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Holstein Sığırında Kafatasının Morfometrik Analizi: Bilgisayarlı Tomografi Çalışması

Year 2025, Volume: 18 Issue: 1, 61 - 74


Craniometrik çalışmaların büyük çoğunluğu kuru kafatası üzerinde gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, Holstein sığırında Bilgisayarlı tomografi (BT) görüntüler üzerinde kafatasının craniometrik özelliklerini belirlemektir. Bu çalışmada toplam 14 adet dişi Holstein sığır başı kullanıldı. Başlar BT ile tarandı ve görüntüler DICOM Viewer yazılım programına aktarıldı. Programın multiplanar reconstruction aracı kullanılarak toplam 17 kraniyometrik (13 ekstracranial-4 intracranial) ölçüm gerçekleştirildi ve bu morfometrik veriler kullanılarak 14 adet index hesaplandı. Holstein sığırında total uzunluk 519.4±21.7, basal uzunluk 472.1±22.2, viscerocranium uzunluğu 288.4±17.4, frontal genişlik 225.4±8.5 mm iken, cavum cranii uzunluğu1, cavum cranii uzunluğu2, cavum cranii’nin maksimum genişliği ve yüksekliği sırasıyla 140.5±6.4, 116.8±4.3, 103.3±4.4 ve 96.6±4.7mm idi. Skull index 43.4±1.3, facial index 78.3±3.7, basal index 47.8±1.8, foramen magnum index 83.1±3.2, cavum cranii index1 73.6±4.6 ve uzunluk-genişlik index1 136.3±8,1 olarak belirlendi. Holstein sığırında tekrarlanabilir bir ölçüm protokolü ile kafatasının morfometrik özelliklerine ait ilk referans niteliğinde veriler elde edildi. Araştırma sonuçları hem sunulan veriler yönüyle hem de metodoloji yönüyle veteriner anatomistler, radyologlar, klinisyenler ve diğer araştırmacılara fayda sağlayabilir. Kraniometrik bilgi, baş bölgesinde şekillenebilecek patolojilerin tanısında, cerrahi öncesi planlamada (trepanasyon, boynuz kesimi ve yüz bölgesi cerrahisi vb.), bölgesel anestezi uygulamalarında katkı saylayabilir. Ayrıca bulgular gelecekte ırk ve cinsiyete bağlı kafatası morfolojisinin gelişimsel değerlendirilmesinde, etçi ve sütçü ırklarda kafatası boyutları arasındaki ilişkinin tanımlanmasında kullanılabilir.


