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Comparison Of Single-Shot Spinal Anaesthesia and Continuous Spinal Anaesthesia In Patients Undergoing Open Prostatectomy

Year 2018, Volume: 6 Issue: 2, 17 - 24, 04.02.2018



Aim:In this study, in patients undergoing open prostatectomy, comparison of sin-gle shot spinal anesthesia (SSA) and continuous spinal anesthesia (CSA) methods in termsof hemodynamics, quality of anesthesia, and complications  was aimed.

Material and Methods:42 patients (ASA I-III) over 50 years of age were randomly divided into two groups. Patients in  group SSA (n=21) received  3.5 ml of hyperbaricbupivacaine 0.5%. Patients in group CSA (n=21) received1.5 ml hyperbaric bupivacaine 0.5% intrathecally. Sensorial blockade reached at thoracal 10 (T-10) and at Bromage Scale 3, the first with 15 minutes and the latter doses with 5 minutes intervals 0,5 mL, hyperbaric bupivacaine %0,5 was administered. Throughout the operation patient’s non-invasive arterial blood pressure, heart rate, decrease in blood pressure 25%, amount of blood loss, additional fluid needs, vasoactive medication needs, atropine needs, additional local anesthetics needs, were recorded. Blocade performing time, the time full motor blockade and sen-sorial blockade’s reached at T-10, two segments regression time, resolution of motor and sensorial blockade time wererecorded.

Results:In CSA Group performing of anesthesia time,full motor blockade achievement time needed and the timeneeded for sensorial blockade to reach T-10 was long, twosegment regression time, motor sensorial blockade time were short. In SSA group hypotension, additional fluid need andephedrine need were higher than CSA group.

Conclusion: In CSA Group by low dose local anaest-hetic, appropriate anesthesia level and better hemodynamicstability were achieved. When CSA performed properly tosuitable patients, it is a reliable and effective technique.


