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Afyonkarahisar Koşullarında Koçlarda Bazı Reprodüktif Parametreler ve Biyokimysasl Özellikler Üzerine Bir Araştırma

Year 2010, Volume: 3 Issue: 2, 1 - 6, 01.06.2010



  • Abdel-Rahman HA, El-Belely MS, Al-Qarawi AA, El-Mougy SA (2000) The relationship between semen quality and mineral composition of semen in various ram breeds. Small Rum Res, 38: 43-49.
  • Barrios B, Perez-Pe R, Gallego M et. al. (2000) Blood serum proteins revert the cold-shock damage on ram sperm membrane. Biol Reprod 63: 1531-1537.
  • Gundogan M, Serteser M (2005) Some reproductive parameters and biochemical properties in Akkaraman and Awassi rams. Tr J Vet Anim Sci 29: 595-599.
  • Kafi M, Safdarian M, Hashemi M (2004) Seasonal variation in semen characteristics, scrotal circumference and libido of Persian Karakul rams. Small Rum Res, 53: 133-139.
  • Lincoln GA, Lincoln CE, McNeilly AS (1990) Seasonal cycle in the blood plasma concentration of FSH, inhibin and testosterone, and testicular size in rams of wild, and domesticated breeds of sheep. J of Reprod and Fert, 88: 623-633.
  • Gundogan M (2007) Seasonal variation in serum testosterone, T3 and andrological parameters of two Turkish sheep breeds. Small Rum Res, 67: 312-316.
  • Gundogan M, Uçar M, Tekerli M (2002) A study on morphometric measurements of testes and spermatologic features of rams kept under Afyon conditions. J Vet Sci, 18: 63-67.
  • Pérez CR, López A, Castrillejo A et. al. (1997) Reproductive seasonality of corriedale rams under extensive rearing conditions. Acta Vet Scand, 38, 109-117.
  • Taha TA, Abdel-Gawad EI, Ayoub MA (2000) Monthly variations in some reproductive parameters of barki and awassi rams throughout 1 year under subtropical conditions. 1- Semen characreistics and hormonal levels. Anim Sci, 71: 317-324.
  • Ax RL, Dally M, Didion BA et. al. (2000) Semen Evaluation. In: Reproduction in Farm Animals Ed. B. Hafez and E.S.E. Hafez. 7th Ed., Williams Wilkins., Lippincott, Pp. 365-375.
  • Fiser PS, Marcus GJ (1989) Continuous livedead discrimination of ram sperm during freezing. Gamete Res, 22: 301305.
  • Schäfer S, Holzmann A (2000) The use of transmigration and Spermac stain to evaluate epididymal cat spermatozoa. Anim Reprod Sci, 59: 201 211.
  • Buckett WM, Luckas MJ, Aird IA et. al. (1997) The hypoosmotic swelling test in recurrent miscarriage. Fertil Steril 68: 506-509.
  • Revell SG, Mrode RA (1994): An osmotic resistance test for bovine semen. Anim Reprod Sci, 36: 77-86.
  • Jeyendran R, Van der Ven H, Pérez-Peláez M, Grabo B, Zanaveld L (1984) Development of an assay to assess the functional integrity of human sperm membrane and its relationship to other semen characteristics. J Reprod Fertil, 70: 219-228
  • Fernandez-Ullao M, Maxon HR (1989) Thyroid. In: Kaplan, L.A. and Pesce, A.J. Ed. Clinical chemistry: theory analysis, and correlation. 2nd ed., St. Lovis: CV., Mosby. 620-638.
  • Spratt DI, Bigos ST, Beitins I (1992) Both hyper and hypogonadotropic hypogonadism occur transiently in acute illness: bio and immunoactive gonadotropins. J Clin Endocrinol Metab, 7: 1562-70.
  • Doumas BT, Wastson WA, Biggs HG (1977) Albumin standards and the measurement of serum albumine with bromocresol green. Clinica Chimica Acta 31: 87-96.
  • Kaneko JJ (1980) Clinical biochemistry of domestic animals. 3rd ed., Academic Press., New York.
