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Aksaray İli Buzağı İshallerinde Escherichia coli ve Escherichia coli Bakterisinin Son Üç Aylık Antibiyogram Sonuçları

Year 2023, , 606 - 613, 31.12.2023


Escherichia coli, Enterobacteriaceae ailesinde yer alan gram negatif, fakültatif anaerob, hareketli, spor oluşturmayan çomak şeklinde bir bakteridir. Patojenik E. coli ekstraintestinal ve intestinal olmak üzere iki gruba ayrılır. İntestinal Escherichia coli patotipleri: enterotoksijenik E. coli (ETEC), enteropatojenik E. coli (EPEC), Vero- veya Shiga-toksin üreten E. coli (VTEC veya STEC), enterohemorajik E. coli (EHEC), enteroagregatif E. coli (EAEC), enteroinvaziv E. coli (EIEC) ve diffuz aderent E. coli (DAEC)’dir. Ekstraintestinal patojenik E. coli ise; septisemik patojenik E. coli, üropatojenik E. coli, avian patojenik E. coli, meme patojenik E. coli ve uterus enfeksiyonlarına neden olanlar, endometriyal patojenik E. coli olarak sıralabilir. Enterotoksijenik Escherichia coli (ETEC), buzağılarda neonatal ishalin en yaygın nedenidir ve ince bağırsakta kolonize olan, enterotoksin üreten, neonatal dönemde buzağılar arasında ortaya çıkan bakteriyel bir hastalıktır. Bu çalışmanın amacı 2021 yılının ocak, şubat ve mart ayları arasında, Aksaray bölgesinde bulunan neonatal buzağı ishaline sebep olan E.coli izolatlarını belirlemektir. Çalışmada kullanılmak üzere, Aksaray bölgesindeki 20 farklı sığır işletmesinde ishal kaynaklı ölen neonatal dönemdeki buzağıların iç organ örnekleri (karaciğer, kalp, akciğer ve mezenterik lenf düğümü) alınmıştır. Herbir işletmede ölen bir buzağı örneklemeye dahil edilerek, toplam 20 adet buzağıdan örnek alınmıştır. Bu üç ayı kapsayan iç organ örneklerinin 12'sinde (%60) E.coli izole edilmiştir. Örneklerin antibiyogram sonuçlarına göre izolatların %50'sinin Amoksisilin ve Eritromisine, %33,3'ünün Tetrasikline, %58,3'ün Trimetoprim-sülfametoksazole, %66,6'sının Streptomisine, %75'inin Flofenikol, Gentamisin ve Enrofloksasine, %83,3'ünün Sefloksasin ve Sefloksasinyuma duyarlı olduğu tespit edildi.


  • Acha, S. J., Kühn, I., Jonsson, P., Mbazima, G., Katouli, M., & Möllby, R. (2004). Studies on calf diarrhoea in Mozambique: prevalence of bacterial pathogens. Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica, 45(1), 1-10.
  • Aldridge, B., Barry, F., & Adams, M.A. (1992). Role of colostral transfer in neonatal calf mangement: failure of acquisition of passive immunity. The Compendium on continuing education for the practicing veterinarian, 14, 265-269.
  • Balıkçı, E. (2012). Neonatal ishalli buzağılarda Rotavirus, Coronavirus, E. coli K99 ve Cryptosporidium parvum'un hızlı test kitleri ile teşhisi ve enteropatojen ile maternal immünite ilişkisi. Fırat Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Veteriner Dergisi, 26(2), 73-78.
  • Berge, A. C. B., Atwill, E. R., & Sischo, W. M. (2005). Animal and farm influences on the dynamics of antibiotic resistance in faecal Escherichia coli in young dairy calves. Preventive veterinary medicine, 69(1-2), 25-38.
  • Bhat, S.A., Juyal, P.D., & Singla, L.D. (2012). Prevalence of cryptosporidiosis in neonatal buffalo calves in Ludhiana district of Punjab, India. Asian J Anim Vet Adv, 7(6), 512-520.
