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Year 2004, Volume: 12 Issue: 1, 55 - 65, 01.03.2004


İn recieving a of bone marrovv transplant
some psychological reactions are regarded as
normal. These reactions are anxiety, grief,
regression, ambivalance and neuropsychiatric
disregulation of the brain. Besides these vvidely accepted reactions some psychological symptoms
vvhich may need intervention can also be
observed in these patients. These reactions
include; persistent suicidal ideation or frank suicidality,
depression that clearly departs from the
normal grief reaction, disruptive anxiety, pathological
regression vvhich may be attaining frank
psychiatric decompansation and organic delirium.
When patients have one of these symptoms
urgent psychopharmocological and psychotherapeutic
interventions are needed. Some problems
presented by being an established cancer
patient and the side effects of the used drugs
(chemothearapeutics, corticosteroids and narcotic
analgesics) metabolic encephalopathy and
electrolit imbalance. These treatments created a
suitable medium for these reactions to occur. İn
bone marrovv transplant patients, the psychological
symptoms may arise in any phase of the
course of the disease (diagnosis, therapy, or
recovery). For that reason, psychological treatment
modalities should be included in to the
whole process of the medical treatment protocol.
İn this paper, the psychological state of the
person during such therapy is presented
through his vvritings. This paper can raise a nevv
vievvpoint in the evaluation of such patients


  • Breitbart W (1994) Psycho-oncology: depression, anxiety, delirium. Semin Oncol. 21(6):754-769.
  • Brovvn HN, Kelly MJ (1976) Stages of bone narrow transplantation: A psychiatric perspective. Psychosom Med. 1976; 38:439-446.
  • Favvzy Fİ ve Greenberg (1996) Textbook of consultation liaison psychiatry, Rundell JR, Wise MG (eds), American Psychiatric Pres s.687. Futterman AD and VVellisch DK (1990)
  • Psychodynamic themes of bone marrovv transplantation. Hematol Oncol Clin North Am. 4(3):699-709.
  • Futterman AD, VVellisch DK, Bond G ve ark. (1991) The psychosocial levels system: A new rating scale to identity and asses emotional difficulties during bone marrovv transplantation. Psychosomatics; 32 (2):177-186.
  • Gürman G, Oğuz TF, Haran S ve ark. (2000) Anxiety and depression throughout the hematopoietic celi transplantation process. Journal of Ankara Med School 22(3), 141-145.
  • Harder H, Cornelissen JJ, Van Gool AR ve ark. (2002) Cognitive functioning qand qualty of life in long-term adult survivors of bone marrovv transplantation. Cancer, 1;95(1):183-192.
  • Illescas-Rico R, Amaya Ayala F, JimenezLopez JL ve ark. (2002) Increased incidence of anxiety and depresion during bone marrovv transplantation. Arch Med res, 33(2):144-147.
  • Kiss A (1994) Support of the transplant team. Supporty Çare Cancer, 2(1): 56-60 Strouse TB, VVolcott DL, Skotzko CE. (1996) Textbook of consultation liaison psychiatry, Rundell JR, VVİse MG (eds), American Psychiatric Pres s.640.
  • Trask PC, Paterson A, Riba M ve ark. (2002) Assesment of psychological distress in prospective bone marrovv transplant patients. Bone Marrovv Transplant, 29(11 ):917-925.
  • Trestman RL, Woo-Ming AM, Vegvar M ve ark (1998) Treatment of personality disorders. Textbook of psychopharmacology, second edition, The American Psychiatric Pres, Schatzberg AF and Nemeroff CB, s .903.
  • VVellisch DK & VVolcott DL (1994) Psychological issues bone marrovv transplantation, Bone Marrovv Transplantation ed. S.J Forman, K.B. Blume, & E. D. Thomas, s 556-570.


