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Predicting the Trait and State Anxiety Based On the Stress Symptoms

Year 1997, , 0 - 0, 01.06.1997


Abstract: İn this paper, factor structure of
stress self-assessment checklist (DasGupta, 1992)
was studied and state-trait anxiety was predicted
by using the checklist. The sample consisted of
253 subjects. The components of stress named as
cognitive-affective, physiological, and poin-distress
were found by factor analysis. The results of multiple
regression analysis indicate that the best predictive
symptoms for state-trait anxiety are symptoms in the cognitive affective component of
the checklist. Although there were some symptom
differences, the predictive value of the cognitive affective
component of the checklist was some for
both sexes.


  • AderNA, Cohen N (1993). Psychoneuroimmunology: Conditioning and Stress. Annual Revievv of Psychology, 44, 53-85.
  • Adler N, Matthews K (1994). Health Psychology: Why Do Some People Get Sick and Some Stay Well? Annual Review of Psychology, 45, 229-259.
  • Baron RS, Cutrona, CE, Hicklin D, Russell DW, Lubaroff DM (1990). Social Support and Immune Function Among Spouses of Cancer Patients. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 59, 344-352.
  • Clark DA, de Silva P (1985). The Nature of Depressive And Anxlous, İntrusive Thoughts; Distinct or Uniform Phenomena? Behavior Research and Therapy, 23, 389-393.
  • Cohen S, Lichtenstein E (1990). Perceived Stress, Quitting Smoking, and Smoking Relaese. Health Psychogy, 9, 466-478.
  • Corell RE (1984). Relationship of Anxiety and Depression To Age And Sex İn An Acute Psychiatric Population. Psychological Reports, 55, 979-98
  • Cox DJ, Gonder-Frederick L (1992). Majör Developments in Behavioral Diabets Research, Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 60, 628-638.
  • Dalgleisch T, Watts FN (1990). Biases of Attention and Memory in Disorders of Anxiety and Depression. Clinical Psychology Revievv, 10, 589-604.
  • DasGupta B (1992). Perceived Control and Examination Stress. Psychology, A Journal of Human Behavior, 29,31-34.
  • Edvvards AL (1995). Doğrusal Regresyon ve Korelasyona Giriş, (Çev.) S. Hovardaoğlu, Ankara: Hatipoğlu. Ganellen RJ (1988). Specificity of Attributions and Overgeneralization in Depression An Anxiety. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 97, 83-86.
  • Gonder-Frederick L, Carter WR, Cox DJ, Clarke WL (1990). Enviramental Stress and Blood Glucase Change in Insulindependents Diabetes Mellitus. Health Psychology, 9, 503-515.
  • Jemmott JB, Locke SE (1984). Psychsocial Factors, Immunologic Ediation, and Human Susceptibility to Infectious Disease; How Much Do We Know? Psychological Bulletin, 95, 78-108


Year 1997, , 0 - 0, 01.06.1997


Bu araştırmada stres belirti ölçeğinin
(DasGupta, 1992) faktör yapısı incelenmiş ve bu
ölçek kullanılarak durumsal-sürekli kaygı yordanmıştır.
Araştırmaya 253 denek katılmıştır. Faktör
analizi sonucunda stresin, bilişsel-duyuşsal fizyolojik
ve ağrı-rahatsızlık adı verilen üç bileşeni olduğu
bulunmuştur. Çoklu regresyon analizi sonuçları,
durumsal-sürekli kaygı için en iyi yordayıcıların bilişsel-duyuşsal
bileşen başlığı altına giren semptomlar
olduğuna işaret etmektedir. Semptom farkı
olmasına karşılık, bu sonuç, kadın ve erkek içinde


  • AderNA, Cohen N (1993). Psychoneuroimmunology: Conditioning and Stress. Annual Revievv of Psychology, 44, 53-85.
  • Adler N, Matthews K (1994). Health Psychology: Why Do Some People Get Sick and Some Stay Well? Annual Review of Psychology, 45, 229-259.
  • Baron RS, Cutrona, CE, Hicklin D, Russell DW, Lubaroff DM (1990). Social Support and Immune Function Among Spouses of Cancer Patients. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 59, 344-352.
  • Clark DA, de Silva P (1985). The Nature of Depressive And Anxlous, İntrusive Thoughts; Distinct or Uniform Phenomena? Behavior Research and Therapy, 23, 389-393.
  • Cohen S, Lichtenstein E (1990). Perceived Stress, Quitting Smoking, and Smoking Relaese. Health Psychogy, 9, 466-478.
  • Corell RE (1984). Relationship of Anxiety and Depression To Age And Sex İn An Acute Psychiatric Population. Psychological Reports, 55, 979-98
  • Cox DJ, Gonder-Frederick L (1992). Majör Developments in Behavioral Diabets Research, Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 60, 628-638.
  • Dalgleisch T, Watts FN (1990). Biases of Attention and Memory in Disorders of Anxiety and Depression. Clinical Psychology Revievv, 10, 589-604.
  • DasGupta B (1992). Perceived Control and Examination Stress. Psychology, A Journal of Human Behavior, 29,31-34.
  • Edvvards AL (1995). Doğrusal Regresyon ve Korelasyona Giriş, (Çev.) S. Hovardaoğlu, Ankara: Hatipoğlu. Ganellen RJ (1988). Specificity of Attributions and Overgeneralization in Depression An Anxiety. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 97, 83-86.
  • Gonder-Frederick L, Carter WR, Cox DJ, Clarke WL (1990). Enviramental Stress and Blood Glucase Change in Insulindependents Diabetes Mellitus. Health Psychology, 9, 503-515.
  • Jemmott JB, Locke SE (1984). Psychsocial Factors, Immunologic Ediation, and Human Susceptibility to Infectious Disease; How Much Do We Know? Psychological Bulletin, 95, 78-108
There are 12 citations in total.


Other ID JA84VH39TY
Journal Section Research Article

Selim Hovardaoğlu This is me

Publication Date June 1, 1997
Submission Date June 1, 1997
Published in Issue Year 1997
