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Aydın ve Muğla İlleri’nde Bovine Ephemeral Fever Virus Enfeksiyonu’nun Serolojik Olarak Araştırılması

Year 2015, Volume: 8 Issue: 2, 45 - 49, 01.12.2015


Bovine Ephemeral Fever (BEF) sokucu sineklerle bulaşan, akut ateş, kaslarda sertlik, topallık, felç, zayıflama ile karakterize rhabdoviral bir hastalıktır. Bu bulgulara bağlı olarak, özellikle süt endüstrisinde önemli kayıplara yol açabilmektedir.
Bu araştırmanın amacı, Ege bölgesinde daha önce de görülmüş olan BEF enfeksiyonunun Aydın ve Muğla İllerinde varlığı ve yaygınlığı konusunda veri elde etmektir. Bunun için, süt sığırcılığı işletmelerinden tesadüfi olarak seçilmiş 225 erişkin inekten kan serum örnekleri alındı (Aydın-125 ve Muğla-100). Alınan serum örnekleri BEF spesifik antikorlar açısından ticari blocking ELISA kit kullanılarak kontrol edildi. Test edilen örneklerin hiç birinde BEF spesifik antikorlar belirlenmedi. Elde edilen seronegatiflik virusun bölgede bir risk potansiyeline sahip olmadığını göstermemektedir. Daha önceki yıllarda Ege ve diğer bazı bölgelerde yürütülmüş olan araştırmalar, klinik bildirimler ile antijen tespit edilmesi, enfeksiyonun zaman zaman ortaya çıktığını göstermektedir. Biyolojik vektörleri açısından son derece uygun iklim şartlarına sahip olan Ege bölgesinde, BEF gibi arboviral enfeksiyonlar devamlı bir risk oluşturur. Dolayısıyla enfeksiyonunun epizootiyolojik dinakmiklerinin belirlenebilmesi için geniş çaplı ve periyodik taramalar gereklidir.


  • Albayrak H, Ozan E. Orta Karadeniz Bölgesinde ruminant ve tek tırnaklılarda kan emici sineklerle nakledilen bazı arboviral enfeksiyonların seroprevalansı. Kafkas Üniv. Vet Fak Derg. 2010; 16(1):33-36.
  • Aziz-Boaron O, Leibovitz K, Gelman B, Kedmi M, Klement E. Safety, Immunogenicity and Duration of Immunity Elicited by an Inactivated Bovine Ephemeral Fever Vaccine. PLOS One. 2013; 8(12):e82217.
  • Ertürk A, Kabakli Ö, Çizmeci SG, Barut FM. Current Situation Of Bluetongue in Turkey. 3. OIE Bluetongue International Symposium. 26-29 October 2003, Taormina Italy, Abstract book, s. 19.
  • Girgin H, Yonguc AD, Akçora A, Aksak E. Türkiye’de ilk bovine ephemeral fever salgını. Etlik Vet Mikrobiyol Enst Derg. 1986; 5:5–14.
  • Hill MW, Schultz K. Ataxia and paralysis associated with bovine ephemeral fever infection. Aust Vet J. 1977; 53(5):217-221.
  • Karaoğlu T, Özgünlük İ, Demir B, Özkul A, Burgu İ. Seroprevalence of culicoides-borne disease in cattle in European 49
  • Turkey. Ankara Üniv Vet Fak Derg. 2007; 4:121-125.
  • Mellor PS, Jennings DM, Hambling C, Burgu I, Urman HK, Akça Y, Hazıroğlu R, Alkan F, Yonguç AD, Özkul A, Eren H (1995): Control of Akabane disease and surveillance of bluetongue and ephemeral fever. 24. United Nations Development Programme, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome.
  • Mellor PS, Boorman J, Baylis M. Culicoides biting midges: their role as arbovirus vectors. Ann Rev Entomol. 2000; 45:307–340.
  • Mellor PS. Replication of arboviruses in insect vectors. J Comp Path. 2000; 123:231-247.
  • Momtaz H, Nejat S, Moazeni M, Riahi M. Molecular epidemiology of bovine ephemeral fever virüs in cattle and buffaloes in İran. Revue Méd Vét. 2012; 163:8-9:415-418.
  • Nandi S, Negi BS. Bovine ephemeral fever: a review. Comp Immun Microbiol Infect Dis. 1999; 22:81-91.
  • Oğuzoğlu TC, Ertürk A, Çizmeci SG, Koç BT, Akça Y. A report on Bovine Ephemeral Fever Virus in Turkey: Antigenic Variations of Different Strains of EFV in the 1985 and 2012 Outbreaks Using Partial Glycoprotein Gene Sequences. Transbound Emerg Dis. 2013; doi: 10.1111/tbed.12187.
  • Sağkan Öztürk A. Bovine Ephemeral Fever (Sığırlarda Üç Gün Hastalığı). AVKAE Derg. 2012; 2(2):26-30.
  • Taylor WP, Mellor PS. The distribution of Akabane virus in the Middle East. Epidemiol Infect. 1994; 113:175-185.
  • Tonbak S, Berber E, Yoruk MD, Azkur AK, Pestil Z, Bulut H. A Large-Scale Outbreak of Bovine Ephemeral Fever in Turkey, 2012. J Vet Med Sci. 2013; 75(11):1511–1514.
  • Uren MF. Bovine ephemeral fever. Aust Vet J. 1989; 66(8):233-236.
  • Urman HK, Milli Ü, Mert N, Berkin Ş, Kahraman MM, Yüce H, Avvuran H. Türkiye’de buzağılarda kongenital epizootik arthrogryposis ve hydranencephalie olayları. Ankara Univ Vet Fak Derg. 1980; 26:287-925.
  • Walker PJ. Bovine ephemeral fever in Australia and the world. Curr Top Microbiol Immunol. 2005; 292:57-80.Yeruham I, Gur Y, Braverman Y. Retrospective epidemiological investigation of an outbreak of bovine ephemeral fever in 1991 affecting dairy cattle herds on the Mediterranean coastal plain. Vet J. 2007; 173:190–193.
  • Yonguc AD, Taylor WP, Csontos L, Worrall E. Bluetongue in western Turkey. Vet Rec. 1982; 111(7):144-146.

