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Subcutaneous and Sublingual Immunotherapy by Inhaler Allergens

Year 2017, Volume: 9 Issue: 2, 165 - 170, 15.03.2017



Currently, it is demonstrated that allergen spesific immunotherapy (SIT) is theonly treatment that capable to change the natural course or allergic diseases such asallergic rhinitis and asthma. Although, subcutaneous immunotherapy (SCIT) is approved as the gold standart treatment, sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT) has been shown to demonstrate similar efficacy with more safety. Cochrane systematic reviews and metaanalyses, published to date has demonstrated the efficacy of both SLIT and SCIT in patients withallergic rhinitis and asthma sensitizied to either perrenial or seasonal airborne allergens. Although, both methods are demonstrated to be clinically efficient and to induce immunological tolerance in many studies, literature is scarce comparing SLITversus SCIT head to head in terms of efficacy and immune tolerance induction. On the other hand, data in literature suggests that both methods are highly evidential and selection of sublingual or SCIT should be tailored based on compliance, availability, and co-decision of doctor-patient.


  • Kaynaklar 1.Asher MI, Montefort S, Björksten B, Lai CK, Strachan DP, Wei-land SK, et al. Worldwide time trends in the prevalence ofsymptoms of asthma, allergic rhinoconjunctivitis, and eczema inchildhood: ISAAC Phases One and Three repeat multicountrycross-sectional surveys. Lancet. 2006;368:733-43. 2.Ait-Khaled N, Odhiambo J, Pearce N, Adjoh KS, Maesano IA, Ben-habyles B, et al. Prevalence of symptoms of asthma, rhinitis andeczema in 13- to 14-year-old children in Africa: the Internatio-nal Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood Phase III. Allergy.2007;62(3):247-58. 3.Bousquet, J, Lockey R..F, Malling H.J WHO position paper. Al-lergen immunotherapy: therapeutic vaccines for allergic disea-ses. Allergy. 1998;53, 1-42 4.Cox L. Allergen immunotherapy and asthma: efficacy, safety, andother considerations. Allergy Asthma Proc. 2008;29(6):580-9.doi: 10.2500/aap.2008.29.3162. 5.Cox L, Li J., Lockey F, Richard L. Allergen immunotherapy: Apractice parameter second update. J Allergy Clin Immunol.2007;120:25-85. 6.Bernstein DI, Wanner M, Borish L, Liss GM; ImmunotherapyCommittee, American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immuno-logy. Twelve-year survey of fatal reactions to allergen injectionsand skin testing: 1990-2001. J Allergy Clin Immunol.2004;113(6):1129-36. 7.Bousquet J., Lockey R., Malling H.J ve ark. Allergen immunot-herapy: Therapeutic vaccines for allergic diseases. World healthOrganisation .American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immu-nology. Annals of Allergy Asthma and Immunology. 1998;81,401-405. 8.Calderon MA, Alves B, Jacobson M, Hurwitz B, Sheikh A, Dur-ham S. Allergen injection immunotherapy for seasonal allergicrhinitis. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2007;(1):CD001936. 9.Passalaqua G, Durham SR. Allergic rhinitis and its impact on asth-ma update: allergen immunotherapy. Journal of Allergy and Cli-nical Immunology. 2007;119, 881-891. 10.Frew AJ, Powell RJ, Corrigan CJ, Durham SR; UK Immunothe-rapy Study Group. [Efficacy and safety of specific immunothe-rapy with SQ allergen extract in treatment-resistant seasonal al-lergic rhinoconjunctivitis]. J Allergy Clin Immunol.2006;117(2):319-25. 