Background: Historically, the aim of the educational supervision subsystem is to control the educational behavior of the teachers in a traditional paradigm (Daresh, 1989; Glickman, Gordon, & Ross-Gordon, 2004). Today, supervision of education is seen as a process of developing education (Aydın 1986; Bays, 2001; Bursalıoğlu 1982; Glickman, Gordon, & Ross-Gordon, 2004; Gordon, 1991; Sullivan, & Glanz, 2000). Supervision of education in Turkey is conducted in a dual structure by supervisors of the ministry working under the Ministry of National Education and supervisors of education working under the provincial directorates of national education. Generally, supervisors of the ministry supervise secondary schools and supervisors of education supervise primary schools (Ministry of National Education [MoNE], 1993; MoNE, 1999; MoNE, 2001). Supervisors in primary education work in groups in supervision areas identified at the provincial level (MoNE, 1999; MoNE, 2001) and they prepare an end of the academic year report according to their observations. The report includes their recommendations on developing the education in the supervised areas. Following their compilation, the reports prepared by the supervisors are submitted to the provincial director of national education who is the decision-making authority at the provincial level. As supervisors in primary education visit every type of primary school for the purposes of providing guidance, supervision, evaluation or investigation, they are able to see the problems and defects of the education system. Therefore, the end of the academic year reports prepared by supervisors in primary education have an important role in reflecting the problems and defects of the education system in a province and indicating those that should be done to ensure sound functioning of the system. Problems of education in a province cannot be independent from the problems of education in that country. Therefore, it may be possible to have an idea about the problems of education and solutions to these problems from the end of the academic year reports written by the supervisors in primary education. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to evaluate the problems of education in Konya according to the end of the academic year reports based on the observations that the supervisors in primary education have written. Method: Data were collected using documentary research technique, which is one of the qualitative research techniques. Documents consist of the end of the academic year reports prepared in a ten-year period, starting with the academic year of 1999-2000, by supervisors in primary education in Konya. Data were analyzed by content analysis method. The content analysis was done by following the stages of (1) coding the data, (2) identifying the themes, (3) arranging codes and themes and (4) interpreting findings. Since there has been no prior study on this subject, the themes were created by taking the emerging themes as the basis. In order to provide external validity, data were reported in detail and how the results were obtained were told and interpreted in detail and to provide internal validity, confirmations of the participants were used. The percentage of the consensus among coders was calculated to provide reliability. Findings: Supervisors in primary education have identified 256 problems in total, 117 problems to be implemented by the Provincial Directorate of National Education and 139 problems to be implemented by the Ministry of National Education. According to the results of the analysis, problems of education in Konya are divided into nine themes: supervision, personnel appointment, training personnel, curricula, mobile education, education, physical condition and equipment, teachers' education and academic program. Sub themes were created under supervision, personnel appointment, training of personnel and regulation. The most mentioned problems were developed in the sub themes of appointing and assigning teachers and the supervision structure. Supervisors in primary education identified the structure and operating of the supervision system, the inefficiency of teachers and supporting staff at schools, appointing managers, training of teachers, mobile education, physical condition of the schools and the insufficient sources provided to the primary schools as problems. Conclusions/discussions and implications: Higher authorities, provincial directorate of national education and Ministry of National Education where the supervisors in primary education submit their reports do not implement the recommendations presented by the supervisors. Konya Provincial Directorate and Ministry of National Education has a closed system in this aspect. However there are also problems related to the fact that primary education supervisors write reports that include general recommendations instead of indicating the problems and providing solid solutions and that they put forward some of their recommendations as an observation but not as based on findings during the supervisions. It is concluded from these problems that supervisors in primary education have problems related to conducting research and reporting competency. Problems of education in Konya identified by the supervisors of primary educators are similar to the general problems of education in Turkey. Among these, personnel-related problems include: lack of teachers, civil servants and support staff in schools; appointment of teachers during the course of the academic year; appointment of candidate teachers to the schools with combined classes; appointment of school managers regardless of their qualifications; failure to provide training for teachers. Furthermore, there are problems such as amendments in the legislation, insufficient sources allocated for education, not continuing the compulsory education or dropping out, teaching with double shifts in one day, insufficient equipment and material, teachers' failure to adopt the recently changed curricula. The limitation of the research is that the reports of the ministry supervisors who identified the general problems of Konya according to the end of the academic year reports of supervisors in primary education, who supervised the secondary schools, were not reviewed in the study. New studies conducted without this limitation could provide further information about the problems.
supervisors in primary education end of the academic year report konya problems of education
Araştırmanın amacı, ilköğretim müfettişlerinin öğretim yılı içindeki çalışmalarında yaptıkları tespitlere dayalı olarak yazdıkları öğretim yılı sonu raporlarına göre Konya ilindeki eğitim sorunlarının değerlendirilmesidir. Araştırma, genel tarama modelindedir. Veriler, nitel araştırma tekniklerinden doküman incelemesi yoluyla toplanmıştır. Dokümanları, Konya ilköğretim müfettişleri tarafından 1999- 2000 öğretim yılından itibaren on yıllık dönemde hazırlanan öğretim yılı sonu raporları oluşturmaktadır. Veriler, içerik analizi yöntemiyle çözümlenmiştir. Çözümleme sonuçlarına göre, Konya ilinin eğitim sorunları denetim, personel atama, personel eğitimi, mevzuat, taşımalı eğitim, eğitim, fiziki durum ve donanım, öğretmen yetiştirme ve ders programları olmak üzere dokuz temaya ayrılmıştır. En fazla belirtilen sorunlar, öğretmen atama ve denetim yapısı ile ilgilidir. Konya ilinin eğitim sorunları Türkiye'nin genel eğitim sorunları ile benzerlik göstermektedir. Üst yöneticiler ilköğretim müfettişlerinin sorunlarının çözümü için getirdikleri önerileri yerine getirmemektedirler. Konya İl Millî Eğitim Müdürlüğü ve Millî Eğitim Bakanlığı bu yönüyle kapalı sistem özelliği taşımaktadır.
Primary Language | Turkish |
Journal Section | Articles |
Authors | |
Publication Date | March 1, 2011 |
Published in Issue | Year 2011 Volume: 2 Issue: 2 |