A Serological Investigation for Bovine Ephemeral Virus Infection in Aydın and Muğla Provinces

Year 2015, Volume: 8 Issue: 2, 45 - 49, 01.12.2015


Bovine Ephemeral Fever (BEF) is a rhabdoviral disease transmitted through biting flies, characterized with acute fever, muscle stiffness, lameness, paralysis, and emaciation, relatedly can cause to important losses especially in dairy industry.
The objective of this study was to obtain data for presence and prevalence of BEF infection in Aydın and Muğla provinces which previously have been seen in Aegean region. For this purpose, blood serum samples were taken from randomly selected 225 adult cattle from small family type dairy enterprises (Aydın-125 ve Muğla-100). Obtained serum samples were controlled for BEF virus specific antibodies using commercial blocking Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA). BEF specific antibody presence was not detected in in any of the tested samples. Determined seronegativity was not shows that the virus has not consistent risk potential. According to the reports on previous years in the Aegean and some other regions, clinical reports and antigen detection depicts the infection have been emerging time to time. In the aspect of BEF like arboviral infection, risk is perpetual for the Aegean region that has relatively suitable climatic conditions for the biological vector of the virus. By the way, large scale and periodic surveys are necessary to reveal the epizootic dynamics of the infection.


  • Albayrak H, Ozan E. Orta Karadeniz Bölgesinde ruminant ve tek tırnaklılarda kan emici sineklerle nakledilen bazı arboviral enfeksiyonların seroprevalansı. Kafkas Üniv. Vet Fak Derg. 2010; 16(1):33-36.
  • Aziz-Boaron O, Leibovitz K, Gelman B, Kedmi M, Klement E. Safety, Immunogenicity and Duration of Immunity Elicited by an Inactivated Bovine Ephemeral Fever Vaccine. PLOS One. 2013; 8(12):e82217.
  • Ertürk A, Kabakli Ö, Çizmeci SG, Barut FM. Current Situation Of Bluetongue in Turkey. 3. OIE Bluetongue International Symposium. 26-29 October 2003, Taormina Italy, Abstract book, s. 19.
  • Girgin H, Yonguc AD, Akçora A, Aksak E. Türkiye’de ilk bovine ephemeral fever salgını. Etlik Vet Mikrobiyol Enst Derg. 1986; 5:5–14.
  • Hill MW, Schultz K. Ataxia and paralysis associated with bovine ephemeral fever infection. Aust Vet J. 1977; 53(5):217-221.
  • Karaoğlu T, Özgünlük İ, Demir B, Özkul A, Burgu İ. Seroprevalence of culicoides-borne disease in cattle in European 49
  • Turkey. Ankara Üniv Vet Fak Derg. 2007; 4:121-125.
  • Mellor PS, Jennings DM, Hambling C, Burgu I, Urman HK, Akça Y, Hazıroğlu R, Alkan F, Yonguç AD, Özkul A, Eren H (1995): Control of Akabane disease and surveillance of bluetongue and ephemeral fever. 24. United Nations Development Programme, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome.
  • Mellor PS, Boorman J, Baylis M. Culicoides biting midges: their role as arbovirus vectors. Ann Rev Entomol. 2000; 45:307–340.
  • Mellor PS. Replication of arboviruses in insect vectors. J Comp Path. 2000; 123:231-247.
  • Momtaz H, Nejat S, Moazeni M, Riahi M. Molecular epidemiology of bovine ephemeral fever virüs in cattle and buffaloes in İran. Revue Méd Vét. 2012; 163:8-9:415-418.
  • Nandi S, Negi BS. Bovine ephemeral fever: a review. Comp Immun Microbiol Infect Dis. 1999; 22:81-91.