  • Bartels, C.J., Holzhauer, M., Jorritsma, R., Swart, W.A., & Lam, T. J. (2010). Prevalence, prediction and risk factors of enteropathogens in normal and non-normal faeces of young Dutch dairy calves. Preventive veterinary medicine, 93(2), 162-169.
  • Bicknell, E., Noon, & T.H. (1993). Neonatal calf diarrhea. Anim Care Health Maint, 19-23.
  • Buttenschoen, K., Radermacher, P., & Bracht, H. (2010). Endotoxin elimination in sepsis: physiology and therapeutic application. Langenbeck's archives of surgery, 395(6), 597605.
  • Carlton L. G., John F. P., Glenn S., Charles O. T. (2010); Pathogenesis of Bacterial Infections in Animals, p.267 – 307.
  • Cho, Y.I., Kim, W.I., Liu, S., Kinyon, J.M., & Yoon, K.J. (2010). Development of a panel of multiplex real-time polymerase chain reaction assays for simultaneous detection of major agents causing calf diarrhea in feces. J Vet Diagn Invest., 22 (4), 509-517.
  • Cho, Y.I., & Yoon, K.J. (2014). An overview of calf diarrhea-infectious etiology, diagnosis, and intervention. Journal of veterinary science, 15 (1), 1-17.
  • CLSI National Committee for Clinical Labarotory Standarts, (M02-A11). Performance Standarts for antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing, Pennsylvania Wayne. 2012, Vol. 32.
  • Constable, P.D. (2009). Treatment of calf diarrhea: antimicrobial and ancillary treatments. Veterinary Clinics of North America: Food Animal Practice, 25(1), 101-120.
  • Collee, J. G., Fraser, A. G., Marmion, B. P., & Simmons, A. (1996). Practical medical microbiology. vol. 1. Churchill Livingstone, New York, 131-149.
  • Cunnington, A., & Nadel, S. (2008). New therapies for sepsis. Curr Top Med Chem., 8, 603614.
  • Çitil, M., Arslan, M.Ö., Güneş, V., Erdoğan, H.M. (2004). Neonatal buzağı ishallerinde Cryptosporidium ve Eimeria enfeksiyonlarının rolü. Kafkas Üniv. Vet. Fak. Derg, 10 (1), 5964.
  • Debroy, C., & Maddox, C.W. (2001). Identification of virulence attributes of gastrointestinal Escherichia coli isolates of veterinary significance. Animal Health Research Reviews, 2 (2), 129-140.
  • Duse, A., Waller, K. P., Emanuelson, U., Unnerstad, H. E., Persson, Y., & Bengtsson, B. (2015). Risk factors for antimicrobial resistance in fecal Escherichia coli from preweaned dairy calves. Journal of dairy science, 98(1), 500-516.
  • El-Seedy, F. R., Abed, A. H., Yanni, H. A., & Abd El-Rahman, S. A. A. (2016). Prevalence of Salmonella and E. coli in neonatal diarrheic calves. Beni-Suef University journal of basic and applied sciences, 5(1), 45-51.
  • Evans, T.W., & Smithies, M. (1999). ABC of dysfunction: Organ dysfunction. Br Med J, 318(7198), 1606-1609.
  • Fecteau, G., Smith, B.P., & George, L.W. (2009). Septicemia and meningitis in the newborn calf. Veterinary Clinics of North America: Food Animal Practice, 25(1), 195-208.
  • Foster, D.M., & Smith, G.W. (2009). Pathophysiology of diarrhea in calves. Veterinary Clinics of North America: Food Animal Practice, 25 (1), 13-36.
  • Francis D.H, Allen S.D, & White R.D, (1989): Influence of bovine intestinal fluid on the expression of K99 pili by Escherichia coli. American journal of veterinary research, 50(6), 822-826.
  • Garcia, A., Ruiz-Santa-Quiteria, J. A., Orden, J. A., Cid, D., Sanz, R., Gómez-Bautista, M., & De La Fuente, R. (2000). Rotavirus and concurrent infections with other enteropathogens in neonatal diarrheic dairy calves in Spain. Comparative immunology, microbiology and infectious diseases, 23(3), 175-183.