Year 2004, Volume: 12 Issue: 1, 55 - 65, 01.03.2004


Yüksek doz kemoterapi eşliğinde otolog
veya allogenik kemik iliği nakli yapılan hastalarda;
bunaltı, keder, ambivalans, çocukluk dönemine
gerileme ve bilişsel işlevlerin bozulması
tedavi sürecinde sıklıkla karşılaşılan olağan ruhsal
durumlardır. İntihar eğilimi ve/veya girişimi,
keder duygusundan öte ciddi depresyon, yoğun
bunaltı duygusu, patolojik gerileme ve delirium
tablosu hızlı tanı ve tedavi gerektiren durumlardır.
Tedavi sürecinde kullanılan kemoterapötikler,
kortikosteroidler ve narkotikler gibi
ilaçların yan etkileri, metabolik ensefalopati ve
elektrolit dengesinin bozulması ile birlikte
kanser tanısının kişide oluşturduğu duygusal
travma, kemik iliği nakli kararı ve nakil sürecinin
güçlükleri bu dönemde karşılaşılan zorluklardandır.
Hastaların yaşam kalitelerini azaltan birey üzerinde ciddi fiziksel, ekonomik ve ruhsal
etkiler yaratan kemik iliği nakli tedavisine
psikososyal tedavi boyutunun eklenmesi bir
zorunluluktur. Bu yazıda kemik iliği nakil
ünitesinde otolog kemik iliği nakli yapılan bir üst
düzey bürokratın klinikte yattığı süreçteki duygu
ve düşüncelerini yansıtan makalesi ve yayınlardan
kısaca aktarılan bilgiler yer almaktadır.
A.Y.C'nin nakil döneminde geçirdiği duygusal
sürecin aktarıldığı makale, okuyucuya farklı bir
bakış açısı getirmektedir.


  • Breitbart W (1994) Psycho-oncology: depression, anxiety, delirium. Semin Oncol. 21(6):754-769.
  • Brovvn HN, Kelly MJ (1976) Stages of bone narrow transplantation: A psychiatric perspective. Psychosom Med. 1976; 38:439-446.
  • Favvzy Fİ ve Greenberg (1996) Textbook of consultation liaison psychiatry, Rundell JR, Wise MG (eds), American Psychiatric Pres s.687. Futterman AD and VVellisch DK (1990)
  • Psychodynamic themes of bone marrovv transplantation. Hematol Oncol Clin North Am. 4(3):699-709.
  • Futterman AD, VVellisch DK, Bond G ve ark. (1991) The psychosocial levels system: A new rating scale to identity and asses emotional difficulties during bone marrovv transplantation. Psychosomatics; 32 (2):177-186.
  • Gürman G, Oğuz TF, Haran S ve ark. (2000) Anxiety and depression throughout the hematopoietic celi transplantation process. Journal of Ankara Med School 22(3), 141-145.
  • Harder H, Cornelissen JJ, Van Gool AR ve ark. (2002) Cognitive functioning qand qualty of life in long-term adult survivors of bone marrovv transplantation. Cancer, 1;95(1):183-192.
  • Illescas-Rico R, Amaya Ayala F, JimenezLopez JL ve ark. (2002) Increased incidence of anxiety and depresion during bone marrovv transplantation. Arch Med res, 33(2):144-147.
  • Kiss A (1994) Support of the transplant team. Supporty Çare Cancer, 2(1): 56-60 Strouse TB, VVolcott DL, Skotzko CE. (1996) Textbook of consultation liaison psychiatry, Rundell JR, VVİse MG (eds), American Psychiatric Pres s.640.
  • Trask PC, Paterson A, Riba M ve ark. (2002) Assesment of psychological distress in prospective bone marrovv transplant patients. Bone Marrovv Transplant, 29(11 ):917-925.
  • Trestman RL, Woo-Ming AM, Vegvar M ve ark (1998) Treatment of personality disorders. Textbook of psychopharmacology, second edition, The American Psychiatric Pres, Schatzberg AF and Nemeroff CB, s .903.
  • VVellisch DK & VVolcott DL (1994) Psychological issues bone marrovv transplantation, Bone Marrovv Transplantation ed. S.J Forman, K.B. Blume, & E. D. Thomas, s 556-570.
There are 12 citations in total.


Other ID JA23KR68TK
Journal Section Research Article

Vesile Şentürk This is me

Meltem Yaylı This is me

Yavuz Civelek Ahmet This is me

Publication Date March 1, 2004
Submission Date March 1, 2004
Published in Issue Year 2004 Volume: 12 Issue: 1


APA Şentürk, V., Yaylı, M., & Civelek Ahmet, Y. (2004). BİR HASTANIN GÜNCESİ: KEMİK İLİĞİ NAKLİ YAPILAN HASTALARA PSİKOSOSYAL YAKLAŞIM. Kriz Dergisi, 12(1), 55-65.