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Intraocular Pressure In Buffalo Calves

Year 2014, Volume: 7 Issue: 2, 1 - 8, 01.01.2014


This study was carried out for the determination and the evaluation of intraocular pressure (IOP) in Anatolian Buffalo calve by means of applanation tonometry. A total of 78 eyes of 39 healthy Anatolian Buffalo calves aged between 1 and 11 months old from both sexes were examined. IOPs of Anatolian Buffalo calves were measured at the same time once in the morning on each eye during six month period every morning. IOP’s of the left eyes were found to be 23,58 ± 2,8 mmHg (range 17,30-29,60 mmHg) whereas the right eyes were 23,28 ± 3,28 mmHg (range 17,30-30,60 mmHg). Comparison of the tonometries between right and the left eyes of Anatolian Buffalo calves showed no significant difference, statistically. IOP was found to have no correlation to a decrease in concordance with the age of the animal. To our knowledge, this is the first report of tonometrical investigation performed in Anatolian Buffalo calve. The IOP for Anatolian Buffalo calves was determined as 23.43 ± 2.8 mmHg.


  • Akın F, Samsar E. Göz hastalıkları, Medipres Matbaacılık LTD. ŞTİ. 2005.Malatya
  • Aksakal F. Schiotz, Goldmann applanasyon and keler pulsair non kontakt tonometreler ile miyop, hipermetrop and emetrop gözlerde göz içi basınçlarının ölçümlerinin karşılaştırılması. 1993.T.C. S.S.K Okmeydanı Hastanesi Göz Hasta. Klin. Uzmanlık Tezi. Akyol N, Turgut B. Steroid Glokomu. Glo- Kat.2006; 1: 239- 244.
  • Al-Abrak MH, Samuel JR. Further Observations on the Effects of General Anaestesia on İntraocular Presure in Man : Halothane in Nitros Oxide and Oxygen. Br. Jour. Of Anaest.1974; 46: 756-759.
  • Ausinsch B, Munson ES, Levy NS. İntraocular pressures in children with glaucoma during halothane anesthesia. Ann. Ophthalmol.1977; 9(11): 1391-1394.
  • Brooks DE. Glaucoma in the dog and cat. Vet. Clin. N. Amer. Small Animal Prac. 1990; 20 : 775- 797.
  • Carel RS, Korczyn AD, Rock M, Goya I. Association between ocular pressure and certain health parameters. Ophthalmology. 1984; 91 : 311- 314.
  • CoşkunM.http://tip.erciyes.edu.tr/Anabilim/Cerra hi/Web/Goz_Hastaliklari/Mesut%20Coskun %20SON. 2001; htmerişim tarihi: 11.09.2010 Gelatt KN, Mac Kay EO. Distribution of Intraocular Pressure in Dogs. Veterinary Ophthalmology.1998; 1: 109-114.
  • Gum GG, Gelatt KN, Miller DN, Mackay EO. Intraocular pressure in normal dairy cattle. Veterinary Ophthalmology.1999; 1: 159-161.
  • Gum GG, Gelatt KN, Esson DW. Physiology of the Eye İn: Fourth Edition Veterinary Ophthalmology ed: Gelatt K N. Blackwell Publishing Ltd. 2121 State Avenue, Ames.,Iowa 50014, USA. 2007; 4: 1592-1593
  • Hoskins HD, Kass MA. Becker – Shaffer’s Diagnosis and Therapy of the Glaucomas 6th edition.1989; The C: V : Mosby Comp’s pp:60-63
  • Kitazawa Y, Horie T. Diurnal Variation of İntraoculer Pressure in Primay Open – Angle Glaucoma. Am. J. Ophthalmology.1975; 79: 557-560.
  • Liebich HG, König HE. Eye (organum Visus). In: Veterinary Anatomy of Domestic Mammals: Textbook and Colour Atlas. 3rd. Edition. ed: König H.E, Liebich H.G Schattauer GmbH, Germany. 2007; pp. 571- 608.
  • Maggs DJ. Cornea and Sclera, İn: Slatter’s Fundamentals of Veterinary Ophtalmology , Edition 4. ed; Maggs, J. D, Miller, E.P, Ofri, R. Saunders Elsevier 11830 Westline Industrial Drive St, Louis, Missouri 63146.2008; pp. 175-201.
  • Miller PE. Structure and Function of the Eye, Slatter’s Fundamentals of Veterinary Ophtalmology, Edition 4. ed; Maggs, J. D, Miller, E.P, Ofri, R. Saunders Elsevier 11830 Westline Industrial Drive St, Louis, Missouri 63146.2008; pp. 1-19.
  • Moses RA, Hart WM. Adler’s Physiology of the Eye.8th edition. The C. V. Mosby Com 1987; pp: 373-375
  • Noyan A. Özel Duyular, Görme Duyusu. İn: Fizyoloji Ders kitabı (6.basım). Ed: Noyan, A. Meteksan A.Ş.1989; sy.421- 463.
  • Ollivier FJ, Pulummer CE, Barrie KP.(2007). Ophthalmic Examination and Diagnostics, İn: Fourth Edition Veterinary Ophthalmology ed: Gelatt K N. Blackwell Publishing Ltd. 2121 State Avenue, Ames.,Iowa 50014, USA.2007; pp: 438- 476.
  • Pamuk K. Köpeklerde Halotan and İzofloran Anestezisinin İntraoküler Basınca Etkisinin Karşılaştırılması. Ankara Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü. Cerrahi Anabilim Dalı Doktora Tezi. 2003.
  • Pamuk K, Sarıtaş ZK, Demirkan İ, Acar A, Korkmaz M, Acar DB. Animal Welfare related to evaluate Intraocular Pressure in Anatolian Buffaloes; Preliminary report. Journal of Veterinary and Animal Advances.2011; 10 (8) 987-990.
  • Passaglia CL, Guo X, Chen J, Troy JB. Tono- Pen XL calibration curves for cats, cows and sheep. Veterinary Ophthalmology. 2004; 4: 261– 264. PMID :15200622.
  • Pauli AM, Bentley E, Diehl KA, Miller PE. Effects of the Application of Neck Pressure by a Collar or Harness on Intraocular Pressure in Dogs. J Am Anim Hosp. Assoc. 2006; 42: pp:207-211.
  • Renwick PW, Petersen-Jones SM. Orbital and Ocular Pain, İn: Small Animal Ophthalmology a Problem – Oriented Approach. ed: Peiffer,R., Jones-Petersen, S. Elsevier Limited. 2009; pp: 203-249.
  • Rezaei SA, Naghadeh BD. Evaluation of antioxidant status and oxidative stress in cattle naturally infected with Theileria annulata, Veterinary parasitology 2006;142(1-2):179-86.
  • Stiles JT, Townsend WM. Feline Ophthalmology. İn: Essentials of Veterinary Ophthalmology. Ed: Gelatt, N. K. Blackwell publishing Professional 2121 State Avenue, Ames, Iowa 50014 USA.2008; Sy. 293-330.
  • Tığ UŞ. Göz İçi Basınç Ölçümünde Hata Kaynakları, S.D.Ü Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi.2006; 13 (3): 32-35.
  • Townsend WM. Food and Fiber – Producing Animal Ophthalmology In: Essentials of Veterinary Ophthalmology 2nd Ed., Gelatt K. N. Blackwel Publishing Professional 2121 State Avenue, Ames, Iowa 50014 USA.2008; pp: 379-381.