  • Hossain, M.T., Siddique, M.P., Hossain, F.M.A., Zinnah, M.A., Hossain, M.M., Alam, M.K., & Choudury, K.A. (2008). Isolation, identification, toxin profile and antibiogram of Escherichia coli isolated from broilers and layers in Mymensingh district of Bangladesh. Bangladesh Journal of Veterinary Medicine, 6 (1), 1-5.
  • Hunt, J.M. (2010). Shiga toxin–producing Escherichia coli (STEC). Clin Lab Med., Clinics in laboratory medicine, 30 (1), 21-45.
  • Izzo, M. M., Kirkland, P. D., Mohler, V. L., Perkins, N. R., Gunn, A. A., & House, J. K. (2011). Prevalence of major enteric pathogens in Australian dairy calves with diarrhoea. Australian veterinary journal, 89(5), 167-173.
  • Jacobi, J. (2002). Pathophysiology of sepsis. Am J Health-Syst Pharm., 59: 3-8.
  • Larson, R.L., & Tyler, J.W. (2005). Reducing calf losses in beef herds. Vet Clin North Am Food Anim Pract., 21 (2), 569-584.
  • Myers, L. L., Firehammer, B. D., Border, M. M., & Shoop, D. S. (1984). Prevalence of enteric pathogens in the feces of healthy beef calves. American journal of veterinary research, 45(8), 1544-1548.
  • Neto, R.M., Packer, I.U., & Doprado, G.V.B. (2004). Colostral Immunoglobulins Absorption in Canchim and Nelore Calves. Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia, 33 (6), 15441547.
  • Nguyen, S.T., Nguyen, D.T., Le, D.Q., Le Hua, L.N., Nguyen, T.V., Honma, H., & Nakai, Y. (2007). Prevalence and first genetic identification of Cryptosporidium spp. in cattle in central Vietnam. Veterinary parasitology, 150(4), 357-361.
  • Ok, M., Güler, L., Turgut, K., Ok, Ü., Şen, I., Gündüz, I.K., & Güzelbekteş, H. (2009). The studies on the aetiology of diarrhoea in neonatal calves and determination of virulence gene markers of Escherichia coli strains by multiplex PCR. Zoonoses and public health, 56(2), 94-101.
  • Omerovic, M., Müştak, H. K., & Kaya, İ. B. (2017). Escherichia coli Patotiplerinin Virülens Faktörleri. Etlik Veteriner Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi, 28(1), 1-6.
  • Osterbur, K., Mann, F.A., Kuroki, K., & Declue, A. (2014). Multiple organ dysfunction syndrome in humans and animals. J Vet Intern Med, 28 (4), 1141-1151.
  • Özkan, C. (2017). İshalli Buzağılarda Hiperkalemi ve Tedavi YaklaĢımları. Van Buzağı Hastalıkları sempozyumu, 59-69.
  • Papadopoulos, M.C., Davies, D.C., Moss, R.F., Tighe, D., & Bennett, E.D. (2000). Pathophysiology of septic encephalopathy: a review. Crit Care Med, 28 (8), 3019-3024.
  • Pospischil, A. (1989). Pathologie und Pathogenese infektiöser Durchfallerkrankungenbeim Kalb, Vet, 5: 27-32.
  • Radostits, O.M., & Gay, C.C. (2007). Traumatic reticuloperitonitis In: Radostits, O.M., Gay, C.C., Hinchcliff, K.W., Constable, PD Eds. Veterinary Medicine: A Textbook of the Diseases of Cattle, Horses, Sheep, Pigs and Goats. 10th edn. Elsevier Health Sciences, Philadelphia, PA, USA, 337-352.
  • Reber, A.J., Lockwood, A., Hippen, A.R., & Hurley, D.J. (2006). Colostrum induced phenotypic and trafficking changes in maternal mononuclear cells in a peripheral blood leukocyte model for study of leukocyte transfer to the neonatal calf. Vet Immunol Immunopathol, 109: 139-150.
  • Rigobelo, E.C., Gamez, H.J., Marin, J.M., Macedo, C., Ambrosin, J.A., & Ávila, F.A.D. (2006). Virulence factors of Escherichia coli isolated from diarrheic calves. Arq Bras Med Vet Zootec, 58 (3), 305-310.
