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Süt Sığırlarında Paratüberküloz

Year 2017, Volume: 10 Issue: 1, 29 - 32, 01.03.2017


Paratüberküloz, Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis tarafından oluşturulan enfeksiyöz bir hastalıktır. Başlıca evcil sığırların, koyun ve keçilerin bir hastalığıdır. Yanı sıra etken vahşi ve egzotik ruminant türlerinde de enfeksiyona neden olabilmektedir. Paratüberküloz, özellikle süt sığırı işletmelerinde, önemli ekonomik kayıplara neden olan hastalıkların başında gelmektedir. Hastalığın klinik formu kronik ishal ve kilo kaybı ile karakterizedir. Bununla birlikte paratüberküloz, klinik hastalık dönemi öncesi, uzun bir subklinik evreye sahiptir. Bu dönemde sürüdeki sağlıklı bireyler enfekte hayvanlar tarafından kontamine edilir. İnsanlarda gözlenen Crohn’s hastalığının etiyolojisindeki olası rolü nedeniyle hastalığın potansiyel zoonoz karakterde olduğu da rapor edilmektedir.


  • Allaker RP, Kapas S. Adrenomedullin expression by gastric epithelial cells in response the infection. Clin Diagn Lab Immunol. 2003; 10: 546-551.
  • Bang B. Chronische pseudotiberculöse darmentzündung beim Rind. Berl Münch Tierärztl Wochenschr.1906; 22: 759-763. Baumgartner W, Khol JL. Paratuberculosis (johne disease) in ruminants ongoing story. Slov Vet Res. 2006; 43: 5-10.
  • Civelek T, Çelik HA, Özenç E, Avcı G, Kav K, Cıngı CC, Yılmaz O. Effects of PCRconfirmed subclinical paratuberculosis on retinol and β-carotene levels in dairy cattle. Arch Med Vet. 2009; 41: 281-284.
  • Collins MT, Socket DC, Goodger WJ. Herd prevalence and geographic distribution of, and risk factors for bovine paratuberculosis in Wisconsin. J Am VetMed Assoc. 1994; 204: 636-641.
  • Çetinkaya B, Erdoğan HM, Morgan KL. Risk factors for Bovine Paratuberculosis. II. The multiple analysis of risk ractors for Bovine Paratuberculosis. Turk J Vet Anim Sci. 1997; 21: 303-306.
  • Eddy RG. John’s Disease. In: Bovine Medicine: Disease and Husbandry of Cattle 2nd Edition, Ed; Andrews AH, Blackwell Publishing Company, Oxford, UK. 2004; pp. 857-858.
  • Hacker U, Huttner K, Konoe M. Untersuchungen zur serologischen Prävalenz und zu Risikofaktoren der Paratuberkulose in Milchviehbetrieben in Mecklenburg Vorpommern. Berl Münch Tierärztl Wochenschr. 2004; 117: 140-144.
  • Hasanova L, Pavlik I. Economic impact of paratuberculosis in dairy cattle herds: a review. Vet. Med. Czech. 2006; 51, 193-211.
  • Jakobsen MB, Alban L, Nielsen SS. A crosssectional study of paratuberculosis in 1155 Danisch dairy cows. Prev Vet Med. 2000; 46: 15-27.
  • Johne HJ, Frotingham J. Ein eigentümlicher Fall von Tuberculose beim Rind. Dtsch Z Tiermed Pathol. 1895: 21: 438-454.
  • Judge J, Kyriazakis I, Greis A. Clustering of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis in rabbits and the environment: how hot is a hot spot? Appl Environ Microbiol. 2005; 71: 6033-6038.
  • Machackova M, Svastova P, Lamka J. Paratuberculosis in farmed and free-living wild ruminants in the Czech Republic. Vet Microbiol. 2004; 101: 225-234.
  • Makav M, Gökçe E. Kars yöresi sığırlarında subklinik paratüberkülozun seroprevalansı. Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg. 2013; 19(5): 913- 916.
  • Mecitoğlu Z, Demir G. Sığırlarda paratüberkülozun tanısına ilişkin problemler. Uludag Univ J Fac Vet Med. 2012; 1: 19-23.
  • Osterstock JB, Sinha S, Seabury CM, Cohen ND. Effect of classifying disease states in genetic association studies for paratuberculosis. Prev Vet Med. 2010; 95: 41- 49.
  • Öztürk D, Pehlivanoğlu F, Tok AA, Günlü S, Güldalı Y, Türütoğlu H. Seroprevalence of paratuberculosis in the Burdur province (Turkey), in dairy cattle using the enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Israel J Vet Med. 2010; 65: 53-57.
  • Pickup RW, Rhodes G, Arnott S. Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis in the catchment aera and water of the river Taff in 11. South Wales, United Kingdom, and its potential relationship to clustering of Crohn´s disease in the city of Cardiff. Appl Environ Microbiol. 2004; 71: 2130-2139.
  • Selbitz HJ. Bakterielle Krankheiten der Tiere. In: Medizinische Mikrobiologie, Infektions und Seuchenlehre, 7. Aufl, Ed; Rolle M, Mayr A, Enke Verlag, Stuttgart, Germany. 2002; pp. 562-563.
  • Sivakumar P, Tripathi BN, Singh N. Detection of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis in intestinal and lymph node tissues of water buffaloes (Bubalis bubalois) by PCR and bacterial culture. Vet Microbiol. 2005; 108: 263-270.
  • Sharma G, Singh SV, Sevilla I. Evaluation of indigenous milk ELISA with m-culture and m-PCR for the diagnosis of Bovine Johne’s disease (BJD) in lactating Indian dairy cattle. Res. Vet. Sci. 2008; 84(1): 30-37.
  • Smith BP. Johnes Disease In: Large Animal Internal Medicine 3rd edition, Elsevier Health Sciences, London, UK. 2001; pp. 779-782.
  • Stricklands J, Scott HM, McJordan ER. Effects of seasonal climatic conditions on the diagnosis of Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis in dairy cattle. J Dairy Sci. 2005; 88: 2432-2440.
  • Van Leeuwen JA, Keefe GP, Tremblay R. Seroprevalence of infection with Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis, bovine leukemia virus and bovine viral diarrhea virus in Maritime Canada dairy cattle. Can Vet J. 2001; 42: 193-198.
  • Weber MF, Kogut K, De Bree J. Evidence for Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis shedding in young stock. In: 8th International Colloquium on Paratuberculosis. Copenhagen, Denmark. 2005; pp. 126.
  • Whitlock RH, Hutchinson LT, Glickman LT, Meinersmann R, Rossiter C, Bruce J. Merkal R, Dick J. Paratuberculosis (Johne’s disease) update. Bovine Pract. 1986; 21, 24– 30.
  • Yıldırım D, Civelek T. Prevalence of subclinical paratuberculosis in dairy cattle in Uşak Region. Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg. 2013; 19(1): 121-126.

