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2000-2010 Yılları Arasında AkdenizÜniversitesi Hastanesine Düşme Nedeniyle Başvuran 65 Yaş Ve ÜzeriHastaların Retrospektif Değerlendirilmesi

Year 2017, Volume: 9 Issue: 3, 25 - 29, 30.05.2017



Amaç:Bu çalışmanın amacı 2000-2010 yılları arasında Akdeniz Üniversitesi Hastanesine başvuran 65 yaş üstü kişilerin ve düşme özelliklerinin tanımlanmasıdır.

Yöntem:Retrospektif tipte olan bu çalışma 2000-2010 yılları arasında Akdeniz Üniversitesi Hastanesine düşme nedeniyle başvuran 65 yaş üstü kişilerin dosyaları incelenerek yapılmıştır. Düşme nedeniyle başvuran olgularda yaş, cinsiyet, başvuru tarihi, eşlik eden hastalıkları, kullandığı ilaçlar, düşmenin oluş şekli, yeri, mevsimlerle ilişkisi,kazanın ciddiyeti, yaralanma tipi, kırığın hangi vücut bölgesinde oluştuğu, hastanede yatış süresi, tedavi şekli değerlendirilmiştir.

Bulgular:Akdeniz Üniversitesi Hastanesine 2000-2010 yılında 555 yaşlı düşme nedeniyle başvurmuştur. Düşme nedeniyle başvuran olgular daha çok 75-85 yaş arasındadır. Olguların, %32,1’ini erkekler, %67,9’unu kadınlar oluşturmaktadır. Düşmelerin oluş şekli olarak ilk sırada aynı seviyeden düşme, ikinci sırada yüksekten düşme ve üçüncü sırada merdiven ve basamaktan düşme görülmektedir. Kadınlarda düşme oranı erkeklerden fazladır. Düşme genellikle 75-85 yaş arasında daha fazladır. Tüm olguların 377’si(%67,9) 1 kere, 52’si (%9,36) 2 kere, 13’ü (%2,34) 3 kere, 6’sı (%1,08) 4 kere, 2’si (%0,36)ise 5 kere düşme nedeniyle hastanemize başvurmuştur.

Sonuç: Yaşlılarda düşme önemli bir sağlık sorunudur. Retrospektif olarak yapılan bu çalışmada yaşlılarda düşmenin yaşla birlikte arttığı ve kadınların erkeklere göre daha fazla düştüğü saptanmıştır. Kronik hastalık varlığı ve ilaç kullanımı düşmeyi artırmaktadır. Düşmeler en çok ev içinde olmuştur. Yaş arttıkça ev dışı düşmeler azalırken eviçi düşmeler artmıştır. Düşme sonrası en çok görülen yaralanma tipi kırıklardır. Kırık ve özel-likle kalça kırığı görülme oranı 75 yaş üzerinde artmaktadır. Bu çalışmanın retrospektif tipte olması ve düşmelerin belirlenen ICD koddaki dosyaların taranmasıyla yapılma-sı, daha sonra istenilen bazı bilgilere erişimi imkansız kılmıştır.


