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Year 1995, Volume: 3 Issue: 1, 75 - 87, 01.03.1995


  • 1- Abramson Rıchard A, Ed, Wıng Mıchael Ed "Adolescent Suıcıde Preventıon A Compendıum of Resources "Geografıc Source U S , Maıne, Now 1982
  • 2- Asarnow JR, Carlos G "Suıcıde attempts in preadolescent chıld psychıatry ınpatıents Suıcıde Life Threat Behav 1988, 18/2, p 129-36
  • 3- Brad ve dığ "Risk factors for adolescent suıcıde" Arch Gen Psychıat45 p 581-588
  • 4- Brent DA , "Psychıatrıc ımpact of the loss of an adolescent sıblıng to suıcıde", VVestern Psychıatrıc Instıtute and Clınıc, Pıttsburg, 1993 28(4), p 249-56
  • 5- Brent DA, Perper JA, ve Dığ "Fırearms and adolescent suıcıde A communıty case control study" Am J Dıs Chıld 1993, 147(10) p 1066-71
  • 6- Brown, B H , "Adolescent Suıcıde An Educator's Guıde", The Annual Convention on the American Assocıatıon for Counselıng and Development, New Orleans, LA, 21 -25, 1987
  • 7- Capuzzi, Dave' Counselıng and Interve-ıtıon Strategies for Adolescent Suıcıde Preventıon Ene Clearınghouse on Counselıng and Personnel Services, Ann Arbor, Mıch 1988
  • 8- Cheıfetz PN, Posener JA ve Dığ "An Epıdemıologıc study of adolescent suıcıde" Can J Psychıatry, 32(8), 1987, p 656-9
  • 9- Chrıstoffeı KK , ve Dığ "Adolescent suıcıde and suıcıde attempts-A populahon study" Pedıatry Emerg Çare, 4(1), 1988, p 32-40
  • 10- Corder, B.F , Haızlıp T M "Envıronmental and personalıty Sımılarıtıes in case hıstortes of suıcıde and self-poısonıng by chıldren under ten" Suıcıde Life Threat Behav 14(1), 1984, p 59-66
  • 11- Cummins RR , Allwood CW, "Suıcıde attempts or threats by chıldren and adolescents m Johannesburg" S Afr Med J 66(19)1984, p 226-9
  • 12- Ekşi, Aysel Çocuk, Genç Ana Babalar, Bilgi Yayınevi, lst,1990,ss 155-77
  • 13- Frenouvv VVıllıam ve Dığ Adolescent suıcıdal risk Psychologıcal, problem solvıng and envıronmental factors Suıcıdal and Lıfe-Threatenıng Behavıor, 23 (1), 1993, p 46-54
  • 14- Garfınkel BD, Forese A , Hood J "Suıcıde attempts in chıldren and adolescent" Am J Psychıatry, 139(10), 1982, p 1257-61
  • 15- Garland A, Saffer ve Dığ A natıonal survey of schoolbased, adolescent suıcıde preventıon program J Am Acad Chıld Adolesc Psychıatry, Nov 28(6) 1989, p 931-4
  • 16- Gısper M , Davıs M S , ve Dığ , Predıctıve factors m repeated suıcıde attempts by adolescent Hosp Communıty Psychıatry 38(4), 1987 p 390-3
  • 17- Grazman, Harrıet B , An Öpen LetterTo School Admınıstrators and Mental Healt Professıonals about School-Based, Suıcıde Preventıon Programs The Annual Meetıng of the American Orthopsychıatrıc Assocıatıon Toronto, Ontorıo Canada, 1991
  • 18- Greene Dorothea B Chıldhood suıcıde and myths surroundıng it Socıal Work", V 39, n 2,1988, p 330-32
  • 19- Hollınger PC , "Vıolent deaths among the young Recent trends in suıcıde homıcıde and accıdents" Am J Psychıatry, 136, 9, 1978, p 1144-1147