11.Powell RJ, Frew A.J., Corrigan CJ, et al. Effect of grass pollenimmunotherapy with Durham Sr,Alutard SQ on quality of life inseasonal allergic rhinoconjunctivitis. Allergy 2007;62, 1335-1338. 12.Abramson M., Puy R., Weiner J.M. (1995) Is allergen immunot-herapy effective in asthma? A meta-analysis of randomized con-trolled trials. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical CareMedicine. 151, 969-974 13.Abramson MJ, Puy RM, Weiner JM. [Injection allergen immu-notherapy for asthma]. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2010 Aug4;(8):CD001186. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD001186.pub2. 14.Wilson DR, Lima MT, Durham SR. [Sublingual immunotherapyfor allergic rhinitis: systematic review and meta-analysis]. Al-lergy. 2005;60(1):4-12. 15.Penagos M, Passalacqua G, Compalati E, Baena-Cagnani CE,Orozco S, Pedroza A, et al. [Metaanalysis of the efficacy of sub-lingual immunotherapy in the treatment of allergic asthma in pe-diatric patients, 3 to 18 years of age]. Chest. 2008;133(3):599-609. 16.Calamita Z, Saconato H, Pelá AB, Atallah AN. [Efficacy of sub-lingual immunotherapy in asthma: systematic review of rando-mized-clinical trials using the Cochrane Collaboration method].Allergy. 2006;61(10):1162-72. 17.Bufe A. [Usefulness of sublingual immunotherapy in children.Drugs Today (Barc)]. 2008;44 Suppl B:61-3. 18.Bacharier LB, Boner A, Carlsen KH, Eigenmann PA, FrischerT, Götz M, et al. [Diagnosis and treatment of asthma in child-hood: a PRACTALL consensus report]. Allergy. 2008;63(1):5-34. 19.Penagos M, Compalati E, Tarantini F, Baena-Cagnani R, Hu-erta J, Passalacqua G, et al. [Efficacy of sublingual immunothe-rapy in the treatment of allergic rhinitis in pediatric patients 3to 18 years of age: a meta-analysis of randomized, placebo-con-trolled, double-blind trials]. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol.2006;97(2):141-8. 20.Pradalier A, Basset D, Claudel A, Couturier P, Wessel F, Gal-vain S, et al. [Sublingual-swallow immunotherapy (SLIT) with astandardized five-grass-pollen extract (drops and sublingual tab-lets) versus placebo in seasonal rhinitis]. Allergy. 1999;54(8):819-28. 21.La Rosa M, Ranno C, André C, Carat F, Tosca MA, CanonicaGW. [Double-blind placebo-controlled evaluation of sublingu-al-swallow immunotherapy with standardized Parietaria judai-ca extract in children with allergic rhinoconjunctivitis]. J AllergyClin Immunol. 1999;104:425-32. 22.Durham SR, Yang WH, Pedersen MR, Johansen N, Rak S. [Sub-lingual immunotherapy with once-daily grass allergen tablets:a randomized controlled trial in seasonal allergic rhinoconjunc-tivitis]. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2006;117(4):802-9. 23.Dahl R, Kapp A, Colombo G, de Monchy JG, Rak S, EmmingerW, et al. [Efficacy and safety of sublingual immunotherapy withgrass allergen tablets for seasonal allergic rhinoconjunctivitis].J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2006;118(2):434-40. 24.Bufe A, Eberle P, Franke-Beckmann E, Funck J, Kimmig M, Kli-mek L, et al. [Safety and efficacy in children of an SQ-standar-dized grass allergen tablet for sublingual immunotherapy]. J Al-lergy Clin Immunol. 2009;123(1):167-173.e7. doi:10.1016/j.jaci.2008.10.044. 