Malaklarda İntraokuler Basınç

Year 2014, Volume: 7 Issue: 2, 1 - 8, 01.01.2014


Bu çalışmada, Tono-Pen XL applanasyon tonometresi kullanılarak Anadolu malaklarında intraoküler basınçların belirlenmesi ve değerlendirmesi amaçlanmıştır. Çalışmada, yaşları 1-11 ay arasında değişen, değişik cinsiyette, sağlıklı 39 adet malağın 78 gözü değerlendirildi. Anadolu malaklarının intraokuler basınç (İOB)’ları her sabah aynı saatte aylık olarak ölçüldü. Sağ gözlerin İOB değerleri ortalama 23,28 ± 3,28 mmHg (17,30-30,60 mmHg arasında), sol gözlerin İOB değerleri ise ortalama 23,58 ± 2,8 mmHg (17,30-29,60 mmHg arasında) bulundu. Anadolu malaklarında sağ ve sol göz İOB’ları karşılaştırıldığında istatistiksel olarak önemli bir fark gözlenmedi. Yaşa bağlı olarak İOB değerlerinin azalmadığı görüldü. Yapılan literatür tarama sonucunda bu çalışmanın Anadolu malaklarında gerçekleştirilen ilk İOB değerlendirme çalışması olduğu inancındayız. Bu çalışmada Anadolu malaklarında ortalama İOB değerleri 23,3± 3,04 mmHg olarak belirlendi.


