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The General Approach to Genetically Modified Food

Year 2010, Volume: 3 Issue: 2, 91 - 100, 01.06.2010



  • Anonim (2001) Harvest on the horizon, future ıssues of the agricultural biotechnology. Eri im adresi: htpp// Eri im tarihi: 27.11.2010.
  • Kulaç , A ırdil Y, Yakın M (2006) The sweet trouble on our tables, genetically modified organisms and their effects on public health. Direc Open Access J, 31(3): 151-155.
  • Vujaklija D (2006) An introduction to GMO. Toxicol Lett, 164(1): 317.
  • Meseri R (2008) Beslenme ve geneti i de i tirilmi organizmalar. TAF Prev Med Bull, 7(5): 455-460.
  • Cardarelli P, Branguınho MR, Ferreira RTB, Cruz FB, Gemal AB (2005) Detection of GMO in food produnts in Brazil. Food Control, 16: 859- 866.
  • Holst-Jensen A (2009) Testing for genetically modified organisms: Past, present and future perspectives. Biotechnol. Adv, 27(6): 1071-1082.
  • Gücüko lu A, Küplülü Ö (2006) Genetik modifiye gıdalar. Vet Hekim Der Derg, 77(2): 30-38.
  • Bosni M, Antunovi B, Fulgosi H, Capak K, Zupan I, Mihelj SL, Novak JŽ (2005) Draft of the national biosafety framework for Croatia. Eri im adresi: htpp//: www. unep. org/ biosafety/ files/ HRNBF rep.pdf.
  • Hirvoje F, Dušica V (2006) GMO in Crotia, legislation and testing facilities. Croatia, Toxicol Lett, 164: 317.
  • Schubert DR (2008) The problem with nutritionally enhanced plants. J Med Food, 11(4): 601-605.
  • Vijayakumar KR, Martin A, Gowda LR, Prakash V (2009) Detection of gmo soya and maize: impact of heat processing. Food Chemistry, 117: 514- 521. 7
  • Sarıca , Kılınç K (2004) Kanatlı hayvan beslemede genetik yapısı de i tirilmi yem maddelerinin kullanımı. Gazi Osmanpa a Üniv Zir Fak Der, 21(2): 119-125.
  • Flachowsky G, Aulrich K, Böhme H, Halle I (2007) Studies on feeds from genetically modified plants (GMP)- Contributions to nutritional and safety assessment. Anim Feed Sci Technol, 133(1-2): 2-30.
  • Demir A, Pala A (2007) Geneti i de i tirilmi organizmalara toplumun bakı açısı. Hayvansal Üretim, 48 (1): 33-43.
  • James C (1999) Global review of commercialized transgenic crops: The international service fort he acquisition of agri-biotech applications. Brief No: 12, ISAAA: Ithaca, NY.
  • James C (2008) Global status of commercialized biotech/GM crops: The international service fort he acquisition of agri-biotech applications. Brief No: 39, ISAAA: Ithaca, NY.
  • Vines R (2002) Biotechnology and plants. Cooperative extension.Virginia State Univ., Publication No: 443-002.
  • Stone R (2002) Science in Iran. Islamic Rev Sci, 309: 1802-1804.
  • Ölçü (2005) TMMOB Yayın Organı, 112-119.
  • Dickman MB, Park YK, Oltersdorf T, Li W, Clemente T, French R (2001) Brogation of disease development in plants expressing animal antiapoptotic genes. Proc Natl Acad Sci, 98: 6957-6962.
  • Murray JD, Anderson GB, Oberbauer AM, McGloughlin MM (1999) Transgenic animals in agriculture. CABI Publishing, NY, 131-144.
  • Platenburg GJ, Kootwijk EAP, Kooiman PM, Woloshuk SL, Nuijens JH, Krimpenfort PJA, Pieper FR, de Boer HA, Strijker R (1994) Expression of human lactoferrin in milk of transgenic mice. Transgenic Res, 3: 99-108.
  • Berkel PH, Welling MM, Geerts M, van Veen HA, Ravensbergen B, Salaheddine M, Pauwels EK, Pieper F, Nuijens JH, Nibbering PH (2002) Large scale production of recombinant human lactoferrin in the milk of transgenic cows. Nature Biotechnol, 20:484-487.
  • Spök A (2006) Moleculer farming on the rice-GMO regulators still walking a tightrope. Trends Biotehc, 25(2): 74-82.
