monitoring During Rehabilitation Exercises. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 64(2), 439–448. doi:10.1109/tim.2014.2343411
  • [17] Stone E.E., Skubic M., 2015. Fall Detection in Homes of Older Adults Using the Microsoft Kinect. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 19(1), 290–301. doi:10.1109/jbhi.2014.2312180.
  • [18] Mitra U., Emken B.A., Lee S., Li M., Rozgic V., Thatte G., … Sukhatme G., 2012. KNOWME: a case study in wireless body area sensor network design. IEEE Communications Magazine, 50(5), 116–125. doi:10.1109/mcom.2012.6194391
  • [19] Shanmugasundaram G., Thiyagarajan P., Janaki A., 2016. A Survey of Cloud Based Healthcare Monitoring System for Hospital Management. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 549–557. doi:10.1007/978-981-10-1675-2_54.
  • [20] Hu S., Shao Z., Tan J., 2011. A Real-Time Cardiac Arrhythmia Classification System with Wearable Electrocardiogram. 2011 International Conference on Body Sensor Networks. doi:10.1109/bsn.2011.17.
  • [21] Reyes B.A., Posada-Quintero H.F., Bales J.R., Clement A.L., Pins G.D., Swiston A., … Chon K.H., 2014. Novel Electrodes for Underwater ECG Monitoring. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 61(6), 1863–1876. doi:10.1109/tbme.2014.2309293
  • [22] Patel S., Park H., Bonato P., Chan L., Rodgers M., 2012. A review of wearable sensors and systems with application in rehabilitation. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation, 9(1), 21. doi:10.1186/1743-0003-9-21.
  • [23], (Ziyaret tarihi: 19/03/2020).
  • [24], (Ziyaret tarihi: 19/03/2020).
  • [25], (Ziyaret tarihi: 19/03/2020).
  • [26], (Ziyaret tarihi: 19/03/2020).
  • [27] Ali Azzi, Wireless Heart Rate Monitor,, (Ziyaret tarihi: 19/03/2020)
  • [28] Yıldırım Ö., 2017. Kalp aritmisinin çift dalga boylu PPG sinyalleri kullanılarak belirlenmesi. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Trabzon, Türkiye
  • [29] Rusch T.L., Sankar R., Scharf J.E., 1996. Signal processing methods for pulse oximetry. Computers in Biology and Medicine, 26(2), 143–159. doi:10.1016/0010-4825(95)00049-6
  • [30] Tabulated Molar Extinction Coefficient for Hemoglobin in Water, Scott Prahl,
  • [31] MAX30102: High-Sensitivity Pulse Oximeter and Heart-Rate Sensor for Wearable Health., (Ziyaret tarihi: 19/03/2020) Available:
  • [32] Donoho D. L., Johnstone I.M., 1994. Ideal spatial adaptation by wavelet shrinkage. Biometrika, 81(3), 425–455. doi:10.1093/biomet/81.3.425
  • [33] Nemirko A.P., Lugovaya T.S., 2005.. Biometric human identification based on electrocardiogram. In Proceedings of the XIIIth Russian Conference on Mathematical Methods of Pattern Recognition, Moscow, Russian (pp. 20-26).
  • [34] Gertsch M., 2004. The Normal ECG and its (Normal) Variants. The ECG, 19–43. doi:10.1007/978-3-662-10315-9_4
  • [35] Normal adult 12-lead ECG. In:, (Ziyaret tarihi: 19/02/2020).
There are 35 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Makaleler

Faruk Enes Oğuz 0000-0002-9988-9086

Emine Doğru Bolat 0000-0002-8290-6812

Publication Date June 30, 2021
Acceptance Date February 1, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 4 Issue: 1


APA Oğuz, F. E., & Doğru Bolat, E. (2021). Nesnelerin İnterneti Tabanlı Akıllı Uzaktan Hasta Sağlık Takip ve Uyarı Sistemi. Kocaeli Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 4(1), 14-21.