  • Al‐Sagair, O., & ElMougy, S. A. (2002). Post‐natal Development in the Linear and Tric Morphometrics of the Camelidae Skull. Anat Histol Embryol, 31(4), 232-236.
  • Balcarcel, A. M., Veitschegger, K., Clauss, M., & Sánchez-Villagra, M. R. (2021). Intensive human contact correlates with smaller brains: differential brain size reduction in cattle types. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 288(1952), 20210813.
  • Barone, R. (1999). Anatomie comparee des mammiferes domestiques. Tome I Osteologie. Paris: Vigot Freres. Barone, R. (1997). Anatomie comparee des mammiferes domestiques. Tome 3, Splanchnologie I, Appareil digestif-appareil respiratoire. Paris: Editions Vigot.
  • Bartosiewicz, L. (1980a). Relationships between the cranial measurements of cattle. Ossa, 7, 3-17
  • Bartosiewicz, L. (1980b). Changes in skull proportions of cattle during ontogeny. Ossa, 7, 19-31.
  • Bartosiewicz, L. (2006). Skull formation in long horned cattle: the Hungarian Grey. Archaeozoological studies in honour of Alfredo Riedel, 2005, 303-312.
  • Bokonyi, S. (1997). Zebus and Indian wild cattle. Anthropozoologica, 25(26), 647-654.
  • Brounts, S. H., Lund, J. R., Whitton, R. C., Ergun, D. L., & Muir, P. (2022). Use of a novel helical fan beam imaging system for computed tomography of the distal limb in sedated standing horses: 167 cases (2019–2020). J Am Vet Med Associ, 260(11), 1351-1360.
  • Brudnicki, W., Grzywacz, K., Brudnicki, A., Stacewicz, K. K., Nowicki, W., Wach, J., Skoczylas B., & Jabłoński, R. (2012). Morphometric characteristics of the skull of aurochs (Bos primigenius bojanus 1827) from the tuchola forest. Journal of Central European Agriculture. 13(2), 330-340.
  • Cabezas Congo, R., Barba Capote, C., González Martínez, A., Cevallos Falquez, O., León Jurado, J. M., Aguilar Reyes, J. M., & García Martínez, A. (2019). Biometric study of Criollo Santa Elena Peninsula cattle (Ecuador). Rev Mex Cienc Pecu, 10(4), 819-836.
  • Choudhary, O. P., & Singh, I. (2015). Morphometrical Studies on the Skull of Indian Blackbuck (Antelope cervicapra). Int J Morphol, 33(3).868-876.
  • Çakar, B., Tandir, F., Güzel, B. C., Bakıcı, C., Ünal, B., Duro, S., Szara, T., Spataru, C., Spataru, M. C., & Gündemir, O. (2024). Comparison of Skull Morphometric Characteristics of Simmental and Holstein Cattle Breeds. Animals, 14(14), 2085.
  • Evans, H.E., Christensen, G.C. (1979). Miller’s anatomy of the dog. 2nd ed. W.B Saunders Company, Tokyo. Et ve Süt Kurumu (2024). ESK, Meat and milk Institution.[Online; accessed 5-march-2024]
  • Finarelli J.A. (2011). Estimating endocranial volüme from the outside of the skull in Artiodactyla. J Mammal. 92, 200–212.
  • Finarelli, J.A. (2006). Estimation of endocranial volume through the use of external skull measures in the Carnivora (Mammalia). J Mammal. 87(5), 1027–1036.
  • The Food and Agriculture Organization (2024) FAO, The Food and Agriculture Organization. [Online; accessed 5-march-2024]
  • Gambo, B. G., Yahaya, A., Girgiri, I., & Olopade, J. O. (2015). Morphometric studies of the mandibular and maxillofacial regions of the Kuri cattle and the implications in regional anaesthesia. Folia Morphol, 74(2), 183-187.
  • Gambo, B. G., Yahaya, A., & Abdulhamid, M. B. Olopade, J. O., (2019). Sexual Dimorphism in Osteometric Indices of Kuri Cattle Skulls. Niger J Physiol Sci, 34(2), 159-165. PMID: 32343267.
  • Getty, R. (1975) General osteology, In: Sisson and Grossman’s the anatomy of the domestic animals, Eds: Getty R, 5th ed., Vol. 1, W.B Saunders Company, Tokyo.
  • Grigson, C. (1974). The craniology and relationships of four species of Bos 1. Basic craniology: Bos taurus L. and its absolute size. Journal of Archaeological Science, 1(4), 353-379.
  • Grigson, C. (1978). The craniology and relationships of four species of Bos: 4. The Relationship between Bos primigenius Boj. and B. taurus L. and its implications for the Phylogeny of the Domestic Breeds. Journal of Archaeological Science, 5(2), 123-152.
  • Grigson, C. (1980). The craniology and relationships of four species of Bos 5. Bos iudicus L. Journal of Archaeological Science, 7(1), 3-32.
  • Guliński, P. (2021). Cattle breeds–contemporary views on their origin and criteria for classification: a review. Acta Sci Pol Zootechnica, 20(2), 3-18.