  • Oğuzoğlu TC, Ertürk A, Çizmeci SG, Koç BT, Akça Y. A report on Bovine Ephemeral Fever Virus in Turkey: Antigenic Variations of Different Strains of EFV in the 1985 and 2012 Outbreaks Using Partial Glycoprotein Gene Sequences. Transbound Emerg Dis. 2013; doi: 10.1111/tbed.12187.
  • Sağkan Öztürk A. Bovine Ephemeral Fever (Sığırlarda Üç Gün Hastalığı). AVKAE Derg. 2012; 2(2):26-30.
  • Taylor WP, Mellor PS. The distribution of Akabane virus in the Middle East. Epidemiol Infect. 1994; 113:175-185.
  • Tonbak S, Berber E, Yoruk MD, Azkur AK, Pestil Z, Bulut H. A Large-Scale Outbreak of Bovine Ephemeral Fever in Turkey, 2012. J Vet Med Sci. 2013; 75(11):1511–1514.
  • Uren MF. Bovine ephemeral fever. Aust Vet J. 1989; 66(8):233-236.
  • Urman HK, Milli Ü, Mert N, Berkin Ş, Kahraman MM, Yüce H, Avvuran H. Türkiye’de buzağılarda kongenital epizootik arthrogryposis ve hydranencephalie olayları. Ankara Univ Vet Fak Derg. 1980; 26:287-925.
  • Walker PJ. Bovine ephemeral fever in Australia and the world. Curr Top Microbiol Immunol. 2005; 292:57-80.Yeruham I, Gur Y, Braverman Y. Retrospective epidemiological investigation of an outbreak of bovine ephemeral fever in 1991 affecting dairy cattle herds on the Mediterranean coastal plain. Vet J. 2007; 173:190–193.
  • Yonguc AD, Taylor WP, Csontos L, Worrall E. Bluetongue in western Turkey. Vet Rec. 1982; 111(7):144-146.
There are 20 citations in total.



Nural Erol This is me

Bahattin Taylan Koç This is me

Sibel Gür This is me

Veli Özgür Çavlav This is me

Mehmet Tolga Tan This is me

Publication Date December 1, 2015
Acceptance Date October 26, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015 Volume: 8 Issue: 2


APA Erol, N., Koç, B. T., Gür, S., Çavlav, V. Ö., et al. (2015). A Serological Investigation for Bovine Ephemeral Virus Infection in Aydın and Muğla Provinces. Kocatepe Veterinary Journal, 8(2), 45-49.
AMA Erol N, Koç BT, Gür S, Çavlav VÖ, Tan MT. A Serological Investigation for Bovine Ephemeral Virus Infection in Aydın and Muğla Provinces. kvj. June 2015;8(2):45-49.
Chicago Erol, Nural, Bahattin Taylan Koç, Sibel Gür, Veli Özgür Çavlav, and Mehmet Tolga Tan. “A Serological Investigation for Bovine Ephemeral Virus Infection in Aydın and Muğla Provinces”. Kocatepe Veterinary Journal 8, no. 2 (June 2015): 45-49.
EndNote Erol N, Koç BT, Gür S, Çavlav VÖ, Tan MT (June 1, 2015) A Serological Investigation for Bovine Ephemeral Virus Infection in Aydın and Muğla Provinces. Kocatepe Veterinary Journal 8 2 45–49.
IEEE N. Erol, B. T. Koç, S. Gür, V. Ö. Çavlav, and M. T. Tan, “A Serological Investigation for Bovine Ephemeral Virus Infection in Aydın and Muğla Provinces”, kvj, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 45–49, 2015.
ISNAD Erol, Nural et al. “A Serological Investigation for Bovine Ephemeral Virus Infection in Aydın and Muğla Provinces”. Kocatepe Veterinary Journal 8/2 (June 2015), 45-49.
JAMA Erol N, Koç BT, Gür S, Çavlav VÖ, Tan MT. A Serological Investigation for Bovine Ephemeral Virus Infection in Aydın and Muğla Provinces. kvj. 2015;8:45–49.
MLA Erol, Nural et al. “A Serological Investigation for Bovine Ephemeral Virus Infection in Aydın and Muğla Provinces”. Kocatepe Veterinary Journal, vol. 8, no. 2, 2015, pp. 45-49.
Vancouver Erol N, Koç BT, Gür S, Çavlav VÖ, Tan MT. A Serological Investigation for Bovine Ephemeral Virus Infection in Aydın and Muğla Provinces. kvj. 2015;8(2):45-9.

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