Research Article
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Investigation of Blastocystis Prevalence in Rural Areas: A Field Study Example

Year 2024, Volume: 17 Issue: 3, 183 - 191


Blastocystis is a zoonotic protist that is commonly found in humans and other mammals, as well as birds, reptiles, fish and insects. More epidemiological studies are needed to identify risk factors for Blastocystis transmission and to shape control programs. The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence of Blastocystis among the people living in Kırıklı village in Karaisali district of Adana province. Stool samples of 115 participants were examined for the presence of Blastocystis by direct microscopy (DM) and culture method. DM positivity was 40% (46/115) and culture positivity was 70.4% (81/115), and this difference was statistically significant (p= 0.006). It was determined that the use of culture method in the diagnosis was advantageous in the detection of Blastocystis. While no statistically significant correlation was found between Blastocystis positivity and sociodemographic factors like age, gender, and body mass index (BMI), it is crucial to highlight the elevated prevalence of Blastocystis in areas where livestock farming is prevalent and the zoonotic cycle in the transmission of the parasite.

Ethical Statement

This research was approved by The Ethics Committee of the Faculty of Medicine, Çukurova University (Ref No: 135/49, Tarih: 14/07/2023)

Project Number



  • Abdo, S. M., El-Adawy, H., Farag, H. F., El-Taweel, H. A., Elhadad, H., & El-Badry, A. A. (2021). Detection and molecular identification of Blastocystis isolates from humans and cattle in northern Egypt. Journal of parasitic diseases : official organ of the Indian Society for Parasitology, 45(3), 738–745.
  • Abdulsalam, A. M., Ithoi, I., Al-Mekhlafi, H. M., Khan, A. H., Ahmed, A., Surin, J., & Mak, J. W. (2013). Prevalence, predictors and clinical significance of Blastocystis sp. in Sebha, Libya. Parasites & vectors, 6, 86.
  • Aykur, M., Calıskan Kurt, C., Dirim Erdogan, D., Biray Avcı, C., Vardar, R., Aydemir, S., Girginkardesler, N., Gunduz, C., & Dagci, H. (2023). Distribution and Phylogenetic Analysis of Subtypes and Alleles of Blastocystis sp. in the Stool Samples Collected from Patients with Gastrointestinal Complaints in İzmir, Turkey. Acta parasitologica, 68(2), 304–316.
  • Aykur, M., Camyar, A., Türk, B. G., Sin, A. Z., & Dagci, H. (2022). Evaluation of association with subtypes and alleles of Blastocystis with chronic spontaneous urticaria. Acta tropica, 231, 106455.
  • Bahrami, F., Babaei, E., Badirzadeh, A., Riabi, T. R., & Abdoli, A. (2020). Blastocystis, urticaria, and skin disorders: review of the current evidences. European journal of clinical microbiology & infectious diseases : official publication of the European Society of Clinical Microbiology, 39(6), 1027–1042.
  • Beyhan, Y. E., Güven, İ., & Aydın, M. (2023). Detection of Blastocystis sp. in ulcerative colitis, Crohn's and chronic diarrheal patients by microscopy, culture and real-time polymerase chain reaction. Microbial pathogenesis, 177, 106039.
  • Boutahar, M., Belaouni, M., Ibrahimi, A., Eljaoudi, R., Aanniz, T., & Er-Rami, M. (2023). Prevalence of Blastocystis sp. in Morocco: Comparative assessment of three diagnostic methods and characterization of parasite forms in Jones' culture medium. Parasite (Paris, France), 30, 64. Boutahar, M., Er-Rami, M., & Belaouni, M. (2023). Prevalence of Blastocystis sp. among cooks in the region of Fez-Meknes (Morocco). Helminthologia, 60(1), 36–43.
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. ‘’ Blastocystis spp. infection’’. . Son erişim tarihi: 06 Mayıs 2024
  • Celik, T., Daldal, N., Karaman, U., Aycan, O. M., & Atambay, M. (2006). Malatya ili merkezinde üç ilköğretim okulu çocuklarinda bağirsak parazitlerinin dağilimi. Turkiye Parazitoloii Dergisi, 30(1), 35–38.
  • Dagci, H., Kurt, O., Demirel, M., Ostan, I., Azizi, N. R., Mandiracioglu, A., Yurdagül, C., Tanyüksel, M., Eroglu, E., & Ak, M. (2008). The prevalence of intestinal parasites in the province of Izmir, Turkey. Parasitology research, 103(4), 839–845.
