Research Article
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Investigation of As, Cu, Fe, Ni and Zn Concentrations of Some Potentially Toxic Elements in Water, Sediment and Gill Tissues of Different Trout Species (Salmo Trutta and Oncorhynchus Mykiss) and Shabut (Tor Grypus) Fish in Atatürk Dam Lake

Year 2025, Volume: 18 Issue: 1, 33 - 42


In this study, the accumulation concentration of copper (Cu), iron (Fe), nickel (Ni), zinc (Zn), and arsenic (As) in water, sediment, and gill tissues of brown trout (Salmo trutta), rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), and shabut (Tor grypus) fish in Atatürk Dam Lake were evaluated by ICP-MS. Regarding Fe and Ni accumulation, the difference between rainbow trout and other species was found to be statistically significant (p<0.05). In terms of Cu and Zn accumulation, it was determined that the difference between Brown trout and other species was statistically significant, and the concentration of As accumulation was less and statistically significant (p<0.05). In shabut fish, it was determined that Fe accumulation in terms of weight was statistically significant (p<0.05) and As and Cu accumulated more than other fish gills (p<0.05). In water samples, it was determined that the concentration of Cu and Fe (1. and 3. regions) were above the reference values according to the reference values of the surface water quality regulation of the Republic of Turkey, and the concentration of Fe was above the reference limits set by the World Health Organization (2022). In sediment samples, Cu and Fe concentration were found to be above the serious and toxic effect reference values. As a result, it was observed that metals accumulated in gill samples of different fish species living in Atatürk Dam at different rates depending on the species, and the concentration of Fe and Cu were high in sediment and Fe in water samples.


