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Affects of Boron, Propylene glycol and Methionine on Metabolic Profile in Dairy Cows

Year 2012, Volume: 5 Issue: 1, - , 01.03.2012



  • Adewuyi AA, Gruys E, Van Eerdenburg FJCM. 2005. Non esterfied fatty acids (NEFA) in dairy cattle. Veterinary Quarterly. 27 (3): 117- 126. oydak M. 2002. Efficacy of sodium borate in the prevention of fatty liver in dairy cows. J Vet Intern Med. 16:732-735.
  • Bauman DE, Currie WB. 1980. Partitioning of nutrients during pregnancy and lactation: a review of mechanisms involving homeostasis and homeorhesis. J. Dairy Sci. 63: 1514 1529.
  • Bertics SJ, Grummer RR. 1999. Effects of fat and methionine hydroxy analog on prevention or alleviation of fatty liver induced by feed restriction. J. Dairy Sci. 82: 2731 2736.
  • Blum JW, Bruckmaier RM, Jans F. 1999. Rumen- protected methionine fed to dairy cows: Bioavailability and effects on plasma amino acid pattern and plasma metabolite and insulin concentrations. J. Dairy Sci. 82: 1991 1998. Bobe G, Young JW, Beitz DC. 2004.
  • Pathology,etiology,prevention,and treatment
  • of fatty liver in dairy cows. J.Dairy Sci. 87:3105-3124. 2004. Why boron?. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry; 42:907 912.
  • Butler ST, Pelton SH. Butler WB. 2006. Energy balance, metabolic status, and the firs postpartum ovarian follicle wave in cows administered propylene glycol J. Dairy Sci. 89: 2938-2951 Casta eda- Butler WR. 2009. Effect of peripartum dietary energy supplementation of dairy cows on reproductive variables. Animal Reproduction Science 112 (3-4): 301-315. function and
  • Chibisa GE, Gozho GN, Van Kessel AG, Olkowski A, Mutsvangwa T. 2008. Effects of supplementation on nitrogen metabolism body composition and gene expression for the major protein degradation pathways in skeletal muscle in dairy cows. Journal of Dairy science 91(9): 3512-3527. propylene glycol
  • Christensen JO, Grummer RR, Rasmussen FE, Bertics SJ. 1997. Effect of method of delivery of propylene glycol on plasma metabolites of feed-restricted cattle. J. Dairy. Sci. 80: 563 568
  • Davidson S, Hopkins BA, Odle J, Brownie C, Fellner Supplementing limited methionine diets with rumen-protected methionine, betaine, and choline in early lactation holstein cows. Journal of Dairy Science 91:1552-1559. 2008.
  • Devirian TA, Volpe SL. 2003. The Physiological Effects of Dietary Boron. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 43(2):219 231.
  • Drackley JK. 1999. Biology of dairy cows during the transition period: the final frontier? J Dairy Sci 82, 2259-2273.
  • Drackley JK, Overton TR, Douglas GN. 2001. Adaptations of glucose and long chain fatty acid metabolism in liver of dairy cows during the periparturient period. J Dairy Sci (E Suppl.), 84: 100-112.
  • Durand D, Chilliard Y, Bauchart D. 1992. Effects of lysine and methionine on in vivo hepatic secretion of VLDL in the high yielding dairy cow. J. Dairy Sci. 75 (Suppl. 1):279.
  • Formigoni A, Cornil AMC, Prandi A, Mordenti A, Rossi A, Portetelle D, Renaville R. 1996. Effect of propylene glycol supplementation around parturition on milk yield, reproduction performance and some hormonal and metabolic characteristics in dairy cows. J. Dairy Res. 63: 11 24
  • Gilbert OR, Gyles CL, Perry TW. 1998. Metabolic disorders. In: The Veterinary Merck Manual 8th Edition. Ed Aiello S.E., Mays A., Merck&Co Inc, USA.
  • Grummer RR. 2008. Nutritional and management strategies for the prevention of fatty liver in dairy cattle. The Veterinary Journal 176 (1): 10 20.
  • Grummer RR, Winkler JC, Bertics SJ, Studer V., 1994. Effect of propylene glycol dosage during feed restriction on metabolites in blood of peripartum Holstein heifers. J. Dairy Sci. 77: 3618 3623.
