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An Overview on Traditional and Electronic Word of Mouth Communication (WOM)

Year 2018, Volume: 2 Issue: 1, 16 - 26, 18.01.2018


WOM is an informal communication way occurring between consumers about a
product, a service or an organization in order to pass their opinion, mostly their
delight or dissatisfaction through other people. Customers of some special
categories of products and especially services feel obligatory to apply WOM to
be wised during pre-purchase period. As WOM importance has been increasing and
it has been becoming a critical issue affecting performance of organizations,
different studies took their place in the literature .Technological
developments boosted the means of WOM communications and introduced online WOM,
making it keep its actuality. Although the definition of WOM is quite simple,
unfortunately its context does no.  Roles
of  WOM parties such as sender and
receiver, power and retention of the transmitted message, how it affects
costumer purchasing process ,how a negative WOM could be transformed to a
second chance to augment consumer satisfaction and to improve the quality of
the product.

The aim of this study is to overview different topics that have been already
observed related to both traditional and online WOM communications and to
consolidate the key, critical and actual belonging issues. Finally, subjects
for the future WOM researches will be suggested.


  • Allsop, D.T., Bassett, B.R. and Hoskins, J.A. (2007). Word-OF-Mouth Research:Principles and Applications. Journal of Advertising Research, December, 398-411.
  • Asuğman,G. (2000). An Integrative Model of Word-Of-Mouth Communications. Boğaziçi Journal, 14 (2), 35-50.
  • Bickart, B. and Schindler, R. M. (2001). Internet Forums as Influential Sources of Consumer Information. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 15, 31-40.
  • Brown, J., Broderic, A.J. and Lee, N. (2007). Word of Mouth Communication Within Online Communities:Conceptualizing The Online Social Network. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 21 (3), 2-20.
  • Brown, J. and Reingen, P.H. (1987). Social Ties and Word-of-Mouth Referral Behavior. Journal of Consumer Research, 14 (3), 350-362.
  • Buttle, F.A. (1998). Word of Mouth:Understanding and Managing Referral Marketing. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 6, 241-254.
  • Christiansen, T. and Tax, S.S. (2000). Measuring Word Of Mouth:The Question of Who and When?, Journal of Marketing Communication, 6, 185-199.
  • Duhan, D.F., Johnson, S.D., Wilcox, J.B. and Harrell, G.D. (1997). Influnces on Consumer Use of Word-of-Mouth Recommendation Sources. Academy of Marketing Science Journal , 25 (4), 283-295.
  • Ennew, C.T., Banarjee, A.K. and Li, D. (2000). Managing Word of Mouth Communication: Empirical Evidence From India. The International Journal of Bank Marketing, 18 (2), 75-84.
  • Feick, L.F. and Price, L.L. (1987). The Market Maven:A Diffuser of Marketplace Information Journal of Marketing, 51 (1), 83-97.
  • Godes, D. and Mayzlin,D. (2003). Using Online Conversation to Study Word of Mouth Communication. Stanford Institute for Theoretical Economics Summer Conference.
  • Gremler, D.D., Gwinner, K.P. and Brown,S.W. (2001). Generating Positive Word-of-Mouth Communication Through Customer-Employee Relationships. International Journal of Service Industry Management, 12 (1), 44-50.
  • Grewal, R, Cline,T.W. and Davies, A. (2001). Early-Entrant Advantage, Word-of-Mouth Communication, Brand Similarity and Consumer Decision-Making Process.
  • Halstead, D. (2002). Negative Word of Mouth:Substitute For Supplemet To Consumer Complaints?, Journal of Consumer Satisfaction,Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior, 15, 1-12. Harrison-Walker,J.L. (2001a). E-Complaining:A Content Analysis of An Internet Complaint Forum. Journal of Services Marketing, 15 (5), 397-412.
  • Harrison-Walker, J.L. (2001b). The Measurementn of Word-of-Mouth Communication and An Investigation of Service Quality and Customer Commitment as Potential Antecedents. Journal of Service Research, 4 (1), 60-76.
  • Haywood, K.M. (1989). Managing Word of Mouth Communications. The Journal of Services Marketing, 3 (2), 55-67.
  • Hennig-Thurau, T., Gwinner, K.P., Walsh,G. and Gremler, D.D .(2004). Electronic Word- of-Mouth via Consumer-Opinion Platforms: What Motivates ConsumersTo Articulate Themselves On The Internet?, Journal of Interactive Marketing, 18 (1), 38-52.
  • Herr, P.M., Kardes, F.R. and Kim J. (1991). Effects of Word-of-Mouth and Product-Attribute Information on Persuasion: An Accessibility-Diagnosticity Perspective. Journal of Consumer Research,17 (4), 454-462.
  • Murray, K.B. (1991). A Test of Services Marketing Theory: Consumer Information Acquisition Activities. Journal of Marketing, 55 (1), 10-25.
  • Phelps,J.E., Lewis,R., Mobilio,L., Perry,D. and Raman,N .(2004). Viral Marketing or Electronic Word-of –Mouth Advertising:Examining Consumer Responses and Motivations to Pass Along Email. Journal of Advertising Research, December, 333-341.
  • Ranaweera ,C. and Prabhu, J. (2003). On The Relative Importance of Customer Satisfaction and Trust As Determinants of Customer Retention and Positive Word-of-Mouth. Journal of Targeting,Measurement and Analysis for Marketing, 12, 82-90.
  • Sun,T., Youn, S., Wu,G. and Kuntaraporn,M. (2006). Online Word-of-Mouth(or Mouse):An Exploration of Its Antecedents and Consequences. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 11 (4), Article 11.
  • Trusov,M., Bucklin,R.E. and Pauwels,K. (2009). Effects of Word-of-Mouth Versus Traditional Marketing:Findings from an Internet Social Networking Site. Journal of Marketing, 73, 90-102.
  • Uray,N., Burnaz,Ş.and Eldas,Ö (2007). Content Analysisi of Web Site as the Communication Medium: Does the Culture Matter?, The 16th World Business Congress(IMDA), July 4-8, Maastrich,Netherlands.

