Sıcak Stresi ve Termotolerans: Sığırlarda Moleküler Çalışmalar
Year 2019,
Volume: 59 Issue: Ek Sayı, 117 - 129, 04.06.2020
Özge Şebnem Çıldır
Özge Özmen
Küresel iklim değişikliği riski insan nüfusu, çevre kirliliği ve atmosferdeki sera gazları oranlarında görülen artış nedeniyle gün geçtikçe artmaktadır. Yüzey sıcaklığında 2100’lerin sonunda yaklaşık 1,8 ile 4,8°C aralığında artış beklenmektedir. Ilıman iklimlerde yaşamakta olan sığırlar gelecekte artan sıcaklıklarla ve dolayısıyla da sıcak stresi ile karşı karşıya kalacaklardır. Sıcak etkisi ile ortaya çıkan stres yanıtları aynı zamanda verim kaybıyla sonuçlanmaktadır. Yüksek sıcaklık ve nem seviyeleri verim özelliklerini olumsuz yönde etkilemektedir. Tüm bu gerekçeler sıcak stresi ve termotolerans ile ilişkili moleküler çalışmaların gerekliliğini gözler önüne sermektedir. Bilim insanları genom boyu ilişkilendirme çalışması (GWAS), gen ifadesi, polimorfizm ve mikroRNA çalışmaları gibi birçok farklı yaklaşım ile sıcak stresini ve termotoleransın moleküler mekanizmalarını araştırmışlardır. Bu derlemede sıcak stresi ve zararlı etkileri tanımlanmış, sığırlar üzerinde yapılmış moleküler çalışmalar ise tek bir yayın altında toplanmaya çalışılmıştır.
- 1. Adamowicz T, Pers E, Lechniak D (2005): A New SNP in the
3’-UTR of the hsp 70-1 Gene in Bos taurus and Bos indicus.
Biochemical Genetics 43 (11-12): 623-627.
- 2. Aggarwal P, Vyas S, Thornton P, Campbell BM (2019): How
much does climate change add to the challenge of feeding
the planet this century? Environ Res Lett 14: 043001.
- 3. Ahmed BMS, Younas U, Asar TO, Dikmen S, Hansen PJ, Dahl GE
(2017): Cows exposed to heat stress during fetal life exhibit
improved thermal tolerance. Journal of Animal Science 95:
- 4. Archana PR, Aleena J, Pragna P, Vidya MK, Abdul Niyas PA,
Bagath M, Krishnan G, Manimaran A, Beena V, Kurien EK,
Sejian V, Bhatta R (2017): Role of Heat Shock Proteins in
Livestock Adaptation to Heat Stress. J Dairy Vet Anim Res
5(1): 00127. DOI: 10.15406/jdvar.2017.05.00127
- 5. Badri TM, Chen KL, Alsiddik MA, Li L, Cai Y, Wang GL (2018):
Genetic polymorphism in Hsp90AA1 gene is associated with
the thermotolerance in Chinese Holstein cows. Cell Stress
and Chaperones 23: 639-651.
- 6. Bahbahani H, Clifford H, Wragg D, Mbole-Kariuki MN, Van
Tassel C, Sonstegard T, Woolhouse M, Hanotte O (2015):
Signatures of positive selection in East African Shorthorn
Zebu: A genome-wide single nucleotide polymorphism
analysis. Scientific Reports 5: 11729.
- 7. Basiricò L, Morera P, Primi V, Lacetera N, Nardone A, Bernabucci
U (2011): Cellular thermotolerance is associated with heat
shock protein 70.1 genetic polymorphisms in Holstein lactating
cows. Cell Stress and Chaperones 16: 441- 448.
- 8. Bharati J, Dangi SS, Chouhan VS, Mishra SR, Bharti MK, Verma
V, Shankar O, Yadav VP, Das K, Paul A, Bag S, Maurya VP, Singh
G, Kumar P, Sarkar M (2017): Expression dynamics of HSP70
during chronic heat stress in Tharparkar cattle. International
Journal of Biometeorology 61 (6): 1017-1027.
- 9. Bhat S, Kumar P, Kashyap N, Deshmukh B, Dige MS, Bhushan
B, Chauhan A, Kumar A, Singh G (2016): Effect of heat shock
protein 70 polymorphism on thermotolerance in Tharparkar
cattle. Veterinary World 9 (2): 113-117.
- 10. Cai Y, Liu Q, Xing G, Zhou L, Yang Y, Zhang L, Li J, Wang G
(2005): Polymorphism of the Promoter Region of Hsp70 Gene
and Its Relationship with the Expression of HSP70mRNA,
HSF1mRNA, Bcl-2mrna and Bax-AMrna in Lymphocytes
in Peripheral Blood of Heat Shocked Dairy Cows. Asian-
Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences 18 (5): 734-740.
- 11. Casasús I, Rogošić J, Rosati A, Štoković I, Gabiña D (2012):
Animal farming and environmental interactions in the
Mediterrenean region, Wageningen Academic Publishers,
The Netherlands, pp. 77; 232.
- 12. Chang M, He L, Cai L (2018): An Overview of Genome-
Wide Association Studies. In: Huang T (eds) Computational
Systems Biology. Methods in Molecular Biology, vol 1754.
Humana Press, New York, USA.