25.Didier A, Malling HJ, Worm M, Horak F, Jäger S, Montagut A,et al. [Optimal dose, efficacy, and safety of once-daily sublingu-al immunotherapy with a 5-grass pollen tablet for seasonal al-lergic rhinitis]. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2007;120(6):1338-45. 26.Dahl R, Stender A, Rak S. [Specific immunotherapy with SQ stan-dardized grass allergen tablets in asthmatics with rhinoconjunc-tivitis]. Allergy. 2006;61(2):185-90. 27.Lue KH, Lin YH, Sun HL, Lu KH, Hsieh JC, Chou MC. [Clini-cal and immunologic effects of sublingual immunotherapy in asth-matic children sensitized to mites: a double-blind, randomized,placebo-controlled study]. Pediatr Allergy Immunol.2006;17(6):408-15. 28.Pham-Thi N1, Scheinmann P, Fadel R, Combebias A, Andre C.[Assessment of sublingual immunotherapy efficacy in children withhouse dust mite-induced allergic asthma optimally controlled bypharmacologic treatment and mite-avoidance measures]. Pedi-atr Allergy Immunol. 2007;18(1):47-57. 29.Moreno-Ancillo A, Moreno C, Ojeda P, Domínguez C, Baraso na MJ, García-Cubillana A, et al. [Efficacy and quality of life withonce-daily sublingual immunotherapy with grasses plus olive pol-len extract without updosing]. J Investig Allergol Clin Immunol.2007;17(6):399-405. 30.Amar SM, Harbeck RJ, Sills M, Silveira LJ, O'Brien H, NelsonHS. [Response to sublingual immunotherapy with grass pollenextract: monotherapy versus combination in a multiallergen ext-ract]. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2009;124(1):150-156.e1-5. doi:10.1016/j.jaci.2009.04.037. 31.Malling H. [Position paper: Immunotherapy with hymenopteravenoms. (EAACI) The European Academy of Allergology and Cli-nical Immunology]. Allergy. 1993;48(14 Suppl):36-46. 32.Bousquet J, Hejjaoui A, Dhivert H, Clauzel AM, Michel FB. [Im-munotherapy with a standardized Dermatophagoides pteronys-sinus extract. Systemic reactions during the rush protocol in pa-tients suffering from asthma]. J Allergy Clin Immunol.1989;83(4):797-802. 33.Lima MT, Wilson D, Pitkin L, Roberts A, Nouri-Aria K, Jacob-son M, et al. [Grass pollen sublingual immunotherapy for sea-sonal rhinoconjunctivitis: a randomized controlled trial]. Clin ExpAllergy. 2002;32(4):507-14. 34.Alvarez-Cuesta E, Berges-Gimeno P, González-Mancebo E, Fer-nández-Caldas E, Cuesta-Herranz J, Casanovas M. [Sublingu-al immunotherapy with a standardized cat dander extract: eva-luation of efficacy in a double blind placebo controlled study].Allergy. 2007;62(7):810-7. 35.Cox LS, Larenas Linnemann D, Nolte H, Weldon D, Finegold I,Nelson HS. [Sublingual immunotherapy: a comprehensive revi-ew]. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2006;117(5):1021-35. 36.Dunsky EH, Goldstein MF, Dvorin DJ, Belecanech GA. [Anaphy-laxis to sublingual immunotherapy]. Allergy. 2006Oct;61(10):1235. 37.Eifan AO, Keles S, Bahceciler NN, Barlan IB. [Anaphylaxis tomultiple pollen allergen sublingual immunotherapy]. Allergy.2007;62(5):567-8. 38.Blazowski L. [Anaphylactic shock because of sublingual immu-notherapy overdose during third year of maintenance dose. Al-lergy]. 2008;63(3):374. 39.Windom HH, Lockey RF. [An update on the safety of specific im-munotherapy]. Curr Opin Allergy Clin Immunol. 2008;8(6):571-6. doi: 10.1097/ACI.0b013e32831845fb. 40.Galip N, Bahceciler N. [Rare adverse events due to house dustmite sublingual immunotherapy in pediatric practice: two casereports]. Immunotherapy. 