  • Dogruman-Al, F., Yoshikawa, H., Kustimur, S., & Balaban, N. (2009). PCR-based subtyping of Blastocystis isolates from symptomatic and asymptomatic individuals in a major hospital in Ankara, Turkey. Parasitology research, 106(1), 263–268.
  • Eida M., & Eida A. (2008). Identification of Blastocystis hominis in patients with irritable bowel syndrome using microscopy and culture compared to PCR, Parasitol. United J. 1 (2) 87–89.
  • El Safadi, D., Gaayeb, L., Meloni, D., Cian, A., Poirier, P., Wawrzyniak, I., Delbac, F., Dabboussi, F., Delhaes, L., Seck, M., Hamze, M., Riveau, G., & Viscogliosi, E. (2014). Children of Senegal River Basin show the highest prevalence of Blastocystis sp. ever observed worldwide. BMC infectious diseases, 14, 164.
  • El Safadi, D., Meloni, D., Poirier, P., Osman, M., Cian, A., Gaayeb, L., Wawrzyniak, I., Delbac, F., El Alaoui, H., Delhaes, L., Dei-Cas, E., Mallat, H., Dabboussi, F., Hamze, M., & Viscogliosi, E. (2013). Molecular epidemiology of Blastocystis in Lebanon and correlation between subtype 1 and gastrointestinal symptoms. The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene, 88(6), 1203–1206.
  • Elghareeb, A. S., Younis, M. S., El Fakahany, A. F., Nagaty, I. M., & Nagib, M. M. (2015). Laboratory diagnosis of Blastocystis spp. in diarrheic patients. Tropical parasitology, 5(1), 36–41.
  • Ergüden Gürbüz, C., Gülmez, A., Özkoç, S., İnceboz, T., Miman, Ö., Aksoy, Ü., & Bayram Delibaş, S. (2020). Distribution of Intestinal Parasites Detected between September 2011-2018 at Dokuz Eylül University Medical Faculty Hospital. Turkiye parazitolojii dergisi, 44(2), 83–87.
  • Gureser, A. S., Karasartova, D., Sarzhanov, F., Kosar, N., Taylan-Ozkan, A., & Dogruman-Al, F. (2023). Prevalence of Blastocystis and Dientamoeba fragilis in diarrheal patients in Corum, Türkiye. Parasitology research, 122(12), 2977–2987.
  • Güler, E., & Süer, K. (2021). Epidemiology of Intestinal Parasites in a University Hospital in Northern Cyprus: A 4-year Retrospective Experience. Kuzey Kıbrıs’ta Bir Üniversite Hastanesinde İntestinal Parazitlerin Epidemiyolojisi: Dört Yıllık Retrospektif Deneyim. Turkiye parazitolojii dergisi, 45(2), 128–132.
  • Hajare, S. T., Gobena, R. K., Chauhan, N. M., & Erniso, F. (2021). Prevalence of Intestinal Parasite Infections and Their Associated Factors among Food Handlers Working in Selected Catering Establishments from Bule Hora, Ethiopia. BioMed research international, 2021, 6669742.
  • Hamdy, D. A., Abd El Wahab, W. M., Senosy, S. A., & Mabrouk, A. G. (2020). Blastocystis spp. and Giardia intestinalis co-infection profile in children suffering from acute diarrhea. Journal of parasitic diseases : official organ of the Indian Society for Parasitology, 44(1), 88–98.
  • Hublin, J. S. Y., Maloney, J. G., & Santin, M. (2021). Blastocystis in domesticated and wild mammals and birds. Research in veterinary science, 135, 260–282.
  • Idowu, O. A., & Rowland, S. A. (2006). Oral fecal parasites and personal hygiene of food handlers in Abeokuta, Nigeria. African health sciences, 6(3), 160–164.
  • Khorshidvand, Z., Khazaei, S., Amiri, M., Taherkhani, H., & Mirzaei, A. (2021). Worldwide prevalence of emerging parasite Blastocystis in immunocompromised patients: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Microbial pathogenesis, 152, 104615.
  • Kurt, Ö., Doğruman Al, F., & Tanyüksel, M. (2016). Eradication of Blastocystis in humans: Really necessary for all?. Parasitology international, 65(6 Pt B), 797–801.
  • Li, L. H., Zhang, X. P., Lv, S., Zhang, L., Yoshikawa, H., Wu, Z., Steinmann, P., Utzinger, J., Tong, X. M., Chen, S. H., & Zhou, X. N. (2007). Cross-sectional surveys and subtype classification of human Blastocystis isolates from four epidemiological settings in China. Parasitology research, 102(1), 83–90.
  • Maçin S, Musayeva L. (2019). Gastroenterit Tanısı İle Hastanemize Başvuran Pediatrik Hastalarda Blastocystis spp. Varlığının Araştırılması. Pediatr Pract Res. 7(Ek):497-500.
  • Menu, E., Mary, C., Toga, I., Raoult, D., Ranque, S., & Bittar, F. (2019). A hospital qPCR-based survey of 10 gastrointestinal parasites in routine diagnostic screening, Marseille, France. Epidemiology and infection, 147, e100.
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Kırsal Alanda Blastocystis Prevalansının Araştırılması: Saha Çalışma Örneği

