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Primary Care Obesity Management

Year 2019, Volume: 11 Issue: 2, 55 - 60, 29.03.2019



A priority in primary care is to prevent the development of obesity disease. Obesity management should be comprehensive, long-term and feasible. Lifestyle change, diet and exercise program should be prepared for each individual and should be applied at every step ofthe treatment. When the health risks caused by obesity are taken into consideration, primarycare is the key point. In this review, obesity management in primary care will be evaluated.


  • Kaynaklar 1.Bayliss EA. Simplifying care for complex patients. The Annalsof Family Medicine. 2012;10(1):3-5. 2.TEMD Obezite LM, Hipertansiyon Çalışma Grubu TÜRKİYEENDOKRİNOLOJİ ve METABOLİZMA DERNEĞİ 2018. 3.Satman İ, Alagöl F, Ömer B, Kalaca S, Tütüncü Y, Çolak N. tür-kiye diyabet, hipertansiyon, obezite ve endokrinolojik hasta-lıklar prevalans çalışması-II.(TURDEP II). 2011. 4.Organization WH. School policy framework: implementation of theWHO global strategy on diet, physical activity and health. 2008. 5.Han T, Van Leer E, Seidell J, Lean M. Waist circumference actionlevels in the identification of cardiovascular risk factors: prevalen-ce study in a random sample. Bmj. 1995;311(7017):1401-5. 6.Health NIo, Obesity NAAftSo. The Practical guide: identifica-tion, evaluation, and treatment of overweight and obesity inadults. NIH Publication Number 00-4084. http://www nhlbi nihgov/guidelines/obesity/prctgd_c pdf. 2000. 7.James PT, Leach R, Kalamara E, Shayeghi M. The worldwi-de obesity epidemic. Obesity research. 2001;9(S11):228S-33S. 8.Hizmetleri TSBTS, Müdürlüğü G. Türkiye obezite (şişmanlık)ile mücadele ve kontrol programı (2010-2014). Ankara: Ku-ban matbaacılık. 2010. 9.Von Kries R, Koletzko B, Sauerwald T, Von Mutius E, BarnertD, Grunert V, et al. Breast feeding and obesity: cross sectio-nal study. Bmj. 1999;319(7203):147-50. 10.Kurumu THS. BİRİNCİ BASAMAK SAĞLIK KURUMLARIİÇİN OBEZİTE VE DİYABET KLİNİK REHBERİ. 2017. 11.SATMAN İ. Türkiye'de Obezite Sorunu. Turkiye Klinikleri Jour-nal of Gastroenterohepatology Special Topics. 2016;9(2):1-11. 12.Sansone RA, Sansone LA, Wiederman MW. The relationshipbetween obesity and medical utilization among women in a pri-mary care setting. International Journal of Eating Disorders.1998;23(2):161-7. 13.Guzman SE. Practical advice for family physicians to help over-weight patients. Am Fam Phsycian Monograph Nov. 2003. 14.Bowerman S, Bellman M, Saltsman P, Garvey D, Pimstone K,Skootsky S, et al. Implementation of a primary care physiciannetwork obesity management program. Obesity research.2001;9(S11):321S-5S. 15.Logue E, Sutton K, Jarjoura D, Smucker W. Obesity manage-ment in primary care: assessment of readiness to change among284 family practice patients. The Journal of the American Bo-ard of Family Practice. 2000;13(3):164-71. 16.Martin KA, Mani MV, Mani A. New targets to treat obesity andthe metabolic syndrome. European journal of pharmacology. 2015; 763: 64-74. 17.Orzano AJ, Scott JG. Diagnosis and treatment of obesity inadults: an applied evidence-based review. The Journal of theAmerican Board of Family Practice. 2004;17(5):359-69. 18.Hunter GR, Brock DW, Byrne NM, Chandler‐Laney PC, DelCorral P, Gower BA. Exercise training prevents regain of vis-ceral fat for 1 year following weight loss. Obesity.2010;18(4):690-5. 19.Harvey E, Glenny AM, Kirk S, Summerbell C. An updated syste-matic review of interventions to improve health professionals’management of obesity. obesity reviews. 2002;3(1):45-55. 20.Hensley RD. Primary care management of obesity: Individua-lized treatment strategies. The Nurse Practitioner.2018;43(7):41-8. 21.Low AK, Bouldin MJ, Sumrall CD, Loustalot FV, Land KK. Aclinician’s approach to medical management of obesity. The Ame-rican journal of the medical sciences. 2006;331(4):175-82. 22.Garvey WT, Mechanick JI, Brett EM, Garber AJ, Hurley DL,Jastreboff AM, et al. American Association of Clinical Endoc-rinologists and American College of Endocrinology compre-hensive clinical practice guidelines for medical care of pati-ents with obesity. Endocrine Practice. 2016;22(s3):1-203. 23.Health NIo. Clinical guidelines on the identification, evaluation, andtreatment of overweight and obesity in adults: the evidence report.National Institutes of Health; National Heart, Lung, and Blood Ins-titute; September 1998. Publication No. 98-4083. 2006. 24.Strychar I. Diet in the management of weight loss. CanadianMedical Association Journal. 2006;174(1):56-63. 25.Organization WH. Obesity: preventing and managing the glo-bal epidemic: World Health Organization; 2000. 26.Bakanlığı TS. Türkiye Fiziksel Aktivite Rehberi 2014. Ankara:Kuban Matbaacılık Yayıncılık Sağlık Bakanlığı Yayın. 2015(940). 27.Kelley G, Kelley K, Tran ZV. Aerobic exercise, lipids and lipop-roteins in overweight and obese adults: a meta-analysis of ran-domized controlled trials. International journal of obesity.2005;29(8):881. 28.Gill JM, Malkova D. Physical activity, fitness and cardiovas-cular disease risk in adults: interactions with insulin resistan-ce and obesity. Clinical science. 2006;110(4):409-25. 29.Eckel RH, Jakicic JM, Ard JD, De Jesus JM, Miller NH, Hubbard VS, et al. 2013 AHA/ACC guideline on lifestyle manage-ment to reduce cardiovascular risk: a report of the AmericanCollege of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task For-ce on Practice Guidelines. Journal of the American College ofCardiology. 2014;63(25 Part B):2960-84. 30.Burke LE, Wang J, Sevick MA. Self-monitoring in weight loss:a systematic review of the literature. Journal of the AmericanDietetic Association. 2011;111(1):92-102. 31.Samaranayake NR, Ong KL, Leung RY, Cheung BM. Mana-gement of obesity in the National Health and Nutrition Exa-mination Survey (NHANES), 2007–2008. Annals of epidemio-logy. 2012;22(5):349-53. 32.Kim GW, Lin JE, Blomain ES, Waldman SA. Antiobesity phar-macotherapy: new drugs and emerging targets. ClinicalPharmacology & Therapeutics. 2014;95(1):53-66. 33.Rubino F, Nathan DM, Eckel RH, Schauer PR, Alberti KGM,Zimmet PZ, et al. Metabolic surgery in the treatment algorithmfor type 2 diabetes: a joint statement by international diabe-tes organizations. Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases.2016;12(6):1144-62. 34.Cherniack EP. Potential applications for alternative medici-ne to treat obesity in an aging population. Alternative Medi-cine Review. 2008;13(1):34.