  • Akgün, M., Gül, A., & Yılmaz, M. (2007). Sakarya Nehri Çeltikçe Çayı’nda Yaşayan Leuciscus cephalus L.. 1758 Dokularında Ağır Metal Birikimi. GEFAD. 27(2): 179- 189.
  • Alhas, E., Oymak, S. A., Karadede, & Akin, H. (2009). Heavy metal concentrations in two barb, Barbus xanthopterus and Barbus rajanorum mystaceus from Atatürk Dam Lake, Turkey. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 148: 11-18.
  • Bayhan, İ. (2021). Şanlıurfa ili içme kullanma sularının fiziksel kimyasal ve mikrobiyolojik kalitesinin araştırılması. Harran Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Doktora Tezi.
  • Chandrapalan, T., Kwong. R. W. (2020). Influence of dietary iron exposure on trace metal homeostasis and expression of metal transporters during development in zebrafish. Environmental pollution. 261: 114159.
  • Çağlan Kaya, D.C. (2021). Beyşehir, Eğirdir, Çivril, Suğla, Karataş, Kovada ve Gölhisar göllerinin su, sediman ve balık (carassius gibelio) örneklerinde bazı ağır metal konsantrasyonlarının belirlenmesi. Burdur Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Biyoloji Anabilim Dalı. Doktora Tezi
  • Çetin, E., Güher, H., & Gaygusuz, Ç. G. (2016). Altınyazı Baraj Gölü’nde (Edirne) Yaşayan Balık Türlerinde Ağır Metal Birikimlerinin İncelenmesi. Aquat. Sci. Eng. 31 (1): 1 - 14.
  • Duman, E., & Çelik, A. (2001). Atatürk Baraj Gölü Bozova Bölgesi'nde Avlanan Balıklar ve Verimlilikleri. Ege J Fish Aqua Sci. 18 (1): 65 - 69.
  • EC (1998). Europian Union Council Directive 98/83/EC on the quality of water intended for human consumption. Official Journal of the European Communities, L 330/32. [Erişim Tarihi: 14.12.2024].
  • Ercişli, B. (2016). Kars Çayı’nın Suyunda, Sedimentinde ve Bazı Sucul Organizmalarda İz Elementlerin Derişim Düzeylerinin Araştırılması. Kafkas Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Biyoloji Anabilim Dalı, Yüksek Lisans Tezi.
  • Esmaeilzadeh, M., Tavakol, M., Mohseni, F., Mahmoudi, M., Nguyen, U. P., & Fattahi, M. (2023). Biomarkers for monitoring heavy metal pollution in the Anzali Wetland. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 196, 115599.
  • Fırat, Ö., & Kılınç, Ü. (2022). Atatürk Baraj Gölü’nde (Adıyaman) Yakalanan Cyprinus carpio’nun Dokularındaki Kurşun. Kadmiyum. Krom. Demir. Çinko ve Bakır Düzeylerinin Değerlendirilmesi. Comm J Biol. 6 (1): 20-25.
  • Hughes, M. F., Beck, B. D., Chen Y., Lewis, A. S., & Thomas, D. J. (2011). Arsenic exposure and toxicology: a historical perspective. Toxicological sciences. 123 (2): 305 - 332.
  • Karadede, H., & Ünlü, E. (2000). Concentrations of some heavy metals in water. sediment and fish species from the Atatürk Dam Lake (Euphrates). Turkey. Chemosphere. 41 (9): 1371-1376.
  • Latunde‐Dada, G. O., Shirali, S., McKie, A. T., Simpson, R. J., & Peters, T. J. (2004). Effect of transition metal ions (cobalt and nickel chlorides) on intestinal iron absorption. European journal of clinical investigation,34 (9): 626-630.
  • MacDonald., D. D.. Ingersoll, C. G., & Berger, T. A. (2000). Development and evaluation of consensus-based sediment quality guidelines for freshwater ecosystems. Archives of environmental contamination and toxicology. 39: 20 - 31.
  • Misra, A., Bissessur, A., Selala, M. C., & Lebepe, J. (2024). Accumulation and health implications of arsenic, mercury, and selenium in selected freshwater fish species in the uMgeni River, South Africa. Environmental Pollutants and Bioavailability. 36 (1): 2296973.
  • Oymak, S.A., Karadede-Akin, H., & Dogan, N. (2009). Heavy metal in tissues of tor grypus from Atatürk Dam Lake. Euphrates River-Turkey. Biol. 64: 151 - 155.
  • Özvar, N. (2020). İskenderun körfezinden avlanıp tüketime sunulan balık türlerindeki ağır metal düzeyleri. Mersin Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Yüksek Lisans Tezi.
  • Pane, E. F., Richards, J. G., & Wood, C. M. (2003). Acute waterborne nickel toxicity in the rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) occurs by a respiratory rather than ionoregulatory mechanism. Aquat Toxicol. 63(1): 65-82.
  • Rajar, A. B.. Malik, Z., Ujan, J. A., Rind, K. H., Ullah, R., Naz, S., Ullah, M., Zahid, M., Khan, K., Khayyam, K., Al-Rejaie, S. S., & Mohany, M. (2024). Implications of Heavy Metal Accumulation in Fish Feed. Water. Sediment. and Different Fish Species in a Polyculture System. Biological Trace Element Research. 1-12.
  • Schelkle, B., Shinn, A. P., Peeler, E., & Cable, J. (2009). Treatment of gyrodactylid infections in fish. Dis Aquat Organ. 86 (1): 65 -75 .
  • Shim, H., & Harris, Z. L. (2003). Genetic defects in copper metabolism. J Nutr. 133 (5) : 1527 - 1531.
  • Singh, G., & Sharma S. (2024). Heavy metal contamination in fish: sources, mechanisms and consequences Aquatic Sciences. 86: 107.
  • Surface Water Quality Regulation (2016). Specific Contaminants and Environmental Quality Standards for Surface Water Resources. Official Gazette.
  • Şengül,S. (2024). Gölova baraj gölü (Sivas) suyunda ve gölde yaşayan bazı balık türlerinde ağır metal birikimi. Erzincan Binali Yıldırım Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü. Yüksek Lisans Tezi.
  • Tashi, S., Gurung, D.B., Dorji, U., & Wangchuk, K. (2022). Trace elements in fish species: Schizothorax richardsonii. Salmo trutta and Neolissochilus hexagonolepis in relation to sizes and tissues of Punatsang Chhu. JECE. 4: 78 - 88.
  • Uçkun, A. A., & Uçkun, M. (2021). Evaluation of some biomarkers in carp (Cyprinus carpio linnaeus. 1758) depending on water and sediment pollution of Atatürk dam lake. Bitlis Eren Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi. 10 (3): 744-753.
  • Uçkun, A. A., Yoloğlu, E., & Uçkun, M. (2017). Seasonal monitoring of metals in water. sediment and mussel (Unio mancus) from Atatürk Dam Lake (Euphrates River). Van Vet J. 28 (2): 75-83.
  • Ural, M., Uysal, K., Çiçek, A., Köse, E., Koçer, M. A. T., Arca, S., & Yüce, S. (2011). Determination of trace element concentrations in water. sediment and fish species from the Atatürk Dam Lake (Euphrates). Turkey. Fresenius Environmental Bullettin. 20 (8): 2036 – 2040.
  • Ütme, Ö., & Temamoğulları, F. (2021). Analysis of some heavy metals (Cd and Pb) in the Şanlıurfa province using Feral pigeon blood samples. Turk J Vet Anim Sci. 45(2): 311-317.
  • WHO (2022). World Health Organization [Erişim Tarihi: 14.12.2024].
  • Yılmaz, F. (2009). The comparison of heavy metal concentrations (Cd. Cu. Mn. Pb. and Zn) in tissues of three economically important fish (Anguilla anguilla. Mugil cephalus and Oreochromis niloticus) inhabiting Koycegiz Lake-Mugla (Turkey). Turk. J. Sci. Technol. 4 (1): 7 - 15.
  • Yunusa, M. A., Igwe, E. C., & Mofoluke, A. O. (2023). Heavy metals contamination of water and fish-a review. Fudma Journal of Sciences. 7 (1): 110 - 118.