  • Kaynaklar 1. Wulf HF. [The centennial of spinal anesthesia]. Anesthesiology; 1998;89 (2): 500-506. 2. Sutter PA,Gamulin Z, Forster A. [Comparison of continuous spinaland continuous epidural anesthesia for lower limb surgery in elderlypatients : A retrospective sutudy]. Anaesthesia 1989; 44 (1): 47-50. 3. Valentin N, Lomholt B, Jensen JS, Hejgaard N, Kreiner S. [Spinalor general anaesthesia for surgery of the fractured hip? Study of mor-tality in 578 patients] . Br J Anesth1986;58(3):284-291. 4.Covert CR, Fox GS. [Anaesthesia for hip surgery in the elderly]. CanJ Anaesth 1989;36(3): 311-319. 5. Klimscha W, Weinstabl C, Ilias W, Mayer N, Kashanipour A, Sche-neider B, Hammerle A. [Continuous spinal anesthesia with micro-catheterand low-dose bupivacaine decreases the hemodynamic ef-fects of centroneuraxis blocks in elderly patients]. Anaesth Analg1993(2);77: 275-280. 6. Faverel GJF, Sztark F, Petitjean ME, Thicoipe M, Lassie P, Da-badie P. [Hemodynamic effects of spinal anaesthesia in the elderly:single dose versus titration through a catheter] . Anaesth Analg 1996;82(2): 312-316. 7. Chan VWS, Chung F, Gomez M, Seyone C, Baylon G. [Anesthe-tic and hemodynamic effects of single bolus versus incremental tit-ration of hyperbaric spinal lidocaine through microcatheter] . Ana-esth Analg 1994; 79(1):117-123. 8. James M. Moore. [Continuous spinal anaesthesia]. Am J Ther2009;16(4):289-294. 9. Van Gessel EF, Forster A, Gamulin Z. [Surgical repair of hip frak-tür using continuous spinal anesthesia: comparison of hypobaric so-lutions of tetracaine and bupivacaine] . Anaesth Analg 1989;68(3): 276-281. 10. Denny N, Masters R, Pearson D, Read J, Sihota M, Selander D. [Post-dural puncture headache after continuous spinal anesthesia] .Anaesth Analg 1987;66(8): 791-94. 11. Van Gessel EF, Forster A, Schweizer A, Gamulin Z. [Comparison ofhypobaric, hyperbaric, and isobaric solitions of bupivacaine duringcontinuous spinal anesthesia]. Anesth Analg 1991; 72 (6): 779-84. 12. Sheskey MC, Rocco AG, Bizzarri-Schmid M, Francis DM, EdstromH, Covino BG. [ A dose response study of bupivacaine for spinal anest-hesia]. Anaesth Analg 1983; 62(10): 931-35. 13. Pitkanen M, Rosenberg P , Silvanto M, Tuominen M. [Hemodyna-mic changes during spinal anesthesia with slow continuous infusi-on or single dose of plain bupivacaine ] .Acta Anesthesiol Scand 1992;36(6): 526-29. 14. Reisli R, Celik J, Tuncer S, Yosunkaya A, Otelcioğlu S. [Anaesthe-tic and haemodynamic effects of continuous spinal versus continu-ous epidural anaesthesia with prilocaine]. Eur J Anaesthesiol 2003;20 (1): 26-30 15. de Anderes J, Bellver J, Bolinches R. [Comparison of continuous spi-nal anesthesia using a 32 G cathater with anesthesia using a singledose 24 G atraumatic needle in young patients ]. Br J Anesth1994;73(6): 747-750. 16. Chambers WA. [ Intrathecal bupivacaine ]. Br J Anesth 1982; 54:799-801 17. Greene NM . [A new look at sympathetic denervation during spinalanesthesia] . Anesthesiology 1986; 65(2): 137-138. 18. Demirel C, Katı İ, Tuncer C, Hüseyinoğlu Ü, Silay E . [Yaşlı hasta-larda tek doz spinal anestezi ile sürekli spinal anestezi yöntemleri-nin anestezik ve hemodinamik etkilerinin karşılaştırılması]. Türk AnestRean Dergisi 2001; 29:563-569 19. Horlocker TT, McGregor DG, Matsushiqe DK, Chantigian RC, Schroe-der DR, Besse JA. [Neurologic complications of 603 consecutive con-tinuous spinal anesthesia using macrocatheter and microcatheter tec-niques] . Anaesth Analg 1997; 84(5):1063-1070. 20. Mahisekar UL, Winnie AP, Vasireddy AR, Masters RW. [Continuousspinal anesthesia and postural puncture headache: a retrospectivestudy] . Reg Anesth 1991;16(2):107-111. 21. Mc Swiney M, Philipps J. [Post dural punchture headache]. ActaAnaesthesiol Scand 1995; 39(7): 990- 995. 22. Hurley RJ, Lambert DH. [Continuous spinal anesthesia with a mic-rocatheter tecniques: preliminary experience] . Anaesth Analg1990; 70(1): 97-102. 23. Rigler ML, Drasner K, Krejcie TC, Yelish SJ, Scholnick FT, Defon-tes J, Bohner D. [Cauda equina syndrome after continuous spinalanesthesia]. Anaesth Analg 1991;72 (3): 275-281. 24. Schell RM, Brauer FS, Cole DJ, Applegate RL. [Persistent sacralnerve rood defects after continuous spinal anesthesia]. Can J Ana-esth 1991; 38(7): 908-911. 25. Ilians WK, Klimscha W, Skrbensky G, Weinstabl R, Widhalm A. [Con-tinuous microspinal anesthesia : another perspective on mechanisminducing cauda equina syndrome]. Anaesthesia 1998; 53(7): 618-623. 26. Li DF, Bahar M, Cole G, Rosen M. [Neurological toxity of the su-barachnoid infusion of bupivacaine, lignocaine or 2-chloroprocai-ne in the rat]. Br J Anesth 1985; 57(4): 424-429. 27. Rao TLK, El-etr AA. [Anticoagulation following placement of epi-dural and subarachnoid catheters : an evaluation of neurologic se-quelae]. Anesthesiology 1981; 55(6): 618-620. 28. Van Gessel EF, Forster A, Gamulin Z. [A prospective study of thefeasibility of continuous spinal anesthesia in a university hospital].Anaesth Analg 1995;80(5): 880-885. 29. Baydilek Y, Yurtlu BS, Hanci V, Ayoğlu H, Okyay RD, Kayhan GE,Tokgöz H, Mungan G, Ozkoçak I. [The comparison of levobupiva-caine in continuous or single dose spinal anesthesia for transureth-ral resection of prostate surgery]. Braz J Anesthesiol. 2014;64(2):89-97.