Geleneksel ve Elektronik Ağızdan Ağıza İletişim Yöntemlerine Genel Bir Bakış

Year 2018, Volume: 2 Issue: 1, 16 - 26, 18.01.2018


Ağızdan ağıza iletişim (WOM-word of mouth); tüketicilerin, bir ürün, hizmet veya kurumla
ilgili çoğunlukla memnun kalmadıkları veya beğendikleri hususları diğer kişilere iletmek üzere
kullandıkları resmi olmayan bir iletişim yoludur.

Bazı özel ürün kategorilerinde ve özellikle de hizmet sektöründe, müşterilerin satın alım öncesi
WOM’dan etkilenip karar verdikleri düşünülmektedir. Globalleşen ve gelişen iletişim teknolojileri
neticesinde WOM’un gittikçe artan önemi ve kurumların performansını etkileyen kritik bir konu
haline gelmesine bağlı olarak, bu konuda literatürde farklı çalışmalara yer verilmiştir. Teknolojik
gelişmeler, WOM iletişim mecralarını artırmış ve elektronik WOM(e-WOM) geliştirilerek, önemi
bir kez daha ortaya konmuştur. WOM’un oldukça basit olan tanımının aksine içeriği önemlidir.
WOM’u gönderen ve alan tara arının rolü, iletilen mesajın gücü ve akılda tutulma süresi,
müşterinin satın alma sürecini nasıl etkilediği, olumsuz bir WOM’un tüketicinin memnuniyetini
artırmak ve ürünün kalitesini iyileştirmek için ikinci bir şans olarak değerlendirilmesi gerektiği
hususları dahil olmak üzere, bu çalışmanın amacı hem geleneksel hem de elektronik WOM/e-WOM
ile ilgili olarak gözlemlenen farklı konuları gözden geçirmek ve anahtar, kritik ve güncel konularını
pekiştirmektir. Son bölümde de gelecekteki WOM araştırmaları için önerilerde bulunulacaktır. 