2015;7(12):1235-9. doi:10.2217/imt.15.88. 41.Flicker S, Steinberger P, Norderhaug L, Sperr WR, Majlesi Y, Va-lent P, et al. [Conversion of grass pollen allergen-specific humanIgE into a protective IgG(1) antibody]. Eur J Immunol.2002;32(8):2156-62. 42.van Neerven RJ, Wikborg T, Lund G, Jacobsen B, Brinch-Niel-sen A, Arnved J, e t al. [Blocking antibodies induced by specificallergy vaccination prevent the activation of CD4+ T cells by in-hibiting serum-IgE-facilitated allergen presentation]. J Immunol. 1999;163 (5):29 44 -52. 43.Jutel M, Akdis M, Budak F, Aebischer-Casaulta C, Wrzyszcz M,Blaser K, et al. [IL-10 and TGF-beta cooperate in the regulatoryT cell response to mucosal allergens in normal immunity and spe-cific immunotherapy]. Eur J Immunol. 2003;33(5):1205-14. 44.Akdis CA., Blesken T, Akdis M, Wüthrich B, Blaser K. 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İnhalen Allerjenlerle Subkutan ve Sublingual İmmünoterapi

Year 2017, Volume: 9 Issue: 2, 165 - 170, 15.03.2017



Günümüzde allerjik rinit ve astım gibi solunum yolu allerjik hastalıklarının tedavisinde hastalığın doğal seyrini değiştirebilen tek tedavi yönteminin allerjen spesifik immünoterapi (SIT) olduğu kanıtlanmıştır. Subkutan immünoterapi (SCIT) altın standart tedavi olarak kabul görmesine karşın sublingual immünoterapinin (SLIT)son 3 dekadda benzer etkinliği olan emniyetli bir tedavi yöntemi olduğu kanıtlanmıştır. Günümüze dek yayınlanmış Cochrane sistematik derleme ve meta analizlerde gerek SCIT gerekse SLIT’ın mevsimsel veya perennial inhalen allerjenlere duyarlı allerjik rinit ve astımlı olgulardaki etkinliği gösterilmiştir. Her iki tedavi yöntemi ile semptom ve ilaç kullanımında anlamlı azalma olduğu ve immünolojik toleransı indüklediği birçok araştırmada kanıtlanmış olmasına rağmen, bu iki yöntemin etkinlik ve immün tolerans yönünden birebir karşılaştırıldığı çalışmalar pek azdır. Öte yandan literatürdeki veriler her iki yöntemin de yüksek kanıt değerinde olup,sublingual veya subkutan immünoterapi seçiminin uygulanabilirlilik, ulaşılabilirlilik ve hasta hekim ortak kararı ile uygulanmasını önermektedir.


  • Kaynaklar 1.Asher MI, Montefort S, Björksten B, Lai CK, Strachan DP, Wei-land SK, et al. Worldwide time trends in the prevalence ofsymptoms of asthma, allergic rhinoconjunctivitis, and eczema inchildhood: ISAAC Phases One and Three repeat multicountrycross-sectional surveys. Lancet. 2006;368:733-43. 2.Ait-Khaled N, Odhiambo J, Pearce N, Adjoh KS, Maesano IA, Ben-habyles B, et al. Prevalence of symptoms of asthma, rhinitis andeczema in 13- to 14-year-old children in Africa: the Internatio-nal Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood Phase III. Allergy.2007;62(3):247-58. 3.Bousquet, J, Lockey R..F, Malling H.J WHO position paper. Al-lergen immunotherapy: therapeutic vaccines for allergic disea-ses. Allergy. 1998;53, 1-42 4.Cox L. Allergen immunotherapy and asthma: efficacy, safety, andother considerations. Allergy Asthma Proc. 2008;29(6):580-9.doi: 10.2500/aap.2008.29.3162. 5.Cox L, Li J., Lockey F, Richard L. Allergen immunotherapy: Apractice parameter second update. J Allergy Clin Immunol.2007;120:25-85. 