  • Kaynaklar 1.Stein C, Moritz I. A life course perspective of maintaining inde-pendence in older age. World Health Organization Geneva1999.2.Active Ageing: A Policy Framework: Geneva: World Health Or-ganization, 2002 Erişim:, Erişim tarihi 02.01.2016.3.Şenol Y, Akdeniz M. Yaşlılık ve Koruyucu Tıp. GeroFam;2010(1); 49-684.Lamb SE, Jørstad­Stein EC, Hauer K, Becker C. Development ofa common outcome data set for fall injury prevention trials: thePrevention of Falls Network Europe consensus. Journal of the Ame-rican Geriatrics Society, 2005, 53:1618-1622. 5.Owens P L, Russo C. A, Spector W, Mutter R.Emergency Depart-ment Visits for Injurious Falls Among the Elderly, 2006. Health-care Cost and Utilization Project Statistical Brief 80. Agency forHealthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, Maryland 2009.6.Rao SS. Prevention of Falls in Older Patients. American FamilyPhysician 2005;72:81-8,93-4.7.World Health Organization Europe. What are the main risk fac-tors for falls amongst older people and what are the most effec-tive interventions to prevent these falls? WHO Regional Offi cefor Europe (Health Evidence Network report; 2004). Erişim:; erişim tarihi:01.01.2017.8.Metin Akten İ, Kırklareli il merkezinde yaşlılarda düşme preva-lansı ve risk faktörleri. 2016. Erişim:şim tarihi. 20.01.20179.Swift CG. Falls in late life and their consequences-implementingeffective services. BMJ 2001; 322(7): 855-7.10.American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP). Health Promo-tion and Disease Prevention. AAFP Reprint No. 267. Erişim.şim tarihi: 21.04.2016.11.Oliver D, Hopper A, Seed P. Do hospital fall prevention programswork? A systematic review. Journal of the American GeriatricsSociety, 2000, 48:1679-1689.12.Ganz DA, Bao Y, Shekelle PG, Rubenstein LZ. Will my patient fall?.The journal of the American Medical Association, 297: 77-86.13.Deandrea S, Lucenteforte E, Bravi F, Foschi R, La Vecchia C, Neg-ri E. Risk factors for falls in community-dwelling older people: asystematic review and meta-analysis. Epidemiology, 2010,21:658-668. 14.Rekeneire N, Visser M, Peila R, Nevitt MC, Cauley JA, Tylavsky,Simonsick EM. Is a Fall Just a Fall: Correlates of Falling In He-althy Older Persons. JAGS 2003; 51: 841-6.15.Lipsitz LA, Jonsson V, Kelley MM, Koestner JS. Causes and Cor-relates of Recurrent Falls in Ambulatory Frail Elderly. Journalof Gerontology 1991; 46(4): 114-2216.Stevens JA, Sogolow ED. Gender differences for non-fatal unin-tentional fall related injuries among older adults. Injury Preven-tion, 2005, 11:115-119. 17.Tinetti ME, Kumar C: The patient who falls: “It”s always a tra-de-off”. JAMA 2010, 303:258–266.18.Sibley KM, Voth J, Munce SE, Straus SE, Jaglal SB. Chronic di-sease and falls in community-dwelling Canadians over 65 yearsold: a population-based study exploring associations with num-ber and pattern of chronic conditions. BMC Geriatrics 2014, 14:2219.Hyndman D, Ashburn A, Stack E. Fall events among people withstroke living in the community: circumstances of falls and charac-teristics of fallers. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilita-tion, 2002, 83:165-170. 20.Leipzig RM, Cumming RG, Tinetti ME. Drugs and Falls in Ol-der People: A Systematic Review and Meta­analysis: I. Psychot-ropic Drugs. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 1999,47:30-39. 21Leipzig RM, Cumming RG, Tinetti ME. Drugs and Falls in OlderPeople: A Systematic Review and Meta­analysis: II. Cardiac andAnalgesic Drugs. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 1999,47:40-50.22.Zeimer H. Medications and falls in older people. Journal of Phar-macy Practice and Research, 2008, 38:148-15123.Beijer HJM, De Blaey CJ. Hospitalisations caused by adverse drugreactions (ADR): a meta-analysis of observational studies. Phar-macy World and Science, 2002, 24:46-54. 24.Ziere G, Dieleman JP, Hofman A, Pols HA, Van Der Cammen TJM,Stricker BH. Polypharmacy and falls in the middle age and el-derly population. British journal of clinical pharmacology, 2006,61:218-223.25.Steinman MA, Seth Landefeld C, Rosenthal GE, Berthenthal D,Sen S, Kaboli PJ. Polypharmacy and prescribing quality in olderpeople. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 2006,54:1516-1523. 26.Woolcott JC, Richardson KJ, Wiens MO, Patel B, Marin J, KhanKM, Marra CA. Meta-analysis of the impact of 9 medication clas-ses on falls in elderly persons. Archives of internal medicine, 2009,169:1952-1960. 27.Lord SR. Sherrington C, Menz HB. Falls in older people: Riskfactors and strategies for prevention. Cambridge University Press2001.28.Tinetti ME, Speechley M, Ginter SF. Risk factors for falls amongelderly persons living in the community. N Engl J Med, 1988,319:1701–7.29.Milat AJ, Watson WL, Monger C, Barr M, Giffin Mi, Reid M. Pre-valence, circumstances and consequences of falls among commu-nity-dwelling older people: results of the 2009 NSW Falls Preven-tion Baseline Survey. New South Wales Public Health Bulletin,2011, 22: 43–48.30.Society AG, Society G, Prevention OF, Panel OS. Guideline forthe prevention of falls in older persons. Journal of the AmericanGeriatrics Society, 2001, 49:664-672. 31.O'Loughlin JL, Robitaille Y, Boivin JF, Suissa S. Incidence ofand risk factors for falls and injurious falls among the commu-nity-dwelling elderly. American journal of epidemiology, 1993,137:342-354. 32.Tinetti ME, Gordon C, Sogolow E, Lapin P, Bradley EH. Fall-riskevaluation and management: challenges in adopting geriatric carepractices. Gerontologist, 2006, 46:717-725. 33.Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Important Facts abo-ut Falls. [Online]. Erişim: Erişim tarihi: 21,04,2016. 34.The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Falls in the El-derly a Major Cause of TBI Death. Injury Journal and Safety Re-search 2008;39:269-272.35.Cassels C. Falls in the Elderly: a Major Cause of TBI Death. In-jury Journal and Safety Research 2008;39:269-272.36.Graham HJ, Firth J. Home accidents in older people: role of pri-mary health care team. British Medical Journal, 1992, 305:303237.Spaniolas K, Cheng JD, Gestring ML, Sangosanya A, Stassen NA,and Bankey PE. Ground level falls are associated with significantmortality in elderly patients. J Trauma,2010, 69:821-82538.Kabeshova A, Annweiler C, Fantino B, Philip T, Gromov VA, Lau-nay CP ve ark. A regression tree for identifying combinations offall risk factors associated to recurrent falling: a cross-sectionalelderly population-based study. Aging clinical and experimentalresearch, 2014, 26:331-336.
Year 2017, Volume: 9 Issue: 3, 25 - 29, 30.05.2017