  • Roberts, J.A., Roberts, M.S., Semark, A., Udy, A.A., Kirkpatrick, C.M., Paterson, D.L., Roberts, M.J., Kruger, P., & Lipman, J. (2011). Antibiotic dosing in the „at risk‟ critically ill patient: Linking pathophysiology with pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics in sepsis and trauma patients. BMC Anesthesiology, 11 (1): 1471-1453.
  • Rombeau, J.L., & Takala, J. (1997). Summary of round table conference: gut dysfunction in critical illness. Intensive care medicine, 23(4), 476-479.
  • Smith, G.W. (2009). Treatment of calf diarrhea: oral fluid therapy. Veterinary Clinics of North America: Food Animal Practice, 25(1), 55-72.
  • Snodgrass, D.R., Terzolo, H.R., Sherwood, D., Campell, I., & Menzies, J.D. (1986). Aetiology of diarrhoea in young calves. Vet Rec, 119; 31-34.
  • Uhde, F.L., Kaufmann, T., Sager, H., Albini, S., Zanoni, R., Schelling, E., & Meylan, M. (2008). Prevalence of four enteropathogens in the faeces of young diarrhoeic dairy calves in Switzerland. The Veterinary record, 163(12), 362-366.
  • Vincent, J.L., & de Backer, D. (2013). Circulatory shock. N Eng J Med, 369, 1726-34.
  • Waltner-Toews, D., Martin, S.W., & Meek, A.H. (1986). An epidemiological study of selected calf pathogens on Holstein dairy farms in southwestern Ontario. Canadian Journal of Veterinary Research, 50(3), 307.
  • Ware, L.B., & Matthay, M.A. (2000). The acute respiratory distress syndrome. N Engl J Med, 342 (18), 1334-1349.
  • Wattiaux, M.A. (2005). Heifer raising - birth to weaning. Neonatal diarrhea. Babcock Institute for International Dairy Research and Development, 2005.
  • Weil, M.H., & Henning, R. (1979). New Concepts in the Diagnosis and Fluid Treatment of Circulatory Shock: Thirteenth Annual Becton, Dickinson and Company Oscar Schwidetsky Memorial Lecture. Anesthesia & Analgesia, 58 (2), 124-132.
  • Wudu, T., Kelay, B., Mekonnen, H.M., & Tesfu, K. (2008). Calf morbidity and mortality in smallholder dairy farms in Ada‟a Liben district of Oromia, Ethiopia. Tropical animal health and production, 40(5), 369-376.
  • Zeerleder, S., Hack, C.E., & Wuillemin, W.A. (2005). Disseminated intravascular coagulation in sepsis. CHEST Journal, 128 (4), 2864-2875.

Antibiogram Results of Escherichia coli in Calf Diarrhea and Escherichia coli Bacteria in Aksaray Province in The Last Three Months

Year 2023, , 606 - 613, 31.12.2023


Escherichia coli is a gram-negative, facultative anaerobic, motile, non-spore-forming rod-shaped bacterium belonging to the Enterobacteriaceae family. Pathogenic E. coli are divided into two groups: extraintestinal and intestinal. Intestinal Escherichia coli pathotypes: enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC), enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC), Vero- or Shiga-toxin-producing E. coli (VTEC or STEC), enterohemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC), enteroaggregative E. coli (EAEC), enteroinvasive E. coli (EIEC) and diffusely adherent E. coli (DAEC). Extraintestinal pathogenic E. coli: These can be listed as septicemic pathogenic E. coli, uropathogenic E. coli, avian pathogenic E. coli, breast pathogenic E. coli and those that cause uterine infections, endometrial pathogenic E. coli. Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) is the most common cause of neonatal diarrhea in calves and is a bacterial disease that colonizes the small intestine, produces enterotoxin, and occurs among calves during the neonatal period. The aim of this study is to determine the E.coli isolates that cause neonatal calf diarrhea in the Aksaray region between January, February and March 2021. To be used in the study, internal organ samples (liver, heart, lung and mesenteric lymph node) of neonatal calves that died due to diarrhea were taken from 20 different cattle farms in the Aksaray region. One calf that died in each farm was included in the sampling, and a total of 20 calves were sampled. E.coli was isolated in 12 (60%) of the internal organ samples covering these three months. According to the antibiogram results of the samples, 50% of the isolates were converted to Amoxicillin and Erythromycin, 33.3% to Tetracycline, 58.3% to Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, 66.6% to Streptomycin, 75% to Flofenicol, Gentamicin and Enrofloxacin, % 83.3 of them were found to be sensitive to Cefloxacin and Cefloxacinium.


