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Occupatıonal Asthma

Year 2017, Volume: 5 Issue: 3, 17 - 20, 03.03.2017



The most important step in Occupational Asthma(OA) disease is to take anamnesis.Questioning of workrelated symptoms has high sensitivity to OA. Symptoms increaseon the days when they go to work, but they decrease or disappear at the holidays. If theasthmatic patient is working in a workplace causing asthma, it should be considered asOA until otherwise is proven and it should be recommended to investigate this. Allergic or immunological occupational asthma requires a latent period to determine the disease, while non-allergic or non-immunological occupational asthma has no Latent period. By using the Pefmeter from the diagnostic methods, the PEF variability determination should be in the form of a 1-month follow-up (within 10 days of non-work periods) and at least four times a day. In addition, specific and nonspecific bronchial provocation tests and immunological tests are used. Skin prick tests, intradermal tests, specific IgE tests are important in immunologic tests, whereas Total IgE has no diagnostic value. The primary method of protection is methods of preventing contact with factors; Thesecondary method of protection is removal of the responsible agent and the targets of tertiary protection are to control symptoms, to prevent attacks and to treat medications.


  • Kaynaklar 1.Akbulut T. İşçi Sağlığı Prensip ve Uygulamaları, Sistem Yayıncılık,İstanbul 1994 Sayfa 25-26 2.Türktaş H. Mesleksel Astma. Türktaş H. Türktaş İ. Astma. AnkaraBozkır Matbaacılık 1998 160-168 3.Malo JL, Ghezzo H, L’Archevêque J, et al. Is theclinicalhistory a sa-tisfactory means of diagnosing occupational asthma AmRevRespir-Dis 1991;143:528-32. 4.Stenton SC. Occupationalasthma. ChronicRespiratoryDisease2010;7(1): 35–46. 5.Mapp CE, Boschetto P, Maestrelli P, Fabbri LM. OccupationalAsth-ma. Am J RespirCritCareMed 2005;172(3):280-305 6.Asthma in theWorkplace. Indefinitionandclassification of asthma intheworkplace. Ed. Malo JL, Cahn-Yeung M, Bernstein DI.CRC Press, Taylor&FrancisGroup, US,FL 2013 7.Toren K, Blanc P. Asthma caused by occupational exposures is com-mon- a systematicanalysis of estimates of thepopulation- attritublef-raction. BMC PulmMed 2009;29,9:7. 8.Tarlo SM, Balmes J, Balkisssoon R, Beach J, Beckett W, BernsteinD, et al. ACCP Consensus Statement: diagnosis and management ofwork-relatedasthma. Chest 2008; 134: 1-41. 9.Bardana EJ.Jr–Occupational asthma. J AllergyClinImmunol. 2008Feb;121(2 Suppl):S408-11 doi: 10.1016/j.jaci.2007.08.005. 10. 10.Tarlo SM1, Leung K, Broder I, Silverman F, Holness DLAsthmatic-subjects symptomatically worse at work: prevalenceandcharacteri-zationamong a general asthmaclinicpopulation. Chest. 2000Nov;118(5):1309-14. 11.Altin R, Ozkurt S, Fisekçi F, Cimrin AH, Zencir M, Sevinc C, Pre-valence of byssinosis and respiratory symptoms among cotton millworkers. (Respiration. 2002;69(1):52-6. 12.Özkurt S, Zencir M, Hacıoğlu M ve ark. Oto boyacılarında meslek-sel astım sıklığı Solunum dergisi 2003;5:49-53 13.Akpinar-Elci M, Cimrin AH, Elci OC. Prevalenceand risk factors ofoccupational asthma among hairdressers in Turkey. J OccupEnvi-ronMed 2002;44:585-90 14.Gülmez I, çetinkaya F, Oymak FS, et al. Occupational asthma among ha-irdressers apprentices [abstracts]. EurRespir J 1998;28(Suppl):333-4 15.Erdoğan S, Gülmez Ý, ÜnlühızarcıK, ve ark. Odun Tozuna MaruzKalan İşçilerde Solunum Fonksiyonları ve Meslek AstmaPrevalan-sı. Solunum.1995; 19: 127-34. 17.Ardıç S, Özdemir N, CingiM, ve ark. Toz Morfine Bağlı Yeni Bir Mes-leksel Astma. Solunum Hastalıkları 1990; 1: 37-50. 18.Kılıçaslan Z, Yaşa M. Bronchial Asthma associated with detergentenzyme. European Respiratory Journal. 