Etlik piliçlerde iki farklı barındırma sıklığının piliçlerin besi performansı, ölüm oranı ve ayak taban yangısı üzerine etkisi
Year 2019,
Volume: 59 Issue: Ek Sayı, 102 - 106, 04.06.2020
Bülent Teke
Mustafa Uğurlu
Filiz Akdağ
Bu araştırma ticari koşullarda yetiştirilen etlik piliçlerde iki farklı barındırma sıklığının ortalama canlı ağırlığı, piliç başına ortalama yem tüketimi, yem dönüşüm oranı, ölüm oranı ve ayak taban yangısı üzerine etkisini belirlemek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Ross 308 ırkı civcivler iki kümeste 39 kg/m2 ve 34 kg/m2 barındırma sıklığında 3 yetiştirme dönemi boyunca incelenmiştir. Piliçlerin 41 günlük besi dönemi sonunda, 39 kg/m2‘deki piliç başına ortalama yem tüketimi (P<0.01), yem dönüşüm oranı (P<0.01) ve ölüm oranının (P<0.05) daha yüksek, ortalama canlı ağırlığın ise 34 kg/m2’deki piliçlerden daha düşük olduğu tespit edilmiştir (P<0.01). Ayak taban yangısı bakımından iki barındırma sıklığı grubu arasında önemli bir farklılık olmadığı (P>0.05) fakat barındırma sıklığı grupları içinde bu farkın önemli olduğu belirlenmiştir (P<0.001). Araştırma bulguları doğrultusunda, çevre denetiminin iyi olduğu ticari kümeslerde, 39 kg/m2 barındırma sıklığında yetiştirilen piliçlerde 34 kg/m2’ye göre besi performansı ve ölüm oranının olumsuz etkilenmesine karşın kabul edilebilir düzeyde olduğu sonucuna varılmıştır.
- 1. Bilgili SF, Hess JB (1995): Placement density influences broiler
carcass grade and meat yields. The Journal Applied Poultry
Research, 4: 384-389.
- 2. Cravener TL, Roush W, Band Mashaly MM (1992): Broiler production
under varying population densities. Poultry Science,
71: 427-433.
- 3. Dawkins MS, Donnelly CA, Jones TA (2004): Chicken welfare
is influenced more by housing conditions than by stocking
density. Nature, 427: 342-344.
- 4. Edriss MA, Davoodvandi S, Pourreza J (2003): The effect of stock
density on the prediction of performance and carcass traits
in broiler chickens. ss: 695-700. Proceedings XVI th European
Symposium on the Quality of Poultry Meat, September 2003,
Saint-Brienc, France.
- 5. European Commission, 2007: Council Directive 2007/43/EC of
28 June 2007 laying down minimum rules for the protection
of chickens kept for meat production. In: Official Journal, L
182, 12/07/2007, pp 19-28.
- 6. FAWC 1992 Report on the Welfare of Broiler Chickens. FAWC:
Tolworth, UK.
- 7. Feddes JJR, Emmanuel EJ, Zuidhof MJ (2002): Broiler performance,
body weight variance, feed and water intake, and carcass
quality at different stocking densities. Poultry Science,
81: 774-779.
- 8. Gıda Tarım ve Hayvancılık Bakanlığı (2018): Etçi tavukların korunması
ile ilgili asgari standartlara ilişkin yönetmelik. https://
(Erişim Tarihi: 21.11.2019).
- 9. Hall AL (2001): The effect of stocking density on the welfare
and behaviour of broiler chickens reared commercially.
Animal Welfare, 10: 23-40.
- 10. Haslam SM, Brown SN, Wilkins LJ, Kestin SC, Warriss PD, Icol
CJ (2006): Preliminary study to examine the utility of using
foot burn or hock burn to assess aspects of housing conditions
for broiler chicken. British Poultry Science, 47: 13-18.
- 11. Lewis PD, Perry GC, Farmer LJ, Patterson RLS (1997): Responses
of two genotypes of chicken to the diets and stocking densities
typical of UK and ‘’Label Rouge’’ production systems:
1. Performance, behaviour and carcass composition. Meat
Science, 45: 501-516.
- 12. Martrenchar A, Boilletot E, Huonnic D, Pol F (2002): Risk factors
for foot-pad dermatitis in chicken and turkey broiler in
France. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 52: 213-226.