  • Gündemir, O., Duro, S., Jashari, T., Kahvecioğlu, O., Demircioğlu, İ., & Mehmeti, H. (2020). A study on morphology and morphometric parameters on skull of the Bardhoka autochthonous sheep breed in Kosovo. Anat Histol Embryol, 49(3), 365-371.
  • Hanken, J. & Thorogood, P. (1993). Evolution and development of the vertebrate skull: The role of pattern formation. Trends Ecol Evol, 8(1), 9–15.
  • Hayashi, Y., Nishida, T., Mochizuki, K., & Otsuka, J. (1981). Measurements of the skull of native cattle and banteng in Indonesia. Jpn J Vet Sci, 43, 901-907.
  • Hayashi, Y., Otsuka, J. I., & Nishida, T. (1988). Multivariate craniometrics of wild banteng, Bos banteng, and five types of native cattle in Eastern Asia. Jpn J Zootech Sci, 59(7), 660-672.
  • Karimi, I., Onar, V., Pazvant, G., Hadipour, M., & Mazaheri, Y. (2011). The cranial morphometric and morphologic characteristics of Mehraban sheep in Western Iran. Global Veterinaria, 6(2), 111-117.
  • Kataba A. (2015). Biometric and Morphologic characetistics of the Skull of the Gwembe Valley Dwarf Goat (Capra hircus) breeds of Zambia, The University Of Zambia School Of Veterinary Medicine Biomedical Sciences Department, Master of Science (MSc).
  • Körösı, A. (2013). Correlation between skull size and age in Hungarian Grey cattle. Archeometriai. Mühely, 10, 259–274.
  • Krasinska, M. (1988). Variability of the skull shape in hybrids between European bison and domestic cattle. Acta Theriologica, 33(12), 147-186.
  • Krasińska, M., Szuma, E., Kobryńczuk, F., & Szara, T. (2008). Morphometric variation of the skull during postnatal development in the Lowland European bison Bison bonasus bonasus. Acta Theriologica, 53(3), 193-216.
  • Lee, J., Koh, D., Ong, C.N. (1989). Statistical evaluation of agreement between two methods for measuring a quantitative variable. Comput Biol Med, 19(1), 61-70.
  • Lomillos, J. M., & Alonso, M. E. (2020). Morphometric characterization of the Lidia cattle breed. Animals, 10(7), 2-16.
  • McGraw, K.O., & Wong, S.P. (1996). Forming inferences about some intraclass correlation coefficients. Psychol Methods, 1(1), 30-46.
  • NAV, (2017). Nomina Anatomica Veterinaria. International committee on veterinary gross anatomical nomenclature. Hanover (Germany).
  • Neves, C. A., Bittar, I. P., Prieto, L. A., da Silva, L. A. F., Arnhold, E., Lima, A. M. V., & Borges, N. C. (2021). Ocular echobiometry and head measurements in Jersey cattle from different age groups. Anat Histol Embryol, 50(2), 333-344.
  • Nickel R, Schummer A, Seiferle E, Frewein J. (1986). The locomotor system of the domestic mammals, Verlag Paul Parey, Berlin, Hamburg.
  • Nishida, T., Hayashi, Y., Lee, C. S., Cho, Y. J., Hashiguchi, T., & Moghizuki, K. (1983). Measurement of the skull of native cattle in Korea. Nihon Juigaku zasshi. The Japanese Journal of Veterinary Science, 45(4), 537-541.
  • Onar, V., Çakırlar, C., Janeczek, M., & Kızıltan, Z. (2012). Skull typology of Byzantine dogs from the Theodosius Harbour at Yenikapı, Istanbul. Anat Histol Embryol, 41(5), 341-352.
  • Ömer, H., & Alpak, H. (2012). Cranial volume estimation using stereological method in Kivircik sheep and its correlations between skull parameters. İstanbul Üniv Vet Fak Derg, 38(2), 107-119.
  • Özkan, E., Siddiq, A. B., Kahvecioğlu, K. O., Öztürk, M., & Onar, V. (2019). Morphometric analysis of the skulls of domestic cattle (Bos taurus L.) and water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis L.) in Turkey. Turk J Vet Anim Sci, 43(4), 532-539.
  • Parés Casanova, P. M., & Jordana i Vidal, J. (2008). Zoometric measurements of cephalic conformation in adult bovine males and females (Bos taurus). Veterinarija Ir Zootechnika, 43(65), 73-77.
  • Saito, T., Nemoto, T., Nagase, Y., Kasuya, E., & Sakumoto, R. (2004). Development of a stereotaxic instrument for study of the bovine central nervous system. Brain Res Bull, 62(5), 369-377.
  • Sasimowski, E. (1987). Animal breeding and production. An outline, Elsevier, Polish scientific publishers, Amsterdam.
  • Schummer, A., Nickel, R., Sack, W.O. (1979). The viscera of the domestic mammals. Verlag Paul Parey, Berlin Hamburg.
  • Sisson, S. (1975). Skull. In: Sisson and Grossman’s the anatomy of the domestic animals. Eds: Getty, R, 5th ed., Vol. 1-2, W.B Saunders Company, Tokyo.
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Morphometric Analysis of the Skull in the Holstein Cow: A Computed Tomography Study