  • 20- Hollınger PC, Offer D Predıctıon of adolescent suıcıde A populatıon model Am J Psychıatry 139, 3,1982, p 302-7
  • 21- intihar istatıstıklerı-1992 TC Başbakanlık Devlet ist Ens 1994
  • 22- Jay, M, Susan and Others "Adolescent suıcıde attempters presentıng to a pedıatrıc facılıtıy" Adolescence, V 24, n 94, 1989, p 467-72
  • 23- Johnson VVanda V , "Classroom dıscussıon of suıcıde An ınterventıon tool for the teacher" Contemporary Educatıon V 56, n 2, 1985, p 114-17
  • 24- Kosky R "Suıcıde and attempted suıcıde among Australıan chıldren", Med J Aust Feb6, I (3), 1982, p 124-6
  • 25- Kotıla L, Lonquıst J , "Adolescent Suıcıde Attempts 1973-1982 in the Helsınky Area" National Public Healt Instıtute, Helsınky, Fınland, Açta Psychıatr Scand (Denmark) Oct 76(4), 1987, p 346-54
  • 26- Kotıla L, Lonquıst J , "Adolescents who make suıcıde attemps repeatedly" Açta Psychıatr Scand (Denmark), Oct 76 (4), 1987, p 386-93
  • 27- Kotıla L, Lonnquıst J , "Suıcıde and vıolent death among adolescent suıcıde Attempters" Açta Psychıatry Scand 79(5), 1989, p 453-9
  • 28- Kovarsky RS "Lonelıness and dısturbed grıef A comparıson of parents who lost a chıld to suıcıde or accıdental death" Arch PsychatrNurs Apr 3(2), 1989, p 86-96
  • 29- Kuperman S, and Other "Excess suıcıde among fomerly hospıtahzed chıld psychıatry patıents" J Clın Psychıatry, 49 (3), 1988, p 88-93
  • 30- Marttunen MJ, and Oth "Adolescent suıcıde End poınt of long-term dıfficultıes" Am Acad Chıld Adolesc Psychıatry 31(4), 1992, p 649-54
  • 31- Marttunen MJ, and Oth "Precıpıtant stressors in adolescent suıcıde" Am Acad Chıld Adolesc Psychıatry No 32(6), 1993, p 1178-83.
  • 32- McClure GM "Recent Trends in suıcıde Among the young" Brıt J Psychıatry 144, 1984, p 134-138
  • 33- McClure GM "Recent change in suıcıde among adolescents in England and Wales" J Adolesc Jun 9(2), 1986, p 135-43
  • 34- McKenry PC, and Other 'The role of drugs in adolescent suıcıde attempts" Suıcıde üfe Threat Behav Fail, 13(3), 1983, p 166-75
  • 35- Mehr M, and Oth "Contınued şelf destructıve behavıors m adolescent suıcıde attempters" Part II, A Pilot Study, J Adese Healt Çare, 2(3), 1982, p 183-7
  • 36- Miller Kenneth, and Other "Suıcıdal adolescents perceptıons of theır famıly envıronment" Suıcıde and UfeThreatenıng Behavır, V 33, n 2, 1992, p 336-39
  • 37- O Carroll PW, and Other, "Program for the preventıon of suıcıde among adolescents and young adults" MMMr Morb Mortal Wkly Rep (US) Journal Artıcle, Apr 22, 43 (RR-6), 1994, p 1-7
  • 38- Ozdoğan B , Çocuk ve Oyun Terapisi, Ankara, 1988
  • 39- Pasko Sharla Nıchols "Suıcıdal Behavıor in Chıldren", The Annual Meetıng of the Mıd-South Educatıonal Research Assocıatıon (Lıttte Rock) Ar Nov 8-10, 1989
  • 40- Pheffer "Normal chıldren at risk for sucıdal behavıor A two year follow-up study" Am J Acad Chıld Adolescent Psychıatry, 27,1 1988, p 34-41
  • 41- Pfeffer Cynthıa R "Too Young to consıder Death7 ThınkAgaın" PTAToday, V 19, n2, 1993, p 14-16