  • Rodriguez-La’zaro D, Lombard B, Smith H, Rzezutka A, D’Agostino M, Helmuth R, Schroeter A, Malorny B, Miko A, Guerra B, Davidson J, Kobilinsky A, Hernandez M, Berheau Y, Cook N (2007) Trends in analytical methodology in food safety and quality: Monitoring microorganisms and GMO. Trends Food Sci, 18(6): 306-319.
  • Agius F, Gonzalez-Lamothe R, Caballero JL, Munoz-Blanco J, Botella MA, Valpuesta V (2003) Engineering increasd vitamin C levels in plants by over expression of a D-galacturonic acid reductase. Nat Biotechnol, 21: 177-181.
  • Hancook JF, Sjulin TM, Lobos GA (2008) Stawberries, Temperate Fruit Crop Breeding, CABI Publishing, New York. p: 393-437.
  • Anonim (2007) Food and Drug Adminstration, Eri im adresi: waicent/ portal/ statistics. Eri im tarihi: 12.09.2010
  • Qin, Y, Teixeira da Silva J, Zhang L, Zhang S (2008) Transgenic strawberry: State of the art for improved traits. Biotechnol Adv, 26(3): 219-232.
  • Metha MD, Gair JJ (2001) Social, political, legal and ethical areas of inquiry in biotechnology and genetic engineering. Technol Soci, 23(2): 241-264.
  • Ma J, Chikwamba, R, Sparrow P, Fischer R, Mahoney R, Twyman RM (2005) Plant-derived pharmacouticals-the road forward, Trends Plant Sci, 10(12): 580-585.
  • Çelik V, Balık DT (2007) Geneti i De i tirilmi Organizmalar. Erciyes Üniv Fen Bilim Enst Derg, 13-23.
  • Deisingh AK, Badrie N (2005) Detection approaches for genetically modified organisms in food. Food Res Int, 38: 639-649.
  • Shanklin CW, Hackes BL (2001) Position of the American Dietetic Association: Dietetics professionals can implement practices to conserve natural resources and protect the environment. J Am Diet Assoc, 101(10): 1221-1227.
  • Van Den Bergh JCJM, Holley JM (2002) An environmental-economic assessment of genetic modification of agricultural crops. Futures, 34(9-10): 807-822.
  • Van de Wiel CCM, Lotz LAP (2006) Outcrossing and coexistence of genetically modified with unmodified crops: a case study of the situation in the Netherlands. Wagen J Life Sci, 54(1): 17-35.
  • König A (2010) Compatibility of the safe foods risk analysis framework with the legal and institutional settings of the EU and the WTO. Food Control, 1-15.
  • Mullins JJ, Peters J, Ganten D (1990) Fulminant hypertension in transgenic rats harbouring the mouse Ren-2 gene. Nature, 344: 541-544.
  • Kaynar P (2009) Genetik olarak de i tirilmi organizmalara genel bir bakı . Türk Hij ve Den Biyol Derg, 66(4): 177-185.
  • Batista R, Nunes B, Carmo M, Cardosa C, Jose, H, Almeida C, Manique D, Bento L, Ricardo C, Margarida M (2005) Lack of detectable allergenicity of transgenic maize and soya samples. J Allergy Clin Immun, 116(2): 403-410.
  • Ahmed FE (2002) Detection of GMO in foods. Trends Biotechnol, 20(5): 215-223.
  • Frewer L, Lassen J, Kettlitz B, Scholderer J, Beekman K, Berdal G (2004) Societal aspects of GM foods. Food Chem Toxicol, 42(7): 1181-1193.
  • Bren L (2003) Genetic engineering: The future of foods? FDA Consumer, 37(6): 28-34.
  • Clapp J (2008) Illegal GMO releases and corporate responsibility: Questioning the effectiveness of voluntary measures. Ecol Econ, 66: 348-358.
  • Vergragt PJ, Brown HS (2008) Genetic engineering in agriculture: New aooroaches for risk management through sustainability reporting. Technologic Forecast&Socı Change 75: 783-798.
  • Johnson KL, Raybould AF, Hudson MD, Poppy GM (2007) How does scientific risk assessment of GM crops fit within the wider risk analysis? Trends Plants Sci, 12(1):1-5.
  • Breckling B, Reuter H, Middelhoff U, Glemnitz H, Wurbs A, Schmidt G, Schröder W, Windhorst W (2009) Risk indicationof genetically modıfıed organısms. Risk indication of genetically modified organisms (GMO): Modelling environmental exposure and dispersal across different scales: Oilseed rape in Northern Germany as an integrated case study. Ecologic Indic, 479: 1-6.