Year 2025, Volume: 18 Issue: 1, 61 - 74


Most craniometric studies have been conducted on dry skulls. This study aims to identify the craniometric characteristics of the skull in Holstein cows using Computed Tomography (CT) imaging. Fourteen Holstein cow heads were utilized, scanned via CT, and images were processed with the DICOM Viewer software program. Seventeen craniometric measurements (13 extracranial, 4 intracranial) were obtained through the program's multiplanar reconstruction tool, and 14 indexes were calculated based on these morphometric data. In Holstein cow, total length was 519.4 ±21.7 mm, basal length was 472.1 ±22.2 mm, viscerocranium length was 288.4 ±17.4 mm. Further, the greatest frontal breadth was 225.4±8.5 mm, while the length of the cranial cavity1, length of the cranial cavity2, maximum width, and maximum height of the cranial cavity were 140.5 ±6.4, 116.8 ±4.3, 103.3 ±4.4 and 96.6 ±4.7 mm, respectively. Skull index was 43.4±1.3, facial index was 78.3±3.7, basal index was 47.8±1.8, foramen magnum index was 83.1 ±3.2, cranial cavity index1 was 73.6 ±4.6, and length-width index1 was found to be 136.3 ±8.1. This study provides initial reference data on the morphometric properties of the Holstein cow skull, derived through a reproducible measurement protocol. These findings offer valuable insights for veterinary anatomists, radiologists, clinicians, and researchers in terms of both the data and methodology presented. Craniometric data may assist in diagnosing head region pathologies, pre-surgical planning (such as trepanation, dehorning, and facial surgery), and in applications of regional anesthesia. Additionally, these findings have potential future applications in assessing skull morphology changes related to breed and gender, and in correlating skull dimensions with meat and milk production data.

Ethical Statement

This study was carried out at Selcuk University. This research was approved by The Selçuk University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Experimental Animal Production and Research Center Ethics Committee (SUVDAMEK, Ref No: 2024/077, Tarih: 05/2024)


The author would like to thank the Radiology Department of Selcuk University for helping them to obtain the images