  • Acha, S. J., Kühn, I., Jonsson, P., Mbazima, G., Katouli, M., & Möllby, R. (2004). Studies on calf diarrhoea in Mozambique: prevalence of bacterial pathogens. Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica, 45(1), 1-10.
  • Aldridge, B., Barry, F., & Adams, M.A. (1992). Role of colostral transfer in neonatal calf mangement: failure of acquisition of passive immunity. The Compendium on continuing education for the practicing veterinarian, 14, 265-269.
  • Balıkçı, E. (2012). Neonatal ishalli buzağılarda Rotavirus, Coronavirus, E. coli K99 ve Cryptosporidium parvum'un hızlı test kitleri ile teşhisi ve enteropatojen ile maternal immünite ilişkisi. Fırat Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Veteriner Dergisi, 26(2), 73-78.
  • Berge, A. C. B., Atwill, E. R., & Sischo, W. M. (2005). Animal and farm influences on the dynamics of antibiotic resistance in faecal Escherichia coli in young dairy calves. Preventive veterinary medicine, 69(1-2), 25-38.
  • Bhat, S.A., Juyal, P.D., & Singla, L.D. (2012). Prevalence of cryptosporidiosis in neonatal buffalo calves in Ludhiana district of Punjab, India. Asian J Anim Vet Adv, 7(6), 512-520.
  • Bartels, C.J., Holzhauer, M., Jorritsma, R., Swart, W.A., & Lam, T. J. (2010). Prevalence, prediction and risk factors of enteropathogens in normal and non-normal faeces of young Dutch dairy calves. Preventive veterinary medicine, 93(2), 162-169.
  • Bicknell, E., Noon, & T.H. (1993). Neonatal calf diarrhea. Anim Care Health Maint, 19-23.
  • Buttenschoen, K., Radermacher, P., & Bracht, H. (2010). Endotoxin elimination in sepsis: physiology and therapeutic application. Langenbeck's archives of surgery, 395(6), 597605.
  • Carlton L. G., John F. P., Glenn S., Charles O. T. (2010); Pathogenesis of Bacterial Infections in Animals, p.267 – 307.
  • Cho, Y.I., Kim, W.I., Liu, S., Kinyon, J.M., & Yoon, K.J. (2010). Development of a panel of multiplex real-time polymerase chain reaction assays for simultaneous detection of major agents causing calf diarrhea in feces. J Vet Diagn Invest., 22 (4), 509-517.
  • Cho, Y.I., & Yoon, K.J. (2014). An overview of calf diarrhea-infectious etiology, diagnosis, and intervention. Journal of veterinary science, 15 (1), 1-17.
  • CLSI National Committee for Clinical Labarotory Standarts, (M02-A11). Performance Standarts for antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing, Pennsylvania Wayne. 2012, Vol. 32.
  • Constable, P.D. (2009). Treatment of calf diarrhea: antimicrobial and ancillary treatments. Veterinary Clinics of North America: Food Animal Practice, 25(1), 101-120.
  • Collee, J. G., Fraser, A. G., Marmion, B. P., & Simmons, A. (1996). Practical medical microbiology. vol. 1. Churchill Livingstone, New York, 131-149.
  • Cunnington, A., & Nadel, S. (2008). New therapies for sepsis. Curr Top Med Chem., 8, 603614.
  • Çitil, M., Arslan, M.Ö., Güneş, V., Erdoğan, H.M. (2004). Neonatal buzağı ishallerinde Cryptosporidium ve Eimeria enfeksiyonlarının rolü. Kafkas Üniv. Vet. Fak. Derg, 10 (1), 5964.
