Year 2002,
Volume: 10 Issue: 2, 49 - 60, 01.06.2002
A Schmıdtke
S. Schaller
İ. Mıller
In the scientific literatüre there is no doubt
that imitation effects on aggression and suicide
exist. The reporting or portrayal of aggressive or
suicidal behaviour might be influential in the
short and long term. Previous data suggest that
also amok behaviour might be imitated. An
analysis of 132 reports of amok events for the
time period 01. 01. 1993 - 30. 06. 2000 in two
majör German nevvspapers shovved that the
majority of amok events are not distributed by
chance över time. Most amok events follovv an
other event in a period of time vvhich is within the
frame given by many studies of imitation: 10
days in Phillips (1974) studies, 18 days in the
study by Schmidtke & Hâfner (1988). This
uneven distribution speaks for a possible trigger
effect. There are also examples of a strong
similarity betvveen the events with regard to
person variables and the "modus operandi" of
the acts. Therefore, it may be dangerous to
report about amok events in a sensational way.
The reporting may trigger the same attitude and
behaviour in persons who found themselves in a
similar state of mood. That it would be possible
to use the media also for preventing such acts is
clearly shown by some studies on media effects
on suicidal behaviour.
- Adler L (2001). Amok im Spektrum homizidalsuizidaler
Handlungen. Suicidprophylaxe, 28, 103-
- Adler L (2000). Amok. München: Belleville.
- Adler L, Lehmann K, Râder K, Schünemann
KF (1993). "Amoklâufer" -kontentanalytische
Untersuchung an 196 Pressemitteilungen aus
industrialisierten Lândern. Fortschritte der Neurologie
und Psychiatrie, 61, 424-433.
- Arboleda-Florez J (1971). Amok. İn: RC Simon
& CC Hughes (Eds.) The culture bound syndromes.
Dordrecht: Reidel, 251-262.
- Bach-y-Rita G, Lion JR, Climent CE, Ervin FR
(1971). Episodic dyscontrol -a study of 130 violent
patients. American Journal of Psychiatry, 127, 49-
- Berkowitz L, Macaulay J (1971). The contagion
of criminal violence. Sociometry, 34, 238-260.
- Berman A, Jobes D, O'CarroII P (1995). The
aftermath of Kurt Cobains's suicide. Paper presented
at the XVIII Congress of the International Association
for Suicide Prevention, Venice.
- Cantor CH, Sheehan PW (1996). Violence and
media reports -a connection with Hungerford?
Archives of Suicide Research, 2, 255-266.
- Etzersdorfer E (2001). Suicide prevention by the
media: Austrian experience. Paper presented at the
Con-gress NoSuicide, Geneva.
- Elzersdorfer E, Sonneck G (1999).
Suizidprâvention durch Beeinflussung von
Medienberichten. Psychotherapie, 4, 199-205.
- Gould MS, Shaffer D (1986). The impact of
suicide in television movies. New England Journal of
Medicine, 315, 690-694.
- Havvton K, Simkin S, Deeks JJ, O'Connor S,
Keen A, Altman DG, Philo G, Bulstrode C (1999).
Effects of a drug overdose in a television drama on
presentations to hospital for şelf poisoning: time
series and questionnaire study. British Medical
Journal, 318, 972-977.
- Hâfner H, Schmidtke A (1986). Effects of the
mass media on suicidal behaviour and deliberate
self-harm. VVHO-Paper ICP/PSF 017/10.
- Jobes DA, Berman AL, O'Carrol P, Eastgard S,
Knickmeyer S (1996). The Kurt Cobain suicide crisis:
perspectives from research, public health and the
news media. Sucide and Life Threatening Behavior,
- Kienhorst I (1994). Kurt Cobain. Crisis, 15: 62-
- Kraepelin E (1904). Vergleichende Psychiatrie.
Zentralbl. Gesamte Neurol. Psychiat. 27, 433- 437.
- Maletzky B M (1973). The epsisodic dyscontrol
syndrome. Diseases of the Nervous System, 34,178-
- Murphy H B M (1982). The affective disorders of
comparative psychiatry. The international and
intercultural distribution of mental illness. İn: Murphy,
H. B. M. (Eds.) Berlin: Springer, 108-114.
- Oxford English Dictionary. 1989. Oxford:
Clarendon, 407.
- Phillips DP (1974). The influence of suggestion
on suicide: Substantive and theoretical implications of
the VVerther effect. American Sociological Revievv,
39, 340-354.