  • Gupta U, James Y, Campbell C, Leyshon A, Nicholaichuk W. 1985. Boron toxicity and deficiency: a review. Can J Soil Sci 65: 381- 409.
  • Hall LH, Spielvogal BF, Griffin TS, Docks EL, Brotherton RJ. 1989. The effects of boron hyperlipidemic agents on LDL and HDL receptor binding and related enzyme activities of rat hepatocytes, aorta cells and human fibroblasts. Res. Comm. Chem. Pathol. Pharmocol. 65: 297 317.
  • Hoedemaker M, Prange D, Zerbe H, Frank J, Daxenberger A, Meyer HHD. 2004. Peripartal propylene glycol supplementation and metabolism, animal health, fertility, and production in dairy cows J. Dairy Sci. 87:2136 2145.
  • Hunt CD. 1998. Regulation of enzymatic activity. One possible role of dietary boron in higher animals and humans. Biol. Trace Elem. Res. 66: 205 225.
  • Hunt CD. 1994. The Biochemical effects of physiologic amounts of dietary boron in animal nutrition models. Environl Health Perspect 102 (7):35-42
  • Hunt CD. 2012. Dietary boron: Progress in essential establishing physiology. J Trace Elements in Med and Biol 26:157 160 roles in human
  • Johnson S, Smith K. 1976. The interaction of borate and sulfite with pyridine nucleotides. Biochemistry 15:553-559
  • Juchem SO, Santos FAP, Imaizumi H, Pires AV,
  • Production and blood cows monensin prepartum
  • propylene glycol. J. Dairy Sci. 87: 680 689. or
  • Kabu M, Civelek T. 2012. Effects of Propylene Glycol, Methionine and Sodium Borate on Metabolic Profile in Dairy Cattle During Periparturient Period. 9. 163: 8- Fatty Liver Syndrome and Prevention in Dairy Cows. Kocatepe Vet.J., 1:83-87.(4)
  • Katoh N. 2002. Relevance of apolipoproteins in the development of fatty liver and fatty liver related peripartum diseases in dairy cows. J Vet Med Sci 64 (4): 293-307.
  • Kettner C, Mersinger L, Knabb R. 1990. The selective inhibition of thrombin by peptides of boroarginine. J Biol Chem 265:18289-18297. Boron Mining in Turkey, the Marketing Situation and the Economical Importance of Boron in the World IV ; International Boron Symposium, 15- TURKEY (14)
  • Lovatt CJ, Dugger WM. 1984. Boron. In: Biochemistry of the Essential Ultratrace Elements (Frieden, E., ed.), pp. Plenum Press, New York, NY. 389 421. Mikula R, Nowak W, Mackowiak P, Pruszynska E, Wlodarek J. 2008. supplementation parameters in dairy cows J.Bull. Vet.Inst. Pulawy 52, 461-466. Jaskowaski JM, Effects of on blood biochemical
  • Miyoshi S, Pate JL, Palmquist DL. 2001. Effects of propylene glycol drenching on energy balance, plasma glucose, plasma insulin, ovarian function and conception in dairy cows. Animal Reproduction Science 68: 29 43.
  • Moallem U, Katz M, Arieli A, Lehrer H. 2007. Effects of peripartum propylene glycol or fats differing in fatty acid profiles on feed intake, production, and plasma metabolites in dairy cows. J Dairy Sci. 90: 3846 56.
  • Nielsen NI, Ingvartsen KL. 2004. Propylene glycol for dairy cows a review of the metabolism of propylene glycol and its effects on physiological parameters, feed intake, milk production and risk of ketosis. Animal Feed Science and Technology 115:191 213.
  • Nielsen FH. 1997. Boron in Human and Animal Nutrition. Plant and Soil. 193: 199-208.(16)
  • Overton TR. 2003. Managing the metabolism of transition cows. The 6. Western Dairy Management Conference,Reno.
  • Overton TR, Waldron MR. 2004. Nutritional management of transition dairy cows: Strategies to optimize metabolic health. J. Dairy Sci. 87:E105-E119.
  • Phillips GJ, Citron TL, Sage JS, Cummins KA, Cecava Adaptations in body muscle and fat in transition dairy cattle fed differing amounts of protein and methionine hydroxy analog. J. Dairy Sci. 86: 3634 3647. JP. 2003.