  • Reitman S, Frankel S (1970) Grand wohl’s clinical laboratory methods and diagnosis. 7th ed., C.V. Mosby Company., St. Lovis.
  • Zar JH (1984) Biostatistical Analysis. 2 nd ed., Prentice-Hall Inc., Englwood, New Jersey.
  • Fourie PJ, Schwalbach LM, Neser FWC, Van der Westhuizen C (2004) Scrotal, testicular and semen characteristics of young Dorper rams managed under intensive and extensive conditions. Small Rum Res, 54: 53-59.
  • Kheradmand A, Babaci H, Batavani RA (2006) Effect of improved diet on semen quality and scrotal circumference in the ram. Vet Arhiv, 76: 333-341.
  • Kridli RT, Al-Yacoub AN (2006) Sexual performance of Awassi ram lambs reared in different sex composition groups. App Anim Behav Sci, 96, 261-267.
  • Karagiannidis A, Varsakeli S, Alexopoulos C, Amarantidis I (2000) Seasonal variation in semen characteristics of Chios and Friesian rams in Greece. Small Rum Res, 37: 125-130.
  • Lezama V, Orihuela A, Angulo R (2003) Effect of restraining rams or change of the stimulus ewe on the libido and semen quality of rams. Small Rum Res, 49: 219-222.
  • Zamiri MJ, Khodaei HR (2005) Seasonal thyroidal activity and reproductive characteristics of Iranian fat-tailed rams. Anim Reprod Sci, 88: 245255.
  • Alonso AJ, Teresa R, Garcia MJR, Vallejo M, De-Teresa R (1997) The effects of age and reproductive status on serum and blood parameters in Merino breed sheep. J Vet Med A, 44: 223-231.
  • Jelinek P, Illek J, Helenova I, Frais Z (1984) Biochemical and hematological values of the blood in rams during rearing. Acta Vet Brno, 53: 143150.
  • Pavlovic O, Vitic J (1979) Proteins and lipoproteins of sheep blood serum. Acta Vet Yugoslavia, 29: 147-154.
  • Paz G, Lewin LM (1992) Chemical composition of seminal fluid as a diagnostic aid in clinical andrology. Harefuah, 123( 9): 328-330.
  • Prabhaharan SK, Rao RG (1994) Total proteins, albumin, globulin and A/G ratio in Madras red sheep. Cheiron, 23: 62-64
  • Zedda MT, Bini PP, Pav S, Sbernardori U (1996) Constituents of blood serum and blood serum of the ram. Bull Soc Ital Biol Sper, 72: 227-230.
  • Georgiev GS (1983) Biological and biochemical studies of the sperm and blood serum of rams with degraded sperm production. Vet Med Nauki, 20(5-6): 99-104.
  • White IG, Goh P, Voglmayr JK (1987) Effect of male reproductive tract fluids and proteins on the metabolism and motility of ram spermatozoa. Arch Androl, 19: 115-125.
  • Kelso KA, Redpath A, Noble RC, Speake BK (1997) Lipid and antioxidant changes in spermatozoa and blood serum throughout the reproductive period of bulls. J Reprod Fert, 109: 1-6.
  • Marai IFM, Daader AH, Mekkawy MY, Gabr HA, Ibrahim H (1992) Effect of housing system, season of year and age on some physiological and hematological parameters and blood constituents of Ossimi sheep. J Arid Environ, 22: 277-285.
  • Ramos JJ, Verde MT, Marca MC, Fernandez A (1994) Clinical chemical values and variations in Rasa Aragonesa /Aragonese/ ewes and lambs. Small Rum Res, 13: 133-139.
  • Corteel JM (1980) Effects of blood serum on the survival and fertility of spermatozoa kept in vitro. Reprod Nutr Dev 20: 1111-1123.
  • Khokhar BS, Mehar S, Chaudhary KC (1987) Transaminases in cattle and buffalo (Bubalis bubalis) semen in relation to fertility and seminal characteristics during moderate and colder seasons. Anim Reprod Sci, 13: 177-182.