  • 42- Pişkin Metin. "Çocuk İntiharı' Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi, Cilt 23, 1990, ss 441-456
  • 43- Oueralt M , "Risk factors assocıated wıth completed suıcıde in Latıno adolesecents", Florıda International Unıversıty, Department of Socıal Work, North Mıamı Adolescence (U S), 28(112), 1993, p 831-50
  • 44- Rence Sonya L, and Others "Evaluatıon of the effectıvenes of Crısıs Unes in Reachıng Adolescent Suıcıde Attemters", The Annual Meetıng of the Southeastern Psychologıcal Assocıatıon, March 31, Aprıl 2,1988
  • 45- Rıgg Ş, and Otn "Health risk behavıors and attempted suıcıde in adolescents who report prıor maltreatment" J Pedıatry, 116(5), 1990, p 815 21
  • 46- Rıvera FP , and Oth The epıdemıology and causes of chıldhood ınjurıes" Journal of Socıal Issues, Vol 43, 2,1987, p 13-30
  • 47- Rotheram, Borus MJ, and Other "Cognıtıve style and pleasant actıvıtes among female adolescent suıcıde attempters dıvısîon of chıld psychıatry, College of Physıcıans and Surgeons", Columbıa Unv, New York, Consult Cl Psychol (US) 58(5) 1990, p 554 61
  • 48- Rubınsteın D H "Epıdemıc suıcıde among mıcronesıan adolescents', Sos Sc , 17(10), 1983, p 657-65
  • 49- Saik Lıpsıtt "Relatıonshıp of maternal and, perinatal condıtıons to eventual adolescent suıcıde", Lancet, 16, 1, 1985, p 624-7
  • 50- Schmıdt VVıllıam, R , and Oth "Adolescent Suıcıdal Thınkıng", The Sıxth Annual Graduate Student Research Competıtıon at the Annual Meetıng of the Texas Psychologıcal Asso cıatıon, 1984
  • 51 Shaffer D , Vıeland V , and Other "Adolescent suıcıde Attempters Response to suıcıde preventıon Program" Journal Artı^'e, Dec 26, 264 1990, p 3151 5
  • 52 Shafıı M, and Oth , "Comorbıdıty of mental dısorders in the post mortem dıagnosıs of completed suıcıde in chıldren and adolescents" Chıld Psychıatrıc Services, Affect Dısord, Novdec 15(3), 1988
  • 53- Shamoo, Tonıa K , and Oth , "Suıcıde ıntervenöon stra tagıes for the adolescent' Journal Artıcle VI n 4, 1985, p 297- 303
  • 54 Sıehl Peterann M and Oth "School Counselor Attıtudes and Referral Practıces When Workıng wıth Suıcıdal Adolescents' , The Annual Conventıon of the American Assocıatıon for Counselıng and Development Reno, NV, Aprıl 21-24,1991
  • 55- Sılberg JL, Armstrong JG The Rorschach Test for Predıctıng Suıcıde Among Depressed Adolescent in Patıents", Sheppard and Enoch Pratt Hospıtal, Baltimore, MD US Oct 1992 59(2), p 290-303
  • 56- Steın D , VVitztum E and Oth Adolescent attıtudes toward suıcıde J Psychıatry RelatScı, 26(1-2) 1989, p 58-68
  • 57- Stıvers C "Parent-adolescent communıcatıon and ıts relatıonshıp to adolescent depressıon and suıcıde Pronenens" Adolescence, (U S) Sum 23(90), 1988, p 291-5
  • 58- Smıt Grawford, Sıylvıa Suıcıde behavıor among "normal" hıgh school students Suıcıde and üfe-Threatenıng Behavıor, V 16, n 3, 1986, p 313-25
