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A New Neurotransmitter in Female Reproductive System: Nitric Oxide

Year 2010, Volume: 3 Issue: 2, 65 - 70, 01.06.2010



  • Xie Q, Cho HJ, Calaycay J, Mumford RA, Swiderek KM, Lee TD, Ding A, Troso T, Nathan C (1992) Coloning and characterization of induc- ible nitric oxide synthase from mouse macrophages. Science, 256; 225-28.
  • Ignarro LJ, Buga GM, Wei LH, Bauer PM, Wu G, del Soldato P (2001) Role of the arginine-nitric oxide pathway in the regulation of vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation. PNAS, 98; 4202–08.
  • Billiar TR, Curran RD, Stuehr DJ, Ferrari FK, Simmons RL (1989) Evidence that activation of Kupffer cells results in production of L-arginine metabolites that release cell-associated iron and inhibit hepatocyte protein synthesis. Surgery, 106; 364-72.
  • Shukovski L, Tsafriri A (1994) The involvement of nitric oxide in the ovulatory process in the rat. Endocrinol, 135; 2287–90.
  • Jablonka-Shariff A, Basuray R, Olson LM (1999) Inhibitors of nitric oxide synthase influence oocyte maturation in rats. J Soc Gynecol Invest, 6; 95– 101.
  • Sengoku K, Takuma N, Horikawa M, Tsuchiya K, Komori H, SharifaD, Tamate K, Ishikawa M (2001) Requirement of nitric oxide for murine oocyte maturation, embryo development and trophoblast outgrowth in vitro. Mol Reprod Dev, 58; 262–68.
  • Maul H, Longo M, Saade GR, Garfield RE (2003) Nitric oxide and its role during pregnancy: from ovulation to delivery. Curr Pharma Des, 9; 359– 80.
  • Rosselli M, Dubey RK, Rosselli MA Macas E, Fink D, Lauper U, Keller PJ, Imthurn B (1996) Identification of nitric oxide synthase in human and bovine oviduct. Mol Hum Reprod, 2; 607-12.
  • Stuehr DJ, Cho HJ, Kwon NS, Wiese MF, Nathan CF (1991) Purification and characterization of the cytokine-induced macrophage nitric oxide synthase: an FAD-and FMN-containing flavoprotein. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 88; 7773-77.
  • Knowles RG (1997) Nitric oxide biochemistry. Biochem Soc, 25; 895-901.
  • Stuehr DJ (1999) Mammalian nitric oxide synthases. Biochim Biophys Acta, 1411; 217-30.
  • Norman JE, Cameron IT (1996) Nitric oxide in the human uterus. Rev Reprod, 1; 61-8.
  • Ralston SH (1997) Nitric oxide and bone: What a gas Br J Rheuma, 36; 831-38.
  • Förstermann U, Schmidt HHW, Pollock JS, Sheng H, Mitchell JA, Warner TD, Nakane M, Murad F (1991) Isoforms of nitric oxide synthase characterization and purification from different cell types. Biochem Pharmacol, 42; 1849-57.
  • Förstermann U, Boissel JP, Kleinert H (1998) Expressional control of the “constitutive” isoforms of nitric oxide synthase (NOS I and NOS III). FASEB J, 12; 773–90.
  • Bredt DS, Snyder SH (1990) Isolation of nitric oxide synthetase, a calmodulin-requiring enzyme. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 87; 682–85.
  • Weiner CR, Lizasoain I, Baylis SA Knowles RG, Charles IG, Moncada S (1994) Induction of calcium dependent nitric oxide synthase by sex hormones. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 91; 5212-16.
  • Nathan C, Xie QW (1994) Regulation of biosynthesis of nitric oxide. J Biol Chem, 269; 13725-28.
  • Morris SM, Billiar TR (1994) New insights into the regulation of inducible nitric oxide synthesis. Am J Physiol, 266; E829-39.
  • Rosselli M, Keller PJ, Dubey RK (1998) Role of nitric oxide in biology, physiology and pathophysiology of reproduction. Human Reprod Update, 4; 3- 24.
