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2003 Sonrası Irak'ta Etnisite Temelli İstikrarsızlık

Year 2020, Volume: 4 Issue: 2, 113 - 124, 14.07.2020


Soğuk Savaş’tan sonra, etnik
çeşitlilik daha önemli hale gelmiştir. İç çatışmaların etnik çeşitlilik ve
ülkelerin siyasi istikrarı üzerindeki etkisi göz önüne alındığında birçok
kanaat önderi tarafından etnik çeşitlilik olgusuna özel bir önem atfedilmiştir.
Irak da kültürel, dilbilimsel, dini ve ulusal farklılaşmanın doğası
çerçevesinde etnik çeşitlilik ile şekillendirilmiş bu ülkeler arasında yer
almaktadır. Irak, 2003'ten önce tek bir parti yönetimi altındaydı. Etnik köken,
politik yaşamda hiçbir rol oynamıyordu. Oysa yeni Irak Anayasası siyaset
hayatında etnik topluluklara daha fazla rol vermiştir. Bu çalışmada Irak'taki
etnik çeşitliliğin 2003 sonrası siyasi ortamda yapıcı bir rol oynaması için
nasıl yönetilmesi gerektiği ele alınmıştır. Araştırmada etnik köken
çeşitliliğine yapılan vurguyla Irak'taki siyasi istikrarsızlık arasındaki
ilişki ortaya koyulmuştur.