- 13. Martrenchar A, Morisse JP, Huonnic D, Cotte, JP (1997):
Influence of stocking density on some behavioural, physiological
and productivity traits of broilers. Veterinary Research,
28: 473-480.
- 14. Mendes AA, Garcia RG, Imeida ICLA, Moreira J (2004): Effect
of stocking densities and season on performance, environmental
and thermoregulatory parameters and carcass yield
of broiler chickens p 417. Book of abstract, XXII World’s
Poultry Congress, Istanbul-Turkey, 8-13 June 2004,
- 15. Moreira J, Mendes, AA, Roca Ro, Garcia EA, Naas IA, Garcia
RG, Lima IC, Paz A (2004): Effect of stocking density on performance,
carcass yield and meat quality in broilers of different
commercial strains. Revista Brasileira Zootecnia, 33:
- 16. Mortari AC, Rosa P, Zanella I, Neto CB, Visentin PR, Brites LBP
(2002): Performance of broilers reared in different population
density, in winter, in South Brazil. Ciência Rural, 32: 493-497.
- 17. SCAHAW (2000): The welfare of chickens kept for meat production
(broilers). Report of the Scientific Committee in
Animal Health and Animal Welfare. European Commission,
Health and Consumer Protection Directorate General,
Brussels, Belgium. Home page address: http://ec.europa. eu/
- 18. Shanawany MM (1988): Broiler performance under high
stocking densities. British Poultry Science, 29: 43-52.
- 19. Skrbic Z, Pavlovski Z, Lukic M (2007): Body mass and dynamics
of growth of broiler chickens of different genotype
in improved rearing conditions. 2nd International Congress
on Animal Husbandry “New Perspectives and Challenges
of Sustainable Livestock Farming”, Belgrade, October 3-5.
Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry, 23(5-6): 347-357.
- 20. Skrbic Z, Pavlovski Z, Lukic M, Peric L, Milosevic N (2009): The
effect of stocking density on certain broiler welfare parameters.
Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry, 25: 11-21.
- 21. Spindler B, Hartung J (2011): Prevalence of pododermatitis
in broiler chickens kept according to directive 2007/43/EC
stocking densities, Proceedings of the XVth International
Congress of the International Society for Animal Hygiene,
3-7 July 2011, pp. 39-42, Australia, Vienna, ISBN 978-80-263-
- 22. SPSS (2013): Statistical package for the social sciences,
Release 22.0, SPSS Inc, Chicago, II, USA.
- 23. Petek M, Üstüner H, Yeşilbağ D (2014): Effects of stocking density
and litter type on litter quality and growth performance
of broiler chicken. Kafkas Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi
Dergisi, 20: 743-748.
- 24. Thomas DG, Ravindran V, Thomas DV, Camden BJ, Cottam
YH, Morel PCH, Cook CJ (2004): Influence of stocking density
on the performance, carcass characteristics and selected welfare
indicators of broiler chickens. New Zealand Veterinary
Journal, 52: 76-81.
Year 2019,
Volume: 59 Issue: Ek Sayı, 102 - 106, 04.06.2020
Bülent Teke
Mustafa Uğurlu
Filiz Akdağ
- 1. Bilgili SF, Hess JB (1995): Placement density influences broiler
carcass grade and meat yields. The Journal Applied Poultry
Research, 4: 384-389.
- 2. Cravener TL, Roush W, Band Mashaly MM (1992): Broiler production
under varying population densities. Poultry Science,
71: 427-433.
- 3. Dawkins MS, Donnelly CA, Jones TA (2004): Chicken welfare
is influenced more by housing conditions than by stocking
density. Nature, 427: 342-344.
- 4. Edriss MA, Davoodvandi S, Pourreza J (2003): The effect of stock
density on the prediction of performance and carcass traits
in broiler chickens. ss: 695-700. Proceedings XVI th European
Symposium on the Quality of Poultry Meat, September 2003,
Saint-Brienc, France.
- 5. European Commission, 2007: Council Directive 2007/43/EC of
28 June 2007 laying down minimum rules for the protection
of chickens kept for meat production. In: Official Journal, L
182, 12/07/2007, pp 19-28.
- 6. FAWC 1992 Report on the Welfare of Broiler Chickens. FAWC:
Tolworth, UK.
