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Year 1993, Volume: 1 Issue: 3, 0 - 0, 01.06.1993


İntihar davranışında ails ve aile işlevi
önemli bir faktördür. Çalışmalar intihar girişiminde
bulunan bireylerin aile işlevlerinin oldukça bozuk
olduğuna işaret etmektedir. Bu çalışma intihar
girişiminde bulunan, girişimi olmayan depreşil ve
normal bireyleri, aynı zamanda ailelerini aile
işlevlerini algılama açısından karşılaştırmaktadır.
Aile Değerlendirme Ölçeğinin kullanıldığı
çalışmada, intihar girişimi grubu, aile işlevlerini
gerek depresif gerekse normal gruptan daha bozuk
algılamaktadır. Üç grubun aileleri
karşılaştırıldığında, aileler arası anlamlı bir farklılık
bulunamamıştır. İntihar girişimi olan ve olmayan
depresif ve normal bireyler diğer aile üyeleri ile
karşılaştırıldığında intihar girişimi grubunda
problem çözme, iletişim, duygusal tepki verme ve
genel fonksiyonlar alt testleri istatistiksel olarak
anlamlıdır. Girişimi olmayan depreşil grup diğer aile
üyelerinden anlamlı olarak duygusal tepki verme,
davranış kontrolü ve genel fonksiyonlar alt testinde
işlevleri bozuk algılamaktadır. Normal grupta ise
diğer aile üyeleri karşılaştırıldığında alt testler
açısından anlamlı bir farklılık saptanamamışt


  • ADAM KS, BOUCKOMS A, STRİNER D (1982) Parental Loss and Family Stability in Attempted Suicide. Arch. Gen. Psychiatry. 39: 1081-1085.
  • BECK AT, WEISSMAN A, LESTER D, TREXLER L (1974). The Measurement of Pessimism: The Hopelessness Scale. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology. 42 (6): 861-865.
  • BECK AT, STEER AR, KOVACKS M, GARSION B (1985) Hopelessness and Eventual Suicide: A 10-Year Prospective Study of Patients Hospitialized With Suicidal Ideation. Am. J. Psyhiatry 142: 5.
  • BERMAN A, JOBES D (1991). Adolescent Sucide. Assesment and Intervention. American Psychological Association Washington. 78-100.
  • BERZONSKY M (1981) Adolescent Development. Mac Million Pub. Co. New York 502-503.
  • BIRTCHNELL J (1981) Some Familial and Clinical Characteristics of Female Suicidal Psyciatric Patients. Brit. J. Psychiatry. 138:381-190.
  • BOLGER N. et al (1989) The Onset of Suicidal Idention in Childhood and Adolescence. Journal of Youth and Adolescence 18 (2): 175-189.
  • BROKSBANK DL (1985) Suicide and Parasuicide in Childhood and Early Adolescence. Brit. J. Psychiatry. 146: 459-463.
  • BULUT I (1989) Ruh Hastalığının Aile İşlevlerine Etkisi. H.Ü. S.H.Y.O. Yayınlanmamış Doçentlik Tezi, Ankara. BULUT I (1990) Aile Değerlendirme Ölçeği El Kitabı. Özgüzeliş Matbaası, Ankara.
  • EĞİLMEZ A, KÜLTÜR Ş (1989) Suicide Girişiminde Bulunan Ergenlerde Yatkınlaştırıcı Etkenler ve Aile Yapısı. XXIV. Ulusal Psikiyatri ve Nörolojik Bilimler Kongresi Serbest Bildiriler. Ankara 198-208.
  • EKŞİ A (1990) Çocuk, Genç, Ana-Babalar. Bilgi yayınevi: Ankara. 164-167.
  • EPSTEIN NB, BALDVVIN and BISHOP, DS (1983) The Mc Master Family Assessment Device. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy 9:171-80.