  • Al-Douri, H. M. A., (2013). “alhwyh alwtnyh mqabl alhwyh alfr'eyh”, Iraq, University of Babylon, Journal of the Faculty of Foundational Education for Educational and Human Sciences. (14), pp. 297-309.
  • Al-Sarhan, H. A. D. (2015) “athr 'edm alastqrar alsyasy 'ela m'eshrat altnmyh albshryh fy al'eraq b'ed 'eam 2003”, Iraq: University of Karbala, Center for Strategic Studies, Journal of Ahl Al - Bayt Peace Be Upon Them, 1(18), pp. 16-44.
  • Al-Tabib, M. Z., (2007). “'elm alajtma'e alsyasy”, 1st ed. Libya- Zawya: University of the seventh of April.
  • Atwan, K. A., (2007). “mstqbl dwr al'eraq alsyasy alaqlymy”, Iraq: University of Baghdad, Journal of International Studies / published by the Center for Strategic and International Studies, (33), pp. 147-176.
  • Baghdadi, A. S. I., (1993). “alwhdh alwtnyh wmshklt alaqlyat fy afryqya”, 2nd ed. Beirut- Lebanon: series of doctoral theses, (Center for Arab Unity Studies). Available at:
  • Batatu, H., (1990). “al'eraq: altbqat alajtma'eyh walhrkat althwryh mn al'ehd al'ethmany hta qyam althwrh”, Part I. 1st ed. Beirut-Lebanon, Arab Research Foundation, Translation by Afif Razzaz.
  • Benneoui, H., (2015). “tathyr alaqlyat 'ela astqrar alnzm alsyasyh fy alshrq alawst”, 1st ed. Alexandria: Al-Wafa Legal Library.
  • Crawford, B. and Lipschutz, R. D. (1998) The Myth of “Ethnic Conflict”: Politics, Economics, and Cultural Violence, Research Series, uciaspubs/research/98. the United States of America: University of California, California Digital Labrary. doi: 10.2307/2586458.
  • Dawood, A. F. J., (2014). “'edm alastqrar alajtma'ey fy al'eraq ma b'ed 2003 drasat thlylyh fy althdyat alajtma'eyh walafq almstqblyh”, Iraq: Mustansiriyah University, Political and International Journal, (25), pp. 182-203.
  • Dobbins, J. et al. (2009) Occupying Iraq: A history of the Coalition Provisional Authority. Rand Corporation, pp. iii-xii. Available at:
  • Hafez, T. H., (2009). “al'enf alsyasy fy al'eraq”, Iraq: University of Baghdad, Journal of International Studies / published by the Center for Strategic and International Studies. (41), pp. 95-123.
  • Hassan, H. A. R., (1996). “al'eskrywn walhkm fy afryqya: drasat fy tby'et al'elaqat almdnyh al'eskryh”, 1st ed. Cairo: Center for African Future Studies.
  • Huntington, S. P. (2004). Who are we? The challenges to America's national identity. London: Simon and Schuster.
  • Imam, A. I., (1994). “altaghyh: drasat flsfsyh lswr mn alastbdad alsyasy,” 3 rd ed., Kuwait: World of Knowledge: A series of cultural books published monthly by the National Council for Culture, Arts and Literature.
  • Constitution of Iraq (2005). ‘The Constitution of Iraq of the Year 2005’, Available at:
  • Issawi, I., (2000). “altnmyh fy 'ealm mtghyr: drasat fy mfhwm altnmyh wm'eshratha”. 1st ed., Cairo: Dar Al-Shorouk.
  • Jassim, F., (2013). “alta'efyh wanhyar aldwlh al'eraqyh alhdythh”, Iraq, Journal of Al-Hewar Al-Mutamadin, (4270), pp. 1-5. Available at: (Accessed: 21 May 2019).
  • Khazraji, T. K. M., (2004). “alnzm alsyasyh alhdythh walsyasat al'eamh”, 1st ed., Amman-Jordan: Dar Majdalawi Pub. & Dis.
  • Konuralp, E . (2018). Kimliğin Etni ve Ulus Arasında Salınımı: Çokkültürcülük mü Yeniden Kabilecilik mi?. Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, 13 (2), 133-146 . DOI: 10.17153/oguiibf.400350
  • Mahdi, H. S., (2009). “drash fy mfhwm alhwyh”, Iraq: University of Mosul, Regional Studies, 5 (13), pp. 475-493.
  • Mohammed, A. J., (2013). “ashkalyt alhwyh fy almjtm'e al'eraqy”, Iraq, University of Al-Qadisiyah, Al-Qadisiyah for Human Sciences, 16(2), pp. 175-193.
  • Mohammed, H. A., (2012). “ashkalyt alhwyh alwtnyh al'eraqyh”, Iraq: University of Baghdad, International Studies, (53), pp. 1-20.
  • Naji, E. M. A., (2008). “mfhwm 'edm alastqrar alsyasy fy aldwlh”, Iraq, Journal of Al-Hewar Al-Mutamadin, (2189), pp. 1-6. Available at: 0 (Accessed: 20 May 2019).
  • Odeh, F. J., (2013). “alt'eddyh alhzbyh wzahrt 'edm alastqrar alsyasy: drast halt al'eraq b'ed 'eam 2003”, Iraq: Al-Nahrain University, Political Science, pp. 1-58.
  • Rapeli, L. and Schoultz, Å. von (2015) ‘Citizen Competence and Different Conceptions of Democracy’, ECPR Joint Sessions, Warsaw, pp. 1-18.
  • Salehi, A., (2015-2016). “eshkalyt altnmyh alsyasyh fy msr b'ed ynayr 2011”, Algeria: Université Oum El Bouaghi, Faculty of Law and Political Science, pp. 2-98.
  • Salloum, S., (2015). “alaqlyat fy al'eraq: aldakrh-alhwyh-althdyat”, 1st ed., Beirut-Lebanon: Dar Al-Rafidain for printing, pub. & dis.
  • Shattib, M. S., (2013). “athr althwl aldymqraty 'ela alastqrar alsyasy fy aldwl al'erbyh”, Iraq, University of Mosul, Regional Studies, 9(30), pp. 301-327.
  • TAL. (2004). Iraq: Law of 2004 of Administration for the State of Iraq for the Transitional Period. Retrieved from
  • Thompson, M., Wildavsky, A. and Ellis, R., (2010). “nzryt althqafh”, Edited by Farouk Zaki Younes, translated by Ali Said El Sawy. Kuwait: World of Knowledge: A series of cultural books published monthly by the National Council for Culture, Arts and Literature.
  • Zangana, A. Q. A., (2014). “alhwyh alwtnyh fy aldwlh al'eraqyh almwhdh: drash thlylyh tarykhyh fy aldstwr almlky waldsatyr al'eraqyh alm'eqth”, Iraq: University of Kirkuk, Journal of Kirkuk University for Human Studies. 9 (2), pp. 94-138.