Atatürk Baraj Gölü’nde Su, Sediment ve Farklı Alabalık Türleri (Salmo Trutta ve Oncorhynchus Mykiss) ve Şabut (Tor Grypus) Balıklarının Solungaç Dokularındaki Bazı Esansiyel (Cu, Fe, Ni ve Zn) ve Ağır Metal (As) Birikimlerinin İncelenmesi

Year 2025, Volume: 18 Issue: 1, 33 - 42


Bu çalışmada, Atatürk Baraj Gölü’nde su, sediment ve kahverengi alabalık (Salmo trutta), gökkuşağı alabalık (Oncorhynchus mykiss) ve şabut (Tor grypus) balıklarının solungaç dokularındaki bazı metallerin; bakır (Cu), demir (Fe), nikel (Ni), çinko (Zn) ve arsenik (As) birikim düzeyleri ICP-MS cihazıyla değerlendirilmiştir. Fe ve Ni birikimi bakımından Gökkuşağı balıklarında diğer türler ile arasındaki farkın istatistiki olarak önemli olduğu tespit edilmiştir (p<0,05). Cu ve Zn birikimi bakımından Kahverengi alabalıklarında diğer türler ile arasındaki farkın istatistiki olarak önemli olduğu ve As birikim miktarının ise daha az olduğu ve istatistiki olarak önemli olduğu tespit edilmiştir (p<0,05). Şabut balıkları solungaçlarında ağırlık bakımından Fe birikiminin istatistiki açıdan önemli olduğu (p <0,05) ve As ve Cu’ın diğer balık solungaçlarından daha fazla biriktiği belirlenmiştir (p <0,05). Su örneklerinde; Türkiye Cumhuriyeti yer üstü su kalitesi yönetmeliğinin referans değerlerine göre Cu ve Fe miktarlarının referans değerlerinin üzerinde olduğu, Fe miktarının ise Dünya Sağlık Örgütü (2022) ve Avrupa Birliği Komisyonu (2008) ‘nun belirlediği referans limitlerinin üzerinde olduğu belirlenmiştir. Sediment örneklerinde; Cu ve Fe miktarlarının ciddi ve toksik etki referans değerlerinin üzerinde olduğu belirlenmiştir. Sonuç olarak; Atatürk barajında yaşayan farklı alabalık türlerine ait solungaç örneklerinde metallerin türe göre farklı oranlarda biriktiği, sediment örneklerinde de Fe ve Cu, su örneklerinde Fe miktarlarının genel olarak yüksek çıktığı görülmüştür.