  • Frewer (2007) Why consumers behave as they do with respect to food safety and risk information? Analytica Chimica Acta, 586(1-2): 2-7.
  • Kinderleler J (2008) The Cartagena protocol on biosafety. Collect Biosafety Rev, 4: 12-65.
  • Kocatepe Vet J (2010) 3 (2): 91-100 100

Genetiği Değiştirilmiş Gıdalara Genel Bir Yaklaşım

Year 2010, Volume: 3 Issue: 2, 91 - 100, 01.06.2010


Geneti i de i tirilmi organizmalar (GDO), organizmanın gen diziliminin de i tirilmesi ya da gen aktarımı ile kendi do asında bulunmayan bir özellik kazandırılmasıyla olu an ürünlerdir. Bu ürünlere transgenik ürünler, teknolojiye ise rekombinant DNA teknolojisi denmektedir. Geli tirilen modern biyoteknoloji teknikleri ile canlıların genetik yapısında 1970li yıllarından itibaren, geleneksel ıslah metodları ile do al üreme-ço alma süreçleriyle elde edilemeyen de i iklikler yapılması mümkün olmu tur. Modern biyoteknoloji; do al fizyolojik ço alma ve rekombinasyon engellerini ortadan kaldıran in vitro nükleik asit tekniklerinin (rekombinant DNA, nükleik asitlerin hücre veya organellere do rudan enjeksiyonu, farklı taksonomik gruplar arasında uygulanan hücre füzyonu gibi) tamamı olarak tanımlanmaktadır. Bir canlı türüne ba ka bir canlı türünden gen aktarılması veya mevcut genetik yapıya müdahele edilmesi yoluyla yeni genetik özellikler kazandırılmasını sa layan modern biyoteknoloji tekniklerine ise gen teknolojisi denmektedir. Gen teknolojisi kullanılarak do al süreçler ile edinilmesi mümkün olmayan yeni özellikler kazandırılmı organizmalar ise, GDO olarak adlandırılmaktadır. Transgenik ise, gen aktarımı yolu ile yeni gen ya da genler kazandırılmı ürünler için kullanılan bir terimdir


  • Anonim (2001) Harvest on the horizon, future ıssues of the agricultural biotechnology. Eri im adresi: htpp// Eri im tarihi: 27.11.2010.
  • Kulaç , A ırdil Y, Yakın M (2006) The sweet trouble on our tables, genetically modified organisms and their effects on public health. Direc Open Access J, 31(3): 151-155.
  • Vujaklija D (2006) An introduction to GMO. Toxicol Lett, 164(1): 317.
  • Meseri R (2008) Beslenme ve geneti i de i tirilmi organizmalar. TAF Prev Med Bull, 7(5): 455-460.
  • Cardarelli P, Branguınho MR, Ferreira RTB, Cruz FB, Gemal AB (2005) Detection of GMO in food produnts in Brazil. Food Control, 16: 859- 866.
  • Holst-Jensen A (2009) Testing for genetically modified organisms: Past, present and future perspectives. Biotechnol. Adv, 27(6): 1071-1082.
  • Gücüko lu A, Küplülü Ö (2006) Genetik modifiye gıdalar. Vet Hekim Der Derg, 77(2): 30-38.
  • Bosni M, Antunovi B, Fulgosi H, Capak K, Zupan I, Mihelj SL, Novak JŽ (2005) Draft of the national biosafety framework for Croatia. Eri im adresi: htpp//: www. unep. org/ biosafety/ files/ HRNBF rep.pdf.
  • Hirvoje F, Dušica V (2006) GMO in Crotia, legislation and testing facilities. Croatia, Toxicol Lett, 164: 317.
  • Schubert DR (2008) The problem with nutritionally enhanced plants. J Med Food, 11(4): 601-605.
  • Vijayakumar KR, Martin A, Gowda LR, Prakash V (2009) Detection of gmo soya and maize: impact of heat processing. Food Chemistry, 117: 514- 521. 7
  • Sarıca , Kılınç K (2004) Kanatlı hayvan beslemede genetik yapısı de i tirilmi yem maddelerinin kullanımı. Gazi Osmanpa a Üniv Zir Fak Der, 21(2): 119-125.