Ethnicity-Based Political Instability in Iraq After 2003

Year 2020, Volume: 4 Issue: 2, 113 - 124, 14.07.2020


Ethnic diversity is a global phenomenon that has become more critical after the Cold War and has been given particular importance by many scholars due to its extreme sensitivity in terms of internal conflicts and its effect on the political stability in a country. From this perspective, Iraq is a country characterized by ethnic diversity reflected by cultural, linguistic, religious, and national differentiation. Iraq was under the one-party rule before 2003, and the ethnic groups did not have any role in political life. In contrast, the new constitution gave more privileges to the ethnic communities. This article discussed the issue of ethnicity diversity in Iraq with reference to the political situation after the US invasion in 2003. The relationship between ethnic diversity and national identity is analyzed with particular emphasis on how ethnics diversity is be managed to ensure a decisive role in Iraq’s political life in Iraq. This article concluded that ethnic diversity is not governed healthily and thus, contributed to the political instability in Iraq. 


  • Al-Douri, H. M. A., (2013). “alhwyh alwtnyh mqabl alhwyh alfr'eyh”, Iraq, University of Babylon, Journal of the Faculty of Foundational Education for Educational and Human Sciences. (14), pp. 297-309.
  • Al-Sarhan, H. A. D. (2015) “athr 'edm alastqrar alsyasy 'ela m'eshrat altnmyh albshryh fy al'eraq b'ed 'eam 2003”, Iraq: University of Karbala, Center for Strategic Studies, Journal of Ahl Al - Bayt Peace Be Upon Them, 1(18), pp. 16-44.
  • Al-Tabib, M. Z., (2007). “'elm alajtma'e alsyasy”, 1st ed. Libya- Zawya: University of the seventh of April.
  • Atwan, K. A., (2007). “mstqbl dwr al'eraq alsyasy alaqlymy”, Iraq: University of Baghdad, Journal of International Studies / published by the Center for Strategic and International Studies, (33), pp. 147-176.
  • Baghdadi, A. S. I., (1993). “alwhdh alwtnyh wmshklt alaqlyat fy afryqya”, 2nd ed. Beirut- Lebanon: series of doctoral theses, (Center for Arab Unity Studies). Available at:
  • Batatu, H., (1990). “al'eraq: altbqat alajtma'eyh walhrkat althwryh mn al'ehd al'ethmany hta qyam althwrh”, Part I. 1st ed. Beirut-Lebanon, Arab Research Foundation, Translation by Afif Razzaz.
  • Benneoui, H., (2015). “tathyr alaqlyat 'ela astqrar alnzm alsyasyh fy alshrq alawst”, 1st ed. Alexandria: Al-Wafa Legal Library.
  • Crawford, B. and Lipschutz, R. D. (1998) The Myth of “Ethnic Conflict”: Politics, Economics, and Cultural Violence, Research Series, uciaspubs/research/98. the United States of America: University of California, California Digital Labrary. doi: 10.2307/2586458.
  • Dawood, A. F. J., (2014). “'edm alastqrar alajtma'ey fy al'eraq ma b'ed 2003 drasat thlylyh fy althdyat alajtma'eyh walafq almstqblyh”, Iraq: Mustansiriyah University, Political and International Journal, (25), pp. 182-203.
  • Dobbins, J. et al. (2009) Occupying Iraq: A history of the Coalition Provisional Authority. Rand Corporation, pp. iii-xii. Available at:
  • Hafez, T. H., (2009). “al'enf alsyasy fy al'eraq”, Iraq: University of Baghdad, Journal of International Studies / published by the Center for Strategic and International Studies. (41), pp. 95-123.
  • Hassan, H. A. R., (1996). “al'eskrywn walhkm fy afryqya: drasat fy tby'et al'elaqat almdnyh al'eskryh”, 1st ed. Cairo: Center for African Future Studies.