1992; 5(suppl 15): 405s. 19.Demirel M, Gülmez Ý, Oymak S, Demir R, Özesmi M. Cam iþçile-rinde mesleksel astma. Türkiye Solunum Araştırmaları Derneği XXV.Ulusal Kongresi, İstanbul. Özet Kitabı: SB 044. 20.Chan-Yeung M. Assesment of asthma in theworkplace. Chest 1995;108(4):1084-117. 21.Matte TD, Hoffman RE, Ronsenman KD, Stanbury M. Surveillanceof work-related asthma in selected U.S. states using surveilance gui-delines for state health departments, California, Massachusetts, Mic-higan, and New Jersey 1993-1995, Mor MortalWklyRep CDC Sur-veillSumm 1999; 48: 1-20. 22.Burge S. Recent developments in occupational asthma. Swiss-MedWkly 2010; 140 (9-10): 128-132. 23.Nicholson PJ, Cullinan P, Burge PS, Boyle C. Occupational asthma:Prevention, identification&management: Systematicreview&recommen-dations. British Occupational Health Research Foundation London. 2010. 24.Sastre J, Fernandez-Nieto M, Novalbos A, De LasHeras M, CuestaJ, Quirce S. Need of monitoringnon-specific bronchial hyperrespon-siveness before and after Isocyanate inhalation challenge. Chest 2003;123(4):1276-9. 1276-9. 25.Malo JL, Cahn-Yeung M, Bernstein DI Asthma in theWorkplace. In-definition and classification of asthma in theworkplace. Ed..CRC Press,Taylor&FrancisGroup, US,FL 2013. 26.Nicholson PJ, Cullinan P, Newman Taylor AJ, Burge PS, Boyle C. Evi-dence based guidelines for the prevention identification, and managementof occupation alasthma. Occup Environ Med 2005; 62(5): 290-9. 27.Berstein IL, Li JT, Berstein DI, Hamilton R, Spector SL, Tan R, etal; American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology; Ame-rican College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology. Allergy diagnos-tictesting: an updated practice parameter. Ann Allergy Asthma Im-munol Practice Guideline 2008; 100 (3): 1-148. 28.Maniscalco M, Grieco L, Galdi A, et al. Increase in exhaled nitricoxide in shoe and leather workers at theend of thework-shift. Occup-Med (Lond) 2004;54:404-7. 29.Vandenplas O, D Alpaos V, Heymans J, Jamart J, Thimpont J, Hu-aux F et al. Sputum eosinophilia: an early marker of bbronchial res-ponse to occupational agents Allergy 2009; 64(5): 754-61. 30.Lund MB, Oksne PI, Hamre R, Kongerud J. Increased nitricoxide inexhaledair: an early marker of asthma in non-smoking aluminiumpotroom workers OccupEnvironMed 2000;57:274-8 31.Quirce S, Sastre J. Occupational Asthma. Allergy 1998; 53: 633-641

Mesleki Astım

Year 2017, Volume: 5 Issue: 3, 17 - 20, 03.03.2017



Mesleki Astım tanısında en önemli adım anamnez almaktır. İşe bağlı semptomlarınsorgulanması mesleki astım tanısında yüksek sensitiviteye sahiptir. Semptomlar işe gittiği günlerde artarken, tatillerde azalır veya kaybolur. Astımlı hasta astıma neden olan bir iş kolunda çalışıyorsa aksi kanıtlanıncaya kadar MA olarak kabul edilmeli ve bu yönde araştırılması önerilmelidir Alerjik ya da immunolojik mesleki astım da hastalığın ortaya çıkması için bir latent dönem gerekirken Non-alerjik ya da nonimmunolojik mesleki astımda Latent dönem yoktur. Tanı yöntemlerinden Pefmetre kullanarak PEF varyabilitesini tespit 1 aylık izlem şeklinde (10 günluk iş dışı periyodlar içinde) ve gündeen az dort   kez yapılmalıdır. Ayrıca tanıda spesifik ve nonspesifik bronş provokasyon testleri ve immunolojik testler kullanılır. İmmunolojik testlerden deri prick testleri intradermal testler spesifik IgE testleri tanıda önemli iken Total IgE’nin tanısal değeri yoktur. Koruma yöntemlerinden birincil koruma etkenle teması önleme yöntemleri, ikincilkoruma işten ve sorumlu ajandan uzaklaştırma ve üçüncül korumanın hedefleri ise semp-tomları kontrol altında tutmak, atakları önlemek, ilaç tedavisidir.