  • Ekerhovd E, Weijdegård B, Brännström M, Norström A (1999) Nitric oxide-mediated effects myometrial contractility at term during prelabor and labor. Obstet & Gynecol, 93; 987-94.
  • Fujino A, Nakaya S, Wakatsuki T, Miyoshi Y, Nakaya Y, Mori H, Inoue I (1991) Effects of nitroglycerin on ATP-induced Ca++-mobilization, Ca++-activated K channels and contraction of cultured smooth muscle cells of porcine coronary artery. J Pharmacol Exp Therap, 256; 371-377.
  • Anggard EE (1992) Endogenous and exegenous nitrates. Acta Anaesthesiol Scandinavica Suppl, 36; 7-10.
  • McCann SM, Kimura M, Karanth S, Yu WH, Rettori V (1997) Nitric oxide controls the hypothalamic-pituitary response to cytokines. Neuroimmunol, 4; 98-106.
  • Jaroszewski JJ, Skarzynski DJ, Okuda K (2001) Nitric oxide as a local regulator in the mammalian ovary. In: Miyamoto H., Manabe N. (Eds) Reproductive Biotechnology: Reproductive Biotechnology Update and Its Related Physiology. Elsevier, Tokyo.
  • Çelik HA (2003) neklerde nitrik oksitin bazı reprodüktif olaylar üzerine etkisinin incelenmesi. Doktora Tezi, Selçuk Üniversitesi, Sa lık Bilimleri Enstitüsü.
  • Yamauchi J, Miyazaki T, Iwasaki S, Kishi I, Kuroshima M, Tei C, Yoshimura Y (1997) Effects of nitric oxide on ovulation and ovarian steroi- dogenesis and prostaglandin production in the rabbit. Endocrinol, 138, 3630-37.
  • Dong YL, Gangula PRR, Fong L, Yallampalli C (1999) Nitric oxide reverses prostaglandin-inhibition in ovarian progesterone secretion in rats. Hum Reprod, 14; 27-32.
  • Al-Hijji J, Larsson J, Batra S (2001) Effect of ovarian steroids on nitric oxide synthase in the rat uterus, cervix and vagina. Life Science, 69; 1133-42.
  • Ekerhovd E, Brännström M, Alexandersson M, Norström A (1997) Evidence for nitric oxide mediation of contractile activity in isolated strips of the human Fallopian tube. Human Reprod, 12; 301-05.
  • Rosselli M, Imthurn B, Macas E, Keller PJ (1994) Endothelin production by bovine oviduct epithelial cells. J Reprod Fertil, 101; 27-30.
  • Rosselli M, Imthum B, Macas E, Keller PJ, Dubey RK (1994) Endogenous nitric oxide modulates endothelin 1 induced contraction of bovine oviduct. Biochem Biophysical Res Commun, 201; 143-48.
  • Ulbrich SE, Rehfeld S, Bauersachs S, Wolf E, Rottmayer R, Hiendleder S, Vermehren M, Sinowatz F, Meyer HH, Einspanier R (2006) Region-specific expression of nitric oxide synthase in the bovine oviduct during the oestrous cycle and in vitro. J Endocrinol, 188; 205-13.
  • Gawronska B, Bodek G, Ziecik AJ (2000) Distribution of NADPH-diaphorase and nitric oxide synthase (NOS) in different regions of porcine oviduct during the estrous cycle. J Histochem Cytochem, 48; 867-75.
  • Lapointe J, Roy M, St-Pierre I, Kimmins S, Gauvreau D, MacLaren LA, Bilodeau JF (2006) Hormonal and Spatial Regulation of Nitric Oxide Synthases (NOS) (Neuronal NOS, Inducible NOS, and Endothelial NOS) in the Oviducts. Endocrinol, 147; 5600-10.
  • Majewski M, Sienkiewicz W, Kaleczyc J, Mayer B, Czaja K, Lakomy M (1995) The distribution and co-localization of immunreactivity to nitric oxide synthase, wasoactive intestinal polypeptide and substance P within nevre fibres supplying bovine and porcine female genital organs. Cell & Tissue Res, 281; 445-64.
