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Detection of Listeria Monocytogenes in Raw Milk Samples Retailed in Kayseri by Classical Cultural Technique

Year 2010, Volume: 3 Issue: 2, 25 - 29, 01.06.2010



  • Meyer-Broseta S, Diot A, Bastian S, Riviere, Cerf O (2003) Estimation of low bacterial concentration: Listeria monocytogenes in raw milk. Int J FoodMicrobiol, 80:1-15.
  • Danielsson-Tham ML, Eriksson E, Helmersson S, Leffler M, Ludtke L, Steen M, Sorgjerd S, Tham W (2004) Causes behind a human cheese- borne outbreak of gastrointestinal listeriosis. Foodborne Pathog Dis, 1:153–9.
  • MacDonald PD, Whitwam RE, Boggs JD, MacCormack JN, Anderson KL, Reardon JW, Saah JR, Graves LM, Hunter SB, Sobel J (2005) Outbreak of Listeriosis among Mexican immigrants as a result of consumption of illicitly produced Mexican-style cheese. Clin Infect Dis, 40:677–82.
  • Makino SI, Kawamoto K, Takeshi K, Okada Y, Yamasaki M, Yamamoto S, Igimi, S (2005) An outbreak of food-borne Listeriosis due to cheese in Japan, during 2001. Int J Food Microbiol, 104:189–96.
  • Okwumabua O, O'Connor M, Shull E, Strelow K, Hamacher M, Kurzynski T, Warshauer, D (2005)Characterization of Listeria monocytogenes isolates from food animal clinical cases: PFGE pattern similarity to strains from human listeriosis cases. FEMS Microbiol Lett, 249:275–81.
  • Oliver SP, Jayarao BM, Almeida RA (2005) Food-borne pathogens in milk and the dairy farm environment: food safety and public health implications. Foodborne Pathog Dis, 2:115.
  • Graves LM, Helsel LO, Steigerwalt AG, Morey RE, Daneshvar MI, Roof SE, Orsi RH, Fortes ED, Milillo SR, denBakker HC, Wiedmann M, Swami-nathan B, Sauders BD (2010) Listeria marthii sp. nov.,isolatedfromthenatural environment. Finger Lakes National Forest. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol, 60:1280–1288.
  • Leclercq A, Clermont D, Bizet C, Grimont PA, LeFleche-Mateos A, Roche SM, Buchrieser C, Cadet-Daniel V, LeMonnier A, Lecuit M, Allerberger F (2009) Listeria rocourtiae sp. Nov Int J Syst Evol Microbiol, doi:10.1099/ijs.0.017376- 0.
  • Herman L, De Block J, Moermans R (1995) Direct detection of Listeria monocytogenes in 25 milliliters of raw milk by a two-step PCR with nested primers. Appl Environ Microbiol, 61:817–9
  • Vela A, Fernandez-GarayzáBal J, Latre M, Rodriguez A, Dominguez L, Moreno M (2001) Antimicrobial susceptibility of Listeria monocytogenes isolated from eningoencephalitis in sheep. Int J Antimicrob Agents, 17:215–20.
  • Siegman-Igra Y, Levin R, Weinberger M, Golan Y, Schwartz D, Samra Z, Konigsberger H, Yinnon A, Rahav G, Keller N, Bisharat N, Karpuch J, Finkelstein R, Alkan M, Landau Z, Novikov J, Hassin D Rudnicki D, Kitzes R, Ovadia S, Shimoni Z, Lang R, Shohat T (2002) Listeria monocytogenes infection in Israel and review of cases worldwide. Emerg Infect Dis, 8:305–10.
  • McLauchlin J, Mitchell R, SmerdonW, Jewell K (2004). Listeria monocytogenes and Listeriosis: a review of hazard characterisation for use in microbiological risk assessment of foods. Int J Food Microbiol, 92:15–33.
  • Kells J, Gilmour A (2004) Incidence of Listeria monocytogenes in two milk processing environments and assessment of Listeria monocytogenes blood agar for isolation. Int J Food Microbiol, 91:167–74.
  • Manfreda G, De Cesare A, Stella S, Cozzi M, Cantoni C (2005) Occurrence and ribotypes of Listeria monocytogenes in Gorgonzolla cheese. Int J Food Microbiol, 102:287–93.