Birinci Basamakta Obezite Yönetimi

Year 2019, Volume: 11 Issue: 2, 55 - 60, 29.03.2019



Birinci basamakta öncelikli olan obezite hastalığının gelişmesini engellemektir. Obezite yönetimi  kapsamlı, uzun vadeli ve uygulanabilir olmalıdır. Yaşam tarzı değişikliği, diyet ve egzersiz programı bireye özel hazırlanmalı ve tedavinin her basamağında uygulanmalıdır. Obezite ve obezitenin neden olduğu sağlık riskleri göz önünde bulundurulduğunda birinci basamak, kilit noktadadır. Bu derlemede birinci basamakta obezite yönetimi değerlendirilecektir


  • Kaynaklar 1.Bayliss EA. Simplifying care for complex patients. The Annalsof Family Medicine. 2012;10(1):3-5. 2.TEMD Obezite LM, Hipertansiyon Çalışma Grubu TÜRKİYEENDOKRİNOLOJİ ve METABOLİZMA DERNEĞİ 2018. 3.Satman İ, Alagöl F, Ömer B, Kalaca S, Tütüncü Y, Çolak N. tür-kiye diyabet, hipertansiyon, obezite ve endokrinolojik hasta-lıklar prevalans çalışması-II.(TURDEP II). 2011. 4.Organization WH. School policy framework: implementation of theWHO global strategy on diet, physical activity and health. 2008. 5.Han T, Van Leer E, Seidell J, Lean M. Waist circumference actionlevels in the identification of cardiovascular risk factors: prevalen-ce study in a random sample. Bmj. 1995;311(7017):1401-5. 6.Health NIo, Obesity NAAftSo. The Practical guide: identifica-tion, evaluation, and treatment of overweight and obesity inadults. NIH Publication Number 00-4084. http://www nhlbi nihgov/guidelines/obesity/prctgd_c pdf. 2000. 7.James PT, Leach R, Kalamara E, Shayeghi M. The worldwi-de obesity epidemic. Obesity research. 2001;9(S11):228S-33S. 8.Hizmetleri TSBTS, Müdürlüğü G. Türkiye obezite (şişmanlık)ile mücadele ve kontrol programı (2010-2014). Ankara: Ku-ban matbaacılık. 2010. 9.Von Kries R, Koletzko B, Sauerwald T, Von Mutius E, BarnertD, Grunert V, et al. Breast feeding and obesity: cross sectio-nal study. Bmj. 1999;319(7203):147-50. 10.Kurumu THS. BİRİNCİ BASAMAK SAĞLIK KURUMLARIİÇİN OBEZİTE VE DİYABET KLİNİK REHBERİ. 2017. 11.SATMAN İ. Türkiye'de Obezite Sorunu. Turkiye Klinikleri Jour-nal of Gastroenterohepatology Special Topics. 2016;9(2):1-11. 12.Sansone RA, Sansone LA, Wiederman MW. The relationshipbetween obesity and medical utilization among women in a pri-mary care setting. International Journal of Eating Disorders.1998;23(2):161-7. 13.Guzman SE. Practical advice for family physicians to help over-weight patients. Am Fam Phsycian Monograph Nov. 2003. 14.Bowerman S, Bellman M, Saltsman P, Garvey D, Pimstone K,Skootsky S, et al. Implementation of a primary care physiciannetwork obesity management program. Obesity research.2001;9(S11):321S-5S. 15.Logue E, Sutton K, Jarjoura D, Smucker W. Obesity manage-ment in primary care: assessment of readiness to change among284 family practice patients. The Journal of the American Bo-ard of Family Practice. 2000;13(3):164-71. 16.Martin KA, Mani MV, Mani A. New targets to treat obesity andthe metabolic syndrome. European journal of pharmacology. 2015; 763: 64-74. 17.Orzano AJ, Scott JG. Diagnosis and treatment of obesity inadults: an applied evidence-based review. The Journal of theAmerican Board of Family Practice. 2004;17(5):359-69. 