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Social Representations Theory in Peace Studies: Intergroup Differences and Contextual Effects

Year 2021, Volume: 26 Issue: 103, 37 - 60, 27.09.2021


Social representation theory is a social constructivist approach used as a tool to understand the nature, process, and consequences of peace, war, and conflict. Here, we examined studies related to peace, war, and conflict conducted within the framework of the theory of social representations by considering contextual effects. The findings of both qualitative and quantitative studies suggest that there are differences in the representations of peace and war based on gender and age. In addition, the contents of the representations of peace and war specific to historical, political, and cultural contexts differ according to social groups and nations and change as a result of the influences of periodic events. Nevertheless, it is also needed to note that the core of social representations has shown to be preserved to a great extent in the longitudinal studies examined, and there are changes in periphery elements depending on current social debates. In this
respect, although the representations of peace and war have features that have been passed down through generations in the historical process, they also exhibit a dynamic structure influenced by the conditions of the time.


  • Abric, J. C. (2001). A Structural Approach to Social Representations. İçinde K. Deaux, ve G. Philogene (Eds.), Representations of the Social: Bridging Theoretical Traditions, (ss. 42-47), Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.
  • Aktaş, Ö. (2014). Ortaöğretim Öğrencilerinin Savaş ve Barış Kavramına Yönelik Düşünceleri. Kalem Eğitim ve Sağlık Hizmetleri Vakfı, 65-124.
  • Bar-Tal, D. (1997). Formation and Change of Ethnic and National Stereotypes: An Integrative Model. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 21, 491–523.
  • Blumberg, H. H. (2006). Trends in Peace Psychology. İçinde H.H. Blumberg, A.P.Hare ve A. Costin (Eds.), Peace Psychology: A Comprehensive Introduction, (ss. 3-15), UK: Cambridge University Press.
  • Bobowik, M., Páez, D., Liu, J. H., Licata, L., Klein, O., & Basabe, N. (2014). Victorious Justifications and Criticism of Defeated: Involvement of Nations in World Wars, Social Development, Cultural Values, Social Representations Of War, and Willingness To Fight. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 43, 60-73.
  • Cabecinhas, R., Liu, J. H., Licata, L., Klein, O., Mendes, J., Feijó, J., & Niyubahwe, A. (2011). Hope in Africa? Social Representations of World History and The Future in Six African Countries. International Journal of Psychology, 46(5), 354-367.
  • Christie, D. J., Wagner, R.V., & Winter, D.N. (2001). Introduction to Peace Psychology. İçinde D.J. Christie, R.V.Wagner., ve D.N.Winter (Eds.), Peace, Conflict and Violence: Peace Psychology for the 21th Century, (ss.1-15), USA: Prentice-Hall. Cortright, D. (2008). Peace: A History of Movements and Ideas. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  • Covell, K., Rose-Krasnor, L., & Fletcher, K. (1994). Age Differences in Understanding Peace, War, and Conflict Resolution. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 17(4), 717-737.
  • Daniel, E., Fortuna, K., Thrun, S. K., Cioban, S., & Knafo, A. (2013). Brief Report: Early Adolescents' Value Development At War Time. Journal of Adolescence, 36(4), 651-655.
  • Doise, W. (1986). Levels of Explanation in Social Psychology, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
  • Elcheroth, G., Doise, W., & Reicher, S. (2011). On the Knowledge of Politics and the Politics of Knowledge: How A Social Representations Approach Helps Us Rethink The Subject of Political Psychology. Political Psychology, 32(5), 729-758.
  • Galtung, J. (1969). Violence, Peace and Peace Research. Journal of Peace Research, 6, 167-191.
  • Gibson, S. (2012). History in Action: The Construction of Historical Analogies in Televised Debates Concerning the Iraq War. Papers on Social Representations, 21, 1-35.
  • Hakvoort, I., & Oppenheimer, L. (1993). Children and Adolescents’ Conceptions of Peace, War and Strategies to Attain Peace: A Dutch Case Study. Journal of Peace Research, 30, 65-77.
  • Hanson‐Easey, S., & Moloney, G. (2009). Social Representations of Refugees: Place of Origin As A Delineating Resource. Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology, 19(6), 506- 514.
  • Höijer, B. (2011). Social Representation Theory, Nordicom Review, 32, 3–16.
  • Jost, J. T., & Ignatow, G. (2001). What We Do And Don't Know About The Functions Of Social Representations. İçinde K.Deaux, ve G. Philogene (Eds.), Representations of the Social: Bridging Theoretical Traditions, (ss. 190-198), Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.