  • Akgün, M., Gül, A., & Yılmaz, M. (2007). Sakarya Nehri Çeltikçe Çayı’nda Yaşayan Leuciscus cephalus L.. 1758 Dokularında Ağır Metal Birikimi. GEFAD. 27(2): 179- 189.
  • Alhas, E., Oymak, S. A., Karadede, & Akin, H. (2009). Heavy metal concentrations in two barb, Barbus xanthopterus and Barbus rajanorum mystaceus from Atatürk Dam Lake, Turkey. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 148: 11-18.
  • Bayhan, İ. (2021). Şanlıurfa ili içme kullanma sularının fiziksel kimyasal ve mikrobiyolojik kalitesinin araştırılması. Harran Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Doktora Tezi.
  • Chandrapalan, T., Kwong. R. W. (2020). Influence of dietary iron exposure on trace metal homeostasis and expression of metal transporters during development in zebrafish. Environmental pollution. 261: 114159.
  • Çağlan Kaya, D.C. (2021). Beyşehir, Eğirdir, Çivril, Suğla, Karataş, Kovada ve Gölhisar göllerinin su, sediman ve balık (carassius gibelio) örneklerinde bazı ağır metal konsantrasyonlarının belirlenmesi. Burdur Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Biyoloji Anabilim Dalı. Doktora Tezi
  • Çetin, E., Güher, H., & Gaygusuz, Ç. G. (2016). Altınyazı Baraj Gölü’nde (Edirne) Yaşayan Balık Türlerinde Ağır Metal Birikimlerinin İncelenmesi. Aquat. Sci. Eng. 31 (1): 1 - 14.
  • Duman, E., & Çelik, A. (2001). Atatürk Baraj Gölü Bozova Bölgesi'nde Avlanan Balıklar ve Verimlilikleri. Ege J Fish Aqua Sci. 18 (1): 65 - 69.
  • EC (1998). Europian Union Council Directive 98/83/EC on the quality of water intended for human consumption. Official Journal of the European Communities, L 330/32. [Erişim Tarihi: 14.12.2024].
  • Ercişli, B. (2016). Kars Çayı’nın Suyunda, Sedimentinde ve Bazı Sucul Organizmalarda İz Elementlerin Derişim Düzeylerinin Araştırılması. Kafkas Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Biyoloji Anabilim Dalı, Yüksek Lisans Tezi.
  • Esmaeilzadeh, M., Tavakol, M., Mohseni, F., Mahmoudi, M., Nguyen, U. P., & Fattahi, M. (2023). Biomarkers for monitoring heavy metal pollution in the Anzali Wetland. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 196, 115599.
  • Fırat, Ö., & Kılınç, Ü. (2022). Atatürk Baraj Gölü’nde (Adıyaman) Yakalanan Cyprinus carpio’nun Dokularındaki Kurşun. Kadmiyum. Krom. Demir. Çinko ve Bakır Düzeylerinin Değerlendirilmesi. Comm J Biol. 6 (1): 20-25.
  • Hughes, M. F., Beck, B. D., Chen Y., Lewis, A. S., & Thomas, D. J. (2011). Arsenic exposure and toxicology: a historical perspective. Toxicological sciences. 123 (2): 305 - 332.
  • Karadede, H., & Ünlü, E. (2000). Concentrations of some heavy metals in water. sediment and fish species from the Atatürk Dam Lake (Euphrates). Turkey. Chemosphere. 41 (9): 1371-1376.
  • Latunde‐Dada, G. O., Shirali, S., McKie, A. T., Simpson, R. J., & Peters, T. J. (2004). Effect of transition metal ions (cobalt and nickel chlorides) on intestinal iron absorption. European journal of clinical investigation,34 (9): 626-630.
  • MacDonald., D. D.. Ingersoll, C. G., & Berger, T. A. (2000). Development and evaluation of consensus-based sediment quality guidelines for freshwater ecosystems. Archives of environmental contamination and toxicology. 39: 20 - 31.
  • Misra, A., Bissessur, A., Selala, M. C., & Lebepe, J. (2024). Accumulation and health implications of arsenic, mercury, and selenium in selected freshwater fish species in the uMgeni River, South Africa. Environmental Pollutants and Bioavailability. 36 (1): 2296973.