  • Gilot P, Content J (2002) Specific identification of Listeria welshimeri and Listeria monocytogenes by PCR assays targeting a gene encoding a fibronectin- binding protein. J Clin Microbiol, 40:698–703.
  • Orsi RH, Bakker HC, Wiedmann M (2010) Listeria monocytogenes lineages: Genomics, evolution, ecology and phenotypic characteristics. Int J Med Microbiol, 301(2):79-96.
  • Holko I, Urbanova J, Kantikova M, Pastorova K, Kmet V (2002) PCR detection of Listeria monocytogenes in milk and milk products and differentiation of suspect isolates Acta Vet Brno, 71: 125-131.
  • Stevens KA, Jaykus LA (2004). Direct detection of bacterial pathogens in representative dairy products using a combined bacterial concentration-PCR approach. J Appl Microbiol, 97: 1115-1122.
  • Anon (2004). Horizontal method for the detection of Listeria monocytogenes ISO 11290-1/A1 2004.
  • Anon (2000). Çi Süt ve Isıl lem Görmü çme Sütleri Tebli i 2000/6 TKB 2000.
  • Mena C, Almeida G, Carneiro L, Teixeira P, Hogg T, Gibbs P (2004) Incidence of Listeria monocytogenes in different food products commercialized in Portugal. Food Microbiol, 21: 213-216.
  • Hassan L, Mohammed HO, McDonough PL, Gonzalez RN (2000) A cross-sectional study on the prevalence of Listeria monocytogenes and Salmonella in New York dairy herds. J Dairy Sci, 83: 2441-2447.
  • Beckers HJ, Soentoro PSS, Delfgou-van Asch EHM (1987) The occurrence of Listeria monocytogenes in soft cheeses and raw milk and its resistance to heat. Int J Food Microbiol, 4:249-256.
  • Fenlon DR, Wilson J (1989) The incidence of Listeria monocytogenes in raw milk from farm bulk tanks in North-East Scotland. J Appl Bacteriol, 66: 191– 196.
  • Greenwood MJ, Roberts D, Burden P (1991) The occurrence of Listeria species in milk and dairy products: a national survey in England and Wales. Int J Food Microbiol, 12:197-206.
  • Harvey J, Gilmour A (1992) Occurrence of Listeria species in raw milk and dairy products produced in Northern Ireland. J Appl Bacteriol, 72: 119–125.
  • Uysal HK, An Ö (2003) Süt ve Süt Ürünlerinden izole Edilen Listeria Türleri. Türk Mikrobiyol Cem Derg, 33: 163-169.
  • Aslanta Ö, Yıldız P (2003) Kars ilinde çi sütlerden Listeria monositogenes izolasyonu. FÜ Sa lık Bil Derg, 17 (1): 11-15.
  • Uraz G, Yücel N (1998) Listeria monocytogenes, Yersinia enterocolitica ve Benzerlerinin (Yersinia kristensenii, Yersinia frederiksenii, Yersinia intermedia) Çig Süt Örneklerinden Izolasyonu. Tr. J. of Agriculture and Forestry, 22: 463–468.
  • Ceylan (1990) Ankara Merkez ve Çevre Semtlerden Sa lanan Çi Sütlerde L. Monocytogenes Ara tırması. Uzmanlık Tezi, Sa lık Bakanlı ı Refik Saydam Hıfzıssıhha Müdürlü ü Mikrobiyoloji Bölümü, Ankara,30 s.
  • Broseta SM, Diot A, Bastian S, Riviére J, Cerf O (2003) Estimation of low bacterial concentration: L. monocytogenes in raw milk. Int J Food Microbiol, 80: 1-15.
  • Ho AJ, Lappi VR, Wiedmann M (2007) Longitudinal Monitoring of Listeria monocytogenes Contamination Patterns in a Farmstead Dairy Processing Facility. J Dairy Sci, 90: 2517-2524.
  • Sanaa M, Pourel B, Menard JL, Serieys F (1993) Risk Factors Associated with Contamination of Raw Milk by Listeria monocytogenes in Dairy Farms. J Dairy Sci, 76: 2891-2898.
  • Gaya P, Sanchez J, Medina M, Nuñez M (1998) Incidence of Listeria monocytogenes and other Listeria species in raw milk produced in Spain. Food Microbiol, 15: 551-555.
  • Jorgensen LV, Huss HH (1998) Prevalence and growth of L. monocytogenes in naturally contaminated seafood. Int J Food Microbiol, 42: 127-131.

