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Afyonkarahisar İli ve Çevresinde Maedi- Visna Virus Enfeksiyonunun Klinik ve Serolojik Olarak Araştırılması

Year 2015, Volume: 8 Issue: 1, 39 - 44, 01.06.2015


Bu çalışmanın amacı Maedi-Visna Virus (MVV) enfeksiyonunun hem normal hem de MVV ile ilişkili bozuklukların görüldüğü koyun sürülerinde araştırılmasıdır. Afyonkarahisar ilinde kuru öksürük, zayıflama, burun akıntısı gibi kronik solunum sistemi semptomlarının görüldüğü koyun sürüleri ile klinik olarak sağlıklı toplam 10 koyun sürüsünden kan örnekleri alındı. Bu sürülerden ikisinde daha önce solunum sistemi enfeksiyonuna yönelik ilaç tedavisi de yapılmasına rağmen önemli bir düzelme gözlenmediği bildirildi. İndirekt ELISA sonuçlarına göre klinik semptomların görüldüğü dört işletmenin üçünde %9 ile 14.8 arasında değişen değerlerde seropozitiflik saptandı. Sağlıklı görünüme sahip 6 sürünün ikisinde de %9.3 (3/32) ve %3.1 (1/17) oranları belirlendi. Sonuç olarak 10 işletmenin 5’inde %3.1 ile 14.8 aralığında ve toplam 294 örneğin 17’sinde (%5.7) MVV pozitiflik tespit edildi. Düşük enfeksiyon oranları ve enfeksiyon geçmişinin nisbeten yeni oluşu gibi olası nedenlerle, enfeksiyon ile klinik bozukluk varlığına göre sürü bazında istatistiksel olarak önemli bir ilişki bulunmadığı belirlendi.


