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Cultural Factors Related With Schizophrenia

Year 2014, Volume: 22 Issue: 1, 1 - 12, 01.06.2014


Cultural factors do not only interfere with epidemiology of psychiatric disorders.,Culture, as the most inclusive environmental factor, effects the etiology, phenomenology as well as treatment of psychiatric disorders. Furthermore, culture also shapes perception and conceptualization of psychiatric disorders in the community. This review
aims to discuss the interactions between cultural
factors and definitions of schizophrenia in different
countries as well as in different time periods.


  • Aina OF, Famuyiwa OO. (2007) Ogun Oru: a traditional explanation for nocturnal neuropsychiatric disturbances among the Yoruba of Southwest Nigeria. Transcult Psychiatry,44:44-54.
  • Aina OF, Morakinyo O. (2011) Culture-bound syndromes and the neglect of cultural factors in psychopathologies among Africans. Afr J Psychiatry,14:278-285.
  • Al-Issa I. (1995) The illusion of reality or the reality of illusion: Hallucinations and culture . Br J Psychiatry, 166:368-373 .
  • American Psychiatric Association Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders. (1994) DSM-IV, fourth ed, Washington (DC), American Psychiatric Association.
  • Arieti S.(1955) Interpretation of schizophrenia, New York, Robert Brunner.
  • Baskak B, Atbasoglu EC, Saka MC.(2009) Şizofreni etiyolojisinde psiko-sosyal etmenlerin rolü: Antipsikiyatriden gen çevre etkileşimine. Nöropsikiyatri Arşivi, 46:1-9.
  • Baskak B, Çevik A. (2007) Somatizasyonun kültürel boyutları. Psychiatry in Türkiye, 9:50-57.
  • Bateson G, Jackson D,Haley J, Weakland J. (1956) Toward a theory of schizophrenia. Behavioral Science,1: 251–264.
  • Berrios GE, Rogelio L, Villagrán JM.(2003) Schizophrenia: a conceptual history. Int J Psychol Psychol Ther,3:112-140.
  • Berry JW, Poortinga YH, Segall MH, Dasen PJ.(1992) Cross-cultural psychology: Research and applications, first ed. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
  • Bhugra D, Gupta S, Bhui K ve ark.(2011) WPA Guidance on mental health and mental health care in migrants.. World Psychiatry, 10 :2-10.
  • Brüne M. (2007) On human selfdomestication, psychiatry, and eugenics. Philos Ethics Humanit Med, 5:2:21.
  • Dietrich S, Beck M, Bujantugs B ve ark.(2004) The relationship between public causal beliefs and social distance toward mentally ill people. Aust N Z J Psychiatry,38:348-354.
  • Eaton W, Chen CY.(2006) Epidemiology. JA Lieberman, T Scott, MD Stroup (eds). Textbook of Schizophrenia, second ed, New York, American Psychiatric Publishing Inc.
  • Greenberg JR, Mitchell SA. (1983) Object Relations in Psychoanalytic Theory, Cambridge, Harvard University Press, MA.
  • Habel U, Gur RC, Mandal MK ve ark. (2000) Emotional processing in schizophrenia across cultures: standardized measures of discrimination and experience. Schizophr Res,42:57–66.
  • Hale AS, Pinninti NR (1994). Exorcism- resistant ghost possession treated with clopenthixol. Br J Psychiatry,165:386-388.
  • Henderson DC, Nguyen DD, Wills MM ve ark.(2010) Culture and psychiatry. TA Stern, GL Fricchione, NH Casse, M Jellinek, JF Rosenbaum (eds), Massachusetts General Hospital Handbook Of General Hospital Psychiatry,sixth ed.,Philedelphia, Saunders Elsevier,s. 629-637.
  • Hinton DE, Pich V, Chhean D ve ark. (2005) Sleep paralysis among Cambodian refugees: association with PTSD diagnosis and severity. Depress Anxiety, 22:47-51.
  • Hopper K, Harrison G, Janca A ve ark.(2007) Recovery from Schizophrenia: An International Perspective. New York, Oxford University Press.
  • Jablensky A, Sartorius N, Ernberg G ve ark. (1992) Schizophrenia: manifestations, incidence and course in different cultures. A World Health Organization ten-country study. Psychol Med Monogr Suppl,20:1–97.
  • Jablensky A, Sartorius N. (2008) What did the WHO studies really find? Schizophr Bull,34:253- 255.
  • Jalal B, Hinton DE. (2013) Rates and characteristics of sleep paralysis in the general population of Denmark and Egypt. Cult Med Psychiatry,37:534-548.
  • Jaynes J. (1976) The Origins of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind. Boston, MA, Houghton Mifflin.
  • Jeffery A. (1938) The Foreign Vocabulary of The Qur’an. Oriental Institute, Baroda, India,
  • Kala AK, Wig NN. (1982) Delusion across cultures. Int J Soc Psychiatry, 28:185-193.
  • Kalra G, Bhugra D, Shah N. (2012) Cultural aspects of schizophrenia. Int Rev Psychiatry 24:441-449.
  • Kim KI, Li D, Jiang Z ve ark. (1993) Schizophrenic delusions among Koreans, Korean- Chinese and Chinese: a transcultural study. Int J Soc Psychiatry 39:190-199.