6.Bernstein DI, Wanner M, Borish L, Liss GM; ImmunotherapyCommittee, American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immuno-logy. Twelve-year survey of fatal reactions to allergen injectionsand skin testing: 1990-2001. J Allergy Clin Immunol.2004;113(6):1129-36. 7.Bousquet J., Lockey R., Malling H.J ve ark. Allergen immunot-herapy: Therapeutic vaccines for allergic diseases. World healthOrganisation .American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immu-nology. Annals of Allergy Asthma and Immunology. 1998;81,401-405. 8.Calderon MA, Alves B, Jacobson M, Hurwitz B, Sheikh A, Dur-ham S. Allergen injection immunotherapy for seasonal allergicrhinitis. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2007;(1):CD001936. 9.Passalaqua G, Durham SR. Allergic rhinitis and its impact on asth-ma update: allergen immunotherapy. Journal of Allergy and Cli-nical Immunology. 2007;119, 881-891. 10.Frew AJ, Powell RJ, Corrigan CJ, Durham SR; UK Immunothe-rapy Study Group. [Efficacy and safety of specific immunothe-rapy with SQ allergen extract in treatment-resistant seasonal al-lergic rhinoconjunctivitis]. J Allergy Clin Immunol.2006;117(2):319-25. 11.Powell RJ, Frew A.J., Corrigan CJ, et al. Effect of grass pollenimmunotherapy with Durham Sr,Alutard SQ on quality of life inseasonal allergic rhinoconjunctivitis. Allergy 2007;62, 1335-1338. 12.Abramson M., Puy R., Weiner J.M. (1995) Is allergen immunot-herapy effective in asthma? A meta-analysis of randomized con-trolled trials. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical CareMedicine. 151, 969-974 13.Abramson MJ, Puy RM, Weiner JM. [Injection allergen immu-notherapy for asthma]. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2010 Aug4;(8):CD001186. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD001186.pub2. 14.Wilson DR, Lima MT, Durham SR. [Sublingual immunotherapyfor allergic rhinitis: systematic review and meta-analysis]. Al-lergy. 2005;60(1):4-12. 15.Penagos M, Passalacqua G, Compalati E, Baena-Cagnani CE,Orozco S, Pedroza A, et al. [Metaanalysis of the efficacy of sub-lingual immunotherapy in the treatment of allergic asthma in pe-diatric patients, 3 to 18 years of age]. Chest. 2008;133(3):599-609. 16.Calamita Z, Saconato H, Pelá AB, Atallah AN. [Efficacy of sub-lingual immunotherapy in asthma: systematic review of rando-mized-clinical trials using the Cochrane Collaboration method].Allergy. 2006;61(10):1162-72. 17.Bufe A. [Usefulness of sublingual immunotherapy in children.Drugs Today (Barc)]. 2008;44 Suppl B:61-3. 18.Bacharier LB, Boner A, Carlsen KH, Eigenmann PA, FrischerT, Götz M, et al. [Diagnosis and treatment of asthma in child-hood: a PRACTALL consensus report]. Allergy. 2008;63(1):5-34. 19.Penagos M, Compalati E, Tarantini F, Baena-Cagnani R, Hu-erta J, Passalacqua G, et al. [Efficacy of sublingual immunothe-rapy in the treatment of allergic rhinitis in pediatric patients 3to 18 years of age: a meta-analysis of randomized, placebo-con-trolled, double-blind trials]. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol.2006;97(2):141-8. 20.Pradalier A, Basset D, Claudel A, Couturier P, Wessel F, Gal-vain S, et al. [Sublingual-swallow immunotherapy (SLIT) with astandardized five-grass-pollen extract (drops and sublingual tab-lets) versus placebo in seasonal rhinitis]. Allergy. 1999;54(8):819-28. 21.La Rosa M, Ranno C, André C, Carat F, Tosca MA, CanonicaGW. [Double-blind placebo-controlled evaluation of sublingu-al-swallow immunotherapy with standardized Parietaria judai-ca extract in children with allergic rhinoconjunctivitis]. J AllergyClin Immunol. 