  • Yılmaz O (2009) neklerde spontan ovidukt kasılımları üzerine nitrik oksitin etkisinin in vitro olarak belirlenmesi. Doktora Tezi (Tez no: 2009- 006),Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi, Sa lık Bilimleri Enstitüsü.
  • Chatterjee S, Gangula PR, Dong YL, Yallampalli C (1996) Immunocytochemical localisation of nitric oxide synthase-III in reproductive organs of female rats during the oestrous cycle. Histochem J, 28; 715–23.
  • Ekerhovd E, Brännström M, Weijdegård B, Norström A (1999) Localization of nitric oxide synthase and effects of nitric oxide donors on the human Fallopian tube. Mol Human Reprod, 5; 1040-47.
  • Cameron IT, Campbell S (1998) Nitric oxide in the endometrium. Hum Reprod, 4; 565-69.
  • Yılmaz O, Bukowski R, W sowicz K, Ca ka J, Za cki M (2008). Ekspresja trzech izoform syntazy tlenku azotu w jajowodzıe krowy w cyklu p ciowym. In: XIII Kongres Polskiego Towarzystwa Nauk Weterynaryjnych, Olsztyn, Polska, 18-20 wrze nia, 413.
  • Mitsube K, Mikuni M, Matousek M, Branstrom M (1999) Effects of nitric oxide donor and nitric oxide synthase inhibitors on luteinizing hormone-induced ovulation in the ex-vivo perfused rat ovary. Hum Reprod, 14; 2537-43.
  • Van Voorhis BJ, Moore K, Strijbos PJLM, Nelson S, Baylis SA, Grzybicki D, Weiner CP (1995) Expression and localization of inducible and endothelial nitric oxide synthase in the rat ovary. J Clin Invest, 96; 2719-26.
  • Olson LM, Jones-Burton CM, Jablonka-Shariff A (1996) Nitric oxide decreases estradiol synthesis of rat luteinized ovarian cells: possible role for nitric oxide in functional luteal regression. Endocrinol, 137; 3531-39.
  • Bonello N, McKie K, Jasper L, Ross AN, Brayborn E, Brannstrom M, Norman RJ (1996) Inhibition of nitric oxide: effects on interleukin-1 - enhanced ovulation rate, steroid hormones and ovarian leukocyte distribution at ovulation in the rat. Biol Reprod, 54; 436–45.
  • Vega M, Devoto L (1997) Autocrine/paracrine regulation of normal human corpus luteum development. Semin Reprod Endocrinol, 15; 353-62.
  • Jaroszewski JJ, Hansel W, Gawronska B, Okuda K, Skarzynski DJ (2000) The role of nitric oxide (NO) in the bovine corpus luteum (CL) function: in vivo and in vitro studies. Int. Conf. on the Female Reproductive Tract, 34, Frauenchiemsee, Germany.
  • Skarzynski DJ, Okuda K (2000) Different actions of noradrenaline and nitric oxide on the output of prostaglandins and progesterone in cultured bovine luteal cells. Prostaglandins other Lipid Mediat, 60; 35-47.
  • Motta AB, Franchi AM, Gimeno MF (1997) Role of nitric oxide on uterine and ovarian prostaglandin synthesis during luteolysis in the rat. Prostaglandins Leukot Essent Fatty Acids, 56; 265-69.
  • Telfer JF, Lyall F, Norman JE, Cameron IT (1995) Identification of nitric oxide synthase in human uterus. Hum Reprod, 10; 19–23.
  • Mara Suburo A, Chaud M, Franchi A, Polak JM, Gimeno MAF (1995) Distribution of neuronal and non-neuronal NADPH diaphorases and nitric oxide synthases in rat uterine horns under different hormonal conditions. Biol Reprod, 52; 631–37.
