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The Prevalance of Depressive Symptom Levels in Puerperal Period: Relationship with Obstetric Risk Factors, Anxiety Levels and Social Support

Year 2002, Volume: 10 Issue: 1, 0 - 0, 01.03.2002


Objective: Pregnancy and postpartum
period are accepted as risk periods for depression by many clinicians. Depression beginning
during pregnancy may last in postpartum period
or it may just begin in postpartum days. For this
reason in this period clinicians must be careful
about mental disorders especially depression.
The aim of this study is to determine the depressive
symptom levels and their relations with
sociodemographic charactecistics, obstetric risk
factors and anxiety levels in postpartum period.
Method: 100 patients at their first postpartum
day were assessed by means of depressive
symptoms, state-trait anxiety and perceived
social support with the aid of Multidimensional
Scale of Perceived Social Support, State-Trait
Anxiety Inventory "STAI", and Beck Depression
Inventory. Results: The present results
have important implications. The prevalence
of high levels of depressive symptoms was
found to be % 10-15 in the postpartum period.
Age, education, employment state, number of
children and perceived social support were not
associated vvith depressive symptom levels.
Hovvever depressive symptoms were found to
be more, prevalent in physically ili mothers. Ali
mothers trait anxiety scores were high but there
vvere no differences betvveen depressed and
non-depressed groups by means of state and
by the trait anxiety scores. Discussion: The
findings of this study show that most of the puerperal
vvomen suffer from anxiety and smaller
proportion of them also have severe depressive
symptoms. We suggest that both of them worsen
the quality of life of the mother and the infant.
These must be identified and intervened for the
well being of both mother and infant