  • Leone, G., & Sarrica, M. (2012). Challenging The Myth Of Italians As ‘Good Fellows’: Is Clarity About In-Group Crimes The Best Choice When Narrating A War To Its Perpetrators’ Descendants?. Papers on Social Representations, 21(2), 1-28.
  • Linden, N., Bizumic, B., Stubager, R., & Mellon, S. (2011). Social Representational Correlates Of Attitudes Toward Peace And War: A Cross-Cultural Analysis In The United States And Denmark. Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology, 17(3), 217-242.
  • Liu, J.H., & Sibley, C.G. (2009). Culture, Social Representations And Peace Making: A Symbolic Theory Of History And Identity. İçinde C.J. Montiel ve N.M. Noor(Eds.), Peace Psychology in Asia, (ss. 21-43), New York: Springer.
  • Macnair, R. M. (2015). Theories Underlying Research In Peace Psychology. İçinde D. Bretherton, ve S. F. Law (Eds.), Methodologies in Peace Psychology, (ss. 19-42), London: Springer Publications.
  • Montiel, C. J., Baquiano, M., & Inzon, C. M. (2013). Conflicting Group Meanings Of Territorial Rights In Central Mindanao: Muslim–Christian Social Representations Of Land Entitlement. Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology, 7(01), 1-11.
  • Montiel, C. J., de Guzman, J. M., & Macapagal, M. E. J. (2012). Fragmented Ethnopolitical Social Representations Of A Territorial Peace Agreement: The Mindanao Peace Talks. Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology, 6(02), 37-47.
  • Moscovici, S. (1981). On Social Representations. İçinde J. P. Forgas(Ed.), Social Cognition: Perspectives on Everyday Understanding, (ss.181-209), London: Academic Press.
  • Moscovici, S. (1984). The Phenomenon Of Social Representations. İçinde R. M. Farr, ve S. Moscovici (Eds.), Representations, (ss. 3-69), Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
  • Moscovici, S. (1988). Notes Towards A Description Of Social Representations. European Journal of Social Psychology, 18, 211-250.
  • Moscovici, S.(2001). Social Representations: Explorations in Social Psychology. New York: New York University Press.
  • Noyanzina, O., Maximova, S., Goncharova, N., Omelchenko, D., & Avdeeva, G. (2015).Interethnic Generalizations And Stereotypes In Mental Representations Of İmage Of ‘The Other’ In Social Representations Of Russian Population. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 185, 179-184.
  • Orr, E., Sagi, S., & Bar-On, D. (2000). Social Representations In Use: Israeli And Palestinian High School Students’ Collective Coping And Defense, Papers on Social Representations, 9, 1-20.
  • Paez, D., Liu, J. H., Techio, E., Slawuta, P., Zlobina, A., & Cabecinhas, R. (2008). “Remembering” World War II And Willingness To Fight Sociocultural Factors In The Social Representation Of Historical Warfare Across 22 Societies, Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 39(4), 373-380.
  • Philogene, G., & Deaux, A. (2001). Introduction. İçinde K. Deaux, ve G. Philogene (Eds.), Representations of the Social: Bridging Theoretical Traditions, (ss. 3-7), Oxford: Blackwell Publications.
  • Psaltis, C. (2016). Collective Memory, Social Representations Of İntercommunal Relations, And Conflict Transformation In Divided Cyprus. Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology, 22(1), 1-9.
  • Ryan, J. F., & Hewer, C. J. (2016). What Did We Do To Germany During The Second World War? A British Perspective On The Allied Strategic Bombing Campaign 1940-45. Papers on Social Representations, 25(1), 1-28.
  • Sarrica, M. (2007). War And Peace As Social Representations: Cues Of Structural Stability. Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology, 13(3), 251-272.
  • Sarrica, M., & Contarello, A. (2004). Peace, War And Conflict: Social Representations Shared By Peace Activists And Non-Activists. Journal of Peace Research, 41(5), 549-568.
  • Sarrica, M., & Wachelke, J. (2010). Peace And War As Social Representations: A Structural Exploration With Italian Adolescents. Universitas Psychologica, 9(2), 315-330.
  • Souza, L. K., Sperb, T. M., McCarthy, S., & Biaggio, A. M. (2006). Brazilian Children's Conceptions Of Peace, War, And Violence. Peace and Conflict, 12(1), 49-63.
  • Wagner,W., Valencia, J., & Elejabarrieta, F. (1996). Relevance, Discourse And The “Hot” Stable Core Of Social Representations. British Journal of Social Psychology, 35, 331–351.
  • Zamperini, A. O., Menegatto, M. U., Travaglino, G. A., & Nulman, E. U. (2012). Social Representations Of Protest And Police After The Genoa G8 Summit: A Qualitative Analysis Of Activist Accounts Of Events. Pap Soc Represent, 21, 1-30.

