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Lack of Attention

Year 2018, Volume: 10 Issue: 3, 27 - 30, 08.05.2018



At the present day Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is one ofthe main disorders that affect childrens academic success. This disorder affects notonly childrens success at school but also personal experience, family relations andsocial life. The boundaries of ADHD is determined by the clinic level of this disorder and this borders are taking into consideration while treatment and improving ofthis clinic level. Well fixation of the boundaries will help while consideration of drugtherapy and setting the reasonable time of this treatment and also selection of althernative methods.


  • Kaynaklar 1. Bradley, C: “The behavior of children receiving bezedrine”Am.J Psychiatry, 94: 577-585, 1937. 2. Dulcan, M: Dulcan’s Textbook of Child and AdolescentPsychiatry, Attention-Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder, 1, Ar-lington,American Psychiatric Publishing, 205-223, 2010. 3. Axelread DA, Kyle A. “Trends in enviromentally related child-hood illnesses” Pediatrics, 113:1133-1140, 2004. 4. Polanczyk G, de Lima MS, Horta BL. “The worldwide pre-valenceof ADHD: sistematic review and metaregressionanaly-sis” Am J Psychiatri, 164: 942-948, 2007. 5. Pliszka SR, Carlson CL, Swanson JM. ADHD with comorbiddisorders: Clinical asssesment and Management, NewYork,Guilford, 1999. 6. Bidereman J, Faraone SV, Keenan K, et al: Further evidan-ce for family genetic risc factors in attention deficit hyperac-tivity disorder: patterns of commorbidity in probands and re-latives psychiatrically and pediatrically referred samples. ArchGen Psychiatry 49:728-738, 1992. 7. Nigg, JT. What causes ADHD?, New York, Guilford, 2006. 8. Mick E, Biedarman J, Faraone SV, et al: “Case control studyof attention deficit hperacivity disorder and maternal smoking,alcohol use and drug use during pregnancy” J. Am Acad ChildAdoles Psychiatry 41:378-385, 2002a. 9. Kreppner JM O’Connor TG, Rutter M. “Can inattention ove-racivity be an İnstitutional deprivation syndrome?” J Abnor-mal Child Psychology 29: 513-528, 2001. 10. Biederman J: Faraone SV Mick et al, “Family enviroment riskfactors for attention-deficit hyperactivity disoerder” J AM AcadChild Adolesc Psyhiatry 34:1495-1503, 1995c. 11. Barcley, RA. Comorbid diserders, social and family adjust-ment and subtyping, in Attention Deficid Hyperactivity Diso-erder, Edited By Barkley RA; New York, Guilford 2006a, pp184-218. 12. Barcley, RA. “Behavioral inhibition, sustained attention, andexecutive functionsconstructing a unifying theory of ADHD”Psychol Bull 121:65-94, 1997. 13.Valera EM, Faraone SV, Murray KE, et al: “Metaanallysis ofstructural imaging findings in attention /hyperativity disorder”Biol Psychiatry 61:1361-1369, 2007. 14. Epstein JN, Casey BJ, Tonev ST, et al: “ADHD - and medi-cation- related brain activation effects in concordantly affec-ted parent - child dyads with ADHD” J Child PsycholPsychiatry 48:899-913, 2007. 15. Barkley et al. 1990; Biederman et al,1996b; Claude and Fi-restone 1995. 16. Barkley RA: Driving impairments in teens and adults with at-tention-deficit disorder. Psychiatry Clin North Am27:-233-260,2004. 17. Barkley RA, Fischer M, Smallish L, et al: “Young adult out-come of hyperactive children: adoptive functioning in majorlife activities” J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 45:192-202,2006. 18. Johnston, C. The impact of attention deficit hperactivity di-serder on social and vocational functioning in adults, in at-tention deficit hyperactivity disorder: State of the Science estPractices Edited by Jansen PS Cooper JR Kingston NJ Cicicresearch İnstitude 2002, pp 6-2-5-21. 19. Biederman J, Monuteaux MC Mick et al: “Young adult out-come of attention deficit hyperacitivty disorder,a controlled10 years follow-up study” Psychol Med 36: 167-179, 2006. 20. Max J E Arndt S, Castillo CS et al, “Attention - deficit hype-racitivty symptomatology after traumatic brain injury: a pros-pectifve study” J Am Acad Child Psychiatry 37:841- 847, 1998. 21. Lidsky TI, Schneider JS: Lead neurotoxicity in children: ba-sic mechanism and chlinical correlates. Brain 126:5-19, 2003. 22. O’Malley KD, Nanson J: “Clinical implications of a link bet-ween fetal alcohol spectrum disorder and attention deficit hpe-ractivity disorder” Can J Psychiatry 47:349-354, 2002. 23. Cohen-Zion M, Ancoli-Israel S: Sleep in children with atten-tion deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD): a reviev of natu-ralistic and stimulant intervention studies. Sleep Med Rev8:379-402, 2004. 24. Pine D, Schaffer D; Schonfeld IS: Persistent emotional disor-der in children with neurological soft signs. J Am Acad ChildAdolesc Psyshiatry 32:1229-1236, 1993. 25. Sonuga-Barke EJ: Physchological heterogeneity in AD/HD:a dual pathway model of behaviour and cognition. Behav Bra-in Res 130:29-36, 2002. 26. Chronis AM, Chacko A, Fabiano GA, et al: Enhencements tothe behavioral parent training paradigm for families ofchildren with ADHD: review and future directions. Clin ChildFam Psychol Rev 7:1-27, 2004. 27. Clin EEG Neurosci. 2009 Jul;40 (3):180-9. Efficacy of neu-rofeedback treatment in ADHD: the effects on inattention, im-pulsivity and hyperactivity: a meta-analysis. 28. J Atten Disord. 2013 Jul;17(5):393-409. doi: 10.1177/1087054712468053. Epub 2012 Dec 20.One size fits all? Slow corticalpotentials neurofeedback: a review. Mayer K1, Wyckoff SN,Strehl U. 29. EARLI_2012.pdf ,Does hearing equal behavior? Aca-demic and behaviora l benefits ofBerard AIT in clinical prac-tice Cristina M. Vellinga-Firimita* Paula van Dam **) 30. Pliszka S; AACAP Work Group on Quality Issues, "Practiceparameter for the assessment and treatment of children andadolescents with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder".Journal of the American Academy of Child and AdolescentPsychiatry, July 2007.