  • 59- Smıth JK, Rıch A , and Oth "Psychologıcal vulnerabılıty and substance abuse as Predıctors of suıcıde ıdeatıon among adolescents" Omega Journal of Death and Dyıng, Vol 24(1), 1991-1992, p 21-33
  • 60- Spırıto A, and Oth The Hopelessness scale for chıldren Psychometrıc properûes vvıth normal and emotıonall dısturbed adolescent" Journal of Abnormal Chıld Psychology, V 16, n 4, Aug , 1988, p 445-58
  • 61 - Spırıto A , Stark LJ , and Oth "Overt behavıor of adolescent suıcıde attempters hospıtalızed on a general pedıatrıcs flor" Adolesc Health Çare (U S) Nov , 9(6), 1988, p 491-4
  • 62- Spırıto A , and Oth 'Rhode Island Hospıtal Brown Unıversıty Program m Medıcıne, Provıdence Abnormal Chıld Psychol (U S) 17(2) 1989, p 213 21
  • 63- Spırıto A , and Oth "Socıal skılls and depressıon in adolescent suıcıde attempters", Adolescence V 85, n 99, 1990, p 543-53
  • 64- Summervılle M B , and Oth "Psychopathology, famıly functıonıng, and cognıtıve style in urban adolescent wıth suıcıde attempts" Abnormal Chıld Psychol (US) 22(2) Apr 1994, p 221-35
  • 65- Topol P , Reznıkoff M "Perspectıve peer and famıly re latıonshıps, hopelessness and locus of control as factors in adolescent suıcıde attempts" Suıcıde Life Threat Behav (US) 12 (3) 1982 p 141-50
  • 66- -Youth Suıcıde Preventıon m Vermont The Usmtenant Governors Task Force Vermont State Dept of Educatıon Montpelıer, May 1988
  • - İntihar İstatistikleri, T C Başbakanlık Devlet İst Ens


Year 1995, Volume: 3 Issue: 1, 75 - 87, 01.03.1995


  • 1- Abramson Rıchard A, Ed, Wıng Mıchael Ed "Adolescent Suıcıde Preventıon A Compendıum of Resources "Geografıc Source U S , Maıne, Now 1982
  • 2- Asarnow JR, Carlos G "Suıcıde attempts in preadolescent chıld psychıatry ınpatıents Suıcıde Life Threat Behav 1988, 18/2, p 129-36
  • 3- Brad ve dığ "Risk factors for adolescent suıcıde" Arch Gen Psychıat45 p 581-588
  • 4- Brent DA , "Psychıatrıc ımpact of the loss of an adolescent sıblıng to suıcıde", VVestern Psychıatrıc Instıtute and Clınıc, Pıttsburg, 1993 28(4), p 249-56
  • 5- Brent DA, Perper JA, ve Dığ "Fırearms and adolescent suıcıde A communıty case control study" Am J Dıs Chıld 1993, 147(10) p 1066-71
  • 6- Brown, B H , "Adolescent Suıcıde An Educator's Guıde", The Annual Convention on the American Assocıatıon for Counselıng and Development, New Orleans, LA, 21 -25, 1987
  • 7- Capuzzi, Dave' Counselıng and Interve-ıtıon Strategies for Adolescent Suıcıde Preventıon Ene Clearınghouse on Counselıng and Personnel Services, Ann Arbor, Mıch 1988
  • 8- Cheıfetz PN, Posener JA ve Dığ "An Epıdemıologıc study of adolescent suıcıde" Can J Psychıatry, 32(8), 1987, p 656-9
  • 9- Chrıstoffeı KK , ve Dığ "Adolescent suıcıde and suıcıde attempts-A populahon study" Pedıatry Emerg Çare, 4(1), 1988, p 32-40
  • 10- Corder, B.F , Haızlıp T M "Envıronmental and personalıty Sımılarıtıes in case hıstortes of suıcıde and self-poısonıng by chıldren under ten" Suıcıde Life Threat Behav 14(1), 1984, p 59-66