Açık Prostatektomi Ameliyatı Geçirecek Hastalarda Tek Doz Spinal Anestezi ve Sürekli Spinal Anestezi Tekniklerinin Karşılaştırılması

Year 2018, Volume: 6 Issue: 2, 17 - 24, 04.02.2018



Amaç: Bu çalışmada açık prostatektomi ameliyatı geçirecek hastalarda, tek doz spinal anestezi (SSA) ve sürekli spinal anestezi (CSA) yöntemlerinin hemodinami, anestezi kalitesi ve komplikasyonlar yönünden karşılaştırılması amaçlandı.

Gereç ve yöntem: 50 yaşın üzerinde, 42 hasta (ASA 1-3), randomize olarak iki gruba ayrıldı. SSA’e (n=21,) 3,5 ml %0,5 hiperbarik bupivakain verildi.  CSA’e (n=21) 1,5ml %0,5 hiperbarik bupivakain intratekal verildi. Sensoriyal blok torakal-10’a ve Bromage Skalası’nda 3’e ulaşana kadar ilki 15 dakika ve sonrakiler takip eden 5 dakika araile 0,5 ml %0,5 hiperbarik bupivakain uygulandı. Ameliyat süresince hastaların non invaziv arter basınçları, kalp atım sayıları, kan basınçlarındaki %25 düşme, kan kaybı miktarları, ek sıvı ihtiyaçları, vazoaktif medikasyon  gereksinimleri, atropin gereksinimleri, ek lokal anestezik ihtiyaçları kaydedildi. Blok uygulama süresi, tam motor blok ve sensoriyal bloğun torakal-10’a ulaşma zamanı, 2 segment regresyon süresi, motor blok ve duyusal bloğun bitiş zamanı kaydedildi.

Bulgular: CSA grubunda anestezi tekniğini uygulama süresi, tam motor blok oluşma süresi ve sensoriyal bloğun torakal-10’a ulaşma süresi uzun;  iki segment regresyonsüresi, motor blok ve duyusal blok süresi kısa bulundu. SSA grubunda hipotansiyon, eksıvı ihtiyacı, efedrin gereksinimi  CSA grubundan daha fazla bulundu.

Sonuç: CSA grubunda düşük doz lokal anestezikle, uygun anestezi düzeyi ve daha iyi hemodinamik stabilite sağlandı. CSA uygun hastaya, doğru bir şekilde uygulandığında güvenilir ve etkin bir yöntemdir.