  • Alibaşoğlu M, Arda M. Koyun Pulmoner Adenomatosis’inin Türkiye’de Durumu ile Patolojisi ve Etiyolojisinin Araştırılması. Tubitak-VHAG Yayınları. 1975; No: 274.
  • Alkan F, Tan MT. A Comparative Study on the Diagnosis of Maedi-Visna Infection in Serum and Colostrum Samples Using Agar Gel Immunodiffusion Test. DTW. 1998; 105:276-278.
  • Bermejillo AC, Corral SM, Corral SM, Brodie SJ, Demartini JC. Venereal Shaddig of Ovine Lentivirus in Infected Rams. Am J Vet Res. 1996; 57(5):684-688.
  • Bernardina WE, Franken, P. A Simple Method for the Demonstration of Factors in Bovine Colostrum Capable of Causing Anemia in Lambs Reared Free from Maedi on Bovine Colostrum. Vet Immunol Immunopathol. 1985; 10:297-303.
  • Burgu İ, Toker A, Akça A, Alkan F, Yazıcı Z, Özkul A. Türkiye’de Visna-Maedi Enfeksiyonunun Serolojik Olarak Araştırılması. A Ü Vet Fak Derg. 1990;37(3):538-553.
  • Campbell JR, Menzies PI, Toews DW, Walton JS, Bucrell BC, Thosen J. The Seroprevalance of Maedi-Visna in Ontorio Sheep Flocks and Its Relationship to Flock Demographics and Management Practices. Can Vet J. 1994; 35:39-44.
  • Clements JE, Wall RJ, Narayan O, Hauer D, Schoborg R, Sheffer D, Powell A, Carruth LM, Zink MC, Rexroad CE. Development of Transgenic Sheep That Express the Visna Virus Envelope Gene. Virology. 1994; 200:370-80.
  • Cutlip RC, Lehmkuhl HD. Eradication of Ovine Progressive Pneumonia from Sheep Flocks. JAVMA. 1986; 188(9):1026-1068.
  • Dawson M. Comparision of Serological Tests Used in Three State Veterinary Laborarories to Identify Maedi-Visna Virus Infections. Vet Rec. 1982; 111:432-434.
  • Dawson M. The Spread of Maedi-Visna Virus. Vet Rec. 1984; 115(17):427.
  • Dawson M. Lentivirus Diseases of Domesticated Animals. J Comp Path. 1988; 99:401-419.
  • De Boer GF, Terpstra C, Houwers DJ, Hendriks J. Studies in Epidemiology of Maedi/Visna in Sheep. Res Vet Sci. 1979; 26:202-208.
  • Dohoo IR, Heaney DP, Stevenson RG, Samagh BS, Rhodes CS. The Effects of Maedi-Visna Virus Infection on Productivity in Ewes. Preventive Vet Med. 1987; 4:471-484.
  • Duesberg PH. Retroviral Transforming Genes in Normal Cells. Nature. 1983; 304:219-225.
  • Garey N, Dalziel RG. The Biology of Maedi-Visna Virus- An Overview. Br Vet J. 1993; 149:437-454.
  • Girgin H, Aydın N, Yonguç AD, Aksoy, Çorak R. Ve Şimdi Koyunların Viral Maedi-Visna’sı Türkiye’de. Etlik Vet Mikrobiyol Derg. 1987; 6(1):9-22.
  • Houwers DJ, Konig CDW, Bakker J, de Boer MJ, Pekelder JJ, Sol J, Vellema P, de Viries G. Maedi-Visna Control in Sheep. III: Results and Evaluation of a Voluntary Control Program in the Netherlands over a Period of Four Years. Vet Quart. 1987; 9 (1): 29-36.
  • Houwers DJ, Konig CDW, DeBoer GF, Schake J. Maedi-Visna Control in Sheep I. Artificial Rearing of Colostrum Deprived Lambs. Vet Microbiol. 1983; 8:179-185.
  • Houwers DJ, Schaake J, De Boer GF. Maedi-Visna Control in Sheep. II. Half-Yearly Serological Testing with Culling of Positive Ewes and Progeny. Vet Microbiol. 1984; 9:445-451.
  • Karaoğlu T, Alkan F, Burgu İ. Küçük aile işletmelerindeki koyunlarda maedi-visna enfeksiyonunun seroprevalansı. Ankara Üniv Vet Fak Derg. 2003; 50:123-126.
  • Kennedy C, Eklund CM, Lopez C, Hadlow WL. Isolation of a Virus from the Lungs of Montana Sheep Affected with Progressive Pneumonia. Virology. 1968; 35:483-484.
  • Kimberling CV. Diseases of Sheep. 3th Ed., Lea&Febiger, Philadelphia. 1988; pp; 274-280.
  • Markson LM, Spence JB, Dawsom M. Investigations of a Flock Heavily Infected with Maedi-Visna Virus. Vet Rec. 1983; 112:267-271.
  • Narayan O, Cork LC. Lentiviral Diseases of Sheep and Goats: Chronic Pneumonia Leukoencephalomyelitis and Arthritis. Rev Infect Dis. 1985; 7(1):89-98.
  • Palsson PA. Maedi and Visna in Sheep, In: Slow Virus Infections of Animals and Man, Ed; Kimberlin RH, North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam. 1976; p;17-114.