An Investigation on Certain Andrological and Biochemical Parameters in Rams under Afyonkarahisar Conditions

Year 2010, Volume: 3 Issue: 2, 1 - 6, 01.06.2010


Afyonkarahisar ko ullarında yeti tirilen koçlarda bazı reprodüktif parametreler ve hormon miktarları ile kan serumu biyokimyasal özelliklerin ara tırılması amacıyla yapılan bu çalı mada, a ım sezonu esnasında, sa lıklı toplam 5 Pırlak koçtan be er numune kan ve suni vagen yardımıyla da sperma toplandı. Testis uzunlu u ve kalınlı ı, scrotum çevresi ve kalınlı ı ile relative testis hacmi de erleri sırasıyla 8.5 ile 12.9 cm, 5.9 ile 8.5 cm, 30.5 ile 40 cm, 4 ile 5 mm ve 10.35 ile 18.50 ml/kg arasında de i ti ve ortalama reaksiyon süresi 5.14 ± 0.21 s olarak bulundu. Spermatlojik özelliklerden spermanın miktarı, pHsı ile viskozitesi, spermatozoitlerin kitle hareketi, motilitesi ve yo unlu u, ölü-canlı ve anormal spermatozoid oranları ile HOS test ortalama de erleri sırasıyla 1.21 ± 0.06 ml, 6.59 ± 0.07, 3.40 ± 0.09, 4.57 ± 0.09, % 86.85 ± 0.79, 4.19 ± 0.08 x 109 spermatozoa/ml, % 6.41 ± 0.27, % 4.14 ± 0.21 ve % 71.09 ± 1.13 olarak bulundu. Bunun yanında, Pırlak koçların bazı kan serumu hormonal düzeylerinin, biyokimyasal ve enzimatik özelliklerinin optimal sınırlar içerisinde oldu u ve aynı zamanda hem androlojikal parametreler hem de biyokimyasal özellikler bakımından koçlar arasında fark olmadı ı gözlendi. Ayrıca koçlarda bazı reprodüktif parametreler bazı biyokimyasal parametreler ile ili kiler gösterdi. Sonuç olarak, Afyonkarahisar ko ullarında a ım sezonu esnasındaki Pırlak koçların reprodüktif kapasiteye sahip oldukları kanaatine varılmı tır