  • Kaynaklar 1. Wulf HF. [The centennial of spinal anesthesia]. Anesthesiology; 1998;89 (2): 500-506. 2. Sutter PA,Gamulin Z, Forster A. [Comparison of continuous spinaland continuous epidural anesthesia for lower limb surgery in elderlypatients : A retrospective sutudy]. Anaesthesia 1989; 44 (1): 47-50. 3. Valentin N, Lomholt B, Jensen JS, Hejgaard N, Kreiner S. [Spinalor general anaesthesia for surgery of the fractured hip? Study of mor-tality in 578 patients] . Br J Anesth1986;58(3):284-291. 4.Covert CR, Fox GS. [Anaesthesia for hip surgery in the elderly]. CanJ Anaesth 1989;36(3): 311-319. 5. Klimscha W, Weinstabl C, Ilias W, Mayer N, Kashanipour A, Sche-neider B, Hammerle A. [Continuous spinal anesthesia with micro-catheterand low-dose bupivacaine decreases the hemodynamic ef-fects of centroneuraxis blocks in elderly patients]. Anaesth Analg1993(2);77: 275-280. 6. Faverel GJF, Sztark F, Petitjean ME, Thicoipe M, Lassie P, Da-badie P. [Hemodynamic effects of spinal anaesthesia in the elderly:single dose versus titration through a catheter] . Anaesth Analg 1996;82(2): 312-316. 7. Chan VWS, Chung F, Gomez M, Seyone C, Baylon G. [Anesthe-tic and hemodynamic effects of single bolus versus incremental tit-ration of hyperbaric spinal lidocaine through microcatheter] . Ana-esth Analg 1994; 79(1):117-123. 8. James M. Moore. [Continuous spinal anaesthesia]. Am J Ther2009;16(4):289-294. 9. Van Gessel EF, Forster A, Gamulin Z. [Surgical repair of hip frak-tür using continuous spinal anesthesia: comparison of hypobaric so-lutions of tetracaine and bupivacaine] . Anaesth Analg 1989;68(3): 276-281. 10. Denny N, Masters R, Pearson D, Read J, Sihota M, Selander D. [Post-dural puncture headache after continuous spinal anesthesia] .Anaesth Analg 1987;66(8): 791-94. 11. Van Gessel EF, Forster A, Schweizer A, Gamulin Z. [Comparison ofhypobaric, hyperbaric, and isobaric solitions of bupivacaine duringcontinuous spinal anesthesia]. Anesth Analg 1991; 72 (6): 779-84. 12. Sheskey MC, Rocco AG, Bizzarri-Schmid M, Francis DM, EdstromH, Covino BG. [ A dose response study of bupivacaine for spinal anest-hesia]. Anaesth Analg 1983; 62(10): 931-35. 13. Pitkanen M, Rosenberg P , Silvanto M, Tuominen M. [Hemodyna-mic changes during spinal anesthesia with slow continuous infusi-on or single dose of plain bupivacaine ] .Acta Anesthesiol Scand 1992;36(6): 526-29. 14. Reisli R, Celik J, Tuncer S, Yosunkaya A, Otelcioğlu S. [Anaesthe-tic and haemodynamic effects of continuous spinal versus continu-ous epidural anaesthesia with prilocaine]. Eur J Anaesthesiol 2003;20 (1): 26-30 15. de Anderes J, Bellver J, Bolinches R. [Comparison of continuous spi-nal anesthesia using a 32 G cathater with anesthesia using a singledose 24 G atraumatic needle in young patients ]. Br J Anesth1994;73(6): 747-750. 16. Chambers WA. [ Intrathecal bupivacaine ]. Br J Anesth 1982; 54:799-801 17. Greene NM . [A new look at sympathetic denervation during spinalanesthesia] . Anesthesiology 1986; 65(2): 137-138. 18. Demirel C, Katı İ, Tuncer C, Hüseyinoğlu Ü, Silay E . [Yaşlı hasta-larda tek doz spinal anestezi ile sürekli spinal anestezi yöntemleri-nin anestezik ve hemodinamik etkilerinin karşılaştırılması]. Türk AnestRean Dergisi 2001; 29:563-569 19. Horlocker TT, McGregor DG, Matsushiqe DK, Chantigian RC, Schroe-der DR, Besse JA. [Neurologic complications of 603 consecutive con-tinuous spinal anesthesia using macrocatheter and microcatheter tec-niques] . Anaesth Analg 1997; 84(5):1063-1070. 20. Mahisekar UL, Winnie AP, Vasireddy AR, Masters RW. [Continuousspinal anesthesia and postural puncture headache: a retrospectivestudy] . Reg Anesth 1991;16(2):107-111. 21. Mc Swiney M, Philipps J. [Post dural punchture headache]. ActaAnaesthesiol Scand 1995; 39(7): 990- 995. 22. Hurley RJ, Lambert DH. [Continuous spinal anesthesia with a mic-rocatheter tecniques: preliminary experience] . Anaesth Analg1990; 70(1): 97-102. 23. Rigler ML, Drasner K, Krejcie TC, Yelish SJ, Scholnick FT, Defon-tes J, Bohner D. [Cauda equina syndrome after continuous spinalanesthesia]. Anaesth Analg 1991;72 (3): 275-281. 24. Schell RM, Brauer FS, Cole DJ, Applegate RL. [Persistent sacralnerve rood defects after continuous spinal anesthesia]. Can J Ana-esth 1991; 38(7): 908-911. 25. Ilians WK, Klimscha W, Skrbensky G, Weinstabl R, Widhalm A. [Con-tinuous microspinal anesthesia : another perspective on mechanisminducing cauda equina syndrome]. Anaesthesia 1998; 53(7): 618-623. 26. Li DF, Bahar M, Cole G, Rosen M. [Neurological toxity of the su-barachnoid infusion of bupivacaine, lignocaine or 2-chloroprocai-ne in the rat]. Br J Anesth 1985; 57(4): 424-429. 27. Rao TLK, El-etr AA. [Anticoagulation following placement of epi-dural and subarachnoid catheters : an evaluation of neurologic se-quelae]. Anesthesiology 1981; 55(6): 618-620. 28. Van Gessel EF, Forster A, Gamulin Z. [A prospective study of thefeasibility of continuous spinal anesthesia in a university hospital].Anaesth Analg 1995;80(5): 880-885. 29. Baydilek Y, Yurtlu BS, Hanci V, Ayoğlu H, Okyay RD, Kayhan GE,Tokgöz H, Mungan G, Ozkoçak I. [The comparison of levobupiva-caine in continuous or single dose spinal anesthesia for transureth-ral resection of prostate surgery]. Braz J Anesthesiol. 2014;64(2):89-97.
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Makaleler 1