  • Akın F, Samsar E. Göz hastalıkları, Medipres Matbaacılık LTD. ŞTİ. 2005.Malatya
  • Aksakal F. Schiotz, Goldmann applanasyon and keler pulsair non kontakt tonometreler ile miyop, hipermetrop and emetrop gözlerde göz içi basınçlarının ölçümlerinin karşılaştırılması. 1993.T.C. S.S.K Okmeydanı Hastanesi Göz Hasta. Klin. Uzmanlık Tezi. Akyol N, Turgut B. Steroid Glokomu. Glo- Kat.2006; 1: 239- 244.
  • Al-Abrak MH, Samuel JR. Further Observations on the Effects of General Anaestesia on İntraocular Presure in Man : Halothane in Nitros Oxide and Oxygen. Br. Jour. Of Anaest.1974; 46: 756-759.
  • Ausinsch B, Munson ES, Levy NS. İntraocular pressures in children with glaucoma during halothane anesthesia. Ann. Ophthalmol.1977; 9(11): 1391-1394.
  • Brooks DE. Glaucoma in the dog and cat. Vet. Clin. N. Amer. Small Animal Prac. 1990; 20 : 775- 797.
  • Carel RS, Korczyn AD, Rock M, Goya I. Association between ocular pressure and certain health parameters. Ophthalmology. 1984; 91 : 311- 314.
  • CoşkunM.http://tip.erciyes.edu.tr/Anabilim/Cerra hi/Web/Goz_Hastaliklari/Mesut%20Coskun %20SON. 2001; htmerişim tarihi: 11.09.2010 Gelatt KN, Mac Kay EO. Distribution of Intraocular Pressure in Dogs. Veterinary Ophthalmology.1998; 1: 109-114.
  • Gum GG, Gelatt KN, Miller DN, Mackay EO. Intraocular pressure in normal dairy cattle. Veterinary Ophthalmology.1999; 1: 159-161.
  • Gum GG, Gelatt KN, Esson DW. Physiology of the Eye İn: Fourth Edition Veterinary Ophthalmology ed: Gelatt K N. Blackwell Publishing Ltd. 2121 State Avenue, Ames.,Iowa 50014, USA. 2007; 4: 1592-1593
  • Hoskins HD, Kass MA. Becker – Shaffer’s Diagnosis and Therapy of the Glaucomas 6th edition.1989; The C: V : Mosby Comp’s pp:60-63
  • Kitazawa Y, Horie T. Diurnal Variation of İntraoculer Pressure in Primay Open – Angle Glaucoma. Am. J. Ophthalmology.1975; 79: 557-560.
  • Liebich HG, König HE. Eye (organum Visus). In: Veterinary Anatomy of Domestic Mammals: Textbook and Colour Atlas. 3rd. Edition. ed: König H.E, Liebich H.G Schattauer GmbH, Germany. 2007; pp. 571- 608.
  • Maggs DJ. Cornea and Sclera, İn: Slatter’s Fundamentals of Veterinary Ophtalmology , Edition 4. ed; Maggs, J. D, Miller, E.P, Ofri, R. Saunders Elsevier 11830 Westline Industrial Drive St, Louis, Missouri 63146.2008; pp. 175-201.
  • Miller PE. Structure and Function of the Eye, Slatter’s Fundamentals of Veterinary Ophtalmology, Edition 4. ed; Maggs, J. D, Miller, E.P, Ofri, R. Saunders Elsevier 11830 Westline Industrial Drive St, Louis, Missouri 63146.2008; pp. 1-19.
  • Moses RA, Hart WM. Adler’s Physiology of the Eye.8th edition. The C. V. Mosby Com 1987; pp: 373-375
  • Noyan A. Özel Duyular, Görme Duyusu. İn: Fizyoloji Ders kitabı (6.basım). Ed: Noyan, A. Meteksan A.Ş.1989; sy.421- 463.
  • Ollivier FJ, Pulummer CE, Barrie KP.(2007). Ophthalmic Examination and Diagnostics, İn: Fourth Edition Veterinary Ophthalmology ed: Gelatt K N. Blackwell Publishing Ltd. 2121 State Avenue, Ames.,Iowa 50014, USA.2007; pp: 438- 476.
  • Pamuk K. Köpeklerde Halotan and İzofloran Anestezisinin İntraoküler Basınca Etkisinin Karşılaştırılması. Ankara Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü. Cerrahi Anabilim Dalı Doktora Tezi. 2003.
  • Pamuk K, Sarıtaş ZK, Demirkan İ, Acar A, Korkmaz M, Acar DB. Animal Welfare related to evaluate Intraocular Pressure in Anatolian Buffaloes; Preliminary report. Journal of Veterinary and Animal Advances.2011; 10 (8) 987-990.
  • Passaglia CL, Guo X, Chen J, Troy JB. Tono- Pen XL calibration curves for cats, cows and sheep. Veterinary Ophthalmology. 2004; 4: 261– 264. PMID :15200622.
  • Pauli AM, Bentley E, Diehl KA, Miller PE. Effects of the Application of Neck Pressure by a Collar or Harness on Intraocular Pressure in Dogs. J Am Anim Hosp. Assoc. 2006; 42: pp:207-211.
  • Renwick PW, Petersen-Jones SM. Orbital and Ocular Pain, İn: Small Animal Ophthalmology a Problem – Oriented Approach. ed: Peiffer,R., Jones-Petersen, S. Elsevier Limited. 2009; pp: 203-249.
  • Rezaei SA, Naghadeh BD. Evaluation of antioxidant status and oxidative stress in cattle naturally infected with Theileria annulata, Veterinary parasitology 2006;142(1-2):179-86.
  • Stiles JT, Townsend WM. Feline Ophthalmology. İn: Essentials of Veterinary Ophthalmology. Ed: Gelatt, N. K. Blackwell publishing Professional 2121 State Avenue, Ames, Iowa 50014 USA.2008; Sy. 293-330.
  • Tığ UŞ. Göz İçi Basınç Ölçümünde Hata Kaynakları, S.D.Ü Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi.2006; 13 (3): 32-35.
  • Townsend WM. Food and Fiber – Producing Animal Ophthalmology In: Essentials of Veterinary Ophthalmology 2nd Ed., Gelatt K. N. Blackwel Publishing Professional 2121 State Avenue, Ames, Iowa 50014 USA.2008; pp: 379-381.
There are 26 citations in total.