  • Oymak, S.A., Karadede-Akin, H., & Dogan, N. (2009). Heavy metal in tissues of tor grypus from Atatürk Dam Lake. Euphrates River-Turkey. Biol. 64: 151 - 155.
  • Özvar, N. (2020). İskenderun körfezinden avlanıp tüketime sunulan balık türlerindeki ağır metal düzeyleri. Mersin Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Yüksek Lisans Tezi.
  • Pane, E. F., Richards, J. G., & Wood, C. M. (2003). Acute waterborne nickel toxicity in the rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) occurs by a respiratory rather than ionoregulatory mechanism. Aquat Toxicol. 63(1): 65-82.
  • Rajar, A. B.. Malik, Z., Ujan, J. A., Rind, K. H., Ullah, R., Naz, S., Ullah, M., Zahid, M., Khan, K., Khayyam, K., Al-Rejaie, S. S., & Mohany, M. (2024). Implications of Heavy Metal Accumulation in Fish Feed. Water. Sediment. and Different Fish Species in a Polyculture System. Biological Trace Element Research. 1-12.
  • Schelkle, B., Shinn, A. P., Peeler, E., & Cable, J. (2009). Treatment of gyrodactylid infections in fish. Dis Aquat Organ. 86 (1): 65 -75 .
  • Shim, H., & Harris, Z. L. (2003). Genetic defects in copper metabolism. J Nutr. 133 (5) : 1527 - 1531.
  • Singh, G., & Sharma S. (2024). Heavy metal contamination in fish: sources, mechanisms and consequences Aquatic Sciences. 86: 107.
  • Surface Water Quality Regulation (2016). Specific Contaminants and Environmental Quality Standards for Surface Water Resources. Official Gazette.
  • Şengül,S. (2024). Gölova baraj gölü (Sivas) suyunda ve gölde yaşayan bazı balık türlerinde ağır metal birikimi. Erzincan Binali Yıldırım Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü. Yüksek Lisans Tezi.
  • Tashi, S., Gurung, D.B., Dorji, U., & Wangchuk, K. (2022). Trace elements in fish species: Schizothorax richardsonii. Salmo trutta and Neolissochilus hexagonolepis in relation to sizes and tissues of Punatsang Chhu. JECE. 4: 78 - 88.
  • Uçkun, A. A., & Uçkun, M. (2021). Evaluation of some biomarkers in carp (Cyprinus carpio linnaeus. 1758) depending on water and sediment pollution of Atatürk dam lake. Bitlis Eren Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi. 10 (3): 744-753.
  • Uçkun, A. A., Yoloğlu, E., & Uçkun, M. (2017). Seasonal monitoring of metals in water. sediment and mussel (Unio mancus) from Atatürk Dam Lake (Euphrates River). Van Vet J. 28 (2): 75-83.
  • Ural, M., Uysal, K., Çiçek, A., Köse, E., Koçer, M. A. T., Arca, S., & Yüce, S. (2011). Determination of trace element concentrations in water. sediment and fish species from the Atatürk Dam Lake (Euphrates). Turkey. Fresenius Environmental Bullettin. 20 (8): 2036 – 2040.
  • Ütme, Ö., & Temamoğulları, F. (2021). Analysis of some heavy metals (Cd and Pb) in the Şanlıurfa province using Feral pigeon blood samples. Turk J Vet Anim Sci. 45(2): 311-317.
  • WHO (2022). World Health Organization [Erişim Tarihi: 14.12.2024].
  • Yılmaz, F. (2009). The comparison of heavy metal concentrations (Cd. Cu. Mn. Pb. and Zn) in tissues of three economically important fish (Anguilla anguilla. Mugil cephalus and Oreochromis niloticus) inhabiting Koycegiz Lake-Mugla (Turkey). Turk. J. Sci. Technol. 4 (1): 7 - 15.
  • Yunusa, M. A., Igwe, E. C., & Mofoluke, A. O. (2023). Heavy metals contamination of water and fish-a review. Fudma Journal of Sciences. 7 (1): 110 - 118.
There are 33 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Veterinary Pharmacology