Paratuberculosis in Dairy Cattle

Year 2017, Volume: 10 Issue: 1, 29 - 32, 01.03.2017


Paratuberculosis is an infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis. It observed mainly in domestic cattle, sheep and goats. Besides, the disease can lead to infection in the wild and exotic ruminant species. Paratuberculosis, especially in the dairy business, is one of the diseases which cause significant economic losses. Clinical form of the disease is characterized by chronic diarrhea and weight loss. However, paratuberculosis has a long subclinical phase prior to clinical disease. During this period, healthy individuals in the herd are contaminated by infected animals. Because of the possible role in the etiology of Crohn's disease in humans that the disease is reported to be potentially zoonotic character.


  • Allaker RP, Kapas S. Adrenomedullin expression by gastric epithelial cells in response the infection. Clin Diagn Lab Immunol. 2003; 10: 546-551.
  • Bang B. Chronische pseudotiberculöse darmentzündung beim Rind. Berl Münch Tierärztl Wochenschr.1906; 22: 759-763. Baumgartner W, Khol JL. Paratuberculosis (johne disease) in ruminants ongoing story. Slov Vet Res. 2006; 43: 5-10.
  • Civelek T, Çelik HA, Özenç E, Avcı G, Kav K, Cıngı CC, Yılmaz O. Effects of PCRconfirmed subclinical paratuberculosis on retinol and β-carotene levels in dairy cattle. Arch Med Vet. 2009; 41: 281-284.
  • Collins MT, Socket DC, Goodger WJ. Herd prevalence and geographic distribution of, and risk factors for bovine paratuberculosis in Wisconsin. J Am VetMed Assoc. 1994; 204: 636-641.
  • Çetinkaya B, Erdoğan HM, Morgan KL. Risk factors for Bovine Paratuberculosis. II. The multiple analysis of risk ractors for Bovine Paratuberculosis. Turk J Vet Anim Sci. 1997; 21: 303-306.
  • Eddy RG. John’s Disease. In: Bovine Medicine: Disease and Husbandry of Cattle 2nd Edition, Ed; Andrews AH, Blackwell Publishing Company, Oxford, UK. 2004; pp. 857-858.
  • Hacker U, Huttner K, Konoe M. Untersuchungen zur serologischen Prävalenz und zu Risikofaktoren der Paratuberkulose in Milchviehbetrieben in Mecklenburg Vorpommern. Berl Münch Tierärztl Wochenschr. 2004; 117: 140-144.
  • Hasanova L, Pavlik I. Economic impact of paratuberculosis in dairy cattle herds: a review. Vet. Med. Czech. 2006; 51, 193-211.
  • Jakobsen MB, Alban L, Nielsen SS. A crosssectional study of paratuberculosis in 1155 Danisch dairy cows. Prev Vet Med. 2000; 46: 15-27.
  • Johne HJ, Frotingham J. Ein eigentümlicher Fall von Tuberculose beim Rind. Dtsch Z Tiermed Pathol. 1895: 21: 438-454.
  • Judge J, Kyriazakis I, Greis A. Clustering of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis in rabbits and the environment: how hot is a hot spot? Appl Environ Microbiol. 2005; 71: 6033-6038.
  • Machackova M, Svastova P, Lamka J. Paratuberculosis in farmed and free-living wild ruminants in the Czech Republic. Vet Microbiol. 2004; 101: 225-234.
  • Makav M, Gökçe E. Kars yöresi sığırlarında subklinik paratüberkülozun seroprevalansı. Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg. 2013; 19(5): 913- 916.
  • Mecitoğlu Z, Demir G. Sığırlarda paratüberkülozun tanısına ilişkin problemler. Uludag Univ J Fac Vet Med. 2012; 1: 19-23.
  • Osterstock JB, Sinha S, Seabury CM, Cohen ND. Effect of classifying disease states in genetic association studies for paratuberculosis. Prev Vet Med. 2010; 95: 41- 49.