  • Pérez M, Biescas E, de Andrés X, Leginagoikoa I, Salazar E, Berriatua E, Reina R, Bolea R, de Andrés D Juste RA, Cancer J, Gracia J, Amorena B, Badiola JJ, Luján L. Visna/maedi virus serology in sheep: Survey, risk factors and implementation of a successful control programme in Aragón (Spain). Vet J. 2010;186(2):221-225.
  • Prager von D, Jungblut R, Böttcher J, Vogt HR, Wurm R. Untersuchungen zum Nachweis von CAEV/MVV-Antikörpern mit verschiedenen Methoden (DIDT, ELISA, Western-Blot) im Rahmen der Maedi-Visna-Sanierung in Nordhein-Westfalen. Tierärztl Umschau. 1997; 52:524-529.
  • Pritchard GC, Done SH, Dawson M. Multiple Cases of Maedi and Visna in a Flock in East Anglia. Vet Rec. 1995; 21:443.
  • Pritchard GC, Spence JB, Arthur MJ, Dawson M. Maedi-Visna Virus Infection in Commercial Flocks of Indigenous Sheep in Britain. Vet Rec. 1984; 115:427-429.
  • Scheffield WD, Narayan O, Strandberg JD, Adams RJ. Visna-Maedi-Like Disease Associated with an Ovine Retrovirus Infection in a Corriedale Sheep. Vet Pathol.1980; 17:544-552.
  • Schipper IA, Misek A, Ludemann L, Light M, Limesand W. Ovine Progressive Pneumonia Infection via Oral Route. Agri Practice. 1983; 3:415-417.
  • Schreuder BEC, Yonguç AD, Girgin H, Akçora A. Antibodies to Maedi-Visna in Indigenous Sheep in Eastern Turkey. Etlik Vet Mikrobiyol Derg. 1988; 6(3):47-53.
  • Sigurdsson B, PalssonPA, Tryggvadottir A. Transmission Experiments with Maedi. J Infect Dis. 1952; 90:233-241.
  • Sigurdsson B, Palsson PA. Visna of Sheep. A Slow, Demyelinating Infection. Br J Exp Pathol. 1958; 39(5):519-528.
  • Sigurdsson B. Maedi, A Slow Progressive Pneumonia of Sheep: An Epizoological and A Pathological Study. Br Vet J. 1954; 110:255-270.
  • Sihvonen L. Studies on Transmission of Maedi Virus to Lambs. Acta Vet Scand. 1980; 21:1-10.
  • Shah C, Boni J, Huder JB, Vogt HR, Muhlherr J, Zanoni R, Mıserez R, Lutz H, Schupbach J. Phylogenetic analysis and reclassification of caprine and ovine lentiviruses based on 104 new isolates: evidence for regular sheep-to-goat transmission and worldwide propagation through livestock trade. Virology. 2004; 319:12-26.
  • Stamp JT. Slow Virus Infections of the Nervous System of Sheep. Vet Rec. 1980; 107:529-530.
  • Starick E, Enke KH. Comparative Test in Maedi-Visna-Diagnosos –Agar Gel Immunodiffusion Test –Enzymimmunoassay –Immunblot. Berliner Munchener Tierärztl Wschr. 1995; 108(4):138-142.
  • Takemoto KK, Mattern CFT, Stone LB, Coe JE, Lavelle G. Antigenic and Morphologic Similarities of Progressive Pneumonia Virus, A Recently Isolated “Slow Virus” of Sheep, to Visna and Maedi Viruses. J Virology. 1971; 7(1):301-308.
  • Tan MT, Alkan F. Türkiye´de Visna-Maedi Enfeksiyonunun Seroepidemiyolojisi Ve Virus İzolasyonu. Ankara Üniv Vet Fak Derg. 2002; 49(1):45-50.
  • Wachendörfer von G, Kabisch D, Klöppel R, Frost JW. Seroepidemiologische Untersuchungen zum Vorkommen von Maedi-Visna-Infektionen bei Schafen mit Hinweisen zur Bekämpfung der Maedi. Tierärztl Umschau. 1995; 50:16-25.
  • Watt NJ, King TJ, Collie D, Mclntyre N, Sargan D, McConnel I. Clinicopathological Investigation of Primary, Uncomplicated Maedi-Visna Virus Infection. Vet Rec. 1992; 131:455-461.
  • Williams-Fulton NR, Simard CL. Evaluation of two management procedures for the control of maedi-visna. Can J Vet Res. 1989; 53:419-423.
  • Yavru S, Şimşek A, Bulut O, Kale M. Konya bölgesindeki koyunlarda Maedi-Visna Virus enfeksiyonu üzerine serolojik araştırma. Eurasian J Vet Sci. 2012; 28(3):142-148.
  • Yılmaz, H., Gürel, A., Özgür, Y., Turan, N., Bilal, T., Kuşcu, B., Ilgaz, A., Dawson MM, Morgan KL. Koyun Serumlarında Maedi-Visna Virusu Antikorlarının Saptanması ve Bu koyunların Beyin ve Akciğerinin Histopatolojik ve Bakteriyolojik Yönden İncelenmesi. 1998. III. Ulusal Veteriner Mikrobiyoloji Kongresi, 23-25 Eylül 1988, Bursa. p;103.