  • FARBEROVV NL (1983) Suicide in Adolescence. Prevention and Treatment H. Golombek B. Garfinkel (eds) İn The Adolescent and Mood Disturbance. International Universities Press İne: N.Y. 225-237.
  • GÜRAKAR L (1991) İntihar ve Aile işlevleri Üzerine Karşılaştırmalı Bir Araştırma. H.Ü. Sosyal Hizmetler Yüksek Okulu Yayınlanmamış Uzmanlık Tezi. Ankara.
  • KEITNER Gl, MİLLER IW, FRUZETTİ AE, EPSTEIN NB, BISHOP DS, NORMAN, W.H (1987 a) Family Functioning and Suicidal Behavior in Psychiatric Inpatients with Majör Depression Psychiatry. 50: 242-255.
  • KEITNER Gl, MİLLER IW, EPSTEIN NB, BISHOP DS, FRUZZETTI AE (1987b) Family Functioning and the Course of Majör Depression. Comprehensive Psychiatry 28:1 54-64.
  • KEITNER Gl, MİLLER IW (1990 a) Family Functioning and Majör Depression: An Overvievv. Am J: Psychiatry. 147: 6, 1128-1137.
  • KEITNER Gl, RYAN CE, MİLLER IW, EPSTEIN NB, BISHOP DS, NORMAN WH (1990b) Family Functioning, Social Adjustment and Recurrence of Suicidality Psychiatry, 53:17-30.
  • KEITNER Gl, RYAN CE, MİLLER I W, NORMAN WH (1992) Recovery and Majör Depression: Factors Associated With Tvvelve-Month Outcome. Am J. Psychiatry 149 (1): 93-99.
  • MİLLER IW, EPSTEIN NB, BISHOP DS, KEITNER Gl (1985) The Mac Master Family Assesment Device: Reliability and Validity. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy 11 (4): 345-356.
  • MİLLER IW KABACOFF Rl, KEITNER Gl, EPSTEIN NB, BISHOP DS (1986a) Family Functioning in the Families of Psychiatric Patients. Comprehensive Psychiatry. 27 (4): 302-312.
  • MİLLER I, NORMAN WH (1986 b) Persistence of Depressive Cognition VVİthin a Subgroup of Depressed Inpatients. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 10 (2): 211-224.
  • PALABIYIKOĞLU R, AZİZOĞLU S, ÖZAYAR H, ERCAN A (1993) İntihar Girişiminde Bulunanların Aile İşlevlerinin Değerlendirilmesi. Kriz Dergisi 1 (2): 56-62.
  • PREFFER C (1986) The Suicidal Child. The Guilford Press: N.Y. 140-150.
  • POMMEREAUX, PENOUTL F (1987) Suicidal VVomen and Their Intimate Conflicts With Men. R. Yugit (ed) in Proceedings Tvventieth Annual Conference of AAS and IASP. San Francisco.
  • ROSENBAUM A, RICHMAN J (1970) Suicide: The Role of Hostility and Death VVİshes from the Family and Significant Others. Am. J. Psychiatry. 126:1652-55.
  • ROY A. CHIR B (1983) Family History of Suicide. Arch. Gen. Psychiatry. 40: 971-974.
  • TUCKMAN J, YOUNGMAN WF (1964) Attempted Suicide and Family Disorganization. The Journal of Genetic Psychology, 105:187-193.
  • VVILDE EJ, KEINHORST IC, DIEKSTRA RF, VVOLTERS WF (1992) The Relationship Between Adolescent Suicidal Behavior and Life Events in Childhood and Adolescence. Am J Psychiatry 149(1): 45-51.
  • VVRIGHT LS (1985) Suicidal Thoughts and Their Relationship to Family Stress and Personal Problems Among High School Seniors and Collage Undergraduates. Adolescence. 20 (79): 575-580.
Year 1993, Volume: 1 Issue: 3, 0 - 0, 01.06.1993