  • Al‐Sagair, O., & ElMougy, S. A. (2002). Post‐natal Development in the Linear and Tric Morphometrics of the Camelidae Skull. Anat Histol Embryol, 31(4), 232-236.
  • Balcarcel, A. M., Veitschegger, K., Clauss, M., & Sánchez-Villagra, M. R. (2021). Intensive human contact correlates with smaller brains: differential brain size reduction in cattle types. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 288(1952), 20210813.
  • Barone, R. (1999). Anatomie comparee des mammiferes domestiques. Tome I Osteologie. Paris: Vigot Freres. Barone, R. (1997). Anatomie comparee des mammiferes domestiques. Tome 3, Splanchnologie I, Appareil digestif-appareil respiratoire. Paris: Editions Vigot.
  • Bartosiewicz, L. (1980a). Relationships between the cranial measurements of cattle. Ossa, 7, 3-17
  • Bartosiewicz, L. (1980b). Changes in skull proportions of cattle during ontogeny. Ossa, 7, 19-31.
  • Bartosiewicz, L. (2006). Skull formation in long horned cattle: the Hungarian Grey. Archaeozoological studies in honour of Alfredo Riedel, 2005, 303-312.
  • Bokonyi, S. (1997). Zebus and Indian wild cattle. Anthropozoologica, 25(26), 647-654.
  • Brounts, S. H., Lund, J. R., Whitton, R. C., Ergun, D. L., & Muir, P. (2022). Use of a novel helical fan beam imaging system for computed tomography of the distal limb in sedated standing horses: 167 cases (2019–2020). J Am Vet Med Associ, 260(11), 1351-1360.
  • Brudnicki, W., Grzywacz, K., Brudnicki, A., Stacewicz, K. K., Nowicki, W., Wach, J., Skoczylas B., & Jabłoński, R. (2012). Morphometric characteristics of the skull of aurochs (Bos primigenius bojanus 1827) from the tuchola forest. Journal of Central European Agriculture. 13(2), 330-340.
  • Cabezas Congo, R., Barba Capote, C., González Martínez, A., Cevallos Falquez, O., León Jurado, J. M., Aguilar Reyes, J. M., & García Martínez, A. (2019). Biometric study of Criollo Santa Elena Peninsula cattle (Ecuador). Rev Mex Cienc Pecu, 10(4), 819-836.
  • Choudhary, O. P., & Singh, I. (2015). Morphometrical Studies on the Skull of Indian Blackbuck (Antelope cervicapra). Int J Morphol, 33(3).868-876.
  • Çakar, B., Tandir, F., Güzel, B. C., Bakıcı, C., Ünal, B., Duro, S., Szara, T., Spataru, C., Spataru, M. C., & Gündemir, O. (2024). Comparison of Skull Morphometric Characteristics of Simmental and Holstein Cattle Breeds. Animals, 14(14), 2085.
  • Evans, H.E., Christensen, G.C. (1979). Miller’s anatomy of the dog. 2nd ed. W.B Saunders Company, Tokyo. Et ve Süt Kurumu (2024). ESK, Meat and milk Institution.[Online; accessed 5-march-2024]
  • Finarelli J.A. (2011). Estimating endocranial volüme from the outside of the skull in Artiodactyla. J Mammal. 92, 200–212.
  • Finarelli, J.A. (2006). Estimation of endocranial volume through the use of external skull measures in the Carnivora (Mammalia). J Mammal. 87(5), 1027–1036.
  • The Food and Agriculture Organization (2024) FAO, The Food and Agriculture Organization. [Online; accessed 5-march-2024]
  • Gambo, B. G., Yahaya, A., Girgiri, I., & Olopade, J. O. (2015). Morphometric studies of the mandibular and maxillofacial regions of the Kuri cattle and the implications in regional anaesthesia. Folia Morphol, 74(2), 183-187.
  • Gambo, B. G., Yahaya, A., & Abdulhamid, M. B. Olopade, J. O., (2019). Sexual Dimorphism in Osteometric Indices of Kuri Cattle Skulls. Niger J Physiol Sci, 34(2), 159-165. PMID: 32343267.
  • Getty, R. (1975) General osteology, In: Sisson and Grossman’s the anatomy of the domestic animals, Eds: Getty R, 5th ed., Vol. 1, W.B Saunders Company, Tokyo.
  • Grigson, C. (1974). The craniology and relationships of four species of Bos 1. Basic craniology: Bos taurus L. and its absolute size. Journal of Archaeological Science, 1(4), 353-379.
  • Grigson, C. (1978). The craniology and relationships of four species of Bos: 4. The Relationship between Bos primigenius Boj. and B. taurus L. and its implications for the Phylogeny of the Domestic Breeds. Journal of Archaeological Science, 5(2), 123-152.
  • Grigson, C. (1980). The craniology and relationships of four species of Bos 5. Bos iudicus L. Journal of Archaeological Science, 7(1), 3-32.
  • Guliński, P. (2021). Cattle breeds–contemporary views on their origin and criteria for classification: a review. Acta Sci Pol Zootechnica, 20(2), 3-18.
  • Gündemir, O., Duro, S., Jashari, T., Kahvecioğlu, O., Demircioğlu, İ., & Mehmeti, H. (2020). A study on morphology and morphometric parameters on skull of the Bardhoka autochthonous sheep breed in Kosovo. Anat Histol Embryol, 49(3), 365-371.