  • Buhimschi I, Yallampalli C, Dong Y, Garfield RE (1995) Involvement of a nitric oxide-cyclic guanosine monophosphate pathway in control of human uterine contractility during pregnancy. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 172; 1577-84.
  • Salvemini D, Misko TP, Masferrer JL, Seibert K, Currie MG, Needleman P (1993) Nitric oxide activates cyclooxygenase enzymes. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 90; 7240-44.
  • Nelson SH, Steinsland OS, Wang Y, Yallampalli C, Dong YL, Sanchez JM (2000) Increased nitric oxide synthase activity and expression in the human uterine artery during pregnancy. Circ Res, 87; 406-11.
  • Van Buren GA, Yang D, Clark EC (1992) Estrogen-induced uterine vasodilatation is antagonized by L-nitroarginine methyl ester, an inhibitor of nitric oxide synthesis. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 167; 828–33.
  • Yallampalli C, Dong YL, Gangula PR, Fong L (1998) Role and regulation of nitric oxide in the uterus during pregnancy and parturition. J Soc Gnecol Invest, 5; 58-67.
  • Al-Hijji J, Larsson B, Batra S (2000) Nitric Oxide Synthase in the Rabbit Uterus and Vagina: Hormonal Regulation and Functional Significance. Biol Reprod, 62; 1387-92.
  • Ledingham MA, Thomson AJ, Young A, Macara LM, Greer IA, Norman JE (2000) Changes in the expression of nitric oxide synthase in the human uterine cervix during pregnancy and parturition. Mol Hum Reprod, 6; 1041-48.
  • Ekerhovd E, Brännström M, Mattsby-Baltzer I, Norström A (2002) Nitric oxide induced cervical ripening in the human: involvement of cyclic guanosine monophosphate, prostaglandin F (2 alpha) and prostaglandin E (2). Am J Obstet Gynecol, 186; 745-50.
  • Calka J (2002) Nitric oxide synthase in the preoptic, supraoptic and tuberal nuclei of the porcine hypothalamus-distribution and colocalization with DBH, LHRH and estrogen receptor. Dissertations and Monographs, Warmia and Mazury University, Olsztyn, Poland.
  • Mani SK, Allen JMC, Rettori V, McCann SM (1994) Nitric oxide mediates sexual behavior in female rats. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 91; 6468- 72.
  • McCann SM, Haens G, Mastronardi C, Walczewska A, Karanth S, Rettori V, Yu WH (2003) The role of nitric oxide (NO) in control of LHRH release that mediates gonadotropin release and sexual behavior. Curr Pharm Des, 9; 381-90.

Dişi Reprodüktif Sistemde Yeni Bir Nörotransmitter: Nitrik Oksit

Year 2010, Volume: 3 Issue: 2, 65 - 70, 01.06.2010


Di i reprodüktif sistemi fizyolojik olarak pek çok faktörden etkilenebilmektedir. Son zamanlarda yapılan çalı malar, pek çok farklı kimyasalın reprodüktif sistem fizyolojisindeki etkilerini hem fonksiyon hem de hücre düzeyinde ara tırmaya yo unla mı durumdadır. Reprodüktif süreçte oosit maturasyonu, ovulasyon, implantasyon, gebeli in devamı ve do um gibi fizyolojik olaylarda nitrik oksitin etkili oldu u kabul edilmektedir. Damar endotelinden salındı ı zaman hücre zarından kolaylıkla geçerek damar düz kas hücrelerinde gev eme olu turan nitrik oksit, di i genital sistemde de i en derecelerde üretilmekle birlikte ekillenen fizyolojik olaylara göre de farklı etkiler sergilemektedir. Bu derlemede, nitrik oksitin di i reprodüktif sisteminde olu turdu u bazı fonksiyonları incelenmi tir


  • Xie Q, Cho HJ, Calaycay J, Mumford RA, Swiderek KM, Lee TD, Ding A, Troso T, Nathan C (1992) Coloning and characterization of induc- ible nitric oxide synthase from mouse macrophages. Science, 256; 225-28.