Kayseri’de Satışa Sunulan Çiğ Süt Numunelerinde Listeria Monocytogenes Varlığının Klasik Kültür Yöntemi ile Belirlenmesi

Year 2010, Volume: 3 Issue: 2, 25 - 29, 01.06.2010


Bu çalı mada Kayseride açıkta satılan çi süt örneklerinde Listeria monocytogenes varlı ını ortaya koymak amaçlanmı tır. Bu amaçla Mayıs-Eylül 2009 aylarında farklı sokak sütçüleri tarafından satı a sunulan toplam 50 adet çi süt örne i ISO 11290-1/A1-2004da önerilen L. monocytogenes izolasyon prosedürüne göre analiz edilmi tir. Elde edilen izolatlar Microbact test kitinde biyokimyasal özellikleri açısından de erlendirilerek tür tayini yapılmı tır. Örneklerden 11inin (%22) Listeria türleri ile kontamine oldu u, bunlardan 6sının (%12) sadece L monocytogenes ile, 3 tanesinin (%6) sadece L. ivanovii ile, 1 tanesinin(%2) sadece L. seeligeri ile, 1 tanesinin(%2) ise hem L. monocytogenes hem de L. grayi ile kontamine oldu u belirlenmi tir. Genel olarak 50 çi süt örne inden toplam 7 tanesinin (%14) L. monocytogenes ile kontamine oldu u, 39unun (%78) Listeria türlerini içermedi i ortaya konmu tur. Çalı mada elde edilen verilere göre, Kayseride sokakta satılan çi sütlerden kaynaklanan mikrobiyolojik riskin, çi sütün ne amaçla kullanılaca ına göre de erlendirilmesi gerekti i, ısı i lemi uygulanarak süt ürünü yapımında kullanılacaksa riskin minimal düzeylerde kalırken, ısı i lemi uygulanmadan direk tüketim söz konusu oldu unda çi sütlerde L. monocytogenes varlı ının halk sa lı ı açısından bir tehlike yaratabilece i sonucuna varılmı tır. Dolayısıyla sonuçlar Kayseride satı a sunulan çi süt örneklerinin L. monocytogenes açısından göz ardı edilmemesi gereken potansiyel bir halk sa lı ı risk unsuru oldu unu ortaya koymaktadır