Ozan Aygün 0000-0001-9268-6254

Füsun Temamoğulları 0000-0001-7738-1145

Zozan Garip 0000-0002-8971-7918

Early Pub Date March 13, 2025
Publication Date
Submission Date December 18, 2024
Acceptance Date February 19, 2025
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 18 Issue: 1


APA Aygün, O., Temamoğulları, F., & Garip, Z. (2025). Investigation of As, Cu, Fe, Ni and Zn Concentrations of Some Potentially Toxic Elements in Water, Sediment and Gill Tissues of Different Trout Species (Salmo Trutta and Oncorhynchus Mykiss) and Shabut (Tor Grypus) Fish in Atatürk Dam Lake. Kocatepe Veterinary Journal, 18(1), 33-42.
AMA Aygün O, Temamoğulları F, Garip Z. Investigation of As, Cu, Fe, Ni and Zn Concentrations of Some Potentially Toxic Elements in Water, Sediment and Gill Tissues of Different Trout Species (Salmo Trutta and Oncorhynchus Mykiss) and Shabut (Tor Grypus) Fish in Atatürk Dam Lake. kvj. March 2025;18(1):33-42.
Chicago Aygün, Ozan, Füsun Temamoğulları, and Zozan Garip. “Investigation of As, Cu, Fe, Ni and Zn Concentrations of Some Potentially Toxic Elements in Water, Sediment and Gill Tissues of Different Trout Species (Salmo Trutta and Oncorhynchus Mykiss) and Shabut (Tor Grypus) Fish in Atatürk Dam Lake”. Kocatepe Veterinary Journal 18, no. 1 (March 2025): 33-42.
EndNote Aygün O, Temamoğulları F, Garip Z (March 1, 2025) Investigation of As, Cu, Fe, Ni and Zn Concentrations of Some Potentially Toxic Elements in Water, Sediment and Gill Tissues of Different Trout Species (Salmo Trutta and Oncorhynchus Mykiss) and Shabut (Tor Grypus) Fish in Atatürk Dam Lake. Kocatepe Veterinary Journal 18 1 33–42.
IEEE O. Aygün, F. Temamoğulları, and Z. Garip, “Investigation of As, Cu, Fe, Ni and Zn Concentrations of Some Potentially Toxic Elements in Water, Sediment and Gill Tissues of Different Trout Species (Salmo Trutta and Oncorhynchus Mykiss) and Shabut (Tor Grypus) Fish in Atatürk Dam Lake”, kvj, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 33–42, 2025.
ISNAD Aygün, Ozan et al. “Investigation of As, Cu, Fe, Ni and Zn Concentrations of Some Potentially Toxic Elements in Water, Sediment and Gill Tissues of Different Trout Species (Salmo Trutta and Oncorhynchus Mykiss) and Shabut (Tor Grypus) Fish in Atatürk Dam Lake”. Kocatepe Veterinary Journal 18/1 (March 2025), 33-42.
JAMA Aygün O, Temamoğulları F, Garip Z. Investigation of As, Cu, Fe, Ni and Zn Concentrations of Some Potentially Toxic Elements in Water, Sediment and Gill Tissues of Different Trout Species (Salmo Trutta and Oncorhynchus Mykiss) and Shabut (Tor Grypus) Fish in Atatürk Dam Lake. kvj. 2025;18:33–42.
MLA Aygün, Ozan et al. “Investigation of As, Cu, Fe, Ni and Zn Concentrations of Some Potentially Toxic Elements in Water, Sediment and Gill Tissues of Different Trout Species (Salmo Trutta and Oncorhynchus Mykiss) and Shabut (Tor Grypus) Fish in Atatürk Dam Lake”. Kocatepe Veterinary Journal, vol. 18, no. 1, 2025, pp. 33-42.
Vancouver Aygün O, Temamoğulları F, Garip Z. Investigation of As, Cu, Fe, Ni and Zn Concentrations of Some Potentially Toxic Elements in Water, Sediment and Gill Tissues of Different Trout Species (Salmo Trutta and Oncorhynchus Mykiss) and Shabut (Tor Grypus) Fish in Atatürk Dam Lake. kvj. 2025;18(1):33-42.

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