  • Ignarro LJ, Buga GM, Wei LH, Bauer PM, Wu G, del Soldato P (2001) Role of the arginine-nitric oxide pathway in the regulation of vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation. PNAS, 98; 4202–08.
  • Billiar TR, Curran RD, Stuehr DJ, Ferrari FK, Simmons RL (1989) Evidence that activation of Kupffer cells results in production of L-arginine metabolites that release cell-associated iron and inhibit hepatocyte protein synthesis. Surgery, 106; 364-72.
  • Shukovski L, Tsafriri A (1994) The involvement of nitric oxide in the ovulatory process in the rat. Endocrinol, 135; 2287–90.
  • Jablonka-Shariff A, Basuray R, Olson LM (1999) Inhibitors of nitric oxide synthase influence oocyte maturation in rats. J Soc Gynecol Invest, 6; 95– 101.
  • Sengoku K, Takuma N, Horikawa M, Tsuchiya K, Komori H, SharifaD, Tamate K, Ishikawa M (2001) Requirement of nitric oxide for murine oocyte maturation, embryo development and trophoblast outgrowth in vitro. Mol Reprod Dev, 58; 262–68.
  • Maul H, Longo M, Saade GR, Garfield RE (2003) Nitric oxide and its role during pregnancy: from ovulation to delivery. Curr Pharma Des, 9; 359– 80.
  • Rosselli M, Dubey RK, Rosselli MA Macas E, Fink D, Lauper U, Keller PJ, Imthurn B (1996) Identification of nitric oxide synthase in human and bovine oviduct. Mol Hum Reprod, 2; 607-12.
  • Stuehr DJ, Cho HJ, Kwon NS, Wiese MF, Nathan CF (1991) Purification and characterization of the cytokine-induced macrophage nitric oxide synthase: an FAD-and FMN-containing flavoprotein. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 88; 7773-77.
  • Knowles RG (1997) Nitric oxide biochemistry. Biochem Soc, 25; 895-901.
  • Stuehr DJ (1999) Mammalian nitric oxide synthases. Biochim Biophys Acta, 1411; 217-30.
  • Norman JE, Cameron IT (1996) Nitric oxide in the human uterus. Rev Reprod, 1; 61-8.
  • Ralston SH (1997) Nitric oxide and bone: What a gas Br J Rheuma, 36; 831-38.
  • Förstermann U, Schmidt HHW, Pollock JS, Sheng H, Mitchell JA, Warner TD, Nakane M, Murad F (1991) Isoforms of nitric oxide synthase characterization and purification from different cell types. Biochem Pharmacol, 42; 1849-57.
  • Förstermann U, Boissel JP, Kleinert H (1998) Expressional control of the “constitutive” isoforms of nitric oxide synthase (NOS I and NOS III). FASEB J, 12; 773–90.
  • Bredt DS, Snyder SH (1990) Isolation of nitric oxide synthetase, a calmodulin-requiring enzyme. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 87; 682–85.
  • Weiner CR, Lizasoain I, Baylis SA Knowles RG, Charles IG, Moncada S (1994) Induction of calcium dependent nitric oxide synthase by sex hormones. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 91; 5212-16.
  • Nathan C, Xie QW (1994) Regulation of biosynthesis of nitric oxide. J Biol Chem, 269; 13725-28.
  • Morris SM, Billiar TR (1994) New insights into the regulation of inducible nitric oxide synthesis. Am J Physiol, 266; E829-39.
  • Rosselli M, Keller PJ, Dubey RK (1998) Role of nitric oxide in biology, physiology and pathophysiology of reproduction. Human Reprod Update, 4; 3- 24.
  • Ekerhovd E, Weijdegård B, Brännström M, Norström A (1999) Nitric oxide-mediated effects myometrial contractility at term during prelabor and labor. Obstet & Gynecol, 93; 987-94.
  • Fujino A, Nakaya S, Wakatsuki T, Miyoshi Y, Nakaya Y, Mori H, Inoue I (1991) Effects of nitroglycerin on ATP-induced Ca++-mobilization, Ca++-activated K channels and contraction of cultured smooth muscle cells of porcine coronary artery. J Pharmacol Exp Therap, 256; 371-377.