A clinical and serological investigation for Maedi-Visna Virus (MVV) infection in Afyonkarahisar province

Year 2015, Volume: 8 Issue: 1, 39 - 44, 01.06.2015


Aim of this study, to investiagate the Maedi-Visna Virus (MVV) infection in both normal and MVV related disorders observed sheep flocks. Blood samples was collected from clinically healthy and chronical respiratory system problems like dry cough, wasting, nasal discharges syptoms have been seen 10 sheep flocks in Afyonkarahisar province. Out of these flocks, medical treatment has been applied previously for respiratory system infection in 2 flocks, however significant recovery was not seen observed. As a result of indirect-ELISA, seropositivity was detected between 9% and 14.8% in 3 of 4 flocks that have clinical disorders. The infection was detected in 2 of 6 clinically normal flocks with 9.3% (3/32) and 3.1% (1/17). As a result, out of 10 enterprises, MVV positivity was detected in 5 between 3.1% and 14.8% proportions, and total of 294 samples, 17 (5.7%) was found to be positive. Statistically, significant correlation was not detected between infection and clinical disorder presence in the flock basis, probably due to low infection rates and relatively new infection history.


  • Alibaşoğlu M, Arda M. Koyun Pulmoner Adenomatosis’inin Türkiye’de Durumu ile Patolojisi ve Etiyolojisinin Araştırılması. Tubitak-VHAG Yayınları. 1975; No: 274.
  • Alkan F, Tan MT. A Comparative Study on the Diagnosis of Maedi-Visna Infection in Serum and Colostrum Samples Using Agar Gel Immunodiffusion Test. DTW. 1998; 105:276-278.
  • Bermejillo AC, Corral SM, Corral SM, Brodie SJ, Demartini JC. Venereal Shaddig of Ovine Lentivirus in Infected Rams. Am J Vet Res. 1996; 57(5):684-688.
  • Bernardina WE, Franken, P. A Simple Method for the Demonstration of Factors in Bovine Colostrum Capable of Causing Anemia in Lambs Reared Free from Maedi on Bovine Colostrum. Vet Immunol Immunopathol. 1985; 10:297-303.
  • Burgu İ, Toker A, Akça A, Alkan F, Yazıcı Z, Özkul A. Türkiye’de Visna-Maedi Enfeksiyonunun Serolojik Olarak Araştırılması. A Ü Vet Fak Derg. 1990;37(3):538-553.
  • Campbell JR, Menzies PI, Toews DW, Walton JS, Bucrell BC, Thosen J. The Seroprevalance of Maedi-Visna in Ontorio Sheep Flocks and Its Relationship to Flock Demographics and Management Practices. Can Vet J. 1994; 35:39-44.
  • Clements JE, Wall RJ, Narayan O, Hauer D, Schoborg R, Sheffer D, Powell A, Carruth LM, Zink MC, Rexroad CE. Development of Transgenic Sheep That Express the Visna Virus Envelope Gene. Virology. 1994; 200:370-80.
  • Cutlip RC, Lehmkuhl HD. Eradication of Ovine Progressive Pneumonia from Sheep Flocks. JAVMA. 1986; 188(9):1026-1068.
  • Dawson M. Comparision of Serological Tests Used in Three State Veterinary Laborarories to Identify Maedi-Visna Virus Infections. Vet Rec. 1982; 111:432-434.
  • Dawson M. The Spread of Maedi-Visna Virus. Vet Rec. 1984; 115(17):427.
  • Dawson M. Lentivirus Diseases of Domesticated Animals. J Comp Path. 1988; 99:401-419.
  • De Boer GF, Terpstra C, Houwers DJ, Hendriks J. Studies in Epidemiology of Maedi/Visna in Sheep. Res Vet Sci. 1979; 26:202-208.
  • Dohoo IR, Heaney DP, Stevenson RG, Samagh BS, Rhodes CS. The Effects of Maedi-Visna Virus Infection on Productivity in Ewes. Preventive Vet Med. 1987; 4:471-484.
  • Duesberg PH. Retroviral Transforming Genes in Normal Cells. Nature. 1983; 304:219-225.
  • Garey N, Dalziel RG. The Biology of Maedi-Visna Virus- An Overview. Br Vet J. 1993; 149:437-454.
  • Girgin H, Aydın N, Yonguç AD, Aksoy, Çorak R. Ve Şimdi Koyunların Viral Maedi-Visna’sı Türkiye’de. Etlik Vet Mikrobiyol Derg. 1987; 6(1):9-22.
  • Houwers DJ, Konig CDW, Bakker J, de Boer MJ, Pekelder JJ, Sol J, Vellema P, de Viries G. Maedi-Visna Control in Sheep. III: Results and Evaluation of a Voluntary Control Program in the Netherlands over a Period of Four Years. Vet Quart. 1987; 9 (1): 29-36.
  • Houwers DJ, Konig CDW, DeBoer GF, Schake J. Maedi-Visna Control in Sheep I. Artificial Rearing of Colostrum Deprived Lambs. Vet Microbiol. 1983; 8:179-185.
  • Houwers DJ, Schaake J, De Boer GF. Maedi-Visna Control in Sheep. II. Half-Yearly Serological Testing with Culling of Positive Ewes and Progeny. Vet Microbiol. 1984; 9:445-451.
  • Karaoğlu T, Alkan F, Burgu İ. Küçük aile işletmelerindeki koyunlarda maedi-visna enfeksiyonunun seroprevalansı. Ankara Üniv Vet Fak Derg. 2003; 50:123-126.
  • Kennedy C, Eklund CM, Lopez C, Hadlow WL. Isolation of a Virus from the Lungs of Montana Sheep Affected with Progressive Pneumonia. Virology. 1968; 35:483-484.