- Phillips DP (1982). The impact of fictional
television stories on U.S. adult fatalities: New
evidence on the effect of the mass media on violence.
American Journal of Sociology, 87:1340-1359.
- Phillips DP (1983). The impact of mass media
violence on U.S. homicides. American Sociological
Revievv, 48: 560-568.
- Phillips DP (1998). The VVerther effect. Suicide,
and other forms of violence, are contagious.
Sciences, 25, 32-39.
- Phillips DP, Carstensen LL (1998.) The effect of
suicide stories on various demographic groups, 1968-
85. Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior, 18, 100-
- Phillips DP, Carstensen LL (1996). Clustering of
teenage suicides af ter television news stories about
suicide. New England Journal of Medicine, 315, 685-
- Phillips DP, Hensley JE (1984). VVhen violence
is revvarded or punished: The impact of mass media
stories on homicide. Journal of Communication, 34,
- Phillips DP, Lesyna MA, Paight DJ (1992).
Suicide and the media. İn: RW Maris, AL Berman, JT
Maltsberger and Rl Yufit (Eds.). Assessment and
Prediction of Suicide. New York: Guilford.
- Schmidtke A, Fricke S, Lester D (1999). Suicide
among German Federal and State poliçe officers.
Psychological Reports, 84, 157-166.
- Schmidtke A, Hâfner H (1988). The VVerther
effect after television films-evidence for an old
hypothesis. Psychological Medicine, 18, 665-676.
- Schmidtke A, Schaller S (2000). The role of
mass media in suicide prevention. İn: K Havvton &
K van Heeringen (Eds.). International handbook of
suicide and attempted suicide. New York: VViley, 675-
- Schmidtke A, Schaller S (1998). VVhat do we
knovv about media effects on imitation of suicidal
behavior? State of the art. İn: D DeLeo, DA
Schmidtke & RFVV Diekstra (Eds.) Suicide prevention
- A holistic approach. Kluwer, 121-137.
- Schmidtke A, Schaller S, VVasserman D (2001).
Suicide clusters and media coverage of suicide. İn
VVasserman D (Ed.). Suicide -An unnecessary death.
London: Dunitz, 265-268.
- Siegel S (1956). Nonparametric statistics.
London. MacGraw Hill.
- Stack S (1989). The effect of publicezed
mass murders and murder suicides on lethal
violence, 1968-1980: A research note. Social
Psychiatriy and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 1989, 24,
- Stack S (1996). The effect of the media on
suicide: evidence from Japan. Suicide and LifeThreatening
Behavior, 26, 405-414.
- Velting DM, Gould MS (1997). Suicide
contagion. İn: RW Maris, MS Silverman & SS Canetto
(Eds.) Review of Suicidology. New York: Guilford, 96-
Year 2002,
Volume: 10 Issue: 2, 49 - 60, 01.06.2002
A Schmıdtke
S. Schaller
İ. Mıller
- Adler L (2001). Amok im Spektrum homizidalsuizidaler
Handlungen. Suicidprophylaxe, 28, 103-
- Adler L (2000). Amok. München: Belleville.
- Adler L, Lehmann K, Râder K, Schünemann
KF (1993). "Amoklâufer" -kontentanalytische
Untersuchung an 196 Pressemitteilungen aus
industrialisierten Lândern. Fortschritte der Neurologie
und Psychiatrie, 61, 424-433.
- Arboleda-Florez J (1971). Amok. İn: RC Simon
& CC Hughes (Eds.) The culture bound syndromes.
Dordrecht: Reidel, 251-262.
- Bach-y-Rita G, Lion JR, Climent CE, Ervin FR
(1971). Episodic dyscontrol -a study of 130 violent
patients. American Journal of Psychiatry, 127, 49-
- Berkowitz L, Macaulay J (1971). The contagion
of criminal violence. Sociometry, 34, 238-260.
- Berman A, Jobes D, O'CarroII P (1995). The
aftermath of Kurt Cobains's suicide. Paper presented
at the XVIII Congress of the International Association
for Suicide Prevention, Venice.
- Cantor CH, Sheehan PW (1996). Violence and
media reports -a connection with Hungerford?
Archives of Suicide Research, 2, 255-266.
- Etzersdorfer E (2001). Suicide prevention by the
media: Austrian experience. Paper presented at the
Con-gress NoSuicide, Geneva.
- Elzersdorfer E, Sonneck G (1999).