  • Allsop, D.T., Bassett, B.R. and Hoskins, J.A. (2007). Word-OF-Mouth Research:Principles and Applications. Journal of Advertising Research, December, 398-411.
  • Asuğman,G. (2000). An Integrative Model of Word-Of-Mouth Communications. Boğaziçi Journal, 14 (2), 35-50.
  • Bickart, B. and Schindler, R. M. (2001). Internet Forums as Influential Sources of Consumer Information. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 15, 31-40.
  • Brown, J., Broderic, A.J. and Lee, N. (2007). Word of Mouth Communication Within Online Communities:Conceptualizing The Online Social Network. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 21 (3), 2-20.
  • Brown, J. and Reingen, P.H. (1987). Social Ties and Word-of-Mouth Referral Behavior. Journal of Consumer Research, 14 (3), 350-362.
  • Buttle, F.A. (1998). Word of Mouth:Understanding and Managing Referral Marketing. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 6, 241-254.
  • Christiansen, T. and Tax, S.S. (2000). Measuring Word Of Mouth:The Question of Who and When?, Journal of Marketing Communication, 6, 185-199.
  • Duhan, D.F., Johnson, S.D., Wilcox, J.B. and Harrell, G.D. (1997). Influnces on Consumer Use of Word-of-Mouth Recommendation Sources. Academy of Marketing Science Journal , 25 (4), 283-295.
  • Ennew, C.T., Banarjee, A.K. and Li, D. (2000). Managing Word of Mouth Communication: Empirical Evidence From India. The International Journal of Bank Marketing, 18 (2), 75-84.
  • Feick, L.F. and Price, L.L. (1987). The Market Maven:A Diffuser of Marketplace Information Journal of Marketing, 51 (1), 83-97.
  • Godes, D. and Mayzlin,D. (2003). Using Online Conversation to Study Word of Mouth Communication. Stanford Institute for Theoretical Economics Summer Conference.
  • Gremler, D.D., Gwinner, K.P. and Brown,S.W. (2001). Generating Positive Word-of-Mouth Communication Through Customer-Employee Relationships. International Journal of Service Industry Management, 12 (1), 44-50.
  • Grewal, R, Cline,T.W. and Davies, A. (2001). Early-Entrant Advantage, Word-of-Mouth Communication, Brand Similarity and Consumer Decision-Making Process.
  • Halstead, D. (2002). Negative Word of Mouth:Substitute For Supplemet To Consumer Complaints?, Journal of Consumer Satisfaction,Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior, 15, 1-12. Harrison-Walker,J.L. (2001a). E-Complaining:A Content Analysis of An Internet Complaint Forum. Journal of Services Marketing, 15 (5), 397-412.
  • Harrison-Walker, J.L. (2001b). The Measurementn of Word-of-Mouth Communication and An Investigation of Service Quality and Customer Commitment as Potential Antecedents. Journal of Service Research, 4 (1), 60-76.
  • Haywood, K.M. (1989). Managing Word of Mouth Communications. The Journal of Services Marketing, 3 (2), 55-67.
  • Hennig-Thurau, T., Gwinner, K.P., Walsh,G. and Gremler, D.D .(2004). Electronic Word- of-Mouth via Consumer-Opinion Platforms: What Motivates ConsumersTo Articulate Themselves On The Internet?, Journal of Interactive Marketing, 18 (1), 38-52.
  • Herr, P.M., Kardes, F.R. and Kim J. (1991). Effects of Word-of-Mouth and Product-Attribute Information on Persuasion: An Accessibility-Diagnosticity Perspective. Journal of Consumer Research,17 (4), 454-462.
  • Murray, K.B. (1991). A Test of Services Marketing Theory: Consumer Information Acquisition Activities. Journal of Marketing, 55 (1), 10-25.
  • Phelps,J.E., Lewis,R., Mobilio,L., Perry,D. and Raman,N .(2004). Viral Marketing or Electronic Word-of –Mouth Advertising:Examining Consumer Responses and Motivations to Pass Along Email. Journal of Advertising Research, December, 333-341.
  • Ranaweera ,C. and Prabhu, J. (2003). On The Relative Importance of Customer Satisfaction and Trust As Determinants of Customer Retention and Positive Word-of-Mouth. Journal of Targeting,Measurement and Analysis for Marketing, 12, 82-90.
  • Sun,T., Youn, S., Wu,G. and Kuntaraporn,M. (2006). Online Word-of-Mouth(or Mouse):An Exploration of Its Antecedents and Consequences. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 11 (4), Article 11.
  • Trusov,M., Bucklin,R.E. and Pauwels,K. (2009). Effects of Word-of-Mouth Versus Traditional Marketing:Findings from an Internet Social Networking Site. Journal of Marketing, 73, 90-102.
  • Uray,N., Burnaz,Ş.and Eldas,Ö (2007). Content Analysisi of Web Site as the Communication Medium: Does the Culture Matter?, The 16th World Business Congress(IMDA), July 4-8, Maastrich,Netherlands.
There are 24 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Articles

Esra Demirbaş

Publication Date January 18, 2018
Submission Date December 15, 2017
Acceptance Date January 3, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 2 Issue: 1


APA Demirbaş, E. (2018). An Overview on Traditional and Electronic Word of Mouth Communication (WOM). Lectio Socialis, 2(1), 16-26.

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