  • Piepenbrink MS, Marr AL, Waldron MR, Butler - MD. 2004. Feeding 2-hydroxy-4-(methylthio) butanoic acid to periparturient dairy cows improves milk production but not hepatic metabolism. J. Dairy Sci. 87:1071 1084.
  • Pisulewski PM, Rulquin H, Peyraud JL, Verite R. 1996. Lactational and systemic responses of dairy cows to postruminal infusions of increasing amounts of methionine. J. Dairy Sci. 79:1781 1791.
  • Rizos D, Kenny DA, Griffin W, Quinn KM, Duffy JF, Boland MP, Lonergan P. 2008. The effect of feeding propylene glycol to dairy cows during the early postpartum period on follicular parameters related to fertility. Theriogenology 69:688 699. FJ, Roche dynamics and on metabolic
  • Rukkwamsuk T, Rungruang S, Choothesa A, Wensing T. 2005. Effect of propylene glycol on fatty liver development and hepatic fructose 1,6 bisphosphatase activity in periparturient Production Science 95, 95 102. cows Livestock
  • Rulquin H, Delaby L. 1997. Effects of the energy balance of dairy cows on lactational responses to rumen-protected methionine. J Dairy Sci 80:2513 2522.
  • Rulquin H, Graulet B, Delaby L, Robert JC. 2006. Effect of different forms of methionine on lactational performance of dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 89:4387 4394.
  • Sabuncuoglu BT, Kocaturk PA, Yaman Kavas GO, Tekelioglu M. 2006. Effects of subacute boric acid administration on rat kidney tissue. Clin Toxicol (Phila) 44 (3):249- 53
  • Shibano K, Kawamura S. 2006. Serum free amino acid concentration in hepatic lipidosis of dairy cows J.Vet.Med.Sci. 68 (4): 393-396. period.
  • Shingfield KJ, Jaakkola S, Huhtanen P. 2002. forage Effect concentrate level and propylene glycol on diet digestibility, rumen fermentation, blood metabolite utilization of dairy cows. Anim. Feed Sci. Technol. 97: 1 21. conservationmethod,
  • concentrationsand nutrient
  • Socha MT, Putnam DE, Garthwaite BD, Whitehouse NL, Kierstead NA, Schwab CG, Ducharme GA, Robert JC. 2005. Improving intestinal amino acid supply of pre- and postpartum dairy cows with rumen- protected methionine and lysine. J. Dairy Sci. 88: 1113-1126.
  • Stokes SR, Goff JP. 2001. Evaluation of calcium propionate and propylene glycol administered into the esophagus at calving. Prof. Anim. Sci. 17:115 122.
  • Toghdory A, Torbatinejad N, Mohajer M, Chamani M. 2009. Effects of propylene glycol powder on productive performance of lactating cows. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 12 (12): 924-928.
  • World Health Organization. 1998. Environmental health criteria 204: Boron. International Programme on Chemical Safety, Genewa Switzerland. ISBN 92 4 157204 3, Pp: 105- 106, (19).

Bor, Propilen Glikol ve Methioninin Süt Sığırlarında Metabolik Profil Üzerine Etkisi

Year 2012, Volume: 5 Issue: 1, - , 01.03.2012


Some important metabolic and endocrin changes occur between the calving last period and the first period lactation( periparturient period) in dairy cows. Otherwise maintenance, feeding problems, decrease in food intake or malnutrition and n problems of high incidence. The insufficiency of energy-protein in dairy cows are trying to be fixed through different compounds application. In order to improve this disorder propylen glycol supplement and methionin to ratio is widely used in dairy cows. Recently it has been reported that the effects boron on metabolism can be used in dairy cows. In this review, it is aimed to find out the effects of boron, propylene glycol and methionine on metabolic profile in dairy cows


  • Adewuyi AA, Gruys E, Van Eerdenburg FJCM. 2005. Non esterfied fatty acids (NEFA) in dairy cattle. Veterinary Quarterly. 27 (3): 117- 126. oydak M. 2002. Efficacy of sodium borate in the prevention of fatty liver in dairy cows. J Vet Intern Med. 16:732-735.
  • Bauman DE, Currie WB. 1980. Partitioning of nutrients during pregnancy and lactation: a review of mechanisms involving homeostasis and homeorhesis. J. Dairy Sci. 63: 1514 1529.