  • Flachowsky G, Aulrich K, Böhme H, Halle I (2007) Studies on feeds from genetically modified plants (GMP)- Contributions to nutritional and safety assessment. Anim Feed Sci Technol, 133(1-2): 2-30.
  • Demir A, Pala A (2007) Geneti i de i tirilmi organizmalara toplumun bakı açısı. Hayvansal Üretim, 48 (1): 33-43.
  • James C (1999) Global review of commercialized transgenic crops: The international service fort he acquisition of agri-biotech applications. Brief No: 12, ISAAA: Ithaca, NY.
  • James C (2008) Global status of commercialized biotech/GM crops: The international service fort he acquisition of agri-biotech applications. Brief No: 39, ISAAA: Ithaca, NY.
  • Vines R (2002) Biotechnology and plants. Cooperative extension.Virginia State Univ., Publication No: 443-002.
  • Stone R (2002) Science in Iran. Islamic Rev Sci, 309: 1802-1804.
  • Ölçü (2005) TMMOB Yayın Organı, 112-119.
  • Dickman MB, Park YK, Oltersdorf T, Li W, Clemente T, French R (2001) Brogation of disease development in plants expressing animal antiapoptotic genes. Proc Natl Acad Sci, 98: 6957-6962.
  • Murray JD, Anderson GB, Oberbauer AM, McGloughlin MM (1999) Transgenic animals in agriculture. CABI Publishing, NY, 131-144.
  • Platenburg GJ, Kootwijk EAP, Kooiman PM, Woloshuk SL, Nuijens JH, Krimpenfort PJA, Pieper FR, de Boer HA, Strijker R (1994) Expression of human lactoferrin in milk of transgenic mice. Transgenic Res, 3: 99-108.
  • Berkel PH, Welling MM, Geerts M, van Veen HA, Ravensbergen B, Salaheddine M, Pauwels EK, Pieper F, Nuijens JH, Nibbering PH (2002) Large scale production of recombinant human lactoferrin in the milk of transgenic cows. Nature Biotechnol, 20:484-487.
  • Spök A (2006) Moleculer farming on the rice-GMO regulators still walking a tightrope. Trends Biotehc, 25(2): 74-82.
  • Rodriguez-La’zaro D, Lombard B, Smith H, Rzezutka A, D’Agostino M, Helmuth R, Schroeter A, Malorny B, Miko A, Guerra B, Davidson J, Kobilinsky A, Hernandez M, Berheau Y, Cook N (2007) Trends in analytical methodology in food safety and quality: Monitoring microorganisms and GMO. Trends Food Sci, 18(6): 306-319.
  • Agius F, Gonzalez-Lamothe R, Caballero JL, Munoz-Blanco J, Botella MA, Valpuesta V (2003) Engineering increasd vitamin C levels in plants by over expression of a D-galacturonic acid reductase. Nat Biotechnol, 21: 177-181.
  • Hancook JF, Sjulin TM, Lobos GA (2008) Stawberries, Temperate Fruit Crop Breeding, CABI Publishing, New York. p: 393-437.
  • Anonim (2007) Food and Drug Adminstration, Eri im adresi: waicent/ portal/ statistics. Eri im tarihi: 12.09.2010
  • Qin, Y, Teixeira da Silva J, Zhang L, Zhang S (2008) Transgenic strawberry: State of the art for improved traits. Biotechnol Adv, 26(3): 219-232.
  • Metha MD, Gair JJ (2001) Social, political, legal and ethical areas of inquiry in biotechnology and genetic engineering. Technol Soci, 23(2): 241-264.
  • Ma J, Chikwamba, R, Sparrow P, Fischer R, Mahoney R, Twyman RM (2005) Plant-derived pharmacouticals-the road forward, Trends Plant Sci, 10(12): 580-585.
  • Çelik V, Balık DT (2007) Geneti i De i tirilmi Organizmalar. Erciyes Üniv Fen Bilim Enst Derg, 13-23.
  • Deisingh AK, Badrie N (2005) Detection approaches for genetically modified organisms in food. Food Res Int, 38: 639-649.
  • Shanklin CW, Hackes BL (2001) Position of the American Dietetic Association: Dietetics professionals can implement practices to conserve natural resources and protect the environment. J Am Diet Assoc, 101(10): 1221-1227.
  • Van Den Bergh JCJM, Holley JM (2002) An environmental-economic assessment of genetic modification of agricultural crops. Futures, 34(9-10): 807-822.