  • Abdel-Rahman HA, El-Belely MS, Al-Qarawi AA, El-Mougy SA (2000) The relationship between semen quality and mineral composition of semen in various ram breeds. Small Rum Res, 38: 43-49.
  • Barrios B, Perez-Pe R, Gallego M et. al. (2000) Blood serum proteins revert the cold-shock damage on ram sperm membrane. Biol Reprod 63: 1531-1537.
  • Gundogan M, Serteser M (2005) Some reproductive parameters and biochemical properties in Akkaraman and Awassi rams. Tr J Vet Anim Sci 29: 595-599.
  • Kafi M, Safdarian M, Hashemi M (2004) Seasonal variation in semen characteristics, scrotal circumference and libido of Persian Karakul rams. Small Rum Res, 53: 133-139.
  • Lincoln GA, Lincoln CE, McNeilly AS (1990) Seasonal cycle in the blood plasma concentration of FSH, inhibin and testosterone, and testicular size in rams of wild, and domesticated breeds of sheep. J of Reprod and Fert, 88: 623-633.
  • Gundogan M (2007) Seasonal variation in serum testosterone, T3 and andrological parameters of two Turkish sheep breeds. Small Rum Res, 67: 312-316.
  • Gundogan M, Uçar M, Tekerli M (2002) A study on morphometric measurements of testes and spermatologic features of rams kept under Afyon conditions. J Vet Sci, 18: 63-67.
  • Pérez CR, López A, Castrillejo A et. al. (1997) Reproductive seasonality of corriedale rams under extensive rearing conditions. Acta Vet Scand, 38, 109-117.
  • Taha TA, Abdel-Gawad EI, Ayoub MA (2000) Monthly variations in some reproductive parameters of barki and awassi rams throughout 1 year under subtropical conditions. 1- Semen characreistics and hormonal levels. Anim Sci, 71: 317-324.
  • Ax RL, Dally M, Didion BA et. al. (2000) Semen Evaluation. In: Reproduction in Farm Animals Ed. B. Hafez and E.S.E. Hafez. 7th Ed., Williams Wilkins., Lippincott, Pp. 365-375.
  • Fiser PS, Marcus GJ (1989) Continuous livedead discrimination of ram sperm during freezing. Gamete Res, 22: 301305.
  • Schäfer S, Holzmann A (2000) The use of transmigration and Spermac stain to evaluate epididymal cat spermatozoa. Anim Reprod Sci, 59: 201 211.
  • Buckett WM, Luckas MJ, Aird IA et. al. (1997) The hypoosmotic swelling test in recurrent miscarriage. Fertil Steril 68: 506-509.
  • Revell SG, Mrode RA (1994): An osmotic resistance test for bovine semen. Anim Reprod Sci, 36: 77-86.
  • Jeyendran R, Van der Ven H, Pérez-Peláez M, Grabo B, Zanaveld L (1984) Development of an assay to assess the functional integrity of human sperm membrane and its relationship to other semen characteristics. J Reprod Fertil, 70: 219-228
  • Fernandez-Ullao M, Maxon HR (1989) Thyroid. In: Kaplan, L.A. and Pesce, A.J. Ed. Clinical chemistry: theory analysis, and correlation. 2nd ed., St. Lovis: CV., Mosby. 620-638.
  • Spratt DI, Bigos ST, Beitins I (1992) Both hyper and hypogonadotropic hypogonadism occur transiently in acute illness: bio and immunoactive gonadotropins. J Clin Endocrinol Metab, 7: 1562-70.
  • Doumas BT, Wastson WA, Biggs HG (1977) Albumin standards and the measurement of serum albumine with bromocresol green. Clinica Chimica Acta 31: 87-96.
  • Kaneko JJ (1980) Clinical biochemistry of domestic animals. 3rd ed., Academic Press., New York.
  • Reitman S, Frankel S (1970) Grand wohl’s clinical laboratory methods and diagnosis. 7th ed., C.V. Mosby Company., St. Lovis.
  • Zar JH (1984) Biostatistical Analysis. 2 nd ed., Prentice-Hall Inc., Englwood, New Jersey.
  • Fourie PJ, Schwalbach LM, Neser FWC, Van der Westhuizen C (2004) Scrotal, testicular and semen characteristics of young Dorper rams managed under intensive and extensive conditions. Small Rum Res, 54: 53-59.
  • Kheradmand A, Babaci H, Batavani RA (2006) Effect of improved diet on semen quality and scrotal circumference in the ram. Vet Arhiv, 76: 333-341.
  • Kridli RT, Al-Yacoub AN (2006) Sexual performance of Awassi ram lambs reared in different sex composition groups. App Anim Behav Sci, 96, 261-267.
  • Karagiannidis A, Varsakeli S, Alexopoulos C, Amarantidis I (2000) Seasonal variation in semen characteristics of Chios and Friesian rams in Greece. Small Rum Res, 37: 125-130.
  • Lezama V, Orihuela A, Angulo R (2003) Effect of restraining rams or change of the stimulus ewe on the libido and semen quality of rams. Small Rum Res, 49: 219-222.
  • Zamiri MJ, Khodaei HR (2005) Seasonal thyroidal activity and reproductive characteristics of Iranian fat-tailed rams. Anim Reprod Sci, 88: 245255.
  • Alonso AJ, Teresa R, Garcia MJR, Vallejo M, De-Teresa R (1997) The effects of age and reproductive status on serum and blood parameters in Merino breed sheep. J Vet Med A, 44: 223-231.
  • Jelinek P, Illek J, Helenova I, Frais Z (1984) Biochemical and hematological values of the blood in rams during rearing. Acta Vet Brno, 53: 143150.
  • Pavlovic O, Vitic J (1979) Proteins and lipoproteins of sheep blood serum. Acta Vet Yugoslavia, 29: 147-154.
  • Paz G, Lewin LM (1992) Chemical composition of seminal fluid as a diagnostic aid in clinical andrology. Harefuah, 123( 9): 328-330.
  • Prabhaharan SK, Rao RG (1994) Total proteins, albumin, globulin and A/G ratio in Madras red sheep. Cheiron, 23: 62-64
  • Zedda MT, Bini PP, Pav S, Sbernardori U (1996) Constituents of blood serum and blood serum of the ram. Bull Soc Ital Biol Sper, 72: 227-230.
  • Georgiev GS (1983) Biological and biochemical studies of the sperm and blood serum of rams with degraded sperm production. Vet Med Nauki, 20(5-6): 99-104.
  • White IG, Goh P, Voglmayr JK (1987) Effect of male reproductive tract fluids and proteins on the metabolism and motility of ram spermatozoa. Arch Androl, 19: 115-125.
  • Kelso KA, Redpath A, Noble RC, Speake BK (1997) Lipid and antioxidant changes in spermatozoa and blood serum throughout the reproductive period of bulls. J Reprod Fert, 109: 1-6.
  • Marai IFM, Daader AH, Mekkawy MY, Gabr HA, Ibrahim H (1992) Effect of housing system, season of year and age on some physiological and hematological parameters and blood constituents of Ossimi sheep. J Arid Environ, 22: 277-285.
  • Ramos JJ, Verde MT, Marca MC, Fernandez A (1994) Clinical chemical values and variations in Rasa Aragonesa /Aragonese/ ewes and lambs. Small Rum Res, 13: 133-139.
  • Corteel JM (1980) Effects of blood serum on the survival and fertility of spermatozoa kept in vitro. Reprod Nutr Dev 20: 1111-1123.
  • Khokhar BS, Mehar S, Chaudhary KC (1987) Transaminases in cattle and buffalo (Bubalis bubalis) semen in relation to fertility and seminal characteristics during moderate and colder seasons. Anim Reprod Sci, 13: 177-182.
There are 40 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Deniz Yeni This is me