  • Kaynaklar 1.Akbulut T. İşçi Sağlığı Prensip ve Uygulamaları, Sistem Yayıncılık,İstanbul 1994 Sayfa 25-26 2.Türktaş H. Mesleksel Astma. Türktaş H. Türktaş İ. Astma. AnkaraBozkır Matbaacılık 1998 160-168 3.Malo JL, Ghezzo H, L’Archevêque J, et al. Is theclinicalhistory a sa-tisfactory means of diagnosing occupational asthma AmRevRespir-Dis 1991;143:528-32. 4.Stenton SC. Occupationalasthma. ChronicRespiratoryDisease2010;7(1): 35–46. 5.Mapp CE, Boschetto P, Maestrelli P, Fabbri LM. OccupationalAsth-ma. Am J RespirCritCareMed 2005;172(3):280-305 6.Asthma in theWorkplace. Indefinitionandclassification of asthma intheworkplace. Ed. Malo JL, Cahn-Yeung M, Bernstein DI.CRC Press, Taylor&FrancisGroup, US,FL 2013 7.Toren K, Blanc P. Asthma caused by occupational exposures is com-mon- a systematicanalysis of estimates of thepopulation- attritublef-raction. BMC PulmMed 2009;29,9:7. 8.Tarlo SM, Balmes J, Balkisssoon R, Beach J, Beckett W, BernsteinD, et al. ACCP Consensus Statement: diagnosis and management ofwork-relatedasthma. Chest 2008; 134: 1-41. 9.Bardana EJ.Jr–Occupational asthma. J AllergyClinImmunol. 2008Feb;121(2 Suppl):S408-11 doi: 10.1016/j.jaci.2007.08.005. 10. 10.Tarlo SM1, Leung K, Broder I, Silverman F, Holness DLAsthmatic-subjects symptomatically worse at work: prevalenceandcharacteri-zationamong a general asthmaclinicpopulation. Chest. 2000Nov;118(5):1309-14. 11.Altin R, Ozkurt S, Fisekçi F, Cimrin AH, Zencir M, Sevinc C, Pre-valence of byssinosis and respiratory symptoms among cotton millworkers. (Respiration. 2002;69(1):52-6. 12.Özkurt S, Zencir M, Hacıoğlu M ve ark. Oto boyacılarında meslek-sel astım sıklığı Solunum dergisi 2003;5:49-53 13.Akpinar-Elci M, Cimrin AH, Elci OC. Prevalenceand risk factors ofoccupational asthma among hairdressers in Turkey. J OccupEnvi-ronMed 2002;44:585-90 14.Gülmez I, çetinkaya F, Oymak FS, et al. Occupational asthma among ha-irdressers apprentices [abstracts]. EurRespir J 1998;28(Suppl):333-4 15.Erdoğan S, Gülmez Ý, ÜnlühızarcıK, ve ark. Odun Tozuna MaruzKalan İşçilerde Solunum Fonksiyonları ve Meslek AstmaPrevalan-sı. Solunum.1995; 19: 127-34. 17.Ardıç S, Özdemir N, CingiM, ve ark. Toz Morfine Bağlı Yeni Bir Mes-leksel Astma. Solunum Hastalıkları 1990; 1: 37-50. 18.Kılıçaslan Z, Yaşa M. Bronchial Asthma associated with detergentenzyme. European Respiratory Journal. 1992; 5(suppl 15): 405s. 19.Demirel M, Gülmez Ý, Oymak S, Demir R, Özesmi M. Cam iþçile-rinde mesleksel astma. Türkiye Solunum Araştırmaları Derneği XXV.Ulusal Kongresi, İstanbul. Özet Kitabı: SB 044. 20.Chan-Yeung M. Assesment of asthma in theworkplace. Chest 1995;108(4):1084-117. 21.Matte TD, Hoffman RE, Ronsenman KD, Stanbury M. Surveillanceof work-related asthma in selected U.S. states using surveilance gui-delines for state health departments, California, Massachusetts, Mic-higan, and New Jersey 1993-1995, Mor MortalWklyRep CDC Sur-veillSumm 1999; 48: 1-20. 22.Burge S. Recent developments in occupational asthma. Swiss-MedWkly 2010; 140 (9-10): 128-132. 23.Nicholson PJ, Cullinan P, Burge PS, Boyle C. Occupational asthma:Prevention, identification&management: Systematicreview&recommen-dations. British Occupational Health Research Foundation London. 2010. 24.Sastre J, Fernandez-Nieto M, Novalbos A, De LasHeras M, CuestaJ, Quirce S. Need of monitoringnon-specific bronchial hyperrespon-siveness before and after Isocyanate inhalation challenge. Chest 2003;123(4):1276-9. 1276-9. 25.Malo JL, Cahn-Yeung M, Bernstein DI Asthma in theWorkplace. In-definition and classification of asthma in theworkplace. Ed..CRC Press,Taylor&FrancisGroup, US,FL 2013. 26.Nicholson PJ, Cullinan P, Newman Taylor AJ, Burge PS, Boyle C. Evi-dence based guidelines for the prevention identification, and managementof occupation alasthma. Occup Environ Med 2005; 62(5): 290-9. 27.Berstein IL, Li JT, Berstein DI, Hamilton R, Spector SL, Tan R, etal; American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology; Ame-rican College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology. Allergy diagnos-tictesting: an updated practice parameter. Ann Allergy Asthma Im-munol Practice Guideline 2008; 100 (3): 1-148. 28.Maniscalco M, Grieco L, Galdi A, et al. Increase in exhaled nitricoxide in shoe and leather workers at theend of thework-shift. Occup-Med (Lond) 2004;54:404-7. 29.Vandenplas O, D Alpaos V, Heymans J, Jamart J, Thimpont J, Hu-aux F et al. Sputum eosinophilia: an early marker of bbronchial res-ponse to occupational agents Allergy 2009; 64(5): 754-61. 30.Lund MB, Oksne PI, Hamre R, Kongerud J. Increased nitricoxide inexhaledair: an early marker of asthma in non-smoking aluminiumpotroom workers OccupEnvironMed 2000;57:274-8 31.Quirce S, Sastre J. Occupational Asthma. Allergy 1998; 53: 633-641
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Makaleler 1