Year 2024, Volume: 17 Issue: 3, 183 - 191


Blastocystis, insanlar ile diğer memelilerin yanı sıra kuş, sürüngen, balık, böcek gibi pek çok canlıda yaygın olarak bulunan zoonotik bir protisttir. Blastocystis bulaşındaki risk faktörlerini belirlemek ve kontrol programlarını şekillendirmek için daha fazla epidemiyolojik çalışmaya ihtiyaç duyulmaktadır. Çalışmamızda Adana ilinin Karaisali ilçesine bağlı Kırıklı köyünde yaşayanlarda Blastocystis prevalansının araştırılması amaçlanmıştır. Çalışmaya dahil edilen 115 katılımcının dışkı örneği direkt mikroskobi (DM) ve kültür yöntemiyle Blastocystis varlığı açısından incelenmiştir. Yöntemlerden DM pozitifliği %40 (46/115), kültür pozitifliği ise %70,4 (81/115) olarak tespit edilmiş, bu fark istatistiksel olarak anlamlılık göstermiştir (p = 0,006). Tanıda kültür yönteminin kullanılmasının Blastocystis belirlenmesinde avantaj sağladığı tespit edilmiştir. Blastocystis varlığına ilişkin yaş, cinsiyet, vücut kitle indeksi (VKİ) gibi sosyodemografik faktörler ile Blastocystis pozitifliği arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir ilişki görülmemiş olsa da hayvancılık yapılan bölgelerde Blastocystis pozitifliğinin yüksek olduğunun gösterilmesi ve parazitin bulaşında zoonotik döngünün üzerinde durulması gerektiğine vurgu açısından önemli bulunmuştur.

Ethical Statement

Bu araştırma Çukurova Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Etik Kurulu tarafından onaylanmıştır (Ref No: 135/49, Tarih: 14/07/2023)