  • Atkinson AK, Rickel AU.(1983) Depression in vvoman: the postpartum experince. Issues Ment Health Nurs, 3;5:197-218.
  • Appleby L. (1991) Silicide during pregnancy and in the first postnatal year. BMJ, 302:137-140.
  • Beck AT ve ark. (1961) An inventory for measuring depression. Arch Gen Psychiatry, 4:561-571.
  • Beck CT (1995) Screening metods for postpartum depression. J Obstet Gynecol Neonatal Nurs, 24:308-312.
  • Cooper PJ, Campbell EA, Day A. (1988) Nonpsychotic psychiatric disorder after childbirth. Br J Psychiatry, 152:799-806.
  • Cox JL, Connor Y, Kendell RE. (1982) Prospective study of the psychiatric disorders of childbirth. Br J Psychiatry, 140:111-117.
  • Cutrona CE. (1986) Social support, infant temperament and parenting self-efficacy: a mediational model of postpartum depression. Child Dev, 57: 1507-1518.
  • Eker D,Arkan H (1995) Çok boyutlu algılanan sosyal destek ölçeğinin faktör yapısı geçerlik ve güvenirliği. Türk Psikoloji Dergisi 10 (34): 45-55.
  • Field T, Sandberg D, Garcia R. (1985) Pregnancy problems, postpartum depression, and early mother-infant interactions. Dev Psychol, 21(6):1152-1156.
  • Frank G. (1987) Pregnancy related affective disorders among vvoman with recurrent depression. Am J Psychiatry, 144:288-293.
  • Gitlin MJ. (1989) Psychiatric syndromes linked to reproductive function in vvomen: a revievv of current knovvledge. Am J Psychiatry, 146:1413-1422.
  • Gotlib H, VVhiffen VE, Mount JH. (1989) Prevalence rates and demografic charasteristics associated vvith depression in pregnancy and the postpartum. J Cons Clin Psycol, 57:269-274.
  • Gotlib H, VVhiffen VE. (1987) Prevalans rates and demographic characteristics associated vvith depression in pregnancy and postpartum. J Consult Clin Psychol, 144:188-293.
  • Gotlip IH. (1991) Prospective investigation of postpartum depression: Factors involved in onset and recovery. J Abnorm Psychol, 100(2):122-132.
  • Green JM. (1990) Expectations, experiences and psychological outcomes of childbirth: a prospective study of 825 vvomen. Birth, 17:15-24.
  • Hail LA, Kotch JB, Brovvne D. (1996) SelfEsteem as a mediator of the effects of stressors and social recources on depressive semptoms in postpartum mothers. Nursing Research, 45(4): 231- 238.
  • Hail LA, VVilliams CA, Greenberg RS. (1985) Supports, stressors and depressive semptoms in lovvincome mothers of young children. Am J Public Health, 75:518-522.
  • Hisli N. (1989) Beck depresyon envanterinin üniversite öğrencileri için geçerliği, güvenirliği. Psikoloji dergisi , 7:3-14.
  • Jeffrey L. (1996) Postpartum depressive disorders. J Fam Pract, 43(suppl): s17-s24.
  • Kendell RE. (1987) Epidemiology of puerperal psychoses. Br J Psychitry, 150:662-673,
  • Kitamura T. (1993) Psychological and social correlates of the onset of affective disorders among pregnant vvoman. Psychol Med, 23:967-975.
  • Klein MH, Essex MJ. (1995) Pregnant or depressed? The effect of overlap betvveen symptoms of depression and somatic complaints of pregnancy on rates of majör depression in second trimester. Depression, 2:308-314.
  • Kumar R, Robson K. (1994) Postnatal mental illness: a transcultural perspective. Sos Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol, 29:250-264.
  • Llevvellyn AM, Stovve ZN, Nemeroff CB. (1997) Depression during pregnancy and the puerperium. J Clin Psychiatry, 58(supp 15):26-32.
  • Lustman PJ. (1992) Depression in adults vvith diabetes. Diabetes Çare, 11:1631-1639.
  • Neziroğlu F. (1992) Onset of obsesive compulsive disorder in pregnancy. Am J Psychiatry, 149:947-950.
  • O'Hara MW, Rehm LP, Campbell SB. (1982) Predicting depressive symptomatology: cognitivebehavioural models and postpartum depression. J Abnorm Psychol, 91:457-461.
  • O'Hara MW, VVhiffen VE. (1984) Prospective study of postpartum depression: prevalance, course and predictive factors. J Abnorm Psychol, 93:158- 171.
  • O'Hara MVV, Zekoski EM, Philipps LH. (1990) Controlled prospective study of postpartum mood dis orders: Comparison of childbearing and nonchildbearing vvomen. J Abnorm Psychol, 99(1):3-1.
  • O'Hara MW. (1986) Social support, life events and depression during pregnancy and puerperium. Arch Gen Psychiatry, 43:569-573.
  • Öner N, Le Compte A. (1983) Durumluk-Sürekli kaygı envanteri el kitabı. İstanbul Boğaziçi Ünv. Yay. No.333.
  • Öztürk MO, (1990) Duygulanım Bozuklukları, Ruh Sağlığı ve Bozuklukları. Evrim Basım-YayımDağıtım, Ankara, 205-222.
  • Patrick C. (1990) Mediators of depression among low-income, adolescent mothers of infants: A longitudinal perspective. J Youth and Adolescence, 19:327-347.
  • Rudy DR, Kurovvski K. (1997) Depression, Family Medicine. VVilliams VVilkins, 791-841. Stovve ZN. (1995) Woman at risk for postpartum onset majör depression. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 173:639-645.
  • Türkiye Nüfus ve Sağlık Araştırması 1993 Ankara. Sağlık Bakanlığı Ana- Çocuk Sağlığı ve Aile Planlaması Genel Müdürlüğü, Hacettepe Üniversitesi Nüfus Etütleri Enstitüsü ve DHS Macrointemational Inc., 1994.
  • Vandenbergh RL. (1980) Postpartum depression. Clin Obstet Gynecol, 23:1105-1111.
  • VVarner R. (1996) Demografic and obstetric risk factors for postnatal psychiatric morbidity. B J Psychiatry, 168:607-611.
  • VVatson JP, Elliot SA, Rugg AJ. (1984) Psychiatrric disorder in pregnancy and the first postnatal year. Br J Psychiatry, 144:453-462.
  • VVeissman MM, Olfson M. (1995) Depression in vvoman: implication for health çare research. Secience, 269:799-801.
  • Zimet G, Dahlem N. (1988) The multidimensional sale of perceived social support. J Personality Assesment, 52(1):30-41.