  • 11- Cummins RR , Allwood CW, "Suıcıde attempts or threats by chıldren and adolescents m Johannesburg" S Afr Med J 66(19)1984, p 226-9
  • 12- Ekşi, Aysel Çocuk, Genç Ana Babalar, Bilgi Yayınevi, lst,1990,ss 155-77
  • 13- Frenouvv VVıllıam ve Dığ Adolescent suıcıdal risk Psychologıcal, problem solvıng and envıronmental factors Suıcıdal and Lıfe-Threatenıng Behavıor, 23 (1), 1993, p 46-54
  • 14- Garfınkel BD, Forese A , Hood J "Suıcıde attempts in chıldren and adolescent" Am J Psychıatry, 139(10), 1982, p 1257-61
  • 15- Garland A, Saffer ve Dığ A natıonal survey of schoolbased, adolescent suıcıde preventıon program J Am Acad Chıld Adolesc Psychıatry, Nov 28(6) 1989, p 931-4
  • 16- Gısper M , Davıs M S , ve Dığ , Predıctıve factors m repeated suıcıde attempts by adolescent Hosp Communıty Psychıatry 38(4), 1987 p 390-3
  • 17- Grazman, Harrıet B , An Öpen LetterTo School Admınıstrators and Mental Healt Professıonals about School-Based, Suıcıde Preventıon Programs The Annual Meetıng of the American Orthopsychıatrıc Assocıatıon Toronto, Ontorıo Canada, 1991
  • 18- Greene Dorothea B Chıldhood suıcıde and myths surroundıng it Socıal Work", V 39, n 2,1988, p 330-32
  • 19- Hollınger PC , "Vıolent deaths among the young Recent trends in suıcıde homıcıde and accıdents" Am J Psychıatry, 136, 9, 1978, p 1144-1147
  • 20- Hollınger PC, Offer D Predıctıon of adolescent suıcıde A populatıon model Am J Psychıatry 139, 3,1982, p 302-7
  • 21- intihar istatıstıklerı-1992 TC Başbakanlık Devlet ist Ens 1994
  • 22- Jay, M, Susan and Others "Adolescent suıcıde attempters presentıng to a pedıatrıc facılıtıy" Adolescence, V 24, n 94, 1989, p 467-72
  • 23- Johnson VVanda V , "Classroom dıscussıon of suıcıde An ınterventıon tool for the teacher" Contemporary Educatıon V 56, n 2, 1985, p 114-17
  • 24- Kosky R "Suıcıde and attempted suıcıde among Australıan chıldren", Med J Aust Feb6, I (3), 1982, p 124-6
  • 25- Kotıla L, Lonquıst J , "Adolescent Suıcıde Attempts 1973-1982 in the Helsınky Area" National Public Healt Instıtute, Helsınky, Fınland, Açta Psychıatr Scand (Denmark) Oct 76(4), 1987, p 346-54
  • 26- Kotıla L, Lonquıst J , "Adolescents who make suıcıde attemps repeatedly" Açta Psychıatr Scand (Denmark), Oct 76 (4), 1987, p 386-93
  • 27- Kotıla L, Lonnquıst J , "Suıcıde and vıolent death among adolescent suıcıde Attempters" Açta Psychıatry Scand 79(5), 1989, p 453-9
  • 28- Kovarsky RS "Lonelıness and dısturbed grıef A comparıson of parents who lost a chıld to suıcıde or accıdental death" Arch PsychatrNurs Apr 3(2), 1989, p 86-96
  • 29- Kuperman S, and Other "Excess suıcıde among fomerly hospıtahzed chıld psychıatry patıents" J Clın Psychıatry, 49 (3), 1988, p 88-93
  • 30- Marttunen MJ, and Oth "Adolescent suıcıde End poınt of long-term dıfficultıes" Am Acad Chıld Adolesc Psychıatry 31(4), 1992, p 649-54
  • 31- Marttunen MJ, and Oth "Precıpıtant stressors in adolescent suıcıde" Am Acad Chıld Adolesc Psychıatry No 32(6), 1993, p 1178-83.
