Adam K.S. (1981) Parental loss and famify
disorganization in the predisposition to suicidal
behaviour. J.P. Soubrier, J. Vedrinne (eds) İn
Depression et Suicide. Pergamon Press: Paris,
Adam K.S., Bouckoms, A., Striner, D., (1982)
Parental loss and family stability in attempted
suicide. Arch. Gen. Psychiatry. Vol. 39,
Aydın H., Battal, S., Özşahin, A., Aydınalp, K,
Boz, Ü. . (1990) İntihar davranışının
sosyodemografık özellikleri. XXIV. Ulusal Psikiyatri
ve Nörolojik Bilimler Kongresi. Serbest Bildirileri. İL
Uzak Doğu Kültür Yayınları. Ankara, 238-224.
Berzonsky, M. (1981) Adolescent Development.
Mac Million Pub. Co: New York, 502-503.
Birtchnell, J. (1981) Some familial and clinical
characteristics of female suicidal psyciatric patients.
Brit. J. Psychiatry. 138, 381-390.
Bolger, N, Dovvney G., VValker, E, Steininger, P.,
(1989) The Onset of suicidal ideation in childhood
and adolescence. Journal of Youth and
Adolescence, 18(2), 175-189.
Breed, W. (1966) Occupational mobility and
suicide. American Sociological Review, 28,
Brent, D. Kolho D. (1990) Suicide and Suicidal
Behaviour in Children and Adolescents. B.
•Gaıiinkel, G. Carlson, E VVeller (eds) Psychiatric
Disorders in Children and Adolescents. W.B.
Saunders. Comp: Philadelphia. 372-389.
Brent D. A., Perper, J.,Goldstein, C, (1988) Risk
fâctors for adolescent suicide. Arch. Gen.
Psychiatry. 45, 581-588.
Brooksbank D. J. (1985) Suicide and Parasuicide
in childhood and Early adolescence. Brit. J.
Psychiatry. 146, 459-463.
Bunch, J., Barraclough, B., Nelson, A., Sainsbury,
P., (1971) Early parental bereavement and suicide.
Social Psychiatry, 6(4), 200-202.
Eğilmez, A. Kültür Ş. (1989) Suisid girişiminde
bulunan ergenlerde yaikınlaştırıcı etkenler ve aile
yapısı. XXIV Ulusal Psikiyatri ve Nörolojik Bilimler
Kongresi Serbest Bildiriler. Saypa, Ankara.
Eksi, A. (1990) Çocuk, Genç, Ana babalar. Bilgi
Yayınevi: Ankara. 164-167.
Farberovv, N.L. (1983) Suicide in adolescence.
prevention and treatment. H. Golombek B.
Garfinkel (eds) İn The Adolescent and Mood
Disturbance. International Universities Press İne:
N.Y. 225-237.
Fine, P., Mclntire, Af.S., Fain, P.R., (1986) Early
indicators of self-destruction in childhood and
adolescence A survey of pediatricians and
psychiatrists. Pediatrics. 77(4)557-568.
Friedman, R., Corn, R., Hurt, S., (1984) Family
history of illness in the seriously suicidal
Adolescent. A life-cycle approach. Am. J.
Orthopsychiatry, 54 (3) 390-397.
Gürakar, L (1991) İntihar ve Aile İşlevleri üzerine
Karşılaştırmalı bir Araştırma. H. Ü. Sosyal Hizmetler
Yüksek Okulu Yayınlanmamış Uzmanlık Tezi.
Keitner, G., Miller, I., Fruzetti, A., Epstein, N,
Bishop, D., Norman, W.,(1987) Family funetioning
and Suicidal behavior in psychiatric inpatients with
majör depression. Psychiatry, 50, 242-255.
Lester, D. (1972) Why peaple kili themselves?
Charles C. Thomas Pub: Sprinfield I Llinois.
Lester, D. (1967) Sibling position and suicidal
behavior. Journal of Individual Psychology, 22,
LLoyd, c. (1980) Life events and depressive
disorder. Reviewed. Arch. Gen. Psychiatry, 37,
Özbay, H. (1990) Ergenlerde intihar tutumuna
genel bir bakış. XXIV Ulusal Psikiyatri ve Nörolojik
Bilimler Kongresi Konferanslar, Paneller ve diğer
serbest bildiriler. II. Uzak Doğu Kültür Yayınları,
Ankara, 155-159.
Palabıyıkoğlu, R., Azizoğlu, S., Özayar, H., Ercan,
H., (1991) İntihar Girişiminde Bulunanların aile
İşlevlerinin Değerlendirilmesi. XXVII Ulusal
Psikiyatrik Bilimler Kongresi. (Yayınlanmamış
araştırma) Antalya
Pearlin, L Johnson J. S. (1977) Marital status, life
strain and depression. American Sociological
Review, 42, 50-73.
Pfeffer, C. (1986) The Suicidal Child. The Guilford
Press: N. Y. 140-150
Philip, A. £ (1970) Traits attitudes and symptoms
in a group of attempted Suicides. Brit. J
Psychiatry, 116,475-82.