Journal Section Articles

Çağrı Çetin This is me

Kamuran Pamuk

Mustafa Volkan Yaprakçı This is me

Publication Date January 1, 2014
Acceptance Date July 15, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2014 Volume: 7 Issue: 2


APA Çetin, Ç., Pamuk, K., & Yaprakçı, M. V. (2014). Intraocular Pressure In Buffalo Calves. Kocatepe Veterinary Journal, 7(2), 1-8.
AMA Çetin Ç, Pamuk K, Yaprakçı MV. Intraocular Pressure In Buffalo Calves. kvj. June 2014;7(2):1-8.
Chicago Çetin, Çağrı, Kamuran Pamuk, and Mustafa Volkan Yaprakçı. “Intraocular Pressure In Buffalo Calves”. Kocatepe Veterinary Journal 7, no. 2 (June 2014): 1-8.
EndNote Çetin Ç, Pamuk K, Yaprakçı MV (June 1, 2014) Intraocular Pressure In Buffalo Calves. Kocatepe Veterinary Journal 7 2 1–8.
IEEE Ç. Çetin, K. Pamuk, and M. V. Yaprakçı, “Intraocular Pressure In Buffalo Calves”, kvj, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 1–8, 2014.
ISNAD Çetin, Çağrı et al. “Intraocular Pressure In Buffalo Calves”. Kocatepe Veterinary Journal 7/2 (June 2014), 1-8.
JAMA Çetin Ç, Pamuk K, Yaprakçı MV. Intraocular Pressure In Buffalo Calves. kvj. 2014;7:1–8.
MLA Çetin, Çağrı et al. “Intraocular Pressure In Buffalo Calves”. Kocatepe Veterinary Journal, vol. 7, no. 2, 2014, pp. 1-8.
Vancouver Çetin Ç, Pamuk K, Yaprakçı MV. Intraocular Pressure In Buffalo Calves. kvj. 2014;7(2):1-8.

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