Year 2002, Volume: 10 Issue: 1, 0 - 0, 01.03.2002


Amaç: Gebelik ve postpartum dönem
birçok klinisyen tarafından depresyon için yüksek
risk dönemi olarak kabul edilmektedir.
Gebelikte başlayan depresyonun doğum sonrası
devam edebileceği gibi sadece postpartum
dönemde depresyonlar başlayabilir. Bu sebeple
özellikle problemlere açık bu dönemde depresyon
başta olmak üzere birçok ruhsal soruna
karşı hekimin dikkatli olması gerekmektedir. Bu
çalışmanın amacı; post partum dönemde depresif
semptom düzeyleri, ve bunların sosyodemografik
özellikler, obstetrik risk faktörleri, ve
anksiyete düzeyleri ile ilişkisini saptamaktır.
Yöntem: Bu tarama çalışmasında, 100 kadında
doğumdan sonraki ilk yirmi dört saat içinde
anket formu, Beck depresyon ölçeği, durumluk
ve sürekli kaygı ölçeği ve sosyal destek ölçeği
ile depresyon semptom düzeyleri, kaygı düzeyi
ve algılanan sosyal destek açısından değerlendirilmiştir.
Bulgular: Postpartum dönemde
depresif semptom prevalansı % 10-15 arasında
değişmektedir. Çalışmamıza göre depresyon semptomları düzeyi, gebelik yaşı, evlilik süresi,
eğitim düzeyi, sosyoekonomik düzey, antenatal
bakım ve sosyal destekle ilişkili değildir. Kronik
fiziksel hastalığı olan kadınların depresyon
semptomları düzeyleri kronik fiziksel hastalığı
olmayanlara göre istatistiksel olarak anlamlı
düzeyde yüksektir. Bütün annelerin sürekli
kaygı düzeyleri yüksek saptanmasına rağmen,
depresyon semptomları yüksek olan grup
olmayanlar ile karşılaştırıldığında kaygı düzeyleri
açısından istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir fark
saptanmamıştır. Tartışma: Bu çalışmanın
sonuçları, puerperal kadınların büyük bir
bölümü anksiyete semptomlarından ve daha az
bir kısmı da ağır depresyon semptomlarından
yakınmakta olduğunu göstermektedir. Her ikisi
de hem yeni doğanın hem de annenin yaşam
kalitesini bozabilecek durumlardır, bu sebeple
tanınmaları ve gereken durumlarda müdahale
edilmeleri anne ve bebeğin lehine olacaktır