Pommereau, X., Penoutl, F. (1987) Suicidal
vvomen and their intimate conflicts with men.. R.
Yufit (ed) in Proceedings: Twentieth Annual
Conference of AAS and IASP. San Francisco.
Rosenbaum, A., Richman, J. (1970) Suicide: The
role of hostility and death wishes from the family
and significant others. Am. J. Psychiatry, 126,
Roy, A. (1983) Family history of suicide. Arch. Gen.
Psychiatry, 40, 971-974.
Roy, A. (1985) Family history of suicide in affective
disorder patients. J. Clin Psychiatry, 46, 317-319.
Sonuvar, B. (1990) Çocuklarda ve Gençlerde
Psikolojik ve Sosyal Yönleriyle İntihar ve İntihar
Girişimleri. XXIV Ulusal Psikiyatri ve Nörolojik Bilimler
Kongresi. Konferanslar, Paheller ve diğer Serbest
Bildiriler II Uzak Doğu Kültür Yayınları, Ankara,
Strivers, C. (1988) Parent adolescent
communication and its relationship to adolescent
depressıon and suicide proness. Adolescence
XXIII. 90, 291-295.
Toolan, J. M. (1962) Suicide and attempted suicide
in children and adolescents. Am. J. Psychiatry, 89,
Valente, S. H. Hatton, C.L. (1981) Bereavement
group forparents who suffered a suicidal loss of an
adolescent or youth İn J.P. Soubrier, J. Vedrinne
-. (eds) Depression et Suicide, Pergamon Press.
Paris, 506-10.
Vinoda, K.S. (1966) Personality characteristics of
attempted suicide. Brit. J. of Psychiatry, 112,
VVasserman, D. (1988) Separation. An important
factor in suicidal actions. Crisis. 9(1), 49-63.
VVasserman, D., Gullberg, J. (1989) Early
separation and suicidal behavior in the parental
homes of 40 consecutive suicide attempters. Açta
Psychiatr Scand, 79, 269-302
Wenz, F.V. (1981) Family size, depression and
parent suicide risk İn J.P. Soubrier J. Vedrienne
(eds) Depression et Suicide. Pergamon Press,
VVinch, G., Letofsky, K. (1981) The nature of the
suicidal death as a factor in understanding the
reactions of surviving family members, İn J, P.
Soubrier. J. Vedrienne (eds) Depression et
Suicide. Pergamon Press, Paris, 523-532.
VVrıght, L.S. (1985) Suicidal thoughts and their
relationship to family stress and personal problems
among high school seniors and colleğe
undergraduates. Adolescence. Vol. XX (79),
Adam K.S. (1981) Parental loss and famify
disorganization in the predisposition to suicidal
behaviour. J.P. Soubrier, J. Vedrinne (eds) İn
Depression et Suicide. Pergamon Press: Paris,
Adam K.S., Bouckoms, A., Striner, D., (1982)
Parental loss and family stability in attempted
suicide. Arch. Gen. Psychiatry. Vol. 39,
Aydın H., Battal, S., Özşahin, A., Aydınalp, K,
Boz, Ü. . (1990) İntihar davranışının
sosyodemografık özellikleri. XXIV. Ulusal Psikiyatri
ve Nörolojik Bilimler Kongresi. Serbest Bildirileri. İL
Uzak Doğu Kültür Yayınları. Ankara, 238-224.
Berzonsky, M. (1981) Adolescent Development.
Mac Million Pub. Co: New York, 502-503.
Birtchnell, J. (1981) Some familial and clinical
characteristics of female suicidal psyciatric patients.
Brit. J. Psychiatry. 138, 381-390.
Bolger, N, Dovvney G., VValker, E, Steininger, P.,
(1989) The Onset of suicidal ideation in childhood
and adolescence. Journal of Youth and
Adolescence, 18(2), 175-189.
Breed, W. (1966) Occupational mobility and
suicide. American Sociological Review, 28,
Brent, D. Kolho D. (1990) Suicide and Suicidal
Behaviour in Children and Adolescents. B.
•Gaıiinkel, G. Carlson, E VVeller (eds) Psychiatric
Disorders in Children and Adolescents. W.B.
Saunders. Comp: Philadelphia. 372-389.
Brent D. A., Perper, J.,Goldstein, C, (1988) Risk
fâctors for adolescent suicide. Arch. Gen.
Psychiatry. 45, 581-588.
Brooksbank D. J. (1985) Suicide and Parasuicide
in childhood and Early adolescence. Brit. J.
Psychiatry. 146, 459-463.
Bunch, J., Barraclough, B., Nelson, A., Sainsbury,
P., (1971) Early parental bereavement and suicide.
Social Psychiatry, 6(4), 200-202.
Eğilmez, A. Kültür Ş. (1989) Suisid girişiminde
bulunan ergenlerde yaikınlaştırıcı etkenler ve aile
yapısı. XXIV Ulusal Psikiyatri ve Nörolojik Bilimler
Kongresi Serbest Bildiriler. Saypa, Ankara.
Eksi, A. (1990) Çocuk, Genç, Ana babalar. Bilgi
Yayınevi: Ankara. 164-167.