  • Hanken, J. & Thorogood, P. (1993). Evolution and development of the vertebrate skull: The role of pattern formation. Trends Ecol Evol, 8(1), 9–15.
  • Hayashi, Y., Nishida, T., Mochizuki, K., & Otsuka, J. (1981). Measurements of the skull of native cattle and banteng in Indonesia. Jpn J Vet Sci, 43, 901-907.
  • Hayashi, Y., Otsuka, J. I., & Nishida, T. (1988). Multivariate craniometrics of wild banteng, Bos banteng, and five types of native cattle in Eastern Asia. Jpn J Zootech Sci, 59(7), 660-672.
  • Karimi, I., Onar, V., Pazvant, G., Hadipour, M., & Mazaheri, Y. (2011). The cranial morphometric and morphologic characteristics of Mehraban sheep in Western Iran. Global Veterinaria, 6(2), 111-117.
  • Kataba A. (2015). Biometric and Morphologic characetistics of the Skull of the Gwembe Valley Dwarf Goat (Capra hircus) breeds of Zambia, The University Of Zambia School Of Veterinary Medicine Biomedical Sciences Department, Master of Science (MSc).
  • Körösı, A. (2013). Correlation between skull size and age in Hungarian Grey cattle. Archeometriai. Mühely, 10, 259–274.
  • Krasinska, M. (1988). Variability of the skull shape in hybrids between European bison and domestic cattle. Acta Theriologica, 33(12), 147-186.
  • Krasińska, M., Szuma, E., Kobryńczuk, F., & Szara, T. (2008). Morphometric variation of the skull during postnatal development in the Lowland European bison Bison bonasus bonasus. Acta Theriologica, 53(3), 193-216.
  • Lee, J., Koh, D., Ong, C.N. (1989). Statistical evaluation of agreement between two methods for measuring a quantitative variable. Comput Biol Med, 19(1), 61-70.
  • Lomillos, J. M., & Alonso, M. E. (2020). Morphometric characterization of the Lidia cattle breed. Animals, 10(7), 2-16.
  • McGraw, K.O., & Wong, S.P. (1996). Forming inferences about some intraclass correlation coefficients. Psychol Methods, 1(1), 30-46.
  • NAV, (2017). Nomina Anatomica Veterinaria. International committee on veterinary gross anatomical nomenclature. Hanover (Germany).
  • Neves, C. A., Bittar, I. P., Prieto, L. A., da Silva, L. A. F., Arnhold, E., Lima, A. M. V., & Borges, N. C. (2021). Ocular echobiometry and head measurements in Jersey cattle from different age groups. Anat Histol Embryol, 50(2), 333-344.
  • Nickel R, Schummer A, Seiferle E, Frewein J. (1986). The locomotor system of the domestic mammals, Verlag Paul Parey, Berlin, Hamburg.
  • Nishida, T., Hayashi, Y., Lee, C. S., Cho, Y. J., Hashiguchi, T., & Moghizuki, K. (1983). Measurement of the skull of native cattle in Korea. Nihon Juigaku zasshi. The Japanese Journal of Veterinary Science, 45(4), 537-541.
  • Onar, V., Çakırlar, C., Janeczek, M., & Kızıltan, Z. (2012). Skull typology of Byzantine dogs from the Theodosius Harbour at Yenikapı, Istanbul. Anat Histol Embryol, 41(5), 341-352.
  • Ömer, H., & Alpak, H. (2012). Cranial volume estimation using stereological method in Kivircik sheep and its correlations between skull parameters. İstanbul Üniv Vet Fak Derg, 38(2), 107-119.
  • Özkan, E., Siddiq, A. B., Kahvecioğlu, K. O., Öztürk, M., & Onar, V. (2019). Morphometric analysis of the skulls of domestic cattle (Bos taurus L.) and water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis L.) in Turkey. Turk J Vet Anim Sci, 43(4), 532-539.
  • Parés Casanova, P. M., & Jordana i Vidal, J. (2008). Zoometric measurements of cephalic conformation in adult bovine males and females (Bos taurus). Veterinarija Ir Zootechnika, 43(65), 73-77.
  • Saito, T., Nemoto, T., Nagase, Y., Kasuya, E., & Sakumoto, R. (2004). Development of a stereotaxic instrument for study of the bovine central nervous system. Brain Res Bull, 62(5), 369-377.
  • Sasimowski, E. (1987). Animal breeding and production. An outline, Elsevier, Polish scientific publishers, Amsterdam.
  • Schummer, A., Nickel, R., Sack, W.O. (1979). The viscera of the domestic mammals. Verlag Paul Parey, Berlin Hamburg.
  • Sisson, S. (1975). Skull. In: Sisson and Grossman’s the anatomy of the domestic animals. Eds: Getty, R, 5th ed., Vol. 1-2, W.B Saunders Company, Tokyo.
  • Stewart, H. L., Siewerdsen, J. H., Nelson, B. B., & Kawcak, C. E. (2021). Use of cone‐beam computed tomography for advanced imaging of the equine patient. Equine Vet J, 53(5), 872-885.
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There are 60 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Veterinary Anatomy and Physiology