  • Kimberling CV. Diseases of Sheep. 3th Ed., Lea&Febiger, Philadelphia. 1988; pp; 274-280.
  • Markson LM, Spence JB, Dawsom M. Investigations of a Flock Heavily Infected with Maedi-Visna Virus. Vet Rec. 1983; 112:267-271.
  • Narayan O, Cork LC. Lentiviral Diseases of Sheep and Goats: Chronic Pneumonia Leukoencephalomyelitis and Arthritis. Rev Infect Dis. 1985; 7(1):89-98.
  • Palsson PA. Maedi and Visna in Sheep, In: Slow Virus Infections of Animals and Man, Ed; Kimberlin RH, North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam. 1976; p;17-114.
  • Pérez M, Biescas E, de Andrés X, Leginagoikoa I, Salazar E, Berriatua E, Reina R, Bolea R, de Andrés D Juste RA, Cancer J, Gracia J, Amorena B, Badiola JJ, Luján L. Visna/maedi virus serology in sheep: Survey, risk factors and implementation of a successful control programme in Aragón (Spain). Vet J. 2010;186(2):221-225.
  • Prager von D, Jungblut R, Böttcher J, Vogt HR, Wurm R. Untersuchungen zum Nachweis von CAEV/MVV-Antikörpern mit verschiedenen Methoden (DIDT, ELISA, Western-Blot) im Rahmen der Maedi-Visna-Sanierung in Nordhein-Westfalen. Tierärztl Umschau. 1997; 52:524-529.
  • Pritchard GC, Done SH, Dawson M. Multiple Cases of Maedi and Visna in a Flock in East Anglia. Vet Rec. 1995; 21:443.
  • Pritchard GC, Spence JB, Arthur MJ, Dawson M. Maedi-Visna Virus Infection in Commercial Flocks of Indigenous Sheep in Britain. Vet Rec. 1984; 115:427-429.
  • Scheffield WD, Narayan O, Strandberg JD, Adams RJ. Visna-Maedi-Like Disease Associated with an Ovine Retrovirus Infection in a Corriedale Sheep. Vet Pathol.1980; 17:544-552.
  • Schipper IA, Misek A, Ludemann L, Light M, Limesand W. Ovine Progressive Pneumonia Infection via Oral Route. Agri Practice. 1983; 3:415-417.
  • Schreuder BEC, Yonguç AD, Girgin H, Akçora A. Antibodies to Maedi-Visna in Indigenous Sheep in Eastern Turkey. Etlik Vet Mikrobiyol Derg. 1988; 6(3):47-53.
  • Sigurdsson B, PalssonPA, Tryggvadottir A. Transmission Experiments with Maedi. J Infect Dis. 1952; 90:233-241.
  • Sigurdsson B, Palsson PA. Visna of Sheep. A Slow, Demyelinating Infection. Br J Exp Pathol. 1958; 39(5):519-528.
  • Sigurdsson B. Maedi, A Slow Progressive Pneumonia of Sheep: An Epizoological and A Pathological Study. Br Vet J. 1954; 110:255-270.
  • Sihvonen L. Studies on Transmission of Maedi Virus to Lambs. Acta Vet Scand. 1980; 21:1-10.
  • Shah C, Boni J, Huder JB, Vogt HR, Muhlherr J, Zanoni R, Mıserez R, Lutz H, Schupbach J. Phylogenetic analysis and reclassification of caprine and ovine lentiviruses based on 104 new isolates: evidence for regular sheep-to-goat transmission and worldwide propagation through livestock trade. Virology. 2004; 319:12-26.
  • Stamp JT. Slow Virus Infections of the Nervous System of Sheep. Vet Rec. 1980; 107:529-530.
  • Starick E, Enke KH. Comparative Test in Maedi-Visna-Diagnosos –Agar Gel Immunodiffusion Test –Enzymimmunoassay –Immunblot. Berliner Munchener Tierärztl Wschr. 1995; 108(4):138-142.
  • Takemoto KK, Mattern CFT, Stone LB, Coe JE, Lavelle G. Antigenic and Morphologic Similarities of Progressive Pneumonia Virus, A Recently Isolated “Slow Virus” of Sheep, to Visna and Maedi Viruses. J Virology. 1971; 7(1):301-308.
  • Tan MT, Alkan F. Türkiye´de Visna-Maedi Enfeksiyonunun Seroepidemiyolojisi Ve Virus İzolasyonu. Ankara Üniv Vet Fak Derg. 2002; 49(1):45-50.
  • Wachendörfer von G, Kabisch D, Klöppel R, Frost JW. Seroepidemiologische Untersuchungen zum Vorkommen von Maedi-Visna-Infektionen bei Schafen mit Hinweisen zur Bekämpfung der Maedi. Tierärztl Umschau. 1995; 50:16-25.
  • Watt NJ, King TJ, Collie D, Mclntyre N, Sargan D, McConnel I. Clinicopathological Investigation of Primary, Uncomplicated Maedi-Visna Virus Infection. Vet Rec. 1992; 131:455-461.
  • Williams-Fulton NR, Simard CL. Evaluation of two management procedures for the control of maedi-visna. Can J Vet Res. 1989; 53:419-423.
  • Yavru S, Şimşek A, Bulut O, Kale M. Konya bölgesindeki koyunlarda Maedi-Visna Virus enfeksiyonu üzerine serolojik araştırma. Eurasian J Vet Sci. 2012; 28(3):142-148.
  • Yılmaz, H., Gürel, A., Özgür, Y., Turan, N., Bilal, T., Kuşcu, B., Ilgaz, A., Dawson MM, Morgan KL. Koyun Serumlarında Maedi-Visna Virusu Antikorlarının Saptanması ve Bu koyunların Beyin ve Akciğerinin Histopatolojik ve Bakteriyolojik Yönden İncelenmesi. 1998. III. Ulusal Veteriner Mikrobiyoloji Kongresi, 23-25 Eylül 1988, Bursa. p;103.
There are 46 citations in total.