Farberovv, N.L. (1983) Suicide in adolescence.
prevention and treatment. H. Golombek B.
Garfinkel (eds) İn The Adolescent and Mood
Disturbance. International Universities Press İne:
N.Y. 225-237.
Fine, P., Mclntire, Af.S., Fain, P.R., (1986) Early
indicators of self-destruction in childhood and
adolescence A survey of pediatricians and
psychiatrists. Pediatrics. 77(4)557-568.
Friedman, R., Corn, R., Hurt, S., (1984) Family
history of illness in the seriously suicidal
Adolescent. A life-cycle approach. Am. J.
Orthopsychiatry, 54 (3) 390-397.
Gürakar, L (1991) İntihar ve Aile İşlevleri üzerine
Karşılaştırmalı bir Araştırma. H. Ü. Sosyal Hizmetler
Yüksek Okulu Yayınlanmamış Uzmanlık Tezi.
Keitner, G., Miller, I., Fruzetti, A., Epstein, N,
Bishop, D., Norman, W.,(1987) Family funetioning
and Suicidal behavior in psychiatric inpatients with
majör depression. Psychiatry, 50, 242-255.
Lester, D. (1972) Why peaple kili themselves?
Charles C. Thomas Pub: Sprinfield I Llinois.
Lester, D. (1967) Sibling position and suicidal
behavior. Journal of Individual Psychology, 22,
LLoyd, c. (1980) Life events and depressive
disorder. Reviewed. Arch. Gen. Psychiatry, 37,
Özbay, H. (1990) Ergenlerde intihar tutumuna
genel bir bakış. XXIV Ulusal Psikiyatri ve Nörolojik
Bilimler Kongresi Konferanslar, Paneller ve diğer
serbest bildiriler. II. Uzak Doğu Kültür Yayınları,
Ankara, 155-159.
Palabıyıkoğlu, R., Azizoğlu, S., Özayar, H., Ercan,
H., (1991) İntihar Girişiminde Bulunanların aile
İşlevlerinin Değerlendirilmesi. XXVII Ulusal
Psikiyatrik Bilimler Kongresi. (Yayınlanmamış
araştırma) Antalya
Pearlin, L Johnson J. S. (1977) Marital status, life
strain and depression. American Sociological
Review, 42, 50-73.
Pfeffer, C. (1986) The Suicidal Child. The Guilford
Press: N. Y. 140-150
Philip, A. £ (1970) Traits attitudes and symptoms
in a group of attempted Suicides. Brit. J
Psychiatry, 116,475-82.
Pommereau, X., Penoutl, F. (1987) Suicidal
vvomen and their intimate conflicts with men.. R.
Yufit (ed) in Proceedings: Twentieth Annual
Conference of AAS and IASP. San Francisco.
Rosenbaum, A., Richman, J. (1970) Suicide: The
role of hostility and death wishes from the family
and significant others. Am. J. Psychiatry, 126,
Roy, A. (1983) Family history of suicide. Arch. Gen.
Psychiatry, 40, 971-974.
Roy, A. (1985) Family history of suicide in affective
disorder patients. J. Clin Psychiatry, 46, 317-319.
Sonuvar, B. (1990) Çocuklarda ve Gençlerde
Psikolojik ve Sosyal Yönleriyle İntihar ve İntihar
Girişimleri. XXIV Ulusal Psikiyatri ve Nörolojik Bilimler
Kongresi. Konferanslar, Paheller ve diğer Serbest
Bildiriler II Uzak Doğu Kültür Yayınları, Ankara,
Strivers, C. (1988) Parent adolescent
communication and its relationship to adolescent
depressıon and suicide proness. Adolescence
XXIII. 90, 291-295.
Toolan, J. M. (1962) Suicide and attempted suicide
in children and adolescents. Am. J. Psychiatry, 89,
Valente, S. H. Hatton, C.L. (1981) Bereavement
group forparents who suffered a suicidal loss of an
adolescent or youth İn J.P. Soubrier, J. Vedrinne
-. (eds) Depression et Suicide, Pergamon Press.
Paris, 506-10.
Vinoda, K.S. (1966) Personality characteristics of
attempted suicide. Brit. J. of Psychiatry, 112,
VVasserman, D. (1988) Separation. An important
factor in suicidal actions. Crisis. 9(1), 49-63.
VVasserman, D., Gullberg, J. (1989) Early
separation and suicidal behavior in the parental
homes of 40 consecutive suicide attempters. Açta
Psychiatr Scand, 79, 269-302
Wenz, F.V. (1981) Family size, depression and
parent suicide risk İn J.P. Soubrier J. Vedrienne
(eds) Depression et Suicide. Pergamon Press,
VVinch, G., Letofsky, K. (1981) The nature of the
suicidal death as a factor in understanding the
reactions of surviving family members, İn J, P.
Soubrier. J. Vedrienne (eds) Depression et
Suicide. Pergamon Press, Paris, 523-532.
VVrıght, L.S. (1985) Suicidal thoughts and their
relationship to family stress and personal problems
among high school seniors and colleğe
undergraduates. Adolescence. Vol. XX (79),