Project Number



  • Abdo, S. M., El-Adawy, H., Farag, H. F., El-Taweel, H. A., Elhadad, H., & El-Badry, A. A. (2021). Detection and molecular identification of Blastocystis isolates from humans and cattle in northern Egypt. Journal of parasitic diseases : official organ of the Indian Society for Parasitology, 45(3), 738–745.
  • Abdulsalam, A. M., Ithoi, I., Al-Mekhlafi, H. M., Khan, A. H., Ahmed, A., Surin, J., & Mak, J. W. (2013). Prevalence, predictors and clinical significance of Blastocystis sp. in Sebha, Libya. Parasites & vectors, 6, 86.
  • Aykur, M., Calıskan Kurt, C., Dirim Erdogan, D., Biray Avcı, C., Vardar, R., Aydemir, S., Girginkardesler, N., Gunduz, C., & Dagci, H. (2023). Distribution and Phylogenetic Analysis of Subtypes and Alleles of Blastocystis sp. in the Stool Samples Collected from Patients with Gastrointestinal Complaints in İzmir, Turkey. Acta parasitologica, 68(2), 304–316.
  • Aykur, M., Camyar, A., Türk, B. G., Sin, A. Z., & Dagci, H. (2022). Evaluation of association with subtypes and alleles of Blastocystis with chronic spontaneous urticaria. Acta tropica, 231, 106455.
  • Bahrami, F., Babaei, E., Badirzadeh, A., Riabi, T. R., & Abdoli, A. (2020). Blastocystis, urticaria, and skin disorders: review of the current evidences. European journal of clinical microbiology & infectious diseases : official publication of the European Society of Clinical Microbiology, 39(6), 1027–1042.
  • Beyhan, Y. E., Güven, İ., & Aydın, M. (2023). Detection of Blastocystis sp. in ulcerative colitis, Crohn's and chronic diarrheal patients by microscopy, culture and real-time polymerase chain reaction. Microbial pathogenesis, 177, 106039.
  • Boutahar, M., Belaouni, M., Ibrahimi, A., Eljaoudi, R., Aanniz, T., & Er-Rami, M. (2023). Prevalence of Blastocystis sp. in Morocco: Comparative assessment of three diagnostic methods and characterization of parasite forms in Jones' culture medium. Parasite (Paris, France), 30, 64. Boutahar, M., Er-Rami, M., & Belaouni, M. (2023). Prevalence of Blastocystis sp. among cooks in the region of Fez-Meknes (Morocco). Helminthologia, 60(1), 36–43.
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. ‘’ Blastocystis spp. infection’’. . Son erişim tarihi: 06 Mayıs 2024
  • Celik, T., Daldal, N., Karaman, U., Aycan, O. M., & Atambay, M. (2006). Malatya ili merkezinde üç ilköğretim okulu çocuklarinda bağirsak parazitlerinin dağilimi. Turkiye Parazitoloii Dergisi, 30(1), 35–38.
  • Dagci, H., Kurt, O., Demirel, M., Ostan, I., Azizi, N. R., Mandiracioglu, A., Yurdagül, C., Tanyüksel, M., Eroglu, E., & Ak, M. (2008). The prevalence of intestinal parasites in the province of Izmir, Turkey. Parasitology research, 103(4), 839–845.
  • Dogruman-Al, F., Yoshikawa, H., Kustimur, S., & Balaban, N. (2009). PCR-based subtyping of Blastocystis isolates from symptomatic and asymptomatic individuals in a major hospital in Ankara, Turkey. Parasitology research, 106(1), 263–268.
  • Eida M., & Eida A. (2008). Identification of Blastocystis hominis in patients with irritable bowel syndrome using microscopy and culture compared to PCR, Parasitol. United J. 1 (2) 87–89.
  • El Safadi, D., Gaayeb, L., Meloni, D., Cian, A., Poirier, P., Wawrzyniak, I., Delbac, F., Dabboussi, F., Delhaes, L., Seck, M., Hamze, M., Riveau, G., & Viscogliosi, E. (2014). Children of Senegal River Basin show the highest prevalence of Blastocystis sp. ever observed worldwide. BMC infectious diseases, 14, 164.
  • El Safadi, D., Meloni, D., Poirier, P., Osman, M., Cian, A., Gaayeb, L., Wawrzyniak, I., Delbac, F., El Alaoui, H., Delhaes, L., Dei-Cas, E., Mallat, H., Dabboussi, F., Hamze, M., & Viscogliosi, E. (2013). Molecular epidemiology of Blastocystis in Lebanon and correlation between subtype 1 and gastrointestinal symptoms. The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene, 88(6), 1203–1206.
  • Elghareeb, A. S., Younis, M. S., El Fakahany, A. F., Nagaty, I. M., & Nagib, M. M. (2015). Laboratory diagnosis of Blastocystis spp. in diarrheic patients. Tropical parasitology, 5(1), 36–41.
  • Ergüden Gürbüz, C., Gülmez, A., Özkoç, S., İnceboz, T., Miman, Ö., Aksoy, Ü., & Bayram Delibaş, S. (2020). Distribution of Intestinal Parasites Detected between September 2011-2018 at Dokuz Eylül University Medical Faculty Hospital. Turkiye parazitolojii dergisi, 44(2), 83–87.
  • Gureser, A. S., Karasartova, D., Sarzhanov, F., Kosar, N., Taylan-Ozkan, A., & Dogruman-Al, F. (2023). Prevalence of Blastocystis and Dientamoeba fragilis in diarrheal patients in Corum, Türkiye. Parasitology research, 122(12), 2977–2987.
  • Güler, E., & Süer, K. (2021). Epidemiology of Intestinal Parasites in a University Hospital in Northern Cyprus: A 4-year Retrospective Experience. Kuzey Kıbrıs’ta Bir Üniversite Hastanesinde İntestinal Parazitlerin Epidemiyolojisi: Dört Yıllık Retrospektif Deneyim. Turkiye parazitolojii dergisi, 45(2), 128–132.
  • Hajare, S. T., Gobena, R. K., Chauhan, N. M., & Erniso, F. (2021). Prevalence of Intestinal Parasite Infections and Their Associated Factors among Food Handlers Working in Selected Catering Establishments from Bule Hora, Ethiopia. BioMed research international, 2021, 6669742.
  • Hamdy, D. A., Abd El Wahab, W. M., Senosy, S. A., & Mabrouk, A. G. (2020). Blastocystis spp. and Giardia intestinalis co-infection profile in children suffering from acute diarrhea. Journal of parasitic diseases : official organ of the Indian Society for Parasitology, 44(1), 88–98.
  • Hublin, J. S. Y., Maloney, J. G., & Santin, M. (2021). Blastocystis in domesticated and wild mammals and birds. Research in veterinary science, 135, 260–282.
  • Idowu, O. A., & Rowland, S. A. (2006). Oral fecal parasites and personal hygiene of food handlers in Abeokuta, Nigeria. African health sciences, 6(3), 160–164.
  • Khorshidvand, Z., Khazaei, S., Amiri, M., Taherkhani, H., & Mirzaei, A. (2021). Worldwide prevalence of emerging parasite Blastocystis in immunocompromised patients: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Microbial pathogenesis, 152, 104615.
  • Kurt, Ö., Doğruman Al, F., & Tanyüksel, M. (2016). Eradication of Blastocystis in humans: Really necessary for all?. Parasitology international, 65(6 Pt B), 797–801.
  • Li, L. H., Zhang, X. P., Lv, S., Zhang, L., Yoshikawa, H., Wu, Z., Steinmann, P., Utzinger, J., Tong, X. M., Chen, S. H., & Zhou, X. N. (2007). Cross-sectional surveys and subtype classification of human Blastocystis isolates from four epidemiological settings in China. Parasitology research, 102(1), 83–90.
  • Maçin S, Musayeva L. (2019). Gastroenterit Tanısı İle Hastanemize Başvuran Pediatrik Hastalarda Blastocystis spp. Varlığının Araştırılması. Pediatr Pract Res. 7(Ek):497-500.
  • Menu, E., Mary, C., Toga, I., Raoult, D., Ranque, S., & Bittar, F. (2019). A hospital qPCR-based survey of 10 gastrointestinal parasites in routine diagnostic screening, Marseille, France. Epidemiology and infection, 147, e100.
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There are 52 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Veterinary Parasitology