  • Van de Wiel CCM, Lotz LAP (2006) Outcrossing and coexistence of genetically modified with unmodified crops: a case study of the situation in the Netherlands. Wagen J Life Sci, 54(1): 17-35.
  • König A (2010) Compatibility of the safe foods risk analysis framework with the legal and institutional settings of the EU and the WTO. Food Control, 1-15.
  • Mullins JJ, Peters J, Ganten D (1990) Fulminant hypertension in transgenic rats harbouring the mouse Ren-2 gene. Nature, 344: 541-544.
  • Kaynar P (2009) Genetik olarak de i tirilmi organizmalara genel bir bakı . Türk Hij ve Den Biyol Derg, 66(4): 177-185.
  • Batista R, Nunes B, Carmo M, Cardosa C, Jose, H, Almeida C, Manique D, Bento L, Ricardo C, Margarida M (2005) Lack of detectable allergenicity of transgenic maize and soya samples. J Allergy Clin Immun, 116(2): 403-410.
  • Ahmed FE (2002) Detection of GMO in foods. Trends Biotechnol, 20(5): 215-223.
  • Frewer L, Lassen J, Kettlitz B, Scholderer J, Beekman K, Berdal G (2004) Societal aspects of GM foods. Food Chem Toxicol, 42(7): 1181-1193.
  • Bren L (2003) Genetic engineering: The future of foods? FDA Consumer, 37(6): 28-34.
  • Clapp J (2008) Illegal GMO releases and corporate responsibility: Questioning the effectiveness of voluntary measures. Ecol Econ, 66: 348-358.
  • Vergragt PJ, Brown HS (2008) Genetic engineering in agriculture: New aooroaches for risk management through sustainability reporting. Technologic Forecast&Socı Change 75: 783-798.
  • Johnson KL, Raybould AF, Hudson MD, Poppy GM (2007) How does scientific risk assessment of GM crops fit within the wider risk analysis? Trends Plants Sci, 12(1):1-5.
  • Breckling B, Reuter H, Middelhoff U, Glemnitz H, Wurbs A, Schmidt G, Schröder W, Windhorst W (2009) Risk indicationof genetically modıfıed organısms. Risk indication of genetically modified organisms (GMO): Modelling environmental exposure and dispersal across different scales: Oilseed rape in Northern Germany as an integrated case study. Ecologic Indic, 479: 1-6.
  • Frewer (2007) Why consumers behave as they do with respect to food safety and risk information? Analytica Chimica Acta, 586(1-2): 2-7.
  • Kinderleler J (2008) The Cartagena protocol on biosafety. Collect Biosafety Rev, 4: 12-65.
  • Kocatepe Vet J (2010) 3 (2): 91-100 100
There are 50 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Şebnem Pamuk This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2010
Published in Issue Year 2010 Volume: 3 Issue: 2


APA Pamuk, Ş. (2010). Genetiği Değiştirilmiş Gıdalara Genel Bir Yaklaşım. Kocatepe Veterinary Journal, 3(2), 91-100.
AMA Pamuk Ş. Genetiği Değiştirilmiş Gıdalara Genel Bir Yaklaşım. kvj. June 2010;3(2):91-100.
Chicago Pamuk, Şebnem. “Genetiği Değiştirilmiş Gıdalara Genel Bir Yaklaşım”. Kocatepe Veterinary Journal 3, no. 2 (June 2010): 91-100.
EndNote Pamuk Ş (June 1, 2010) Genetiği Değiştirilmiş Gıdalara Genel Bir Yaklaşım. Kocatepe Veterinary Journal 3 2 91–100.
IEEE Ş. Pamuk, “Genetiği Değiştirilmiş Gıdalara Genel Bir Yaklaşım”, kvj, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 91–100, 2010.
ISNAD Pamuk, Şebnem. “Genetiği Değiştirilmiş Gıdalara Genel Bir Yaklaşım”. Kocatepe Veterinary Journal 3/2 (June 2010), 91-100.
JAMA Pamuk Ş. Genetiği Değiştirilmiş Gıdalara Genel Bir Yaklaşım. kvj. 2010;3:91–100.
MLA Pamuk, Şebnem. “Genetiği Değiştirilmiş Gıdalara Genel Bir Yaklaşım”. Kocatepe Veterinary Journal, vol. 3, no. 2, 2010, pp. 91-100.
Vancouver Pamuk Ş. Genetiği Değiştirilmiş Gıdalara Genel Bir Yaklaşım. kvj. 2010;3(2):91-100.

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