1999;104:425-32. 22.Durham SR, Yang WH, Pedersen MR, Johansen N, Rak S. [Sub-lingual immunotherapy with once-daily grass allergen tablets:a randomized controlled trial in seasonal allergic rhinoconjunc-tivitis]. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2006;117(4):802-9. 23.Dahl R, Kapp A, Colombo G, de Monchy JG, Rak S, EmmingerW, et al. [Efficacy and safety of sublingual immunotherapy withgrass allergen tablets for seasonal allergic rhinoconjunctivitis].J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2006;118(2):434-40. 24.Bufe A, Eberle P, Franke-Beckmann E, Funck J, Kimmig M, Kli-mek L, et al. [Safety and efficacy in children of an SQ-standar-dized grass allergen tablet for sublingual immunotherapy]. J Al-lergy Clin Immunol. 2009;123(1):167-173.e7. doi:10.1016/j.jaci.2008.10.044. 25.Didier A, Malling HJ, Worm M, Horak F, Jäger S, Montagut A,et al. [Optimal dose, efficacy, and safety of once-daily sublingu-al immunotherapy with a 5-grass pollen tablet for seasonal al-lergic rhinitis]. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2007;120(6):1338-45. 26.Dahl R, Stender A, Rak S. [Specific immunotherapy with SQ stan-dardized grass allergen tablets in asthmatics with rhinoconjunc-tivitis]. Allergy. 2006;61(2):185-90. 27.Lue KH, Lin YH, Sun HL, Lu KH, Hsieh JC, Chou MC. [Clini-cal and immunologic effects of sublingual immunotherapy in asth-matic children sensitized to mites: a double-blind, randomized,placebo-controlled study]. Pediatr Allergy Immunol.2006;17(6):408-15. 28.Pham-Thi N1, Scheinmann P, Fadel R, Combebias A, Andre C.[Assessment of sublingual immunotherapy efficacy in children withhouse dust mite-induced allergic asthma optimally controlled bypharmacologic treatment and mite-avoidance measures]. Pedi-atr Allergy Immunol. 2007;18(1):47-57. 29.Moreno-Ancillo A, Moreno C, Ojeda P, Domínguez C, Baraso na MJ, García-Cubillana A, et al. [Efficacy and quality of life withonce-daily sublingual immunotherapy with grasses plus olive pol-len extract without updosing]. J Investig Allergol Clin Immunol.2007;17(6):399-405. 30.Amar SM, Harbeck RJ, Sills M, Silveira LJ, O'Brien H, NelsonHS. [Response to sublingual immunotherapy with grass pollenextract: monotherapy versus combination in a multiallergen ext-ract]. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2009;124(1):150-156.e1-5. doi:10.1016/j.jaci.2009.04.037. 31.Malling H. [Position paper: Immunotherapy with hymenopteravenoms. (EAACI) The European Academy of Allergology and Cli-nical Immunology]. Allergy. 1993;48(14 Suppl):36-46. 32.Bousquet J, Hejjaoui A, Dhivert H, Clauzel AM, Michel FB. [Im-munotherapy with a standardized Dermatophagoides pteronys-sinus extract. Systemic reactions during the rush protocol in pa-tients suffering from asthma]. J Allergy Clin Immunol.1989;83(4):797-802. 33.Lima MT, Wilson D, Pitkin L, Roberts A, Nouri-Aria K, Jacob-son M, et al. [Grass pollen sublingual immunotherapy for sea-sonal rhinoconjunctivitis: a randomized controlled trial]. Clin ExpAllergy. 2002;32(4):507-14. 34.Alvarez-Cuesta E, Berges-Gimeno P, González-Mancebo E, Fer-nández-Caldas E, Cuesta-Herranz J, Casanovas M. [Sublingu-al immunotherapy with a standardized cat dander extract: eva-luation of efficacy in a double blind placebo controlled study].Allergy. 