Nimet Turgut 0000-0001-6446-2958

Early Pub Date March 13, 2025
Publication Date
Submission Date May 8, 2024
Acceptance Date January 15, 2025
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 18 Issue: 1


APA Turgut, N. (2025). Morphometric Analysis of the Skull in the Holstein Cow: A Computed Tomography Study. Kocatepe Veterinary Journal, 18(1), 61-74.
AMA Turgut N. Morphometric Analysis of the Skull in the Holstein Cow: A Computed Tomography Study. kvj. March 2025;18(1):61-74.
Chicago Turgut, Nimet. “Morphometric Analysis of the Skull in the Holstein Cow: A Computed Tomography Study”. Kocatepe Veterinary Journal 18, no. 1 (March 2025): 61-74.
EndNote Turgut N (March 1, 2025) Morphometric Analysis of the Skull in the Holstein Cow: A Computed Tomography Study. Kocatepe Veterinary Journal 18 1 61–74.
IEEE N. Turgut, “Morphometric Analysis of the Skull in the Holstein Cow: A Computed Tomography Study”, kvj, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 61–74, 2025.
ISNAD Turgut, Nimet. “Morphometric Analysis of the Skull in the Holstein Cow: A Computed Tomography Study”. Kocatepe Veterinary Journal 18/1 (March 2025), 61-74.
JAMA Turgut N. Morphometric Analysis of the Skull in the Holstein Cow: A Computed Tomography Study. kvj. 2025;18:61–74.
MLA Turgut, Nimet. “Morphometric Analysis of the Skull in the Holstein Cow: A Computed Tomography Study”. Kocatepe Veterinary Journal, vol. 18, no. 1, 2025, pp. 61-74.
Vancouver Turgut N. Morphometric Analysis of the Skull in the Holstein Cow: A Computed Tomography Study. kvj. 2025;18(1):61-74.

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