  • Meyer-Broseta S, Diot A, Bastian S, Riviere, Cerf O (2003) Estimation of low bacterial concentration: Listeria monocytogenes in raw milk. Int J FoodMicrobiol, 80:1-15.
  • Danielsson-Tham ML, Eriksson E, Helmersson S, Leffler M, Ludtke L, Steen M, Sorgjerd S, Tham W (2004) Causes behind a human cheese- borne outbreak of gastrointestinal listeriosis. Foodborne Pathog Dis, 1:153–9.
  • MacDonald PD, Whitwam RE, Boggs JD, MacCormack JN, Anderson KL, Reardon JW, Saah JR, Graves LM, Hunter SB, Sobel J (2005) Outbreak of Listeriosis among Mexican immigrants as a result of consumption of illicitly produced Mexican-style cheese. Clin Infect Dis, 40:677–82.
  • Makino SI, Kawamoto K, Takeshi K, Okada Y, Yamasaki M, Yamamoto S, Igimi, S (2005) An outbreak of food-borne Listeriosis due to cheese in Japan, during 2001. Int J Food Microbiol, 104:189–96.
  • Okwumabua O, O'Connor M, Shull E, Strelow K, Hamacher M, Kurzynski T, Warshauer, D (2005)Characterization of Listeria monocytogenes isolates from food animal clinical cases: PFGE pattern similarity to strains from human listeriosis cases. FEMS Microbiol Lett, 249:275–81.
  • Oliver SP, Jayarao BM, Almeida RA (2005) Food-borne pathogens in milk and the dairy farm environment: food safety and public health implications. Foodborne Pathog Dis, 2:115.
  • Graves LM, Helsel LO, Steigerwalt AG, Morey RE, Daneshvar MI, Roof SE, Orsi RH, Fortes ED, Milillo SR, denBakker HC, Wiedmann M, Swami-nathan B, Sauders BD (2010) Listeria marthii sp. nov.,isolatedfromthenatural environment. Finger Lakes National Forest. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol, 60:1280–1288.
  • Leclercq A, Clermont D, Bizet C, Grimont PA, LeFleche-Mateos A, Roche SM, Buchrieser C, Cadet-Daniel V, LeMonnier A, Lecuit M, Allerberger F (2009) Listeria rocourtiae sp. Nov Int J Syst Evol Microbiol, doi:10.1099/ijs.0.017376- 0.
  • Herman L, De Block J, Moermans R (1995) Direct detection of Listeria monocytogenes in 25 milliliters of raw milk by a two-step PCR with nested primers. Appl Environ Microbiol, 61:817–9
  • Vela A, Fernandez-GarayzáBal J, Latre M, Rodriguez A, Dominguez L, Moreno M (2001) Antimicrobial susceptibility of Listeria monocytogenes isolated from eningoencephalitis in sheep. Int J Antimicrob Agents, 17:215–20.
  • Siegman-Igra Y, Levin R, Weinberger M, Golan Y, Schwartz D, Samra Z, Konigsberger H, Yinnon A, Rahav G, Keller N, Bisharat N, Karpuch J, Finkelstein R, Alkan M, Landau Z, Novikov J, Hassin D Rudnicki D, Kitzes R, Ovadia S, Shimoni Z, Lang R, Shohat T (2002) Listeria monocytogenes infection in Israel and review of cases worldwide. Emerg Infect Dis, 8:305–10.
  • McLauchlin J, Mitchell R, SmerdonW, Jewell K (2004). Listeria monocytogenes and Listeriosis: a review of hazard characterisation for use in microbiological risk assessment of foods. Int J Food Microbiol, 92:15–33.
  • Kells J, Gilmour A (2004) Incidence of Listeria monocytogenes in two milk processing environments and assessment of Listeria monocytogenes blood agar for isolation. Int J Food Microbiol, 91:167–74.
  • Manfreda G, De Cesare A, Stella S, Cozzi M, Cantoni C (2005) Occurrence and ribotypes of Listeria monocytogenes in Gorgonzolla cheese. Int J Food Microbiol, 102:287–93.
  • Gilot P, Content J (2002) Specific identification of Listeria welshimeri and Listeria monocytogenes by PCR assays targeting a gene encoding a fibronectin- binding protein. J Clin Microbiol, 40:698–703.
  • Orsi RH, Bakker HC, Wiedmann M (2010) Listeria monocytogenes lineages: Genomics, evolution, ecology and phenotypic characteristics. Int J Med Microbiol, 301(2):79-96.
  • Holko I, Urbanova J, Kantikova M, Pastorova K, Kmet V (2002) PCR detection of Listeria monocytogenes in milk and milk products and differentiation of suspect isolates Acta Vet Brno, 71: 125-131.
  • Stevens KA, Jaykus LA (2004). Direct detection of bacterial pathogens in representative dairy products using a combined bacterial concentration-PCR approach. J Appl Microbiol, 97: 1115-1122.
  • Anon (2004). Horizontal method for the detection of Listeria monocytogenes ISO 11290-1/A1 2004.
  • Anon (2000). Çi Süt ve Isıl lem Görmü çme Sütleri Tebli i 2000/6 TKB 2000.
  • Mena C, Almeida G, Carneiro L, Teixeira P, Hogg T, Gibbs P (2004) Incidence of Listeria monocytogenes in different food products commercialized in Portugal. Food Microbiol, 21: 213-216.
  • Hassan L, Mohammed HO, McDonough PL, Gonzalez RN (2000) A cross-sectional study on the prevalence of Listeria monocytogenes and Salmonella in New York dairy herds. J Dairy Sci, 83: 2441-2447.
  • Beckers HJ, Soentoro PSS, Delfgou-van Asch EHM (1987) The occurrence of Listeria monocytogenes in soft cheeses and raw milk and its resistance to heat. Int J Food Microbiol, 4:249-256.
  • Fenlon DR, Wilson J (1989) The incidence of Listeria monocytogenes in raw milk from farm bulk tanks in North-East Scotland. J Appl Bacteriol, 66: 191– 196.
  • Greenwood MJ, Roberts D, Burden P (1991) The occurrence of Listeria species in milk and dairy products: a national survey in England and Wales. Int J Food Microbiol, 12:197-206.
  • Harvey J, Gilmour A (1992) Occurrence of Listeria species in raw milk and dairy products produced in Northern Ireland. J Appl Bacteriol, 72: 119–125.
  • Uysal HK, An Ö (2003) Süt ve Süt Ürünlerinden izole Edilen Listeria Türleri. Türk Mikrobiyol Cem Derg, 33: 163-169.
  • Aslanta Ö, Yıldız P (2003) Kars ilinde çi sütlerden Listeria monositogenes izolasyonu. FÜ Sa lık Bil Derg, 17 (1): 11-15.
  • Uraz G, Yücel N (1998) Listeria monocytogenes, Yersinia enterocolitica ve Benzerlerinin (Yersinia kristensenii, Yersinia frederiksenii, Yersinia intermedia) Çig Süt Örneklerinden Izolasyonu. Tr. J. of Agriculture and Forestry, 22: 463–468.
  • Ceylan (1990) Ankara Merkez ve Çevre Semtlerden Sa lanan Çi Sütlerde L. Monocytogenes Ara tırması. Uzmanlık Tezi, Sa lık Bakanlı ı Refik Saydam Hıfzıssıhha Müdürlü ü Mikrobiyoloji Bölümü, Ankara,30 s.
  • Broseta SM, Diot A, Bastian S, Riviére J, Cerf O (2003) Estimation of low bacterial concentration: L. monocytogenes in raw milk. Int J Food Microbiol, 80: 1-15.
  • Ho AJ, Lappi VR, Wiedmann M (2007) Longitudinal Monitoring of Listeria monocytogenes Contamination Patterns in a Farmstead Dairy Processing Facility. J Dairy Sci, 90: 2517-2524.
  • Sanaa M, Pourel B, Menard JL, Serieys F (1993) Risk Factors Associated with Contamination of Raw Milk by Listeria monocytogenes in Dairy Farms. J Dairy Sci, 76: 2891-2898.
  • Gaya P, Sanchez J, Medina M, Nuñez M (1998) Incidence of Listeria monocytogenes and other Listeria species in raw milk produced in Spain. Food Microbiol, 15: 551-555.
  • Jorgensen LV, Huss HH (1998) Prevalence and growth of L. monocytogenes in naturally contaminated seafood. Int J Food Microbiol, 42: 127-131.
There are 35 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Kemal Özkaya This is me