  • Huntington, S. P. (2004). Who are we? The challenges to America's national identity. London: Simon and Schuster.
  • Imam, A. I., (1994). “altaghyh: drasat flsfsyh lswr mn alastbdad alsyasy,” 3 rd ed., Kuwait: World of Knowledge: A series of cultural books published monthly by the National Council for Culture, Arts and Literature.
  • Constitution of Iraq (2005). ‘The Constitution of Iraq of the Year 2005’, Available at:
  • Issawi, I., (2000). “altnmyh fy 'ealm mtghyr: drasat fy mfhwm altnmyh wm'eshratha”. 1st ed., Cairo: Dar Al-Shorouk.
  • Jassim, F., (2013). “alta'efyh wanhyar aldwlh al'eraqyh alhdythh”, Iraq, Journal of Al-Hewar Al-Mutamadin, (4270), pp. 1-5. Available at: (Accessed: 21 May 2019).
  • Khazraji, T. K. M., (2004). “alnzm alsyasyh alhdythh walsyasat al'eamh”, 1st ed., Amman-Jordan: Dar Majdalawi Pub. & Dis.
  • Konuralp, E . (2018). Kimliğin Etni ve Ulus Arasında Salınımı: Çokkültürcülük mü Yeniden Kabilecilik mi?. Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, 13 (2), 133-146 . DOI: 10.17153/oguiibf.400350
  • Mahdi, H. S., (2009). “drash fy mfhwm alhwyh”, Iraq: University of Mosul, Regional Studies, 5 (13), pp. 475-493.
  • Mohammed, A. J., (2013). “ashkalyt alhwyh fy almjtm'e al'eraqy”, Iraq, University of Al-Qadisiyah, Al-Qadisiyah for Human Sciences, 16(2), pp. 175-193.
  • Mohammed, H. A., (2012). “ashkalyt alhwyh alwtnyh al'eraqyh”, Iraq: University of Baghdad, International Studies, (53), pp. 1-20.
  • Naji, E. M. A., (2008). “mfhwm 'edm alastqrar alsyasy fy aldwlh”, Iraq, Journal of Al-Hewar Al-Mutamadin, (2189), pp. 1-6. Available at: 0 (Accessed: 20 May 2019).
  • Odeh, F. J., (2013). “alt'eddyh alhzbyh wzahrt 'edm alastqrar alsyasy: drast halt al'eraq b'ed 'eam 2003”, Iraq: Al-Nahrain University, Political Science, pp. 1-58.
  • Rapeli, L. and Schoultz, Å. von (2015) ‘Citizen Competence and Different Conceptions of Democracy’, ECPR Joint Sessions, Warsaw, pp. 1-18.
  • Salehi, A., (2015-2016). “eshkalyt altnmyh alsyasyh fy msr b'ed ynayr 2011”, Algeria: Université Oum El Bouaghi, Faculty of Law and Political Science, pp. 2-98.
  • Salloum, S., (2015). “alaqlyat fy al'eraq: aldakrh-alhwyh-althdyat”, 1st ed., Beirut-Lebanon: Dar Al-Rafidain for printing, pub. & dis.
  • Shattib, M. S., (2013). “athr althwl aldymqraty 'ela alastqrar alsyasy fy aldwl al'erbyh”, Iraq, University of Mosul, Regional Studies, 9(30), pp. 301-327.
  • TAL. (2004). Iraq: Law of 2004 of Administration for the State of Iraq for the Transitional Period. Retrieved from
  • Thompson, M., Wildavsky, A. and Ellis, R., (2010). “nzryt althqafh”, Edited by Farouk Zaki Younes, translated by Ali Said El Sawy. Kuwait: World of Knowledge: A series of cultural books published monthly by the National Council for Culture, Arts and Literature.
  • Zangana, A. Q. A., (2014). “alhwyh alwtnyh fy aldwlh al'eraqyh almwhdh: drash thlylyh tarykhyh fy aldstwr almlky waldsatyr al'eraqyh alm'eqth”, Iraq: University of Kirkuk, Journal of Kirkuk University for Human Studies. 9 (2), pp. 94-138.
There are 31 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Political Science
Journal Section Research Articles

Roxanne Shakor 0000-0002-6581-6866

Publication Date July 14, 2020
Submission Date March 23, 2020
Acceptance Date July 2, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 4 Issue: 2


APA Shakor, R. (2020). Ethnicity-Based Political Instability in Iraq After 2003. Lectio Socialis, 4(2), 113-124.

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