  • Kirmayer LJ, Jarvis GE.(2006) Depression across cultures. DJ Stein, DJ Kupfer, AF Schatzberg (eds), Textbook of Mood Disorders. American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc., Arlington, VA,s.699-716.
  • Kirmayer LJ. (2006) Nightmares, Neurophenomenology and the cultural logic of trauma. Cult Med Psychiatry, 33:323–331.
  • Laing RD, Esterson A. (1964) Sanity, Madness and the Family, London, Penguin Books.
  • Lake CR. (2008) Hypothesis: grandiosity and guilt cause paranoia; paranoid schizophrenia is a psychotic mood disorder; a review. Schizophr Bull,34:1151-1162.
  • Lipset D.(1982) Gregory Bateson the Legacy of a Scientist, Boston, Beacon Press.
  • Luhrmann TM, Padmavati R, Tharoor H ve ark. (2014) Differences in voice-hearing experiences of people with psychosis in the USA, India and Ghana: interview-based study. Br J Psychiatry, pii: bjp.bp.113.139048. [Epub ahead of print]
  • Luhrmann TM.(2007) Social defeat and the culture of chronicity: or, why schizophrenia does so well over there and so badly here. Cult Med Psychiatry,31:135-72.
  • Marsella AJ,Dash-Scheur A. (1988) Coping, culture, and healthy human development: A research and conceptual overview. P Dasen, JW Berry, N Sartorius (eds), Cross-cultural psychology and health: Toward applications, Newbury Park, CA, Sage,s. 162-178.
  • McNally RJ, Clancy SA.(2005) Sleep paralysis, sexual abuse, and space alien abduction. Transcult Psychiatry,42:113-122.
  • Mirowsky J.(1985) Disorder and its context: Paranoid beliefs as thematic elements of thought problems, hallucinations, and delusions under threatening social conditions. Res Community Ment Health,5:185-204.
  • Morgan C, McKenzie K, Faeron P. (2008) Society and Pyschosis, Cambridge University Press , New York.
  • Neill J.(1990) Whatever became of the schizophrenogenic mother? Am J Psychother,44:499-505.
  • Oldham J M, Gabbard GO, Goin MK ve ark. (2001) Practice guideline for the treatment of patients with borderline personality disorder. American Journal of Psychiatry,158:1-52.
  • Paradis C, Friedman S, Hinton DE ve ark. (2009) The assessment of the phenomenology of sleep paralysis: the Unusual Sleep Experiences Questionnaire (USEQ). CNS Neurosci Ther,15:220- 226.
  • Paradis CM, Friedman S. (2005) Sleep paralysis in African Americans with panic disorder. Transcult Psychiatry 42:123-134.
  • Pescosolido BA, Martin JK, Long JS ve ark. (2010) "A disease like any other?” A decade of change in public reactions to schizophrenia, depression, and alcohol dependence. Am J Psychiatry,167:1321-1330.
  • Peters LG. (1995) Karga puja: A transpersonal ritual of healing in Tamang shamanism. Altern Ther Health Med,1:53-61.
  • Raine A, Reynolds C, Lencz T ve ark. (1994) Cognitive-perceptual, interpersonal, and disorganized features of schizotypal personality. Schizophr Bull, 20:191–201.
  • Rao S. (1966) Culture and mental disorders: a study in an Indian mental hospital. Int J Soc Psychiatry,12:39-48.
  • Rock A, Abbott G, Kambouropoulos N. (2008) Altered experience mediates the relationship between schizotypy and mood disturbance during shamanic-like journeying. Journal of Scientific Exploratio,22: 371–384.
  • Spicker P. (2013)The Moral Dimensions of Individualism. Reclaiming Individualism. University of Bristol, UKs.23-55.
  • Spiegel D, Loewenstein RJ, Lewis-Fernández R ve ark.(2011) Dissociative disorders in DSM-5. Depress Anxiety.28:824-852.
  • Stone MH. (2006) History of schizophrenia and its antecedents JA Lieberman, TS Stroup,DO Perkins (eds). Textbook of Schizophrenia, The American Psychiatric Publishing Inc., Arlington,s.1- 15.
  • Suhail K, Cochrane R.(2002) Effect of culture and environment on the phenomenology of delusions and hallucinations. Int J Soc Psychiatry,48:126-138.
  • Sullivan HS. (1956) Clinical Studies in Psychiatry, New York, Norton.
  • Tanaka-Matsumi J.(1979)Taijin Kyofusho: diagnostic and cultural issu es in Japanese psychiatry. Cult Med Psychiatry, 3:231-45.
  • Tateyama M, Asai M, Kamisada M ve ark. (1993) Comparison of schizophrenic delusions between Japan and Germany. Psychopathology,26:151-158.
  • Trower P, Chadwick P. (1995) Pathways to defence of the self: A theory of two types of paranoia. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, 2:263–278.
  • Tseng W.S .(2003) Clinician’s Guide to Cultural Psychiatry . San Diego, CA, Academic Press.
  • Wong Y, Tsai J. (2007) Cultural Models of Shame and Guilt. J Tracy, R Robins, J Tangney (eds.). Handbook of Self-Conscious Emotions, New York,sp. 210-223 .