  • Atkinson AK, Rickel AU.(1983) Depression in vvoman: the postpartum experince. Issues Ment Health Nurs, 3;5:197-218.
  • Appleby L. (1991) Silicide during pregnancy and in the first postnatal year. BMJ, 302:137-140.
  • Beck AT ve ark. (1961) An inventory for measuring depression. Arch Gen Psychiatry, 4:561-571.
  • Beck CT (1995) Screening metods for postpartum depression. J Obstet Gynecol Neonatal Nurs, 24:308-312.
  • Cooper PJ, Campbell EA, Day A. (1988) Nonpsychotic psychiatric disorder after childbirth. Br J Psychiatry, 152:799-806.
  • Cox JL, Connor Y, Kendell RE. (1982) Prospective study of the psychiatric disorders of childbirth. Br J Psychiatry, 140:111-117.
  • Cutrona CE. (1986) Social support, infant temperament and parenting self-efficacy: a mediational model of postpartum depression. Child Dev, 57: 1507-1518.
  • Eker D,Arkan H (1995) Çok boyutlu algılanan sosyal destek ölçeğinin faktör yapısı geçerlik ve güvenirliği. Türk Psikoloji Dergisi 10 (34): 45-55.
  • Field T, Sandberg D, Garcia R. (1985) Pregnancy problems, postpartum depression, and early mother-infant interactions. Dev Psychol, 21(6):1152-1156.
  • Frank G. (1987) Pregnancy related affective disorders among vvoman with recurrent depression. Am J Psychiatry, 144:288-293.
  • Gitlin MJ. (1989) Psychiatric syndromes linked to reproductive function in vvomen: a revievv of current knovvledge. Am J Psychiatry, 146:1413-1422.
  • Gotlib H, VVhiffen VE, Mount JH. (1989) Prevalence rates and demografic charasteristics associated vvith depression in pregnancy and the postpartum. J Cons Clin Psycol, 57:269-274.
  • Gotlib H, VVhiffen VE. (1987) Prevalans rates and demographic characteristics associated vvith depression in pregnancy and postpartum. J Consult Clin Psychol, 144:188-293.
  • Gotlip IH. (1991) Prospective investigation of postpartum depression: Factors involved in onset and recovery. J Abnorm Psychol, 100(2):122-132.
  • Green JM. (1990) Expectations, experiences and psychological outcomes of childbirth: a prospective study of 825 vvomen. Birth, 17:15-24.
  • Hail LA, Kotch JB, Brovvne D. (1996) SelfEsteem as a mediator of the effects of stressors and social recources on depressive semptoms in postpartum mothers. Nursing Research, 45(4): 231- 238.
  • Hail LA, VVilliams CA, Greenberg RS. (1985) Supports, stressors and depressive semptoms in lovvincome mothers of young children. Am J Public Health, 75:518-522.
  • Hisli N. (1989) Beck depresyon envanterinin üniversite öğrencileri için geçerliği, güvenirliği. Psikoloji dergisi , 7:3-14.
  • Jeffrey L. (1996) Postpartum depressive disorders. J Fam Pract, 43(suppl): s17-s24.
  • Kendell RE. (1987) Epidemiology of puerperal psychoses. Br J Psychitry, 150:662-673,
  • Kitamura T. (1993) Psychological and social correlates of the onset of affective disorders among pregnant vvoman. Psychol Med, 23:967-975.
  • Klein MH, Essex MJ. (1995) Pregnant or depressed? The effect of overlap betvveen symptoms of depression and somatic complaints of pregnancy on rates of majör depression in second trimester. Depression, 2:308-314.
  • Kumar R, Robson K. (1994) Postnatal mental illness: a transcultural perspective. Sos Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol, 29:250-264.
  • Llevvellyn AM, Stovve ZN, Nemeroff CB. (1997) Depression during pregnancy and the puerperium. J Clin Psychiatry, 58(supp 15):26-32.
  • Lustman PJ. (1992) Depression in adults vvith diabetes. Diabetes Çare, 11:1631-1639.
  • Neziroğlu F. (1992) Onset of obsesive compulsive disorder in pregnancy. Am J Psychiatry, 149:947-950.
  • O'Hara MW, Rehm LP, Campbell SB. (1982) Predicting depressive symptomatology: cognitivebehavioural models and postpartum depression. J Abnorm Psychol, 91:457-461.
  • O'Hara MW, VVhiffen VE. (1984) Prospective study of postpartum depression: prevalance, course and predictive factors. J Abnorm Psychol, 93:158- 171.
  • O'Hara MVV, Zekoski EM, Philipps LH. (1990) Controlled prospective study of postpartum mood dis orders: Comparison of childbearing and nonchildbearing vvomen. J Abnorm Psychol, 99(1):3-1.
  • O'Hara MW. (1986) Social support, life events and depression during pregnancy and puerperium. Arch Gen Psychiatry, 43:569-573.
  • Öner N, Le Compte A. (1983) Durumluk-Sürekli kaygı envanteri el kitabı. İstanbul Boğaziçi Ünv. Yay. No.333.
  • Öztürk MO, (1990) Duygulanım Bozuklukları, Ruh Sağlığı ve Bozuklukları. Evrim Basım-YayımDağıtım, Ankara, 205-222.
  • Patrick C. (1990) Mediators of depression among low-income, adolescent mothers of infants: A longitudinal perspective. J Youth and Adolescence, 19:327-347.
  • Rudy DR, Kurovvski K. (1997) Depression, Family Medicine. VVilliams VVilkins, 791-841. Stovve ZN. (1995) Woman at risk for postpartum onset majör depression. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 173:639-645.
  • Türkiye Nüfus ve Sağlık Araştırması 1993 Ankara. Sağlık Bakanlığı Ana- Çocuk Sağlığı ve Aile Planlaması Genel Müdürlüğü, Hacettepe Üniversitesi Nüfus Etütleri Enstitüsü ve DHS Macrointemational Inc., 1994.
  • Vandenbergh RL. (1980) Postpartum depression. Clin Obstet Gynecol, 23:1105-1111.
  • VVarner R. (1996) Demografic and obstetric risk factors for postnatal psychiatric morbidity. B J Psychiatry, 168:607-611.
  • VVatson JP, Elliot SA, Rugg AJ. (1984) Psychiatrric disorder in pregnancy and the first postnatal year. Br J Psychiatry, 144:453-462.
  • VVeissman MM, Olfson M. (1995) Depression in vvoman: implication for health çare research. Secience, 269:799-801.
  • Zimet G, Dahlem N. (1988) The multidimensional sale of perceived social support. J Personality Assesment, 52(1):30-41.
There are 40 citations in total.


Other ID JA97FD82AY
Journal Section Research Article

Altınay Cebeci Sevsen This is me

Çiğdem Aydemir This is me

Erol Göka This is me

Publication Date March 1, 2002
Submission Date March 1, 2002
Published in Issue Year 2002 Volume: 10 Issue: 1