- 13. Charoensook R, Gatphayak K, Sharifi AR, Chaisongkram
C, Brenig B, Knorr C (2012): Polymorphisms in the bovine
HSP90AB1 gene are associated with heat tolerance in Thai
indigenous cattle. Tropical Animal Health and Production 44:
- 14. Cheng Y, Liu S, Zhang Y, Su D, Wang G, Lv C, Zhang Y, Yu
H, Hao L, Zhang J (2016): The effect of heat stress on bull
sperm quality and related HSPs expression. Animal Biology
66: 321-333.
- 15. Collier RJ, Stiening CM, Pollard BC, VanBaale MJ, Baumgard
LH, Gentry PC, Coussens PM (2006): Use of gene expression
microarrays for evaluating environmental stress tolerance at
the cellular level in cattle. Journal of Animal Science 84 (E
Suppl.): E1-E13.
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Year 2019,
Volume: 59 Issue: Ek Sayı, 117 - 129, 04.06.2020
Özge Şebnem Çıldır
Özge Özmen
- 1. Adamowicz T, Pers E, Lechniak D (2005): A New SNP in the
3’-UTR of the hsp 70-1 Gene in Bos taurus and Bos indicus.
Biochemical Genetics 43 (11-12): 623-627.
- 2. Aggarwal P, Vyas S, Thornton P, Campbell BM (2019): How
much does climate change add to the challenge of feeding
the planet this century? Environ Res Lett 14: 043001.
- 3. Ahmed BMS, Younas U, Asar TO, Dikmen S, Hansen PJ, Dahl GE
(2017): Cows exposed to heat stress during fetal life exhibit
improved thermal tolerance. Journal of Animal Science 95:
- 4. Archana PR, Aleena J, Pragna P, Vidya MK, Abdul Niyas PA,
Bagath M, Krishnan G, Manimaran A, Beena V, Kurien EK,
Sejian V, Bhatta R (2017): Role of Heat Shock Proteins in
Livestock Adaptation to Heat Stress. J Dairy Vet Anim Res
5(1): 00127. DOI: 10.15406/jdvar.2017.05.00127
- 5. Badri TM, Chen KL, Alsiddik MA, Li L, Cai Y, Wang GL (2018):
Genetic polymorphism in Hsp90AA1 gene is associated with
the thermotolerance in Chinese Holstein cows. Cell Stress
and Chaperones 23: 639-651.
- 6. Bahbahani H, Clifford H, Wragg D, Mbole-Kariuki MN, Van
Tassel C, Sonstegard T, Woolhouse M, Hanotte O (2015):
Signatures of positive selection in East African Shorthorn
Zebu: A genome-wide single nucleotide polymorphism
analysis. Scientific Reports 5: 11729.
- 7. Basiricò L, Morera P, Primi V, Lacetera N, Nardone A, Bernabucci
U (2011): Cellular thermotolerance is associated with heat
shock protein 70.1 genetic polymorphisms in Holstein lactating
cows. Cell Stress and Chaperones 16: 441- 448.
- 8. Bharati J, Dangi SS, Chouhan VS, Mishra SR, Bharti MK, Verma
V, Shankar O, Yadav VP, Das K, Paul A, Bag S, Maurya VP, Singh
G, Kumar P, Sarkar M (2017): Expression dynamics of HSP70
during chronic heat stress in Tharparkar cattle. International
Journal of Biometeorology 61 (6): 1017-1027.
- 9. Bhat S, Kumar P, Kashyap N, Deshmukh B, Dige MS, Bhushan
B, Chauhan A, Kumar A, Singh G (2016): Effect of heat shock
protein 70 polymorphism on thermotolerance in Tharparkar
cattle. Veterinary World 9 (2): 113-117.
- 10. Cai Y, Liu Q, Xing G, Zhou L, Yang Y, Zhang L, Li J, Wang G
(2005): Polymorphism of the Promoter Region of Hsp70 Gene
and Its Relationship with the Expression of HSP70mRNA,
HSF1mRNA, Bcl-2mrna and Bax-AMrna in Lymphocytes
in Peripheral Blood of Heat Shocked Dairy Cows. Asian-
Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences 18 (5): 734-740.
- 11. Casasús I, Rogošić J, Rosati A, Štoković I, Gabiña D (2012):
Animal farming and environmental interactions in the
Mediterrenean region, Wageningen Academic Publishers,
The Netherlands, pp. 77; 232.
- 12. Chang M, He L, Cai L (2018): An Overview of Genome-
Wide Association Studies. In: Huang T (eds) Computational
Systems Biology. Methods in Molecular Biology, vol 1754.
Humana Press, New York, USA.
- 13. Charoensook R, Gatphayak K, Sharifi AR, Chaisongkram
C, Brenig B, Knorr C (2012): Polymorphisms in the bovine
HSP90AB1 gene are associated with heat tolerance in Thai
indigenous cattle. Tropical Animal Health and Production 44:
- 14. Cheng Y, Liu S, Zhang Y, Su D, Wang G, Lv C, Zhang Y, Yu
H, Hao L, Zhang J (2016): The effect of heat stress on bull
sperm quality and related HSPs expression. Animal Biology
66: 321-333.
- 15. Collier RJ, Stiening CM, Pollard BC, VanBaale MJ, Baumgard
LH, Gentry PC, Coussens PM (2006): Use of gene expression
microarrays for evaluating environmental stress tolerance at
the cellular level in cattle. Journal of Animal Science 84 (E
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