18.Hunter GR, Brock DW, Byrne NM, Chandler‐Laney PC, DelCorral P, Gower BA. Exercise training prevents regain of vis-ceral fat for 1 year following weight loss. Obesity.2010;18(4):690-5. 19.Harvey E, Glenny AM, Kirk S, Summerbell C. An updated syste-matic review of interventions to improve health professionals’management of obesity. obesity reviews. 2002;3(1):45-55. 20.Hensley RD. Primary care management of obesity: Individua-lized treatment strategies. The Nurse Practitioner.2018;43(7):41-8. 21.Low AK, Bouldin MJ, Sumrall CD, Loustalot FV, Land KK. Aclinician’s approach to medical management of obesity. The Ame-rican journal of the medical sciences. 2006;331(4):175-82. 22.Garvey WT, Mechanick JI, Brett EM, Garber AJ, Hurley DL,Jastreboff AM, et al. American Association of Clinical Endoc-rinologists and American College of Endocrinology compre-hensive clinical practice guidelines for medical care of pati-ents with obesity. Endocrine Practice. 2016;22(s3):1-203. 23.Health NIo. Clinical guidelines on the identification, evaluation, andtreatment of overweight and obesity in adults: the evidence report.National Institutes of Health; National Heart, Lung, and Blood Ins-titute; September 1998. Publication No. 98-4083. 2006. 24.Strychar I. Diet in the management of weight loss. CanadianMedical Association Journal. 2006;174(1):56-63. 25.Organization WH. Obesity: preventing and managing the glo-bal epidemic: World Health Organization; 2000. 26.Bakanlığı TS. Türkiye Fiziksel Aktivite Rehberi 2014. Ankara:Kuban Matbaacılık Yayıncılık Sağlık Bakanlığı Yayın. 2015(940). 27.Kelley G, Kelley K, Tran ZV. Aerobic exercise, lipids and lipop-roteins in overweight and obese adults: a meta-analysis of ran-domized controlled trials. International journal of obesity.2005;29(8):881. 28.Gill JM, Malkova D. Physical activity, fitness and cardiovas-cular disease risk in adults: interactions with insulin resistan-ce and obesity. Clinical science. 2006;110(4):409-25. 29.Eckel RH, Jakicic JM, Ard JD, De Jesus JM, Miller NH, Hubbard VS, et al. 2013 AHA/ACC guideline on lifestyle manage-ment to reduce cardiovascular risk: a report of the AmericanCollege of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task For-ce on Practice Guidelines. Journal of the American College ofCardiology. 2014;63(25 Part B):2960-84. 30.Burke LE, Wang J, Sevick MA. Self-monitoring in weight loss:a systematic review of the literature. Journal of the AmericanDietetic Association. 2011;111(1):92-102. 31.Samaranayake NR, Ong KL, Leung RY, Cheung BM. Mana-gement of obesity in the National Health and Nutrition Exa-mination Survey (NHANES), 2007–2008. Annals of epidemio-logy. 2012;22(5):349-53. 32.Kim GW, Lin JE, Blomain ES, Waldman SA. Antiobesity phar-macotherapy: new drugs and emerging targets. ClinicalPharmacology & Therapeutics. 2014;95(1):53-66. 33.Rubino F, Nathan DM, Eckel RH, Schauer PR, Alberti KGM,Zimmet PZ, et al. Metabolic surgery in the treatment algorithmfor type 2 diabetes: a joint statement by international diabe-tes organizations. Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases.2016;12(6):1144-62. 34.Cherniack EP. Potential applications for alternative medici-ne to treat obesity in an aging population. Alternative Medi-cine Review. 2008;13(1):34.
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section makaleler