  • 32- McClure GM "Recent Trends in suıcıde Among the young" Brıt J Psychıatry 144, 1984, p 134-138
  • 33- McClure GM "Recent change in suıcıde among adolescents in England and Wales" J Adolesc Jun 9(2), 1986, p 135-43
  • 34- McKenry PC, and Other 'The role of drugs in adolescent suıcıde attempts" Suıcıde üfe Threat Behav Fail, 13(3), 1983, p 166-75
  • 35- Mehr M, and Oth "Contınued şelf destructıve behavıors m adolescent suıcıde attempters" Part II, A Pilot Study, J Adese Healt Çare, 2(3), 1982, p 183-7
  • 36- Miller Kenneth, and Other "Suıcıdal adolescents perceptıons of theır famıly envıronment" Suıcıde and UfeThreatenıng Behavır, V 33, n 2, 1992, p 336-39
  • 37- O Carroll PW, and Other, "Program for the preventıon of suıcıde among adolescents and young adults" MMMr Morb Mortal Wkly Rep (US) Journal Artıcle, Apr 22, 43 (RR-6), 1994, p 1-7
  • 38- Ozdoğan B , Çocuk ve Oyun Terapisi, Ankara, 1988
  • 39- Pasko Sharla Nıchols "Suıcıdal Behavıor in Chıldren", The Annual Meetıng of the Mıd-South Educatıonal Research Assocıatıon (Lıttte Rock) Ar Nov 8-10, 1989
  • 40- Pheffer "Normal chıldren at risk for sucıdal behavıor A two year follow-up study" Am J Acad Chıld Adolescent Psychıatry, 27,1 1988, p 34-41
  • 41- Pfeffer Cynthıa R "Too Young to consıder Death7 ThınkAgaın" PTAToday, V 19, n2, 1993, p 14-16
  • 42- Pişkin Metin. "Çocuk İntiharı' Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi, Cilt 23, 1990, ss 441-456
  • 43- Oueralt M , "Risk factors assocıated wıth completed suıcıde in Latıno adolesecents", Florıda International Unıversıty, Department of Socıal Work, North Mıamı Adolescence (U S), 28(112), 1993, p 831-50
  • 44- Rence Sonya L, and Others "Evaluatıon of the effectıvenes of Crısıs Unes in Reachıng Adolescent Suıcıde Attemters", The Annual Meetıng of the Southeastern Psychologıcal Assocıatıon, March 31, Aprıl 2,1988
  • 45- Rıgg Ş, and Otn "Health risk behavıors and attempted suıcıde in adolescents who report prıor maltreatment" J Pedıatry, 116(5), 1990, p 815 21
  • 46- Rıvera FP , and Oth The epıdemıology and causes of chıldhood ınjurıes" Journal of Socıal Issues, Vol 43, 2,1987, p 13-30
  • 47- Rotheram, Borus MJ, and Other "Cognıtıve style and pleasant actıvıtes among female adolescent suıcıde attempters dıvısîon of chıld psychıatry, College of Physıcıans and Surgeons", Columbıa Unv, New York, Consult Cl Psychol (US) 58(5) 1990, p 554 61
  • 48- Rubınsteın D H "Epıdemıc suıcıde among mıcronesıan adolescents', Sos Sc , 17(10), 1983, p 657-65
  • 49- Saik Lıpsıtt "Relatıonshıp of maternal and, perinatal condıtıons to eventual adolescent suıcıde", Lancet, 16, 1, 1985, p 624-7
  • 50- Schmıdt VVıllıam, R , and Oth "Adolescent Suıcıdal Thınkıng", The Sıxth Annual Graduate Student Research Competıtıon at the Annual Meetıng of the Texas Psychologıcal Asso cıatıon, 1984
  • 51 Shaffer D , Vıeland V , and Other "Adolescent suıcıde Attempters Response to suıcıde preventıon Program" Journal Artı^'e, Dec 26, 264 1990, p 3151 5