2007;62(7):810-7. 35.Cox LS, Larenas Linnemann D, Nolte H, Weldon D, Finegold I,Nelson HS. [Sublingual immunotherapy: a comprehensive revi-ew]. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2006;117(5):1021-35. 36.Dunsky EH, Goldstein MF, Dvorin DJ, Belecanech GA. [Anaphy-laxis to sublingual immunotherapy]. Allergy. 2006Oct;61(10):1235. 37.Eifan AO, Keles S, Bahceciler NN, Barlan IB. [Anaphylaxis tomultiple pollen allergen sublingual immunotherapy]. Allergy.2007;62(5):567-8. 38.Blazowski L. [Anaphylactic shock because of sublingual immu-notherapy overdose during third year of maintenance dose. Al-lergy]. 2008;63(3):374. 39.Windom HH, Lockey RF. [An update on the safety of specific im-munotherapy]. Curr Opin Allergy Clin Immunol. 2008;8(6):571-6. doi: 10.1097/ACI.0b013e32831845fb. 40.Galip N, Bahceciler N. [Rare adverse events due to house dustmite sublingual immunotherapy in pediatric practice: two casereports]. Immunotherapy. 2015;7(12):1235-9. doi:10.2217/imt.15.88. 41.Flicker S, Steinberger P, Norderhaug L, Sperr WR, Majlesi Y, Va-lent P, et al. [Conversion of grass pollen allergen-specific humanIgE into a protective IgG(1) antibody]. Eur J Immunol.2002;32(8):2156-62. 42.van Neerven RJ, Wikborg T, Lund G, Jacobsen B, Brinch-Niel-sen A, Arnved J, e t al. [Blocking antibodies induced by specificallergy vaccination prevent the activation of CD4+ T cells by in-hibiting serum-IgE-facilitated allergen presentation]. J Immunol. 1999;163 (5):29 44 -52. 43.Jutel M, Akdis M, Budak F, Aebischer-Casaulta C, Wrzyszcz M,Blaser K, et al. [IL-10 and TGF-beta cooperate in the regulatoryT cell response to mucosal allergens in normal immunity and spe-cific immunotherapy]. Eur J Immunol. 2003;33(5):1205-14. 44.Akdis CA., Blesken T, Akdis M, Wüthrich B, Blaser K. 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Primary Language Turkish
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Prof. Dr. Nerin N. Bahçeciler This is me

Publication Date March 15, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 9 Issue: 2


APA Bahçeciler, P. D. N. N. (2017). İnhalen Allerjenlerle Subkutan ve Sublingual İmmünoterapi. Klinik Tıp Pediatri Dergisi, 9(2), 165-170.
AMA Bahçeciler PDNN. İnhalen Allerjenlerle Subkutan ve Sublingual İmmünoterapi. Pediatri. March 2017;9(2):165-170.
Chicago Bahçeciler, Prof. Dr. Nerin N. “İnhalen Allerjenlerle Subkutan Ve Sublingual İmmünoterapi”. Klinik Tıp Pediatri Dergisi 9, no. 2 (March 2017): 165-70.
EndNote Bahçeciler PDNN (March 1, 2017) İnhalen Allerjenlerle Subkutan ve Sublingual İmmünoterapi. Klinik Tıp Pediatri Dergisi 9 2 165–170.
IEEE P. D. N. N. Bahçeciler, “İnhalen Allerjenlerle Subkutan ve Sublingual İmmünoterapi”, Pediatri, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 165–170, 2017.
ISNAD Bahçeciler, Prof. Dr. Nerin N. “İnhalen Allerjenlerle Subkutan Ve Sublingual İmmünoterapi”. Klinik Tıp Pediatri Dergisi 9/2 (March 2017), 165-170.
JAMA Bahçeciler PDNN. İnhalen Allerjenlerle Subkutan ve Sublingual İmmünoterapi. Pediatri. 2017;9:165–170.
MLA Bahçeciler, Prof. Dr. Nerin N. “İnhalen Allerjenlerle Subkutan Ve Sublingual İmmünoterapi”. Klinik Tıp Pediatri Dergisi, vol. 9, no. 2, 2017, pp. 165-70.
Vancouver Bahçeciler PDNN. İnhalen Allerjenlerle Subkutan ve Sublingual İmmünoterapi. Pediatri. 2017;9(2):165-70.