Şizofreniyle ilişkili kültürel etmenler

Year 2014, Volume: 22 Issue: 1, 1 - 12, 01.06.2014


Kültürün etkisi psikiyatrik bozuklukların yalnızca epidemiyolojisi üzerine değildir. Belki de en kapsamlı çevresel etmen olarak kültür, psikiyatrik bozuklukların etiyolojisine, fenomenolojisine ve tedavi süreçlerine de etki eder. Dahası psikiyatrik bozuklukların kavramsallaştırılması ve toplumda nasıl algılandığı da kültür tarafından şekillendirilir. Bu gözden geçirme yazısı sağlıklı ve meşru zihinsel işleyişin de kültür tarafından belirlendiği kabulüyle, şizofreninin farklı dönemler ve farklı coğrafyalarda tanımının kültürle nasıl etkileştiğini tartışmayı amaçlamaktadır


  • Aina OF, Famuyiwa OO. (2007) Ogun Oru: a traditional explanation for nocturnal neuropsychiatric disturbances among the Yoruba of Southwest Nigeria. Transcult Psychiatry,44:44-54.
  • Aina OF, Morakinyo O. (2011) Culture-bound syndromes and the neglect of cultural factors in psychopathologies among Africans. Afr J Psychiatry,14:278-285.
  • Al-Issa I. (1995) The illusion of reality or the reality of illusion: Hallucinations and culture . Br J Psychiatry, 166:368-373 .
  • American Psychiatric Association Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders. (1994) DSM-IV, fourth ed, Washington (DC), American Psychiatric Association.
  • Arieti S.(1955) Interpretation of schizophrenia, New York, Robert Brunner.
  • Baskak B, Atbasoglu EC, Saka MC.(2009) Şizofreni etiyolojisinde psiko-sosyal etmenlerin rolü: Antipsikiyatriden gen çevre etkileşimine. Nöropsikiyatri Arşivi, 46:1-9.
  • Baskak B, Çevik A. (2007) Somatizasyonun kültürel boyutları. Psychiatry in Türkiye, 9:50-57.
  • Bateson G, Jackson D,Haley J, Weakland J. (1956) Toward a theory of schizophrenia. Behavioral Science,1: 251–264.
  • Berrios GE, Rogelio L, Villagrán JM.(2003) Schizophrenia: a conceptual history. Int J Psychol Psychol Ther,3:112-140.
  • Berry JW, Poortinga YH, Segall MH, Dasen PJ.(1992) Cross-cultural psychology: Research and applications, first ed. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
  • Bhugra D, Gupta S, Bhui K ve ark.(2011) WPA Guidance on mental health and mental health care in migrants.. World Psychiatry, 10 :2-10.
  • Brüne M. (2007) On human selfdomestication, psychiatry, and eugenics. Philos Ethics Humanit Med, 5:2:21.
  • Dietrich S, Beck M, Bujantugs B ve ark.(2004) The relationship between public causal beliefs and social distance toward mentally ill people. Aust N Z J Psychiatry,38:348-354.
  • Eaton W, Chen CY.(2006) Epidemiology. JA Lieberman, T Scott, MD Stroup (eds). Textbook of Schizophrenia, second ed, New York, American Psychiatric Publishing Inc.
  • Greenberg JR, Mitchell SA. (1983) Object Relations in Psychoanalytic Theory, Cambridge, Harvard University Press, MA.
  • Habel U, Gur RC, Mandal MK ve ark. (2000) Emotional processing in schizophrenia across cultures: standardized measures of discrimination and experience. Schizophr Res,42:57–66.
  • Hale AS, Pinninti NR (1994). Exorcism- resistant ghost possession treated with clopenthixol. Br J Psychiatry,165:386-388.