Barış Çalışmalarında Sosyal Temsiller Kuramı: Gruplararası Farklılıklar ve Bağlamsal Etkiler

Year 2021, Volume: 26 Issue: 103, 37 - 60, 27.09.2021


Sosyal inşacı yaklaşımlardan biri olan sosyal temsiller kuramı barış, savaş ve çatışmanın doğası, süreci ve sonuçlarının anlaşılmasına katkı sunmaktadır. Bu çalışmada sosyal temsiller kuramı çerçevesinde yürütülen barış, savaş ve çatışma ile ilişkili çalışmalar bağlamsal etkiler göz önünde bulundurarak incelenmiştir. Hem nitel hem de nicel araştırmaların bulgularının incelendiği bu çalışmada barış ve savaş temsillerinde cinsiyete ve yaşa göre ayrışmalar olduğu; aynı zamanda tarihsel, politik ve kültürel bağlamlara özgü olarak barış ve savaş temsillerinin içeriklerinin toplumsal gruplara ve uluslara göre farklılaştığı ve dönemsel olaylardan etkilenerek değiştiği sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Öte yandan incelenen boylamsal çalışmalarda sosyal temsillerin özünün büyük ölçüde korunduğu, çevresel elementlerde güncel toplumsal tartışmalara bağlı olarak değişimler olduğu dikkati çekmektedir. Bu yönüyle barış ve savaş temsilleri tarihsel süreç içerisinde nesiller boyu aktarılan özelliklere sahip olsa da, zamanın koşullarından etkilenerek dinamik bir yapı da sergilemektedir.