  • Kaynaklar 1.Stein C, Moritz I. A life course perspective of maintaining inde-pendence in older age. World Health Organization Geneva1999.2.Active Ageing: A Policy Framework: Geneva: World Health Or-ganization, 2002 Erişim:, Erişim tarihi 02.01.2016.3.Şenol Y, Akdeniz M. Yaşlılık ve Koruyucu Tıp. GeroFam;2010(1); 49-684.Lamb SE, Jørstad­Stein EC, Hauer K, Becker C. Development ofa common outcome data set for fall injury prevention trials: thePrevention of Falls Network Europe consensus. Journal of the Ame-rican Geriatrics Society, 2005, 53:1618-1622. 5.Owens P L, Russo C. A, Spector W, Mutter R.Emergency Depart-ment Visits for Injurious Falls Among the Elderly, 2006. Health-care Cost and Utilization Project Statistical Brief 80. Agency forHealthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, Maryland 2009.6.Rao SS. Prevention of Falls in Older Patients. American FamilyPhysician 2005;72:81-8,93-4.7.World Health Organization Europe. What are the main risk fac-tors for falls amongst older people and what are the most effec-tive interventions to prevent these falls? WHO Regional Offi cefor Europe (Health Evidence Network report; 2004). Erişim:; erişim tarihi:01.01.2017.8.Metin Akten İ, Kırklareli il merkezinde yaşlılarda düşme preva-lansı ve risk faktörleri. 2016. Erişim:şim tarihi. 20.01.20179.Swift CG. Falls in late life and their consequences-implementingeffective services. BMJ 2001; 322(7): 855-7.10.American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP). Health Promo-tion and Disease Prevention. AAFP Reprint No. 267. Erişim.şim tarihi: 21.04.2016.11.Oliver D, Hopper A, Seed P. Do hospital fall prevention programswork? A systematic review. Journal of the American GeriatricsSociety, 2000, 48:1679-1689.12.Ganz DA, Bao Y, Shekelle PG, Rubenstein LZ. Will my patient fall?.The journal of the American Medical Association, 297: 77-86.13.Deandrea S, Lucenteforte E, Bravi F, Foschi R, La Vecchia C, Neg-ri E. Risk factors for falls in community-dwelling older people: asystematic review and meta-analysis. Epidemiology, 2010,21:658-668. 14.Rekeneire N, Visser M, Peila R, Nevitt MC, Cauley JA, Tylavsky,Simonsick EM. Is a Fall Just a Fall: Correlates of Falling In He-althy Older Persons. JAGS 2003; 51: 841-6.15.Lipsitz LA, Jonsson V, Kelley MM, Koestner JS. Causes and Cor-relates of Recurrent Falls in Ambulatory Frail Elderly. Journalof Gerontology 1991; 46(4): 114-2216.Stevens JA, Sogolow ED. Gender differences for non-fatal unin-tentional fall related injuries among older adults. Injury Preven-tion, 2005, 11:115-119. 17.Tinetti ME, Kumar C: The patient who falls: “It”s always a tra-de-off”. JAMA 2010, 303:258–266.18.Sibley KM, Voth J, Munce SE, Straus SE, Jaglal SB. Chronic di-sease and falls in community-dwelling Canadians over 65 yearsold: a population-based study exploring associations with num-ber and pattern of chronic conditions. BMC Geriatrics 2014, 14:2219.Hyndman D, Ashburn A, Stack E. Fall events among people withstroke living in the community: circumstances of falls and charac-teristics of fallers. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilita-tion, 2002, 83:165-170. 20.Leipzig RM, Cumming RG, Tinetti ME. Drugs and Falls in Ol-der People: A Systematic Review and Meta­analysis: I. Psychot-ropic Drugs. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 1999,47:30-39. 21Leipzig RM, Cumming RG, Tinetti ME. Drugs and Falls in OlderPeople: A Systematic Review and Meta­analysis: II. Cardiac andAnalgesic Drugs. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 1999,47:40-50.22.Zeimer H. Medications and falls in older people. Journal of Phar-macy Practice and Research, 2008, 38:148-15123.Beijer HJM, De Blaey CJ. Hospitalisations caused by adverse drugreactions (ADR): a meta-analysis of observational studies. Phar-macy World and Science, 2002, 24:46-54. 24.Ziere G, Dieleman JP, Hofman A, Pols HA, Van Der Cammen TJM,Stricker BH. Polypharmacy and falls in the middle age and el-derly population. British journal of clinical pharmacology, 2006,61:218-223.25.Steinman MA, Seth Landefeld C, Rosenthal GE, Berthenthal D,Sen S, Kaboli PJ. Polypharmacy and prescribing quality in olderpeople. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 2006,54:1516-1523. 26.Woolcott JC, Richardson KJ, Wiens MO, Patel B, Marin J, KhanKM, Marra CA. Meta-analysis of the impact of 9 medication clas-ses on falls in elderly persons. Archives of internal medicine, 2009,169:1952-1960. 27.Lord SR. Sherrington C, Menz HB. Falls in older people: Riskfactors and strategies for prevention. Cambridge University Press2001.28.Tinetti ME, Speechley M, Ginter SF. Risk factors for falls amongelderly persons living in the community. N Engl J Med, 1988,319:1701–7.29.Milat AJ, Watson WL, Monger C, Barr M, Giffin Mi, Reid M. Pre-valence, circumstances and consequences of falls among commu-nity-dwelling older people: results of the 2009 NSW Falls Preven-tion Baseline Survey. New South Wales Public Health Bulletin,2011, 22: 43–48.30.Society AG, Society G, Prevention OF, Panel OS. Guideline forthe prevention of falls in older persons. Journal of the AmericanGeriatrics Society, 2001, 49:664-672. 31.O'Loughlin JL, Robitaille Y, Boivin JF, Suissa S. Incidence ofand risk factors for falls and injurious falls among the commu-nity-dwelling elderly. American journal of epidemiology, 1993,137:342-354. 32.Tinetti ME, Gordon C, Sogolow E, Lapin P, Bradley EH. Fall-riskevaluation and management: challenges in adopting geriatric carepractices. Gerontologist, 2006, 46:717-725. 33.Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Important Facts abo-ut Falls. [Online]. Erişim: Erişim tarihi: 21,04,2016. 34.The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Falls in the El-derly a Major Cause of TBI Death. Injury Journal and Safety Re-search 2008;39:269-272.35.Cassels C. Falls in the Elderly: a Major Cause of TBI Death. In-jury Journal and Safety Research 2008;39:269-272.36.Graham HJ, Firth J. Home accidents in older people: role of pri-mary health care team. British Medical Journal, 1992, 305:303237.Spaniolas K, Cheng JD, Gestring ML, Sangosanya A, Stassen NA,and Bankey PE. Ground level falls are associated with significantmortality in elderly patients. J Trauma,2010, 69:821-82538.Kabeshova A, Annweiler C, Fantino B, Philip T, Gromov VA, Lau-nay CP ve ark. A regression tree for identifying combinations offall risk factors associated to recurrent falling: a cross-sectionalelderly population-based study. Aging clinical and experimentalresearch, 2014, 26:331-336.
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section makaleler