  • Debroy, C., & Maddox, C.W. (2001). Identification of virulence attributes of gastrointestinal Escherichia coli isolates of veterinary significance. Animal Health Research Reviews, 2 (2), 129-140.
  • Duse, A., Waller, K. P., Emanuelson, U., Unnerstad, H. E., Persson, Y., & Bengtsson, B. (2015). Risk factors for antimicrobial resistance in fecal Escherichia coli from preweaned dairy calves. Journal of dairy science, 98(1), 500-516.
  • El-Seedy, F. R., Abed, A. H., Yanni, H. A., & Abd El-Rahman, S. A. A. (2016). Prevalence of Salmonella and E. coli in neonatal diarrheic calves. Beni-Suef University journal of basic and applied sciences, 5(1), 45-51.
  • Evans, T.W., & Smithies, M. (1999). ABC of dysfunction: Organ dysfunction. Br Med J, 318(7198), 1606-1609.
  • Fecteau, G., Smith, B.P., & George, L.W. (2009). Septicemia and meningitis in the newborn calf. Veterinary Clinics of North America: Food Animal Practice, 25(1), 195-208.
  • Foster, D.M., & Smith, G.W. (2009). Pathophysiology of diarrhea in calves. Veterinary Clinics of North America: Food Animal Practice, 25 (1), 13-36.
  • Francis D.H, Allen S.D, & White R.D, (1989): Influence of bovine intestinal fluid on the expression of K99 pili by Escherichia coli. American journal of veterinary research, 50(6), 822-826.
  • Garcia, A., Ruiz-Santa-Quiteria, J. A., Orden, J. A., Cid, D., Sanz, R., Gómez-Bautista, M., & De La Fuente, R. (2000). Rotavirus and concurrent infections with other enteropathogens in neonatal diarrheic dairy calves in Spain. Comparative immunology, microbiology and infectious diseases, 23(3), 175-183.
  • Hossain, M.T., Siddique, M.P., Hossain, F.M.A., Zinnah, M.A., Hossain, M.M., Alam, M.K., & Choudury, K.A. (2008). Isolation, identification, toxin profile and antibiogram of Escherichia coli isolated from broilers and layers in Mymensingh district of Bangladesh. Bangladesh Journal of Veterinary Medicine, 6 (1), 1-5.
  • Hunt, J.M. (2010). Shiga toxin–producing Escherichia coli (STEC). Clin Lab Med., Clinics in laboratory medicine, 30 (1), 21-45.
  • Izzo, M. M., Kirkland, P. D., Mohler, V. L., Perkins, N. R., Gunn, A. A., & House, J. K. (2011). Prevalence of major enteric pathogens in Australian dairy calves with diarrhoea. Australian veterinary journal, 89(5), 167-173.
  • Jacobi, J. (2002). Pathophysiology of sepsis. Am J Health-Syst Pharm., 59: 3-8.
  • Larson, R.L., & Tyler, J.W. (2005). Reducing calf losses in beef herds. Vet Clin North Am Food Anim Pract., 21 (2), 569-584.
  • Myers, L. L., Firehammer, B. D., Border, M. M., & Shoop, D. S. (1984). Prevalence of enteric pathogens in the feces of healthy beef calves. American journal of veterinary research, 45(8), 1544-1548.
  • Neto, R.M., Packer, I.U., & Doprado, G.V.B. (2004). Colostral Immunoglobulins Absorption in Canchim and Nelore Calves. Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia, 33 (6), 15441547.
  • Nguyen, S.T., Nguyen, D.T., Le, D.Q., Le Hua, L.N., Nguyen, T.V., Honma, H., & Nakai, Y. (2007). Prevalence and first genetic identification of Cryptosporidium spp. in cattle in central Vietnam. Veterinary parasitology, 150(4), 357-361.
  • Ok, M., Güler, L., Turgut, K., Ok, Ü., Şen, I., Gündüz, I.K., & Güzelbekteş, H. (2009). The studies on the aetiology of diarrhoea in neonatal calves and determination of virulence gene markers of Escherichia coli strains by multiplex PCR. Zoonoses and public health, 56(2), 94-101.