Abdullah Kaan Kurt

Publication Date March 29, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 11 Issue: 2


APA Kurt, A. K. (2019). Birinci Basamakta Obezite Yönetimi. Klinik Tıp Aile Hekimliği, 11(2), 55-60.
AMA Kurt AK. Birinci Basamakta Obezite Yönetimi. Aile Hekimliği. March 2019;11(2):55-60.
Chicago Kurt, Abdullah Kaan. “Birinci Basamakta Obezite Yönetimi”. Klinik Tıp Aile Hekimliği 11, no. 2 (March 2019): 55-60.
EndNote Kurt AK (March 1, 2019) Birinci Basamakta Obezite Yönetimi. Klinik Tıp Aile Hekimliği 11 2 55–60.
IEEE A. K. Kurt, “Birinci Basamakta Obezite Yönetimi”, Aile Hekimliği, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 55–60, 2019.
ISNAD Kurt, Abdullah Kaan. “Birinci Basamakta Obezite Yönetimi”. Klinik Tıp Aile Hekimliği 11/2 (March 2019), 55-60.
JAMA Kurt AK. Birinci Basamakta Obezite Yönetimi. Aile Hekimliği. 2019;11:55–60.
MLA Kurt, Abdullah Kaan. “Birinci Basamakta Obezite Yönetimi”. Klinik Tıp Aile Hekimliği, vol. 11, no. 2, 2019, pp. 55-60.
Vancouver Kurt AK. Birinci Basamakta Obezite Yönetimi. Aile Hekimliği. 2019;11(2):55-60.