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Year 1999, , 41 - 43, 01.03.1999


During emergency room practice physicians
may experience some difficulties in managing the
patients with psychiatric treatment history or
brought in with suicide attempt. Difficulties in the diagnosis may root from the complexity of the case
or the prejudice of the staff tovvards patients. The
case we will discuss is about a patient brought in to
the emergency room after a suicide attempt and
also who had been treated for a emotional difficulty
previously. Therefore the case presents both of the
difficulties we mentioned above.


  • Hyman S, Tesar G. (1994) Manual of Psychiatric Emergencies, 204-8.
  • Muller J, VVanke K (1988) Toxic Psychoses from Atropine and Scopolamine Fortschr Neurol Psychiatr I66 (7) 289-95.
  • Brust JC. (1993) Other agents. Phencycilidine, Maijuana, Hallucinogens, Inhalants and Anticholinergics Neurolclin, 11(3), 555-61.
  • Borron SW, Scherman JM, Baud FJ (1996). Markedly Altered Colchicine Kinetics in Fatal intoxication:
  • Examination of Contributing Factors. Hum Exp Toxicol 15: (11) 885-90.
  • Howells R. (1993) Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome. Don't Confuse with Anticholinergic lntoxication. British Medical Journal, Nov 13. 307 6914 1223-4.
  • Muttray A. Maier W Vogt T Demuth W, Konnietzko J (1994). Encephalopathy following poisoning with an anticholinergic agent. Dtsch-Med-Wochenschr 119(20)731- 4.
  • VVilson DJ, Braunvvald E, Isselbacher KJ Petersdorf R, Martin BJ Fauci AS Root RK (1996) Principles of Internal Medicine P, 2178.


Year 1999, , 41 - 43, 01.03.1999


Genel hastane acil servislerinde önceden ruhsal
bir rahatsızlık öyküsü bulunan ya da özkıyım
gibi ruhsal bir sorun nedeni ile başvuran hastalarda
bazı tanı güçlükleri olmaktadır. Bu tanı güçlükleri
kimi zaman vakanın sergilediği durumun karmaşıklığından
kimi zaman da doğrudan doğruya
acil servis ekibinin ruhsal rahatsızlığı olan bireylere
karşı engelleyemedikleri önyargılarından kaynaklanmaktadır.
Sunacağımız vaka acil servise özkıyım
girişimi ile başvuran ve önceden ruhsal bir sorunu
nedeni ile tedavi görmüş olma öyküsü olan bir
hasta hakkındadır ve yukarıda söylediğimiz iki güçlüğü
birden içermektedir.


  • Hyman S, Tesar G. (1994) Manual of Psychiatric Emergencies, 204-8.
  • Muller J, VVanke K (1988) Toxic Psychoses from Atropine and Scopolamine Fortschr Neurol Psychiatr I66 (7) 289-95.
  • Brust JC. (1993) Other agents. Phencycilidine, Maijuana, Hallucinogens, Inhalants and Anticholinergics Neurolclin, 11(3), 555-61.
  • Borron SW, Scherman JM, Baud FJ (1996). Markedly Altered Colchicine Kinetics in Fatal intoxication:
  • Examination of Contributing Factors. Hum Exp Toxicol 15: (11) 885-90.
  • Howells R. (1993) Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome. Don't Confuse with Anticholinergic lntoxication. British Medical Journal, Nov 13. 307 6914 1223-4.
  • Muttray A. Maier W Vogt T Demuth W, Konnietzko J (1994). Encephalopathy following poisoning with an anticholinergic agent. Dtsch-Med-Wochenschr 119(20)731- 4.
  • VVilson DJ, Braunvvald E, Isselbacher KJ Petersdorf R, Martin BJ Fauci AS Root RK (1996) Principles of Internal Medicine P, 2178.
There are 8 citations in total.


Other ID JA63YS66NY
Journal Section Research Article

Çiğdem Aydemir This is me

Özge Yenier Duman This is me

Erol Göka This is me

Publication Date March 1, 1999
Submission Date March 1, 1999
Published in Issue Year 1999


APA Aydemir, Ç., Yenier Duman, Ö., & Göka, E. (1999). ATROPİN ENTOKSİKASYONUNA BAĞLI TOKSİK PSİKOZ. Kriz Dergisi, 7(1), 41-43.