  • Omerovic, M., Müştak, H. K., & Kaya, İ. B. (2017). Escherichia coli Patotiplerinin Virülens Faktörleri. Etlik Veteriner Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi, 28(1), 1-6.
  • Osterbur, K., Mann, F.A., Kuroki, K., & Declue, A. (2014). Multiple organ dysfunction syndrome in humans and animals. J Vet Intern Med, 28 (4), 1141-1151.
  • Özkan, C. (2017). İshalli Buzağılarda Hiperkalemi ve Tedavi YaklaĢımları. Van Buzağı Hastalıkları sempozyumu, 59-69.
  • Papadopoulos, M.C., Davies, D.C., Moss, R.F., Tighe, D., & Bennett, E.D. (2000). Pathophysiology of septic encephalopathy: a review. Crit Care Med, 28 (8), 3019-3024.
  • Pospischil, A. (1989). Pathologie und Pathogenese infektiöser Durchfallerkrankungenbeim Kalb, Vet, 5: 27-32.
  • Radostits, O.M., & Gay, C.C. (2007). Traumatic reticuloperitonitis In: Radostits, O.M., Gay, C.C., Hinchcliff, K.W., Constable, PD Eds. Veterinary Medicine: A Textbook of the Diseases of Cattle, Horses, Sheep, Pigs and Goats. 10th edn. Elsevier Health Sciences, Philadelphia, PA, USA, 337-352.
  • Reber, A.J., Lockwood, A., Hippen, A.R., & Hurley, D.J. (2006). Colostrum induced phenotypic and trafficking changes in maternal mononuclear cells in a peripheral blood leukocyte model for study of leukocyte transfer to the neonatal calf. Vet Immunol Immunopathol, 109: 139-150.
  • Rigobelo, E.C., Gamez, H.J., Marin, J.M., Macedo, C., Ambrosin, J.A., & Ávila, F.A.D. (2006). Virulence factors of Escherichia coli isolated from diarrheic calves. Arq Bras Med Vet Zootec, 58 (3), 305-310.
  • Roberts, J.A., Roberts, M.S., Semark, A., Udy, A.A., Kirkpatrick, C.M., Paterson, D.L., Roberts, M.J., Kruger, P., & Lipman, J. (2011). Antibiotic dosing in the „at risk‟ critically ill patient: Linking pathophysiology with pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics in sepsis and trauma patients. BMC Anesthesiology, 11 (1): 1471-1453.
  • Rombeau, J.L., & Takala, J. (1997). Summary of round table conference: gut dysfunction in critical illness. Intensive care medicine, 23(4), 476-479.
  • Smith, G.W. (2009). Treatment of calf diarrhea: oral fluid therapy. Veterinary Clinics of North America: Food Animal Practice, 25(1), 55-72.
  • Snodgrass, D.R., Terzolo, H.R., Sherwood, D., Campell, I., & Menzies, J.D. (1986). Aetiology of diarrhoea in young calves. Vet Rec, 119; 31-34.
  • Uhde, F.L., Kaufmann, T., Sager, H., Albini, S., Zanoni, R., Schelling, E., & Meylan, M. (2008). Prevalence of four enteropathogens in the faeces of young diarrhoeic dairy calves in Switzerland. The Veterinary record, 163(12), 362-366.
  • Vincent, J.L., & de Backer, D. (2013). Circulatory shock. N Eng J Med, 369, 1726-34.
  • Waltner-Toews, D., Martin, S.W., & Meek, A.H. (1986). An epidemiological study of selected calf pathogens on Holstein dairy farms in southwestern Ontario. Canadian Journal of Veterinary Research, 50(3), 307.
  • Ware, L.B., & Matthay, M.A. (2000). The acute respiratory distress syndrome. N Engl J Med, 342 (18), 1334-1349.
  • Wattiaux, M.A. (2005). Heifer raising - birth to weaning. Neonatal diarrhea. Babcock Institute for International Dairy Research and Development, 2005.