  • Öztürk D, Pehlivanoğlu F, Tok AA, Günlü S, Güldalı Y, Türütoğlu H. Seroprevalence of paratuberculosis in the Burdur province (Turkey), in dairy cattle using the enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Israel J Vet Med. 2010; 65: 53-57.
  • Pickup RW, Rhodes G, Arnott S. Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis in the catchment aera and water of the river Taff in 11. South Wales, United Kingdom, and its potential relationship to clustering of Crohn´s disease in the city of Cardiff. Appl Environ Microbiol. 2004; 71: 2130-2139.
  • Selbitz HJ. Bakterielle Krankheiten der Tiere. In: Medizinische Mikrobiologie, Infektions und Seuchenlehre, 7. Aufl, Ed; Rolle M, Mayr A, Enke Verlag, Stuttgart, Germany. 2002; pp. 562-563.
  • Sivakumar P, Tripathi BN, Singh N. Detection of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis in intestinal and lymph node tissues of water buffaloes (Bubalis bubalois) by PCR and bacterial culture. Vet Microbiol. 2005; 108: 263-270.
  • Sharma G, Singh SV, Sevilla I. Evaluation of indigenous milk ELISA with m-culture and m-PCR for the diagnosis of Bovine Johne’s disease (BJD) in lactating Indian dairy cattle. Res. Vet. Sci. 2008; 84(1): 30-37.
  • Smith BP. Johnes Disease In: Large Animal Internal Medicine 3rd edition, Elsevier Health Sciences, London, UK. 2001; pp. 779-782.
  • Stricklands J, Scott HM, McJordan ER. Effects of seasonal climatic conditions on the diagnosis of Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis in dairy cattle. J Dairy Sci. 2005; 88: 2432-2440.
  • Van Leeuwen JA, Keefe GP, Tremblay R. Seroprevalence of infection with Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis, bovine leukemia virus and bovine viral diarrhea virus in Maritime Canada dairy cattle. Can Vet J. 2001; 42: 193-198.
  • Weber MF, Kogut K, De Bree J. Evidence for Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis shedding in young stock. In: 8th International Colloquium on Paratuberculosis. Copenhagen, Denmark. 2005; pp. 126.
  • Whitlock RH, Hutchinson LT, Glickman LT, Meinersmann R, Rossiter C, Bruce J. Merkal R, Dick J. Paratuberculosis (Johne’s disease) update. Bovine Pract. 1986; 21, 24– 30.
  • Yıldırım D, Civelek T. Prevalence of subclinical paratuberculosis in dairy cattle in Uşak Region. Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg. 2013; 19(1): 121-126.
There are 26 citations in total.


Journal Section REVIEW

Turan Civelek

Publication Date March 1, 2017
Acceptance Date December 27, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 10 Issue: 1


APA Civelek, T. (2017). Paratuberculosis in Dairy Cattle. Kocatepe Veterinary Journal, 10(1), 29-32.
AMA Civelek T. Paratuberculosis in Dairy Cattle. kvj. March 2017;10(1):29-32.
Chicago Civelek, Turan. “Paratuberculosis in Dairy Cattle”. Kocatepe Veterinary Journal 10, no. 1 (March 2017): 29-32.
EndNote Civelek T (March 1, 2017) Paratuberculosis in Dairy Cattle. Kocatepe Veterinary Journal 10 1 29–32.
IEEE T. Civelek, “Paratuberculosis in Dairy Cattle”, kvj, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 29–32, 2017.
ISNAD Civelek, Turan. “Paratuberculosis in Dairy Cattle”. Kocatepe Veterinary Journal 10/1 (March 2017), 29-32.
JAMA Civelek T. Paratuberculosis in Dairy Cattle. kvj. 2017;10:29–32.
MLA Civelek, Turan. “Paratuberculosis in Dairy Cattle”. Kocatepe Veterinary Journal, vol. 10, no. 1, 2017, pp. 29-32.
Vancouver Civelek T. Paratuberculosis in Dairy Cattle. kvj. 2017;10(1):29-32.

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