Cankan Arık This is me

Abuzer Acar This is me

Sibel Gür This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2015
Acceptance Date January 27, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015 Volume: 8 Issue: 1


APA Arık, C., Acar, A., & Gür, S. (2015). A clinical and serological investigation for Maedi-Visna Virus (MVV) infection in Afyonkarahisar province. Kocatepe Veterinary Journal, 8(1), 39-44.
AMA Arık C, Acar A, Gür S. A clinical and serological investigation for Maedi-Visna Virus (MVV) infection in Afyonkarahisar province. kvj. January 2015;8(1):39-44.
Chicago Arık, Cankan, Abuzer Acar, and Sibel Gür. “A Clinical and Serological Investigation for Maedi-Visna Virus (MVV) Infection in Afyonkarahisar Province”. Kocatepe Veterinary Journal 8, no. 1 (January 2015): 39-44.
EndNote Arık C, Acar A, Gür S (January 1, 2015) A clinical and serological investigation for Maedi-Visna Virus (MVV) infection in Afyonkarahisar province. Kocatepe Veterinary Journal 8 1 39–44.
IEEE C. Arık, A. Acar, and S. Gür, “A clinical and serological investigation for Maedi-Visna Virus (MVV) infection in Afyonkarahisar province”, kvj, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 39–44, 2015.
ISNAD Arık, Cankan et al. “A Clinical and Serological Investigation for Maedi-Visna Virus (MVV) Infection in Afyonkarahisar Province”. Kocatepe Veterinary Journal 8/1 (January 2015), 39-44.
JAMA Arık C, Acar A, Gür S. A clinical and serological investigation for Maedi-Visna Virus (MVV) infection in Afyonkarahisar province. kvj. 2015;8:39–44.
MLA Arık, Cankan et al. “A Clinical and Serological Investigation for Maedi-Visna Virus (MVV) Infection in Afyonkarahisar Province”. Kocatepe Veterinary Journal, vol. 8, no. 1, 2015, pp. 39-44.
Vancouver Arık C, Acar A, Gür S. A clinical and serological investigation for Maedi-Visna Virus (MVV) infection in Afyonkarahisar province. kvj. 2015;8(1):39-44.

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