  • Anggard EE (1992) Endogenous and exegenous nitrates. Acta Anaesthesiol Scandinavica Suppl, 36; 7-10.
  • McCann SM, Kimura M, Karanth S, Yu WH, Rettori V (1997) Nitric oxide controls the hypothalamic-pituitary response to cytokines. Neuroimmunol, 4; 98-106.
  • Jaroszewski JJ, Skarzynski DJ, Okuda K (2001) Nitric oxide as a local regulator in the mammalian ovary. In: Miyamoto H., Manabe N. (Eds) Reproductive Biotechnology: Reproductive Biotechnology Update and Its Related Physiology. Elsevier, Tokyo.
  • Çelik HA (2003) neklerde nitrik oksitin bazı reprodüktif olaylar üzerine etkisinin incelenmesi. Doktora Tezi, Selçuk Üniversitesi, Sa lık Bilimleri Enstitüsü.
  • Yamauchi J, Miyazaki T, Iwasaki S, Kishi I, Kuroshima M, Tei C, Yoshimura Y (1997) Effects of nitric oxide on ovulation and ovarian steroi- dogenesis and prostaglandin production in the rabbit. Endocrinol, 138, 3630-37.
  • Dong YL, Gangula PRR, Fong L, Yallampalli C (1999) Nitric oxide reverses prostaglandin-inhibition in ovarian progesterone secretion in rats. Hum Reprod, 14; 27-32.
  • Al-Hijji J, Larsson J, Batra S (2001) Effect of ovarian steroids on nitric oxide synthase in the rat uterus, cervix and vagina. Life Science, 69; 1133-42.
  • Ekerhovd E, Brännström M, Alexandersson M, Norström A (1997) Evidence for nitric oxide mediation of contractile activity in isolated strips of the human Fallopian tube. Human Reprod, 12; 301-05.
  • Rosselli M, Imthurn B, Macas E, Keller PJ (1994) Endothelin production by bovine oviduct epithelial cells. J Reprod Fertil, 101; 27-30.
  • Rosselli M, Imthum B, Macas E, Keller PJ, Dubey RK (1994) Endogenous nitric oxide modulates endothelin 1 induced contraction of bovine oviduct. Biochem Biophysical Res Commun, 201; 143-48.
  • Ulbrich SE, Rehfeld S, Bauersachs S, Wolf E, Rottmayer R, Hiendleder S, Vermehren M, Sinowatz F, Meyer HH, Einspanier R (2006) Region-specific expression of nitric oxide synthase in the bovine oviduct during the oestrous cycle and in vitro. J Endocrinol, 188; 205-13.
  • Gawronska B, Bodek G, Ziecik AJ (2000) Distribution of NADPH-diaphorase and nitric oxide synthase (NOS) in different regions of porcine oviduct during the estrous cycle. J Histochem Cytochem, 48; 867-75.
  • Lapointe J, Roy M, St-Pierre I, Kimmins S, Gauvreau D, MacLaren LA, Bilodeau JF (2006) Hormonal and Spatial Regulation of Nitric Oxide Synthases (NOS) (Neuronal NOS, Inducible NOS, and Endothelial NOS) in the Oviducts. Endocrinol, 147; 5600-10.
  • Majewski M, Sienkiewicz W, Kaleczyc J, Mayer B, Czaja K, Lakomy M (1995) The distribution and co-localization of immunreactivity to nitric oxide synthase, wasoactive intestinal polypeptide and substance P within nevre fibres supplying bovine and porcine female genital organs. Cell & Tissue Res, 281; 445-64.
  • Yılmaz O (2009) neklerde spontan ovidukt kasılımları üzerine nitrik oksitin etkisinin in vitro olarak belirlenmesi. Doktora Tezi (Tez no: 2009- 006),Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi, Sa lık Bilimleri Enstitüsü.