  • Bertics SJ, Grummer RR. 1999. Effects of fat and methionine hydroxy analog on prevention or alleviation of fatty liver induced by feed restriction. J. Dairy Sci. 82: 2731 2736.
  • Blum JW, Bruckmaier RM, Jans F. 1999. Rumen- protected methionine fed to dairy cows: Bioavailability and effects on plasma amino acid pattern and plasma metabolite and insulin concentrations. J. Dairy Sci. 82: 1991 1998. Bobe G, Young JW, Beitz DC. 2004.
  • Pathology,etiology,prevention,and treatment
  • of fatty liver in dairy cows. J.Dairy Sci. 87:3105-3124. 2004. Why boron?. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry; 42:907 912.
  • Butler ST, Pelton SH. Butler WB. 2006. Energy balance, metabolic status, and the firs postpartum ovarian follicle wave in cows administered propylene glycol J. Dairy Sci. 89: 2938-2951 Casta eda- Butler WR. 2009. Effect of peripartum dietary energy supplementation of dairy cows on reproductive variables. Animal Reproduction Science 112 (3-4): 301-315. function and
  • Chibisa GE, Gozho GN, Van Kessel AG, Olkowski A, Mutsvangwa T. 2008. Effects of supplementation on nitrogen metabolism body composition and gene expression for the major protein degradation pathways in skeletal muscle in dairy cows. Journal of Dairy science 91(9): 3512-3527. propylene glycol
  • Christensen JO, Grummer RR, Rasmussen FE, Bertics SJ. 1997. Effect of method of delivery of propylene glycol on plasma metabolites of feed-restricted cattle. J. Dairy. Sci. 80: 563 568
  • Davidson S, Hopkins BA, Odle J, Brownie C, Fellner Supplementing limited methionine diets with rumen-protected methionine, betaine, and choline in early lactation holstein cows. Journal of Dairy Science 91:1552-1559. 2008.
  • Devirian TA, Volpe SL. 2003. The Physiological Effects of Dietary Boron. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 43(2):219 231.
  • Drackley JK. 1999. Biology of dairy cows during the transition period: the final frontier? J Dairy Sci 82, 2259-2273.
  • Drackley JK, Overton TR, Douglas GN. 2001. Adaptations of glucose and long chain fatty acid metabolism in liver of dairy cows during the periparturient period. J Dairy Sci (E Suppl.), 84: 100-112.
  • Durand D, Chilliard Y, Bauchart D. 1992. Effects of lysine and methionine on in vivo hepatic secretion of VLDL in the high yielding dairy cow. J. Dairy Sci. 75 (Suppl. 1):279.
  • Formigoni A, Cornil AMC, Prandi A, Mordenti A, Rossi A, Portetelle D, Renaville R. 1996. Effect of propylene glycol supplementation around parturition on milk yield, reproduction performance and some hormonal and metabolic characteristics in dairy cows. J. Dairy Res. 63: 11 24
  • Gilbert OR, Gyles CL, Perry TW. 1998. Metabolic disorders. In: The Veterinary Merck Manual 8th Edition. Ed Aiello S.E., Mays A., Merck&Co Inc, USA.
  • Grummer RR. 2008. Nutritional and management strategies for the prevention of fatty liver in dairy cattle. The Veterinary Journal 176 (1): 10 20.
  • Grummer RR, Winkler JC, Bertics SJ, Studer V., 1994. Effect of propylene glycol dosage during feed restriction on metabolites in blood of peripartum Holstein heifers. J. Dairy Sci. 77: 3618 3623.
  • Gupta U, James Y, Campbell C, Leyshon A, Nicholaichuk W. 1985. Boron toxicity and deficiency: a review. Can J Soil Sci 65: 381- 409.
  • Hall LH, Spielvogal BF, Griffin TS, Docks EL, Brotherton RJ. 1989. The effects of boron hyperlipidemic agents on LDL and HDL receptor binding and related enzyme activities of rat hepatocytes, aorta cells and human fibroblasts. Res. Comm. Chem. Pathol. Pharmocol. 65: 297 317.
  • Hoedemaker M, Prange D, Zerbe H, Frank J, Daxenberger A, Meyer HHD. 2004. Peripartal propylene glycol supplementation and metabolism, animal health, fertility, and production in dairy cows J. Dairy Sci. 87:2136 2145.