Eylem Akdur Öztürk 0000-0002-4886-6175

Funda Dogruman Al 0000-0002-9118-3935

Project Number 123S965
Early Pub Date September 6, 2024
Publication Date
Submission Date May 12, 2024
Acceptance Date July 16, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 17 Issue: 3


APA Akdur Öztürk, E., & Dogruman Al, F. (n.d.). Kırsal Alanda Blastocystis Prevalansının Araştırılması: Saha Çalışma Örneği. Kocatepe Veterinary Journal, 17(3), 183-191.
AMA Akdur Öztürk E, Dogruman Al F. Kırsal Alanda Blastocystis Prevalansının Araştırılması: Saha Çalışma Örneği. kvj. 17(3):183-191. doi:10.30607/kvj.1482293
Chicago Akdur Öztürk, Eylem, and Funda Dogruman Al. “Kırsal Alanda Blastocystis Prevalansının Araştırılması: Saha Çalışma Örneği”. Kocatepe Veterinary Journal 17, no. 3 n.d.: 183-91.
EndNote Akdur Öztürk E, Dogruman Al F Kırsal Alanda Blastocystis Prevalansının Araştırılması: Saha Çalışma Örneği. Kocatepe Veterinary Journal 17 3 183–191.
IEEE E. Akdur Öztürk and F. Dogruman Al, “Kırsal Alanda Blastocystis Prevalansının Araştırılması: Saha Çalışma Örneği”, kvj, vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 183–191, doi: 10.30607/kvj.1482293.
ISNAD Akdur Öztürk, Eylem - Dogruman Al, Funda. “Kırsal Alanda Blastocystis Prevalansının Araştırılması: Saha Çalışma Örneği”. Kocatepe Veterinary Journal 17/3 (n.d.), 183-191.
JAMA Akdur Öztürk E, Dogruman Al F. Kırsal Alanda Blastocystis Prevalansının Araştırılması: Saha Çalışma Örneği. kvj.;17:183–191.
MLA Akdur Öztürk, Eylem and Funda Dogruman Al. “Kırsal Alanda Blastocystis Prevalansının Araştırılması: Saha Çalışma Örneği”. Kocatepe Veterinary Journal, vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 183-91, doi:10.30607/kvj.1482293.
Vancouver Akdur Öztürk E, Dogruman Al F. Kırsal Alanda Blastocystis Prevalansının Araştırılması: Saha Çalışma Örneği. kvj. 17(3):183-91.

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