  • Chatterjee S, Gangula PR, Dong YL, Yallampalli C (1996) Immunocytochemical localisation of nitric oxide synthase-III in reproductive organs of female rats during the oestrous cycle. Histochem J, 28; 715–23.
  • Ekerhovd E, Brännström M, Weijdegård B, Norström A (1999) Localization of nitric oxide synthase and effects of nitric oxide donors on the human Fallopian tube. Mol Human Reprod, 5; 1040-47.
  • Cameron IT, Campbell S (1998) Nitric oxide in the endometrium. Hum Reprod, 4; 565-69.
  • Yılmaz O, Bukowski R, W sowicz K, Ca ka J, Za cki M (2008). Ekspresja trzech izoform syntazy tlenku azotu w jajowodzıe krowy w cyklu p ciowym. In: XIII Kongres Polskiego Towarzystwa Nauk Weterynaryjnych, Olsztyn, Polska, 18-20 wrze nia, 413.
  • Mitsube K, Mikuni M, Matousek M, Branstrom M (1999) Effects of nitric oxide donor and nitric oxide synthase inhibitors on luteinizing hormone-induced ovulation in the ex-vivo perfused rat ovary. Hum Reprod, 14; 2537-43.
  • Van Voorhis BJ, Moore K, Strijbos PJLM, Nelson S, Baylis SA, Grzybicki D, Weiner CP (1995) Expression and localization of inducible and endothelial nitric oxide synthase in the rat ovary. J Clin Invest, 96; 2719-26.
  • Olson LM, Jones-Burton CM, Jablonka-Shariff A (1996) Nitric oxide decreases estradiol synthesis of rat luteinized ovarian cells: possible role for nitric oxide in functional luteal regression. Endocrinol, 137; 3531-39.
  • Bonello N, McKie K, Jasper L, Ross AN, Brayborn E, Brannstrom M, Norman RJ (1996) Inhibition of nitric oxide: effects on interleukin-1 - enhanced ovulation rate, steroid hormones and ovarian leukocyte distribution at ovulation in the rat. Biol Reprod, 54; 436–45.
  • Vega M, Devoto L (1997) Autocrine/paracrine regulation of normal human corpus luteum development. Semin Reprod Endocrinol, 15; 353-62.
  • Jaroszewski JJ, Hansel W, Gawronska B, Okuda K, Skarzynski DJ (2000) The role of nitric oxide (NO) in the bovine corpus luteum (CL) function: in vivo and in vitro studies. Int. Conf. on the Female Reproductive Tract, 34, Frauenchiemsee, Germany.
  • Skarzynski DJ, Okuda K (2000) Different actions of noradrenaline and nitric oxide on the output of prostaglandins and progesterone in cultured bovine luteal cells. Prostaglandins other Lipid Mediat, 60; 35-47.
  • Motta AB, Franchi AM, Gimeno MF (1997) Role of nitric oxide on uterine and ovarian prostaglandin synthesis during luteolysis in the rat. Prostaglandins Leukot Essent Fatty Acids, 56; 265-69.
  • Telfer JF, Lyall F, Norman JE, Cameron IT (1995) Identification of nitric oxide synthase in human uterus. Hum Reprod, 10; 19–23.
  • Mara Suburo A, Chaud M, Franchi A, Polak JM, Gimeno MAF (1995) Distribution of neuronal and non-neuronal NADPH diaphorases and nitric oxide synthases in rat uterine horns under different hormonal conditions. Biol Reprod, 52; 631–37.
  • Buhimschi I, Yallampalli C, Dong Y, Garfield RE (1995) Involvement of a nitric oxide-cyclic guanosine monophosphate pathway in control of human uterine contractility during pregnancy. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 172; 1577-84.
  • Salvemini D, Misko TP, Masferrer JL, Seibert K, Currie MG, Needleman P (1993) Nitric oxide activates cyclooxygenase enzymes. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 90; 7240-44.
  • Nelson SH, Steinsland OS, Wang Y, Yallampalli C, Dong YL, Sanchez JM (2000) Increased nitric oxide synthase activity and expression in the human uterine artery during pregnancy. Circ Res, 87; 406-11.