Demet Yediçocuklu Sergin

Publication Date February 4, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 6 Issue: 2


APA Yediçocuklu Sergin, D. (2018). Açık Prostatektomi Ameliyatı Geçirecek Hastalarda Tek Doz Spinal Anestezi ve Sürekli Spinal Anestezi Tekniklerinin Karşılaştırılması. Klinik Tıp Bilimleri, 6(2), 17-24.
AMA Yediçocuklu Sergin D. Açık Prostatektomi Ameliyatı Geçirecek Hastalarda Tek Doz Spinal Anestezi ve Sürekli Spinal Anestezi Tekniklerinin Karşılaştırılması. Klinik Tıp Bilimleri. February 2018;6(2):17-24.
Chicago Yediçocuklu Sergin, Demet. “Açık Prostatektomi Ameliyatı Geçirecek Hastalarda Tek Doz Spinal Anestezi Ve Sürekli Spinal Anestezi Tekniklerinin Karşılaştırılması”. Klinik Tıp Bilimleri 6, no. 2 (February 2018): 17-24.
EndNote Yediçocuklu Sergin D (February 1, 2018) Açık Prostatektomi Ameliyatı Geçirecek Hastalarda Tek Doz Spinal Anestezi ve Sürekli Spinal Anestezi Tekniklerinin Karşılaştırılması. Klinik Tıp Bilimleri 6 2 17–24.
IEEE D. Yediçocuklu Sergin, “Açık Prostatektomi Ameliyatı Geçirecek Hastalarda Tek Doz Spinal Anestezi ve Sürekli Spinal Anestezi Tekniklerinin Karşılaştırılması”, Klinik Tıp Bilimleri, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 17–24, 2018.
ISNAD Yediçocuklu Sergin, Demet. “Açık Prostatektomi Ameliyatı Geçirecek Hastalarda Tek Doz Spinal Anestezi Ve Sürekli Spinal Anestezi Tekniklerinin Karşılaştırılması”. Klinik Tıp Bilimleri 6/2 (February 2018), 17-24.
JAMA Yediçocuklu Sergin D. Açık Prostatektomi Ameliyatı Geçirecek Hastalarda Tek Doz Spinal Anestezi ve Sürekli Spinal Anestezi Tekniklerinin Karşılaştırılması. Klinik Tıp Bilimleri. 2018;6:17–24.
MLA Yediçocuklu Sergin, Demet. “Açık Prostatektomi Ameliyatı Geçirecek Hastalarda Tek Doz Spinal Anestezi Ve Sürekli Spinal Anestezi Tekniklerinin Karşılaştırılması”. Klinik Tıp Bilimleri, vol. 6, no. 2, 2018, pp. 17-24.
Vancouver Yediçocuklu Sergin D. Açık Prostatektomi Ameliyatı Geçirecek Hastalarda Tek Doz Spinal Anestezi ve Sürekli Spinal Anestezi Tekniklerinin Karşılaştırılması. Klinik Tıp Bilimleri. 2018;6(2):17-24.