Ethical Principles and Publication Policy

Publication Policy
Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam University Journal of Health Sciences (KSÜSBD) is accessible free of charge via the internet via ………………….LINK as open access and full text recordable.

Open Access Policy
KSÜSBD is published within the scope of Open Access Policy. Open Access Address: https://

General Principles
In articles submitted for publication in KSÜSBD, the entire evaluation process is carried out in a double-blind manner, with the identities of the referees and authors kept confidential. After the process is completed, the responsible author is notified whether the article is accepted or not.

Evaluation Process
The evaluation of articles begins with the application process to the article submission system via the internet. The author team uploads a Title Page file containing the title of the study, information about the researchers and previous academic background information related to the study, a Main Text file containing Turkish and English titles and abstracts, where author and institution information is kept confidential, an Ethics Committee Approval Form for original research and a Copyright Author Approval Form to the system. The application process is completed when the Final Checklist, in which the author team confirms that the application conditions have been properly met, is uploaded to the system.

Author Responsibility
The statements and opinions expressed in KSÜSBD are the responsibility of the author(s). The responsibility for the scientific language of the text to be published and the ethical requirements of the research conducted belongs to the authors. The author team should take into account standard application guidelines in accordance with research methods and present the text in a flow appropriate to this (such as CONSORT for randomized controlled trials, PRISMA for systematic reviews and meta-analysis studies). The edited main text should meet all the conditions required during the initial application and, within the framework of the journal's writing rules, the information in the required sections, titles and sources for the article should be presented without mentioning the names of the authors and institutions in a way that does not violate the anonymity principle of the text.

With the application to the journal publication process, the author(s) approve that the changes deemed necessary by the KSÜSBFD Editorial Board will be made or that changes that will not disrupt the content can be made with the author's permission. The author(s) whose texts are requested to be edited as a result of the evaluation are responsible for uploading a single Microsoft Word document to the system within two weeks, including the edits of all referees, highlighted in red and underlined, and with the necessary edits. When uploading the edited text to the system as a result of the referee evaluations, a note called "Information to Editors and Referees", which includes detailed information about the edits, should also be uploaded to the system.

Editor and Reviewer Responsibility
After the applications are completed, the journal's associate editors evaluate the text's suitability for referee evaluation in terms of plagiarism and technical suitability in the preliminary control step. Texts whose originality is reported through the plagiarism program and meet the application requirements are directed to the field editors and the scientific evaluation process is initiated.

The field editor makes the first evaluation regarding the scientific evaluation and submits it to the referee evaluations and notifies the author of the evaluation results via the online application system within twelve weeks following the application. Delays caused by the author in fulfilling the editing request are considered a reason for rejection of the article. Each article text is reviewed by three independent referees who are experts in their fields and the texts deemed suitable for publication are directed to the editor-in-chief after the approval of the field editor is obtained. The final decision on the publication of the article belongs to the Editor-in-Chief of KSÜSBFD.

Publication Ethics and Scientific Responsibility
KSÜSBD is committed to the highest standards in publication ethics and adopts the principles developed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE); recommends following the guidelines below on the subject (,

Articles submitted for publication should not be original, unpublished and sent to a different journal for evaluation at the same time. All articles that do not comply with ethical standards will be removed from publication. The text scanned with the plagiarism program should not have a similarity rate of more than 20%, excluding references.

KSÜSBD is a journal that has adopted the principle of complying with the ethical standards of the Committee on Human Experimentation, revised in 2013, of the 1975 Helsinki Declaration. In this direction, local or national ethics committee approval letters of original research articles submitted for publication in KSÜSBD must be uploaded to the system.

Conflict of Interest If there is a direct or indirect commercial connection or financial support institution in the article, the authors must declare on the title page that they have no commercial relationship with the commercial product, drug or company used and if so, what kind of relationship they have (consultant, other agreements). In addition, if the author has a conflict of interest, this situation must be disclosed. Types of conflict of interest that are expected to be disclosed include academic commitments, personal relationships, political, financial or institutional connections.

Fee Policy No fee is received from the author or his/her institution under any name.

Last Update Time: 2/25/25, 4:04:24 PM