  • Van Buren GA, Yang D, Clark EC (1992) Estrogen-induced uterine vasodilatation is antagonized by L-nitroarginine methyl ester, an inhibitor of nitric oxide synthesis. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 167; 828–33.
  • Yallampalli C, Dong YL, Gangula PR, Fong L (1998) Role and regulation of nitric oxide in the uterus during pregnancy and parturition. J Soc Gnecol Invest, 5; 58-67.
  • Al-Hijji J, Larsson B, Batra S (2000) Nitric Oxide Synthase in the Rabbit Uterus and Vagina: Hormonal Regulation and Functional Significance. Biol Reprod, 62; 1387-92.
  • Ledingham MA, Thomson AJ, Young A, Macara LM, Greer IA, Norman JE (2000) Changes in the expression of nitric oxide synthase in the human uterine cervix during pregnancy and parturition. Mol Hum Reprod, 6; 1041-48.
  • Ekerhovd E, Brännström M, Mattsby-Baltzer I, Norström A (2002) Nitric oxide induced cervical ripening in the human: involvement of cyclic guanosine monophosphate, prostaglandin F (2 alpha) and prostaglandin E (2). Am J Obstet Gynecol, 186; 745-50.
  • Calka J (2002) Nitric oxide synthase in the preoptic, supraoptic and tuberal nuclei of the porcine hypothalamus-distribution and colocalization with DBH, LHRH and estrogen receptor. Dissertations and Monographs, Warmia and Mazury University, Olsztyn, Poland.
  • Mani SK, Allen JMC, Rettori V, McCann SM (1994) Nitric oxide mediates sexual behavior in female rats. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 91; 6468- 72.
  • McCann SM, Haens G, Mastronardi C, Walczewska A, Karanth S, Rettori V, Yu WH (2003) The role of nitric oxide (NO) in control of LHRH release that mediates gonadotropin release and sexual behavior. Curr Pharm Des, 9; 381-90.
There are 62 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Oktay Yılmaz This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2010
Published in Issue Year 2010 Volume: 3 Issue: 2


APA Yılmaz, O. (2010). Dişi Reprodüktif Sistemde Yeni Bir Nörotransmitter: Nitrik Oksit. Kocatepe Veterinary Journal, 3(2), 65-70.
AMA Yılmaz O. Dişi Reprodüktif Sistemde Yeni Bir Nörotransmitter: Nitrik Oksit. kvj. June 2010;3(2):65-70.
Chicago Yılmaz, Oktay. “Dişi Reprodüktif Sistemde Yeni Bir Nörotransmitter: Nitrik Oksit”. Kocatepe Veterinary Journal 3, no. 2 (June 2010): 65-70.
EndNote Yılmaz O (June 1, 2010) Dişi Reprodüktif Sistemde Yeni Bir Nörotransmitter: Nitrik Oksit. Kocatepe Veterinary Journal 3 2 65–70.
IEEE O. Yılmaz, “Dişi Reprodüktif Sistemde Yeni Bir Nörotransmitter: Nitrik Oksit”, kvj, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 65–70, 2010.
ISNAD Yılmaz, Oktay. “Dişi Reprodüktif Sistemde Yeni Bir Nörotransmitter: Nitrik Oksit”. Kocatepe Veterinary Journal 3/2 (June 2010), 65-70.
JAMA Yılmaz O. Dişi Reprodüktif Sistemde Yeni Bir Nörotransmitter: Nitrik Oksit. kvj. 2010;3:65–70.
MLA Yılmaz, Oktay. “Dişi Reprodüktif Sistemde Yeni Bir Nörotransmitter: Nitrik Oksit”. Kocatepe Veterinary Journal, vol. 3, no. 2, 2010, pp. 65-70.
Vancouver Yılmaz O. Dişi Reprodüktif Sistemde Yeni Bir Nörotransmitter: Nitrik Oksit. kvj. 2010;3(2):65-70.

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