Dikkat Eksikliği

Year 2018, Volume: 10 Issue: 3, 27 - 30, 08.05.2018



Dikkat eksikliği hiperaktivite bozukluğu (DEHB) günümüzde çocukların okul başarısını etkileyen en önemli bozuklukların başında gelmektedir. Bu bozukluk çocukların sadece okul başarısını değil kişisel yaşantılarını, aile ilişkilerini, sosyal yaşantılarını da etkilemektedir. DEHB’nin sınırları bu bozukluğun klinik düzeyi ile belirlenmekte ve klinik düzeyin ele alınıp düzeltilmesinde bu sınırlar göz önüne alınmaktadır.Bu sınırların iyi tespiti, ilaç kullanıp kullanmamanın değerlendirilmesinde, kullanılacaksa ne kadar süre kullanılacağının belirlenmesinde ve ilaç dışı yöntemlerin seçiminde faydalı olacaktır.


  • Kaynaklar 1. Bradley, C: “The behavior of children receiving bezedrine”Am.J Psychiatry, 94: 577-585, 1937. 2. Dulcan, M: Dulcan’s Textbook of Child and AdolescentPsychiatry, Attention-Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder, 1, Ar-lington,American Psychiatric Publishing, 205-223, 2010. 3. Axelread DA, Kyle A. “Trends in enviromentally related child-hood illnesses” Pediatrics, 113:1133-1140, 2004. 4. Polanczyk G, de Lima MS, Horta BL. “The worldwide pre-valenceof ADHD: sistematic review and metaregressionanaly-sis” Am J Psychiatri, 164: 942-948, 2007. 5. Pliszka SR, Carlson CL, Swanson JM. ADHD with comorbiddisorders: Clinical asssesment and Management, NewYork,Guilford, 1999. 6. Bidereman J, Faraone SV, Keenan K, et al: Further evidan-ce for family genetic risc factors in attention deficit hyperac-tivity disorder: patterns of commorbidity in probands and re-latives psychiatrically and pediatrically referred samples. ArchGen Psychiatry 49:728-738, 1992. 7. Nigg, JT. What causes ADHD?, New York, Guilford, 2006. 8. Mick E, Biedarman J, Faraone SV, et al: “Case control studyof attention deficit hperacivity disorder and maternal smoking,alcohol use and drug use during pregnancy” J. Am Acad ChildAdoles Psychiatry 41:378-385, 2002a. 9. Kreppner JM O’Connor TG, Rutter M. “Can inattention ove-racivity be an İnstitutional deprivation syndrome?” J Abnor-mal Child Psychology 29: 513-528, 2001. 10. Biederman J: Faraone SV Mick et al, “Family enviroment riskfactors for attention-deficit hyperactivity disoerder” J AM AcadChild Adolesc Psyhiatry 34:1495-1503, 1995c. 11. Barcley, RA. Comorbid diserders, social and family adjust-ment and subtyping, in Attention Deficid Hyperactivity Diso-erder, Edited By Barkley RA; New York, Guilford 2006a, pp184-218. 12. Barcley, RA. “Behavioral inhibition, sustained attention, andexecutive functionsconstructing a unifying theory of ADHD”Psychol Bull 121:65-94, 1997. 13.Valera EM, Faraone SV, Murray KE, et al: “Metaanallysis ofstructural imaging findings in attention /hyperativity disorder”Biol Psychiatry 61:1361-1369, 2007. 14. Epstein JN, Casey BJ, Tonev ST, et al: “ADHD - and medi-cation- related brain activation effects in concordantly affec-ted parent - child dyads with ADHD” J Child PsycholPsychiatry 48:899-913, 2007. 15. Barkley et al. 1990; Biederman et al,1996b; Claude and Fi-restone 1995. 16. Barkley RA: Driving impairments in teens and adults with at-tention-deficit disorder. Psychiatry Clin North Am27:-233-260,2004. 17. Barkley RA, Fischer M, Smallish L, et al: “Young adult out-come of hyperactive children: adoptive functioning in majorlife activities” J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 45:192-202,2006. 