  • Weil, M.H., & Henning, R. (1979). New Concepts in the Diagnosis and Fluid Treatment of Circulatory Shock: Thirteenth Annual Becton, Dickinson and Company Oscar Schwidetsky Memorial Lecture. Anesthesia & Analgesia, 58 (2), 124-132.
  • Wudu, T., Kelay, B., Mekonnen, H.M., & Tesfu, K. (2008). Calf morbidity and mortality in smallholder dairy farms in Ada‟a Liben district of Oromia, Ethiopia. Tropical animal health and production, 40(5), 369-376.
  • Zeerleder, S., Hack, C.E., & Wuillemin, W.A. (2005). Disseminated intravascular coagulation in sepsis. CHEST Journal, 128 (4), 2864-2875.
There are 53 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Veterinary Microbiology, Veterinary Sciences (Other)

Ali Evren Haydardedeoğlu 0000-0002-8473-0072

Melek Aydemir 0000-0002-4732-8279

Elif Selin Şenoğlu 0000-0001-7256-3986

Zeki Aras 0000-0003-4564-2077

Early Pub Date December 20, 2023
Publication Date December 31, 2023
Acceptance Date November 16, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Haydardedeoğlu, A. E., Aydemir, M., Şenoğlu, E. S., Aras, Z. (2023). Antibiogram Results of Escherichia coli in Calf Diarrhea and Escherichia coli Bacteria in Aksaray Province in The Last Three Months. Kocatepe Veterinary Journal, 16(4), 606-613.
AMA Haydardedeoğlu AE, Aydemir M, Şenoğlu ES, Aras Z. Antibiogram Results of Escherichia coli in Calf Diarrhea and Escherichia coli Bacteria in Aksaray Province in The Last Three Months. kvj. December 2023;16(4):606-613. doi:10.30607/kvj.1333868
Chicago Haydardedeoğlu, Ali Evren, Melek Aydemir, Elif Selin Şenoğlu, and Zeki Aras. “Antibiogram Results of Escherichia Coli in Calf Diarrhea and Escherichia Coli Bacteria in Aksaray Province in The Last Three Months”. Kocatepe Veterinary Journal 16, no. 4 (December 2023): 606-13.
EndNote Haydardedeoğlu AE, Aydemir M, Şenoğlu ES, Aras Z (December 1, 2023) Antibiogram Results of Escherichia coli in Calf Diarrhea and Escherichia coli Bacteria in Aksaray Province in The Last Three Months. Kocatepe Veterinary Journal 16 4 606–613.
IEEE A. E. Haydardedeoğlu, M. Aydemir, E. S. Şenoğlu, and Z. Aras, “Antibiogram Results of Escherichia coli in Calf Diarrhea and Escherichia coli Bacteria in Aksaray Province in The Last Three Months”, kvj, vol. 16, no. 4, pp. 606–613, 2023, doi: 10.30607/kvj.1333868.
ISNAD Haydardedeoğlu, Ali Evren et al. “Antibiogram Results of Escherichia Coli in Calf Diarrhea and Escherichia Coli Bacteria in Aksaray Province in The Last Three Months”. Kocatepe Veterinary Journal 16/4 (December 2023), 606-613.
JAMA Haydardedeoğlu AE, Aydemir M, Şenoğlu ES, Aras Z. Antibiogram Results of Escherichia coli in Calf Diarrhea and Escherichia coli Bacteria in Aksaray Province in The Last Three Months. kvj. 2023;16:606–613.
MLA Haydardedeoğlu, Ali Evren et al. “Antibiogram Results of Escherichia Coli in Calf Diarrhea and Escherichia Coli Bacteria in Aksaray Province in The Last Three Months”. Kocatepe Veterinary Journal, vol. 16, no. 4, 2023, pp. 606-13, doi:10.30607/kvj.1333868.
Vancouver Haydardedeoğlu AE, Aydemir M, Şenoğlu ES, Aras Z. Antibiogram Results of Escherichia coli in Calf Diarrhea and Escherichia coli Bacteria in Aksaray Province in The Last Three Months. kvj. 2023;16(4):606-13.

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