Fatih Avdatek This is me

Mustafa Gündoğan This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2010
Published in Issue Year 2010 Volume: 3 Issue: 2


APA Yeni, D., Avdatek, F., & Gündoğan, M. (2010). An Investigation on Certain Andrological and Biochemical Parameters in Rams under Afyonkarahisar Conditions. Kocatepe Veterinary Journal, 3(2), 1-6.
AMA Yeni D, Avdatek F, Gündoğan M. An Investigation on Certain Andrological and Biochemical Parameters in Rams under Afyonkarahisar Conditions. kvj. June 2010;3(2):1-6.
Chicago Yeni, Deniz, Fatih Avdatek, and Mustafa Gündoğan. “An Investigation on Certain Andrological and Biochemical Parameters in Rams under Afyonkarahisar Conditions”. Kocatepe Veterinary Journal 3, no. 2 (June 2010): 1-6.
EndNote Yeni D, Avdatek F, Gündoğan M (June 1, 2010) An Investigation on Certain Andrological and Biochemical Parameters in Rams under Afyonkarahisar Conditions. Kocatepe Veterinary Journal 3 2 1–6.
IEEE D. Yeni, F. Avdatek, and M. Gündoğan, “An Investigation on Certain Andrological and Biochemical Parameters in Rams under Afyonkarahisar Conditions”, kvj, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 1–6, 2010.
ISNAD Yeni, Deniz et al. “An Investigation on Certain Andrological and Biochemical Parameters in Rams under Afyonkarahisar Conditions”. Kocatepe Veterinary Journal 3/2 (June 2010), 1-6.
JAMA Yeni D, Avdatek F, Gündoğan M. An Investigation on Certain Andrological and Biochemical Parameters in Rams under Afyonkarahisar Conditions. kvj. 2010;3:1–6.
MLA Yeni, Deniz et al. “An Investigation on Certain Andrological and Biochemical Parameters in Rams under Afyonkarahisar Conditions”. Kocatepe Veterinary Journal, vol. 3, no. 2, 2010, pp. 1-6.
Vancouver Yeni D, Avdatek F, Gündoğan M. An Investigation on Certain Andrological and Biochemical Parameters in Rams under Afyonkarahisar Conditions. kvj. 2010;3(2):1-6.

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