Yeliz Yıldırım This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2010
Published in Issue Year 2010 Volume: 3 Issue: 2


APA Özkaya, K., & Yıldırım, Y. (2010). Kayseri’de Satışa Sunulan Çiğ Süt Numunelerinde Listeria Monocytogenes Varlığının Klasik Kültür Yöntemi ile Belirlenmesi. Kocatepe Veterinary Journal, 3(2), 25-29.
AMA Özkaya K, Yıldırım Y. Kayseri’de Satışa Sunulan Çiğ Süt Numunelerinde Listeria Monocytogenes Varlığının Klasik Kültür Yöntemi ile Belirlenmesi. kvj. June 2010;3(2):25-29.
Chicago Özkaya, Kemal, and Yeliz Yıldırım. “Kayseri’de Satışa Sunulan Çiğ Süt Numunelerinde Listeria Monocytogenes Varlığının Klasik Kültür Yöntemi Ile Belirlenmesi”. Kocatepe Veterinary Journal 3, no. 2 (June 2010): 25-29.
EndNote Özkaya K, Yıldırım Y (June 1, 2010) Kayseri’de Satışa Sunulan Çiğ Süt Numunelerinde Listeria Monocytogenes Varlığının Klasik Kültür Yöntemi ile Belirlenmesi. Kocatepe Veterinary Journal 3 2 25–29.
IEEE K. Özkaya and Y. Yıldırım, “Kayseri’de Satışa Sunulan Çiğ Süt Numunelerinde Listeria Monocytogenes Varlığının Klasik Kültür Yöntemi ile Belirlenmesi”, kvj, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 25–29, 2010.
ISNAD Özkaya, Kemal - Yıldırım, Yeliz. “Kayseri’de Satışa Sunulan Çiğ Süt Numunelerinde Listeria Monocytogenes Varlığının Klasik Kültür Yöntemi Ile Belirlenmesi”. Kocatepe Veterinary Journal 3/2 (June 2010), 25-29.
JAMA Özkaya K, Yıldırım Y. Kayseri’de Satışa Sunulan Çiğ Süt Numunelerinde Listeria Monocytogenes Varlığının Klasik Kültür Yöntemi ile Belirlenmesi. kvj. 2010;3:25–29.
MLA Özkaya, Kemal and Yeliz Yıldırım. “Kayseri’de Satışa Sunulan Çiğ Süt Numunelerinde Listeria Monocytogenes Varlığının Klasik Kültür Yöntemi Ile Belirlenmesi”. Kocatepe Veterinary Journal, vol. 3, no. 2, 2010, pp. 25-29.
Vancouver Özkaya K, Yıldırım Y. Kayseri’de Satışa Sunulan Çiğ Süt Numunelerinde Listeria Monocytogenes Varlığının Klasik Kültür Yöntemi ile Belirlenmesi. kvj. 2010;3(2):25-9.

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