  • Hunt CD. 1998. Regulation of enzymatic activity. One possible role of dietary boron in higher animals and humans. Biol. Trace Elem. Res. 66: 205 225.
  • Hunt CD. 1994. The Biochemical effects of physiologic amounts of dietary boron in animal nutrition models. Environl Health Perspect 102 (7):35-42
  • Hunt CD. 2012. Dietary boron: Progress in essential establishing physiology. J Trace Elements in Med and Biol 26:157 160 roles in human
  • Johnson S, Smith K. 1976. The interaction of borate and sulfite with pyridine nucleotides. Biochemistry 15:553-559
  • Juchem SO, Santos FAP, Imaizumi H, Pires AV,
  • Production and blood cows monensin prepartum
  • propylene glycol. J. Dairy Sci. 87: 680 689. or
  • Kabu M, Civelek T. 2012. Effects of Propylene Glycol, Methionine and Sodium Borate on Metabolic Profile in Dairy Cattle During Periparturient Period. 9. 163: 8- Fatty Liver Syndrome and Prevention in Dairy Cows. Kocatepe Vet.J., 1:83-87.(4)
  • Katoh N. 2002. Relevance of apolipoproteins in the development of fatty liver and fatty liver related peripartum diseases in dairy cows. J Vet Med Sci 64 (4): 293-307.
  • Kettner C, Mersinger L, Knabb R. 1990. The selective inhibition of thrombin by peptides of boroarginine. J Biol Chem 265:18289-18297. Boron Mining in Turkey, the Marketing Situation and the Economical Importance of Boron in the World IV ; International Boron Symposium, 15- TURKEY (14)
  • Lovatt CJ, Dugger WM. 1984. Boron. In: Biochemistry of the Essential Ultratrace Elements (Frieden, E., ed.), pp. Plenum Press, New York, NY. 389 421. Mikula R, Nowak W, Mackowiak P, Pruszynska E, Wlodarek J. 2008. supplementation parameters in dairy cows J.Bull. Vet.Inst. Pulawy 52, 461-466. Jaskowaski JM, Effects of on blood biochemical
  • Miyoshi S, Pate JL, Palmquist DL. 2001. Effects of propylene glycol drenching on energy balance, plasma glucose, plasma insulin, ovarian function and conception in dairy cows. Animal Reproduction Science 68: 29 43.
  • Moallem U, Katz M, Arieli A, Lehrer H. 2007. Effects of peripartum propylene glycol or fats differing in fatty acid profiles on feed intake, production, and plasma metabolites in dairy cows. J Dairy Sci. 90: 3846 56.
  • Nielsen NI, Ingvartsen KL. 2004. Propylene glycol for dairy cows a review of the metabolism of propylene glycol and its effects on physiological parameters, feed intake, milk production and risk of ketosis. Animal Feed Science and Technology 115:191 213.
  • Nielsen FH. 1997. Boron in Human and Animal Nutrition. Plant and Soil. 193: 199-208.(16)
  • Overton TR. 2003. Managing the metabolism of transition cows. The 6. Western Dairy Management Conference,Reno.
  • Overton TR, Waldron MR. 2004. Nutritional management of transition dairy cows: Strategies to optimize metabolic health. J. Dairy Sci. 87:E105-E119.
  • Phillips GJ, Citron TL, Sage JS, Cummins KA, Cecava Adaptations in body muscle and fat in transition dairy cattle fed differing amounts of protein and methionine hydroxy analog. J. Dairy Sci. 86: 3634 3647. JP. 2003.
  • Piepenbrink MS, Marr AL, Waldron MR, Butler - MD. 2004. Feeding 2-hydroxy-4-(methylthio) butanoic acid to periparturient dairy cows improves milk production but not hepatic metabolism. J. Dairy Sci. 87:1071 1084.
  • Pisulewski PM, Rulquin H, Peyraud JL, Verite R. 1996. Lactational and systemic responses of dairy cows to postruminal infusions of increasing amounts of methionine. J. Dairy Sci. 79:1781 1791.