Suizidprâvention durch Beeinflussung von
Medienberichten. Psychotherapie, 4, 199-205.
- Gould MS, Shaffer D (1986). The impact of
suicide in television movies. New England Journal of
Medicine, 315, 690-694.
- Havvton K, Simkin S, Deeks JJ, O'Connor S,
Keen A, Altman DG, Philo G, Bulstrode C (1999).
Effects of a drug overdose in a television drama on
presentations to hospital for şelf poisoning: time
series and questionnaire study. British Medical
Journal, 318, 972-977.
- Hâfner H, Schmidtke A (1986). Effects of the
mass media on suicidal behaviour and deliberate
self-harm. VVHO-Paper ICP/PSF 017/10.
- Jobes DA, Berman AL, O'Carrol P, Eastgard S,
Knickmeyer S (1996). The Kurt Cobain suicide crisis:
perspectives from research, public health and the
news media. Sucide and Life Threatening Behavior,
- Kienhorst I (1994). Kurt Cobain. Crisis, 15: 62-
- Kraepelin E (1904). Vergleichende Psychiatrie.
Zentralbl. Gesamte Neurol. Psychiat. 27, 433- 437.
- Maletzky B M (1973). The epsisodic dyscontrol
syndrome. Diseases of the Nervous System, 34,178-
- Murphy H B M (1982). The affective disorders of
comparative psychiatry. The international and
intercultural distribution of mental illness. İn: Murphy,
H. B. M. (Eds.) Berlin: Springer, 108-114.
- Oxford English Dictionary. 1989. Oxford:
Clarendon, 407.
- Phillips DP (1974). The influence of suggestion
on suicide: Substantive and theoretical implications of
the VVerther effect. American Sociological Revievv,
39, 340-354.
- Phillips DP (1982). The impact of fictional
television stories on U.S. adult fatalities: New
evidence on the effect of the mass media on violence.
American Journal of Sociology, 87:1340-1359.
- Phillips DP (1983). The impact of mass media
violence on U.S. homicides. American Sociological
Revievv, 48: 560-568.
- Phillips DP (1998). The VVerther effect. Suicide,
and other forms of violence, are contagious.
Sciences, 25, 32-39.
- Phillips DP, Carstensen LL (1998.) The effect of
suicide stories on various demographic groups, 1968-
85. Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior, 18, 100-
- Phillips DP, Carstensen LL (1996). Clustering of
teenage suicides af ter television news stories about
suicide. New England Journal of Medicine, 315, 685-
- Phillips DP, Hensley JE (1984). VVhen violence
is revvarded or punished: The impact of mass media
stories on homicide. Journal of Communication, 34,
- Phillips DP, Lesyna MA, Paight DJ (1992).
Suicide and the media. İn: RW Maris, AL Berman, JT
Maltsberger and Rl Yufit (Eds.). Assessment and
Prediction of Suicide. New York: Guilford.
- Schmidtke A, Fricke S, Lester D (1999). Suicide
among German Federal and State poliçe officers.
Psychological Reports, 84, 157-166.
- Schmidtke A, Hâfner H (1988). The VVerther
effect after television films-evidence for an old
hypothesis. Psychological Medicine, 18, 665-676.
- Schmidtke A, Schaller S (2000). The role of
mass media in suicide prevention. İn: K Havvton &
K van Heeringen (Eds.). International handbook of
suicide and attempted suicide. New York: VViley, 675-
- Schmidtke A, Schaller S (1998). VVhat do we
knovv about media effects on imitation of suicidal
behavior? State of the art. İn: D DeLeo, DA
Schmidtke & RFVV Diekstra (Eds.) Suicide prevention
- A holistic approach. Kluwer, 121-137.
- Schmidtke A, Schaller S, VVasserman D (2001).
Suicide clusters and media coverage of suicide. İn
VVasserman D (Ed.). Suicide -An unnecessary death.
London: Dunitz, 265-268.
- Siegel S (1956). Nonparametric statistics.
London. MacGraw Hill.
- Stack S (1989). The effect of publicezed
mass murders and murder suicides on lethal
violence, 1968-1980: A research note. Social
Psychiatriy and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 1989, 24,
- Stack S (1996). The effect of the media on
suicide: evidence from Japan. Suicide and LifeThreatening
Behavior, 26, 405-414.
- Velting DM, Gould MS (1997). Suicide
contagion. İn: RW Maris, MS Silverman & SS Canetto
(Eds.) Review of Suicidology. New York: Guilford, 96-