- 7. Feddes JJR, Emmanuel EJ, Zuidhof MJ (2002): Broiler performance,
body weight variance, feed and water intake, and carcass
quality at different stocking densities. Poultry Science,
81: 774-779.
- 8. Gıda Tarım ve Hayvancılık Bakanlığı (2018): Etçi tavukların korunması
ile ilgili asgari standartlara ilişkin yönetmelik. https://
(Erişim Tarihi: 21.11.2019).
- 9. Hall AL (2001): The effect of stocking density on the welfare
and behaviour of broiler chickens reared commercially.
Animal Welfare, 10: 23-40.
- 10. Haslam SM, Brown SN, Wilkins LJ, Kestin SC, Warriss PD, Icol
CJ (2006): Preliminary study to examine the utility of using
foot burn or hock burn to assess aspects of housing conditions
for broiler chicken. British Poultry Science, 47: 13-18.
- 11. Lewis PD, Perry GC, Farmer LJ, Patterson RLS (1997): Responses
of two genotypes of chicken to the diets and stocking densities
typical of UK and ‘’Label Rouge’’ production systems:
1. Performance, behaviour and carcass composition. Meat
Science, 45: 501-516.
- 12. Martrenchar A, Boilletot E, Huonnic D, Pol F (2002): Risk factors
for foot-pad dermatitis in chicken and turkey broiler in
France. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 52: 213-226.
- 13. Martrenchar A, Morisse JP, Huonnic D, Cotte, JP (1997):
Influence of stocking density on some behavioural, physiological
and productivity traits of broilers. Veterinary Research,
28: 473-480.
- 14. Mendes AA, Garcia RG, Imeida ICLA, Moreira J (2004): Effect
of stocking densities and season on performance, environmental
and thermoregulatory parameters and carcass yield
of broiler chickens p 417. Book of abstract, XXII World’s
Poultry Congress, Istanbul-Turkey, 8-13 June 2004,
- 15. Moreira J, Mendes, AA, Roca Ro, Garcia EA, Naas IA, Garcia
RG, Lima IC, Paz A (2004): Effect of stocking density on performance,
carcass yield and meat quality in broilers of different
commercial strains. Revista Brasileira Zootecnia, 33:
- 16. Mortari AC, Rosa P, Zanella I, Neto CB, Visentin PR, Brites LBP
(2002): Performance of broilers reared in different population
density, in winter, in South Brazil. Ciência Rural, 32: 493-497.
- 17. SCAHAW (2000): The welfare of chickens kept for meat production
(broilers). Report of the Scientific Committee in
Animal Health and Animal Welfare. European Commission,
Health and Consumer Protection Directorate General,
Brussels, Belgium. Home page address: http://ec.europa. eu/
- 18. Shanawany MM (1988): Broiler performance under high
stocking densities. British Poultry Science, 29: 43-52.
- 19. Skrbic Z, Pavlovski Z, Lukic M (2007): Body mass and dynamics
of growth of broiler chickens of different genotype
in improved rearing conditions. 2nd International Congress
on Animal Husbandry “New Perspectives and Challenges
of Sustainable Livestock Farming”, Belgrade, October 3-5.
Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry, 23(5-6): 347-357.
- 20. Skrbic Z, Pavlovski Z, Lukic M, Peric L, Milosevic N (2009): The
effect of stocking density on certain broiler welfare parameters.
Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry, 25: 11-21.
- 21. Spindler B, Hartung J (2011): Prevalence of pododermatitis
in broiler chickens kept according to directive 2007/43/EC
stocking densities, Proceedings of the XVth International
Congress of the International Society for Animal Hygiene,
3-7 July 2011, pp. 39-42, Australia, Vienna, ISBN 978-80-263-
- 22. SPSS (2013): Statistical package for the social sciences,
Release 22.0, SPSS Inc, Chicago, II, USA.
- 23. Petek M, Üstüner H, Yeşilbağ D (2014): Effects of stocking density
and litter type on litter quality and growth performance
of broiler chicken. Kafkas Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi
Dergisi, 20: 743-748.
- 24. Thomas DG, Ravindran V, Thomas DV, Camden BJ, Cottam
YH, Morel PCH, Cook CJ (2004): Influence of stocking density
on the performance, carcass characteristics and selected welfare
indicators of broiler chickens. New Zealand Veterinary
Journal, 52: 76-81.