This search was conducted in order to determine the trends of studies published in the field of Veterinary Anatomy in Turkey between 1994 and 2013 in terms of certain qualification. Scientific articles conducted by academic members of Veterinary Faculties in Turkey and published in national and international journals between 1994 and 2013 were used in this study. Articles were classified according to year-system, year-animal species, gender-system, gender-animal species, doctorate location-system and the journals they were published in. In the year-system classification of the study, most of articles (Table 1, f: 217, 31.68%) were found to be published between the years of 2009-2013. In the same classification, most of articles between 1994 and 2013 were determined to be conducted on circulatory system (Table 2, f: 191, 27.88%) and motion system (Table 2, f: 182, 26.57%). In the evaluation conducted according to year-animal species, rabbits were found to be most commonly used in scientific studies (Table 4, f: 90, 13.10%). In the gender-system analysis, women mostly preferred the motion system (Table 6, f: 36, 31.86%); whereas, men preferred the circulatory system (Table 6, f: 152, 34.55%). Consequently, articles published in the field of veterinary anatomy in Turkey between the specified years were utilized in terms of certain characteristics in order to determine trends.