18. Johnston, C. The impact of attention deficit hperactivity di-serder on social and vocational functioning in adults, in at-tention deficit hyperactivity disorder: State of the Science estPractices Edited by Jansen PS Cooper JR Kingston NJ Cicicresearch İnstitude 2002, pp 6-2-5-21. 19. Biederman J, Monuteaux MC Mick et al: “Young adult out-come of attention deficit hyperacitivty disorder,a controlled10 years follow-up study” Psychol Med 36: 167-179, 2006. 20. Max J E Arndt S, Castillo CS et al, “Attention - deficit hype-racitivty symptomatology after traumatic brain injury: a pros-pectifve study” J Am Acad Child Psychiatry 37:841- 847, 1998. 21. Lidsky TI, Schneider JS: Lead neurotoxicity in children: ba-sic mechanism and chlinical correlates. Brain 126:5-19, 2003. 22. O’Malley KD, Nanson J: “Clinical implications of a link bet-ween fetal alcohol spectrum disorder and attention deficit hpe-ractivity disorder” Can J Psychiatry 47:349-354, 2002. 23. Cohen-Zion M, Ancoli-Israel S: Sleep in children with atten-tion deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD): a reviev of natu-ralistic and stimulant intervention studies. Sleep Med Rev8:379-402, 2004. 24. Pine D, Schaffer D; Schonfeld IS: Persistent emotional disor-der in children with neurological soft signs. J Am Acad ChildAdolesc Psyshiatry 32:1229-1236, 1993. 25. Sonuga-Barke EJ: Physchological heterogeneity in AD/HD:a dual pathway model of behaviour and cognition. Behav Bra-in Res 130:29-36, 2002. 26. Chronis AM, Chacko A, Fabiano GA, et al: Enhencements tothe behavioral parent training paradigm for families ofchildren with ADHD: review and future directions. Clin ChildFam Psychol Rev 7:1-27, 2004. 27. Clin EEG Neurosci. 2009 Jul;40 (3):180-9. Efficacy of neu-rofeedback treatment in ADHD: the effects on inattention, im-pulsivity and hyperactivity: a meta-analysis. 28. J Atten Disord. 2013 Jul;17(5):393-409. doi: 10.1177/1087054712468053. Epub 2012 Dec 20.One size fits all? Slow corticalpotentials neurofeedback: a review. Mayer K1, Wyckoff SN,Strehl U. 29. EARLI_2012.pdf ,Does hearing equal behavior? Aca-demic and behaviora l benefits ofBerard AIT in clinical prac-tice Cristina M. Vellinga-Firimita* Paula van Dam **) 30. Pliszka S; AACAP Work Group on Quality Issues, "Practiceparameter for the assessment and treatment of children andadolescents with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder".Journal of the American Academy of Child and AdolescentPsychiatry, July 2007.
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section makale

Dr. Reşat Sabri Yurdakul This is me

Publication Date May 8, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 10 Issue: 3


APA Yurdakul, D. . R. . S. (2018). Dikkat Eksikliği. Klinik Tıp Pediatri Dergisi, 10(3), 27-30.
AMA Yurdakul DRS. Dikkat Eksikliği. Pediatri. May 2018;10(3):27-30.
Chicago Yurdakul, Dr. Reşat Sabri. “Dikkat Eksikliği”. Klinik Tıp Pediatri Dergisi 10, no. 3 (May 2018): 27-30.
EndNote Yurdakul DRS (May 1, 2018) Dikkat Eksikliği. Klinik Tıp Pediatri Dergisi 10 3 27–30.
IEEE D. . R. . S. Yurdakul, “Dikkat Eksikliği”, Pediatri, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 27–30, 2018.
ISNAD Yurdakul, Dr. Reşat Sabri. “Dikkat Eksikliği”. Klinik Tıp Pediatri Dergisi 10/3 (May 2018), 27-30.
JAMA Yurdakul DRS. Dikkat Eksikliği. Pediatri. 2018;10:27–30.
MLA Yurdakul, Dr. Reşat Sabri. “Dikkat Eksikliği”. Klinik Tıp Pediatri Dergisi, vol. 10, no. 3, 2018, pp. 27-30.
Vancouver Yurdakul DRS. Dikkat Eksikliği. Pediatri. 2018;10(3):27-30.