Family factors are important in
suicidal behavior. Available research so for
indicates that family functioning is considerably
disturbed in individuals who have attempted suicide. The purpose of this study was to compare
suicide attempted, depressed vvithout a suicide
attempt and normal individuals as well as their
families with regard to family functioning. Family
Assesment Device (FAD) was utilized in this
study. The results showed that perception of
family fuctioning was significantly disturbed in
suicide attempted individuals as compared to
those in depressed and normal controls. When the
families of these 3 groups compared no
statistically significant difference was found. On
the other hand when a similar comparison was
carried out betvveen suicide attempters,
depressives and normals in regard to their family
members it was found that in suicide attempted
group there were significant findings in problem
solving, communication, affective responsivenes
and in general functioning subscales. İn the
depressive group vvithout suicide attempts there
were significant findings in affective
responsiveness, behavior control and in general
functioning subscales. İn normal controls such a
finding was not encountered


  • ADAM KS, BOUCKOMS A, STRİNER D (1982) Parental Loss and Family Stability in Attempted Suicide. Arch. Gen. Psychiatry. 39: 1081-1085.
  • BECK AT, WEISSMAN A, LESTER D, TREXLER L (1974). The Measurement of Pessimism: The Hopelessness Scale. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology. 42 (6): 861-865.
  • BECK AT, STEER AR, KOVACKS M, GARSION B (1985) Hopelessness and Eventual Suicide: A 10-Year Prospective Study of Patients Hospitialized With Suicidal Ideation. Am. J. Psyhiatry 142: 5.
  • BERMAN A, JOBES D (1991). Adolescent Sucide. Assesment and Intervention. American Psychological Association Washington. 78-100.
  • BERZONSKY M (1981) Adolescent Development. Mac Million Pub. Co. New York 502-503.
  • BIRTCHNELL J (1981) Some Familial and Clinical Characteristics of Female Suicidal Psyciatric Patients. Brit. J. Psychiatry. 138:381-190.
  • BOLGER N. et al (1989) The Onset of Suicidal Idention in Childhood and Adolescence. Journal of Youth and Adolescence 18 (2): 175-189.
  • BROKSBANK DL (1985) Suicide and Parasuicide in Childhood and Early Adolescence. Brit. J. Psychiatry. 146: 459-463.
  • BULUT I (1989) Ruh Hastalığının Aile İşlevlerine Etkisi. H.Ü. S.H.Y.O. Yayınlanmamış Doçentlik Tezi, Ankara. BULUT I (1990) Aile Değerlendirme Ölçeği El Kitabı. Özgüzeliş Matbaası, Ankara.
  • EĞİLMEZ A, KÜLTÜR Ş (1989) Suicide Girişiminde Bulunan Ergenlerde Yatkınlaştırıcı Etkenler ve Aile Yapısı. XXIV. Ulusal Psikiyatri ve Nörolojik Bilimler Kongresi Serbest Bildiriler. Ankara 198-208.
  • EKŞİ A (1990) Çocuk, Genç, Ana-Babalar. Bilgi yayınevi: Ankara. 164-167.
  • EPSTEIN NB, BALDVVIN and BISHOP, DS (1983) The Mc Master Family Assessment Device. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy 9:171-80.
  • FARBEROVV NL (1983) Suicide in Adolescence. Prevention and Treatment H. Golombek B. Garfinkel (eds) İn The Adolescent and Mood Disturbance. International Universities Press İne: N.Y. 225-237.
  • GÜRAKAR L (1991) İntihar ve Aile işlevleri Üzerine Karşılaştırmalı Bir Araştırma. H.Ü. Sosyal Hizmetler Yüksek Okulu Yayınlanmamış Uzmanlık Tezi. Ankara.
  • KEITNER Gl, MİLLER IW, FRUZETTİ AE, EPSTEIN NB, BISHOP DS, NORMAN, W.H (1987 a) Family Functioning and Suicidal Behavior in Psychiatric Inpatients with Majör Depression Psychiatry. 50: 242-255.
  • KEITNER Gl, MİLLER IW, EPSTEIN NB, BISHOP DS, FRUZZETTI AE (1987b) Family Functioning and the Course of Majör Depression. Comprehensive Psychiatry 28:1 54-64.
  • KEITNER Gl, MİLLER IW (1990 a) Family Functioning and Majör Depression: An Overvievv. Am J: Psychiatry. 147: 6, 1128-1137.
  • KEITNER Gl, RYAN CE, MİLLER IW, EPSTEIN NB, BISHOP DS, NORMAN WH (1990b) Family Functioning, Social Adjustment and Recurrence of Suicidality Psychiatry, 53:17-30.
  • KEITNER Gl, RYAN CE, MİLLER I W, NORMAN WH (1992) Recovery and Majör Depression: Factors Associated With Tvvelve-Month Outcome. Am J. Psychiatry 149 (1): 93-99.
  • MİLLER IW, EPSTEIN NB, BISHOP DS, KEITNER Gl (1985) The Mac Master Family Assesment Device: Reliability and Validity. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy 11 (4): 345-356.
  • MİLLER IW KABACOFF Rl, KEITNER Gl, EPSTEIN NB, BISHOP DS (1986a) Family Functioning in the Families of Psychiatric Patients. Comprehensive Psychiatry. 27 (4): 302-312.
  • MİLLER I, NORMAN WH (1986 b) Persistence of Depressive Cognition VVİthin a Subgroup of Depressed Inpatients. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 10 (2): 211-224.
  • PALABIYIKOĞLU R, AZİZOĞLU S, ÖZAYAR H, ERCAN A (1993) İntihar Girişiminde Bulunanların Aile İşlevlerinin Değerlendirilmesi. Kriz Dergisi 1 (2): 56-62.
  • PREFFER C (1986) The Suicidal Child. The Guilford Press: N.Y. 140-150.
  • POMMEREAUX, PENOUTL F (1987) Suicidal VVomen and Their Intimate Conflicts With Men. R. Yugit (ed) in Proceedings Tvventieth Annual Conference of AAS and IASP. San Francisco.
  • ROSENBAUM A, RICHMAN J (1970) Suicide: The Role of Hostility and Death VVİshes from the Family and Significant Others. Am. J. Psychiatry. 126:1652-55.
  • ROY A. CHIR B (1983) Family History of Suicide. Arch. Gen. Psychiatry. 40: 971-974.
  • TUCKMAN J, YOUNGMAN WF (1964) Attempted Suicide and Family Disorganization. The Journal of Genetic Psychology, 105:187-193.
  • VVILDE EJ, KEINHORST IC, DIEKSTRA RF, VVOLTERS WF (1992) The Relationship Between Adolescent Suicidal Behavior and Life Events in Childhood and Adolescence. Am J Psychiatry 149(1): 45-51.
  • VVRIGHT LS (1985) Suicidal Thoughts and Their Relationship to Family Stress and Personal Problems Among High School Seniors and Collage Undergraduates. Adolescence. 20 (79): 575-580.
There are 30 citations in total.


Other ID JA89AT78MC
Journal Section Research Article

R. Palabıyıkoğlu This is me

S. Azizoğlu This is me

H Özayar This is me

E. Berksun O. This is me

Publication Date June 1, 1993
Submission Date June 1, 1993
Published in Issue Year 1993 Volume: 1 Issue: 3


APA Palabıyıkoğlu, R., Azizoğlu, S., Özayar, H., Berksun O., E. (1993). İNTİHAR GİRİŞİMİ OLAN VE OLMAYAN DEPRESİFLERİN AİLE İŞLEVSELLİĞİ. Kriz Dergisi, 1(3).