Doç. Dr. Melahat Akdeniz

Publication Date May 30, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 9 Issue: 3


APA Akdeniz, D. D. M. (2017). 2000-2010 Yılları Arasında AkdenizÜniversitesi Hastanesine Düşme Nedeniyle Başvuran 65 Yaş Ve ÜzeriHastaların Retrospektif Değerlendirilmesi. Klinik Tıp Aile Hekimliği, 9(3), 25-29.
AMA Akdeniz DDM. 2000-2010 Yılları Arasında AkdenizÜniversitesi Hastanesine Düşme Nedeniyle Başvuran 65 Yaş Ve ÜzeriHastaların Retrospektif Değerlendirilmesi. Aile Hekimliği. May 2017;9(3):25-29.
Chicago Akdeniz, Doç. Dr. Melahat. “2000-2010 Yılları Arasında AkdenizÜniversitesi Hastanesine Düşme Nedeniyle Başvuran 65 Yaş Ve ÜzeriHastaların Retrospektif Değerlendirilmesi”. Klinik Tıp Aile Hekimliği 9, no. 3 (May 2017): 25-29.
EndNote Akdeniz DDM (May 1, 2017) 2000-2010 Yılları Arasında AkdenizÜniversitesi Hastanesine Düşme Nedeniyle Başvuran 65 Yaş Ve ÜzeriHastaların Retrospektif Değerlendirilmesi. Klinik Tıp Aile Hekimliği 9 3 25–29.
IEEE D. D. M. Akdeniz, “2000-2010 Yılları Arasında AkdenizÜniversitesi Hastanesine Düşme Nedeniyle Başvuran 65 Yaş Ve ÜzeriHastaların Retrospektif Değerlendirilmesi”, Aile Hekimliği, vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 25–29, 2017.
ISNAD Akdeniz, Doç. Dr. Melahat. “2000-2010 Yılları Arasında AkdenizÜniversitesi Hastanesine Düşme Nedeniyle Başvuran 65 Yaş Ve ÜzeriHastaların Retrospektif Değerlendirilmesi”. Klinik Tıp Aile Hekimliği 9/3 (May 2017), 25-29.
JAMA Akdeniz DDM. 2000-2010 Yılları Arasında AkdenizÜniversitesi Hastanesine Düşme Nedeniyle Başvuran 65 Yaş Ve ÜzeriHastaların Retrospektif Değerlendirilmesi. Aile Hekimliği. 2017;9:25–29.
MLA Akdeniz, Doç. Dr. Melahat. “2000-2010 Yılları Arasında AkdenizÜniversitesi Hastanesine Düşme Nedeniyle Başvuran 65 Yaş Ve ÜzeriHastaların Retrospektif Değerlendirilmesi”. Klinik Tıp Aile Hekimliği, vol. 9, no. 3, 2017, pp. 25-29.
Vancouver Akdeniz DDM. 2000-2010 Yılları Arasında AkdenizÜniversitesi Hastanesine Düşme Nedeniyle Başvuran 65 Yaş Ve ÜzeriHastaların Retrospektif Değerlendirilmesi. Aile Hekimliği. 2017;9(3):25-9.