  • Henderson DC, Nguyen DD, Wills MM ve ark.(2010) Culture and psychiatry. TA Stern, GL Fricchione, NH Casse, M Jellinek, JF Rosenbaum (eds), Massachusetts General Hospital Handbook Of General Hospital Psychiatry,sixth ed.,Philedelphia, Saunders Elsevier,s. 629-637.
  • Hinton DE, Pich V, Chhean D ve ark. (2005) Sleep paralysis among Cambodian refugees: association with PTSD diagnosis and severity. Depress Anxiety, 22:47-51.
  • Hopper K, Harrison G, Janca A ve ark.(2007) Recovery from Schizophrenia: An International Perspective. New York, Oxford University Press.
  • Jablensky A, Sartorius N, Ernberg G ve ark. (1992) Schizophrenia: manifestations, incidence and course in different cultures. A World Health Organization ten-country study. Psychol Med Monogr Suppl,20:1–97.
  • Jablensky A, Sartorius N. (2008) What did the WHO studies really find? Schizophr Bull,34:253- 255.
  • Jalal B, Hinton DE. (2013) Rates and characteristics of sleep paralysis in the general population of Denmark and Egypt. Cult Med Psychiatry,37:534-548.
  • Jaynes J. (1976) The Origins of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind. Boston, MA, Houghton Mifflin.
  • Jeffery A. (1938) The Foreign Vocabulary of The Qur’an. Oriental Institute, Baroda, India,
  • Kala AK, Wig NN. (1982) Delusion across cultures. Int J Soc Psychiatry, 28:185-193.
  • Kalra G, Bhugra D, Shah N. (2012) Cultural aspects of schizophrenia. Int Rev Psychiatry 24:441-449.
  • Kim KI, Li D, Jiang Z ve ark. (1993) Schizophrenic delusions among Koreans, Korean- Chinese and Chinese: a transcultural study. Int J Soc Psychiatry 39:190-199.
  • Kirmayer LJ, Jarvis GE.(2006) Depression across cultures. DJ Stein, DJ Kupfer, AF Schatzberg (eds), Textbook of Mood Disorders. American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc., Arlington, VA,s.699-716.
  • Kirmayer LJ. (2006) Nightmares, Neurophenomenology and the cultural logic of trauma. Cult Med Psychiatry, 33:323–331.
  • Laing RD, Esterson A. (1964) Sanity, Madness and the Family, London, Penguin Books.
  • Lake CR. (2008) Hypothesis: grandiosity and guilt cause paranoia; paranoid schizophrenia is a psychotic mood disorder; a review. Schizophr Bull,34:1151-1162.
  • Lipset D.(1982) Gregory Bateson the Legacy of a Scientist, Boston, Beacon Press.
  • Luhrmann TM, Padmavati R, Tharoor H ve ark. (2014) Differences in voice-hearing experiences of people with psychosis in the USA, India and Ghana: interview-based study. Br J Psychiatry, pii: bjp.bp.113.139048. [Epub ahead of print]
  • Luhrmann TM.(2007) Social defeat and the culture of chronicity: or, why schizophrenia does so well over there and so badly here. Cult Med Psychiatry,31:135-72.
  • Marsella AJ,Dash-Scheur A. (1988) Coping, culture, and healthy human development: A research and conceptual overview. P Dasen, JW Berry, N Sartorius (eds), Cross-cultural psychology and health: Toward applications, Newbury Park, CA, Sage,s. 162-178.
  • McNally RJ, Clancy SA.(2005) Sleep paralysis, sexual abuse, and space alien abduction. Transcult Psychiatry,42:113-122.
  • Mirowsky J.(1985) Disorder and its context: Paranoid beliefs as thematic elements of thought problems, hallucinations, and delusions under threatening social conditions. Res Community Ment Health,5:185-204.
  • Morgan C, McKenzie K, Faeron P. (2008) Society and Pyschosis, Cambridge University Press , New York.