  • 52 Shafıı M, and Oth , "Comorbıdıty of mental dısorders in the post mortem dıagnosıs of completed suıcıde in chıldren and adolescents" Chıld Psychıatrıc Services, Affect Dısord, Novdec 15(3), 1988
  • 53- Shamoo, Tonıa K , and Oth , "Suıcıde ıntervenöon stra tagıes for the adolescent' Journal Artıcle VI n 4, 1985, p 297- 303
  • 54 Sıehl Peterann M and Oth "School Counselor Attıtudes and Referral Practıces When Workıng wıth Suıcıdal Adolescents' , The Annual Conventıon of the American Assocıatıon for Counselıng and Development Reno, NV, Aprıl 21-24,1991
  • 55- Sılberg JL, Armstrong JG The Rorschach Test for Predıctıng Suıcıde Among Depressed Adolescent in Patıents", Sheppard and Enoch Pratt Hospıtal, Baltimore, MD US Oct 1992 59(2), p 290-303
  • 56- Steın D , VVitztum E and Oth Adolescent attıtudes toward suıcıde J Psychıatry RelatScı, 26(1-2) 1989, p 58-68
  • 57- Stıvers C "Parent-adolescent communıcatıon and ıts relatıonshıp to adolescent depressıon and suıcıde Pronenens" Adolescence, (U S) Sum 23(90), 1988, p 291-5
  • 58- Smıt Grawford, Sıylvıa Suıcıde behavıor among "normal" hıgh school students Suıcıde and üfe-Threatenıng Behavıor, V 16, n 3, 1986, p 313-25
  • 59- Smıth JK, Rıch A , and Oth "Psychologıcal vulnerabılıty and substance abuse as Predıctors of suıcıde ıdeatıon among adolescents" Omega Journal of Death and Dyıng, Vol 24(1), 1991-1992, p 21-33
  • 60- Spırıto A, and Oth The Hopelessness scale for chıldren Psychometrıc properûes vvıth normal and emotıonall dısturbed adolescent" Journal of Abnormal Chıld Psychology, V 16, n 4, Aug , 1988, p 445-58
  • 61 - Spırıto A , Stark LJ , and Oth "Overt behavıor of adolescent suıcıde attempters hospıtalızed on a general pedıatrıcs flor" Adolesc Health Çare (U S) Nov , 9(6), 1988, p 491-4
  • 62- Spırıto A , and Oth 'Rhode Island Hospıtal Brown Unıversıty Program m Medıcıne, Provıdence Abnormal Chıld Psychol (U S) 17(2) 1989, p 213 21
  • 63- Spırıto A , and Oth "Socıal skılls and depressıon in adolescent suıcıde attempters", Adolescence V 85, n 99, 1990, p 543-53
  • 64- Summervılle M B , and Oth "Psychopathology, famıly functıonıng, and cognıtıve style in urban adolescent wıth suıcıde attempts" Abnormal Chıld Psychol (US) 22(2) Apr 1994, p 221-35
  • 65- Topol P , Reznıkoff M "Perspectıve peer and famıly re latıonshıps, hopelessness and locus of control as factors in adolescent suıcıde attempts" Suıcıde Life Threat Behav (US) 12 (3) 1982 p 141-50
  • 66- -Youth Suıcıde Preventıon m Vermont The Usmtenant Governors Task Force Vermont State Dept of Educatıon Montpelıer, May 1988
  • - İntihar İstatistikleri, T C Başbakanlık Devlet İst Ens
There are 67 citations in total.


Other ID JA38MU99GF
Journal Section Research Article

Melahat K. Suvarlı This is me

Publication Date March 1, 1995
Submission Date March 1, 1995
Published in Issue Year 1995 Volume: 3 Issue: 1