  • Rizos D, Kenny DA, Griffin W, Quinn KM, Duffy JF, Boland MP, Lonergan P. 2008. The effect of feeding propylene glycol to dairy cows during the early postpartum period on follicular parameters related to fertility. Theriogenology 69:688 699. FJ, Roche dynamics and on metabolic
  • Rukkwamsuk T, Rungruang S, Choothesa A, Wensing T. 2005. Effect of propylene glycol on fatty liver development and hepatic fructose 1,6 bisphosphatase activity in periparturient Production Science 95, 95 102. cows Livestock
  • Rulquin H, Delaby L. 1997. Effects of the energy balance of dairy cows on lactational responses to rumen-protected methionine. J Dairy Sci 80:2513 2522.
  • Rulquin H, Graulet B, Delaby L, Robert JC. 2006. Effect of different forms of methionine on lactational performance of dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 89:4387 4394.
  • Sabuncuoglu BT, Kocaturk PA, Yaman Kavas GO, Tekelioglu M. 2006. Effects of subacute boric acid administration on rat kidney tissue. Clin Toxicol (Phila) 44 (3):249- 53
  • Shibano K, Kawamura S. 2006. Serum free amino acid concentration in hepatic lipidosis of dairy cows J.Vet.Med.Sci. 68 (4): 393-396. period.
  • Shingfield KJ, Jaakkola S, Huhtanen P. 2002. forage Effect concentrate level and propylene glycol on diet digestibility, rumen fermentation, blood metabolite utilization of dairy cows. Anim. Feed Sci. Technol. 97: 1 21. conservationmethod,
  • concentrationsand nutrient
  • Socha MT, Putnam DE, Garthwaite BD, Whitehouse NL, Kierstead NA, Schwab CG, Ducharme GA, Robert JC. 2005. Improving intestinal amino acid supply of pre- and postpartum dairy cows with rumen- protected methionine and lysine. J. Dairy Sci. 88: 1113-1126.
  • Stokes SR, Goff JP. 2001. Evaluation of calcium propionate and propylene glycol administered into the esophagus at calving. Prof. Anim. Sci. 17:115 122.
  • Toghdory A, Torbatinejad N, Mohajer M, Chamani M. 2009. Effects of propylene glycol powder on productive performance of lactating cows. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 12 (12): 924-928.
  • World Health Organization. 1998. Environmental health criteria 204: Boron. International Programme on Chemical Safety, Genewa Switzerland. ISBN 92 4 157204 3, Pp: 105- 106, (19).
There are 53 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Mustafa Kabu This is me

Publication Date March 1, 2012
Published in Issue Year 2012 Volume: 5 Issue: 1


APA Kabu, M. (2012). Bor, Propilen Glikol ve Methioninin Süt Sığırlarında Metabolik Profil Üzerine Etkisi. Kocatepe Veterinary Journal, 5(1).
AMA Kabu M. Bor, Propilen Glikol ve Methioninin Süt Sığırlarında Metabolik Profil Üzerine Etkisi. kvj. March 2012;5(1).
Chicago Kabu, Mustafa. “Bor, Propilen Glikol Ve Methioninin Süt Sığırlarında Metabolik Profil Üzerine Etkisi”. Kocatepe Veterinary Journal 5, no. 1 (March 2012).
EndNote Kabu M (March 1, 2012) Bor, Propilen Glikol ve Methioninin Süt Sığırlarında Metabolik Profil Üzerine Etkisi. Kocatepe Veterinary Journal 5 1
IEEE M. Kabu, “Bor, Propilen Glikol ve Methioninin Süt Sığırlarında Metabolik Profil Üzerine Etkisi”, kvj, vol. 5, no. 1, 2012.
ISNAD Kabu, Mustafa. “Bor, Propilen Glikol Ve Methioninin Süt Sığırlarında Metabolik Profil Üzerine Etkisi”. Kocatepe Veterinary Journal 5/1 (March 2012).
JAMA Kabu M. Bor, Propilen Glikol ve Methioninin Süt Sığırlarında Metabolik Profil Üzerine Etkisi. kvj. 2012;5.
MLA Kabu, Mustafa. “Bor, Propilen Glikol Ve Methioninin Süt Sığırlarında Metabolik Profil Üzerine Etkisi”. Kocatepe Veterinary Journal, vol. 5, no. 1, 2012.
Vancouver Kabu M. Bor, Propilen Glikol ve Methioninin Süt Sığırlarında Metabolik Profil Üzerine Etkisi. kvj. 2012;5(1).

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