  • Neill J.(1990) Whatever became of the schizophrenogenic mother? Am J Psychother,44:499-505.
  • Oldham J M, Gabbard GO, Goin MK ve ark. (2001) Practice guideline for the treatment of patients with borderline personality disorder. American Journal of Psychiatry,158:1-52.
  • Paradis C, Friedman S, Hinton DE ve ark. (2009) The assessment of the phenomenology of sleep paralysis: the Unusual Sleep Experiences Questionnaire (USEQ). CNS Neurosci Ther,15:220- 226.
  • Paradis CM, Friedman S. (2005) Sleep paralysis in African Americans with panic disorder. Transcult Psychiatry 42:123-134.
  • Pescosolido BA, Martin JK, Long JS ve ark. (2010) "A disease like any other?” A decade of change in public reactions to schizophrenia, depression, and alcohol dependence. Am J Psychiatry,167:1321-1330.
  • Peters LG. (1995) Karga puja: A transpersonal ritual of healing in Tamang shamanism. Altern Ther Health Med,1:53-61.
  • Raine A, Reynolds C, Lencz T ve ark. (1994) Cognitive-perceptual, interpersonal, and disorganized features of schizotypal personality. Schizophr Bull, 20:191–201.
  • Rao S. (1966) Culture and mental disorders: a study in an Indian mental hospital. Int J Soc Psychiatry,12:39-48.
  • Rock A, Abbott G, Kambouropoulos N. (2008) Altered experience mediates the relationship between schizotypy and mood disturbance during shamanic-like journeying. Journal of Scientific Exploratio,22: 371–384.
  • Spicker P. (2013)The Moral Dimensions of Individualism. Reclaiming Individualism. University of Bristol, UKs.23-55.
  • Spiegel D, Loewenstein RJ, Lewis-Fernández R ve ark.(2011) Dissociative disorders in DSM-5. Depress Anxiety.28:824-852.
  • Stone MH. (2006) History of schizophrenia and its antecedents JA Lieberman, TS Stroup,DO Perkins (eds). Textbook of Schizophrenia, The American Psychiatric Publishing Inc., Arlington,s.1- 15.
  • Suhail K, Cochrane R.(2002) Effect of culture and environment on the phenomenology of delusions and hallucinations. Int J Soc Psychiatry,48:126-138.
  • Sullivan HS. (1956) Clinical Studies in Psychiatry, New York, Norton.
  • Tanaka-Matsumi J.(1979)Taijin Kyofusho: diagnostic and cultural issu es in Japanese psychiatry. Cult Med Psychiatry, 3:231-45.
  • Tateyama M, Asai M, Kamisada M ve ark. (1993) Comparison of schizophrenic delusions between Japan and Germany. Psychopathology,26:151-158.
  • Trower P, Chadwick P. (1995) Pathways to defence of the self: A theory of two types of paranoia. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, 2:263–278.
  • Tseng W.S .(2003) Clinician’s Guide to Cultural Psychiatry . San Diego, CA, Academic Press.
  • Wong Y, Tsai J. (2007) Cultural Models of Shame and Guilt. J Tracy, R Robins, J Tangney (eds.). Handbook of Self-Conscious Emotions, New York,sp. 210-223 .
There are 58 citations in total.


Other ID JA94SV47PJ
Journal Section Research Article

Ebru Çobanoğlu This is me

Bora Baskak This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2014
Submission Date June 1, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2014 Volume: 22 Issue: 1


APA Çobanoğlu, E., & Baskak, B. (2014). Şizofreniyle ilişkili kültürel etmenler. Kriz Dergisi, 22(1), 1-12.