Uzm. Dr. Hikmet Çoban This is me

Publication Date March 3, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 5 Issue: 3


APA Çoban, U. D. H. (2017). Mesleki Astım. Klinik Tıp Bilimleri, 5(3), 17-20.
AMA Çoban UDH. Mesleki Astım. Klinik Tıp Bilimleri. March 2017;5(3):17-20.
Chicago Çoban, Uzm. Dr. Hikmet. “Mesleki Astım”. Klinik Tıp Bilimleri 5, no. 3 (March 2017): 17-20.
EndNote Çoban UDH (March 1, 2017) Mesleki Astım. Klinik Tıp Bilimleri 5 3 17–20.
IEEE U. D. H. Çoban, “Mesleki Astım”, Klinik Tıp Bilimleri, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 17–20, 2017.
ISNAD Çoban, Uzm. Dr. Hikmet. “Mesleki Astım”. Klinik Tıp Bilimleri 5/3 (March 2017), 17-20.
JAMA Çoban UDH. Mesleki Astım. Klinik Tıp Bilimleri. 2017;5:17–20.
MLA Çoban, Uzm. Dr. Hikmet. “Mesleki Astım”. Klinik Tıp Bilimleri, vol. 5, no. 3, 2017, pp. 17-20.
Vancouver Çoban UDH. Mesleki Astım. Klinik Tıp Bilimleri. 2017;5(3):17-20.