  • Abric, J. C. (2001). A Structural Approach to Social Representations. İçinde K. Deaux, ve G. Philogene (Eds.), Representations of the Social: Bridging Theoretical Traditions, (ss. 42-47), Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.
  • Aktaş, Ö. (2014). Ortaöğretim Öğrencilerinin Savaş ve Barış Kavramına Yönelik Düşünceleri. Kalem Eğitim ve Sağlık Hizmetleri Vakfı, 65-124.
  • Bar-Tal, D. (1997). Formation and Change of Ethnic and National Stereotypes: An Integrative Model. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 21, 491–523.
  • Blumberg, H. H. (2006). Trends in Peace Psychology. İçinde H.H. Blumberg, A.P.Hare ve A. Costin (Eds.), Peace Psychology: A Comprehensive Introduction, (ss. 3-15), UK: Cambridge University Press.
  • Bobowik, M., Páez, D., Liu, J. H., Licata, L., Klein, O., & Basabe, N. (2014). Victorious Justifications and Criticism of Defeated: Involvement of Nations in World Wars, Social Development, Cultural Values, Social Representations Of War, and Willingness To Fight. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 43, 60-73.
  • Cabecinhas, R., Liu, J. H., Licata, L., Klein, O., Mendes, J., Feijó, J., & Niyubahwe, A. (2011). Hope in Africa? Social Representations of World History and The Future in Six African Countries. International Journal of Psychology, 46(5), 354-367.
  • Christie, D. J., Wagner, R.V., & Winter, D.N. (2001). Introduction to Peace Psychology. İçinde D.J. Christie, R.V.Wagner., ve D.N.Winter (Eds.), Peace, Conflict and Violence: Peace Psychology for the 21th Century, (ss.1-15), USA: Prentice-Hall. Cortright, D. (2008). Peace: A History of Movements and Ideas. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  • Covell, K., Rose-Krasnor, L., & Fletcher, K. (1994). Age Differences in Understanding Peace, War, and Conflict Resolution. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 17(4), 717-737.
  • Daniel, E., Fortuna, K., Thrun, S. K., Cioban, S., & Knafo, A. (2013). Brief Report: Early Adolescents' Value Development At War Time. Journal of Adolescence, 36(4), 651-655.
  • Doise, W. (1986). Levels of Explanation in Social Psychology, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
  • Elcheroth, G., Doise, W., & Reicher, S. (2011). On the Knowledge of Politics and the Politics of Knowledge: How A Social Representations Approach Helps Us Rethink The Subject of Political Psychology. Political Psychology, 32(5), 729-758.
  • Galtung, J. (1969). Violence, Peace and Peace Research. Journal of Peace Research, 6, 167-191.
  • Gibson, S. (2012). History in Action: The Construction of Historical Analogies in Televised Debates Concerning the Iraq War. Papers on Social Representations, 21, 1-35.
  • Hakvoort, I., & Oppenheimer, L. (1993). Children and Adolescents’ Conceptions of Peace, War and Strategies to Attain Peace: A Dutch Case Study. Journal of Peace Research, 30, 65-77.
  • Hanson‐Easey, S., & Moloney, G. (2009). Social Representations of Refugees: Place of Origin As A Delineating Resource. Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology, 19(6), 506- 514.
  • Höijer, B. (2011). Social Representation Theory, Nordicom Review, 32, 3–16.
  • Jost, J. T., & Ignatow, G. (2001). What We Do And Don't Know About The Functions Of Social Representations. İçinde K.Deaux, ve G. Philogene (Eds.), Representations of the Social: Bridging Theoretical Traditions, (ss. 190-198), Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.
  • Leone, G., & Sarrica, M. (2012). Challenging The Myth Of Italians As ‘Good Fellows’: Is Clarity About In-Group Crimes The Best Choice When Narrating A War To Its Perpetrators’ Descendants?. Papers on Social Representations, 21(2), 1-28.
  • Linden, N., Bizumic, B., Stubager, R., & Mellon, S. (2011). Social Representational Correlates Of Attitudes Toward Peace And War: A Cross-Cultural Analysis In The United States And Denmark. Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology, 17(3), 217-242.
  • Liu, J.H., & Sibley, C.G. (2009). Culture, Social Representations And Peace Making: A Symbolic Theory Of History And Identity. İçinde C.J. Montiel ve N.M. Noor(Eds.), Peace Psychology in Asia, (ss. 21-43), New York: Springer.
  • Macnair, R. M. (2015). Theories Underlying Research In Peace Psychology. İçinde D. Bretherton, ve S. F. Law (Eds.), Methodologies in Peace Psychology, (ss. 19-42), London: Springer Publications.
  • Montiel, C. J., Baquiano, M., & Inzon, C. M. (2013). Conflicting Group Meanings Of Territorial Rights In Central Mindanao: Muslim–Christian Social Representations Of Land Entitlement. Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology, 7(01), 1-11.
  • Montiel, C. J., de Guzman, J. M., & Macapagal, M. E. J. (2012). Fragmented Ethnopolitical Social Representations Of A Territorial Peace Agreement: The Mindanao Peace Talks. Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology, 6(02), 37-47.
  • Moscovici, S. (1981). On Social Representations. İçinde J. P. Forgas(Ed.), Social Cognition: Perspectives on Everyday Understanding, (ss.181-209), London: Academic Press.
  • Moscovici, S. (1984). The Phenomenon Of Social Representations. İçinde R. M. Farr, ve S. Moscovici (Eds.), Representations, (ss. 3-69), Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
  • Moscovici, S. (1988). Notes Towards A Description Of Social Representations. European Journal of Social Psychology, 18, 211-250.
  • Moscovici, S.(2001). Social Representations: Explorations in Social Psychology. New York: New York University Press.
  • Noyanzina, O., Maximova, S., Goncharova, N., Omelchenko, D., & Avdeeva, G. (2015).Interethnic Generalizations And Stereotypes In Mental Representations Of İmage Of ‘The Other’ In Social Representations Of Russian Population. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 185, 179-184.
  • Orr, E., Sagi, S., & Bar-On, D. (2000). Social Representations In Use: Israeli And Palestinian High School Students’ Collective Coping And Defense, Papers on Social Representations, 9, 1-20.
  • Paez, D., Liu, J. H., Techio, E., Slawuta, P., Zlobina, A., & Cabecinhas, R. (2008). “Remembering” World War II And Willingness To Fight Sociocultural Factors In The Social Representation Of Historical Warfare Across 22 Societies, Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 39(4), 373-380.
  • Philogene, G., & Deaux, A. (2001). Introduction. İçinde K. Deaux, ve G. Philogene (Eds.), Representations of the Social: Bridging Theoretical Traditions, (ss. 3-7), Oxford: Blackwell Publications.
  • Psaltis, C. (2016). Collective Memory, Social Representations Of İntercommunal Relations, And Conflict Transformation In Divided Cyprus. Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology, 22(1), 1-9.
  • Ryan, J. F., & Hewer, C. J. (2016). What Did We Do To Germany During The Second World War? A British Perspective On The Allied Strategic Bombing Campaign 1940-45. Papers on Social Representations, 25(1), 1-28.
  • Sarrica, M. (2007). War And Peace As Social Representations: Cues Of Structural Stability. Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology, 13(3), 251-272.
  • Sarrica, M., & Contarello, A. (2004). Peace, War And Conflict: Social Representations Shared By Peace Activists And Non-Activists. Journal of Peace Research, 41(5), 549-568.
  • Sarrica, M., & Wachelke, J. (2010). Peace And War As Social Representations: A Structural Exploration With Italian Adolescents. Universitas Psychologica, 9(2), 315-330.
  • Souza, L. K., Sperb, T. M., McCarthy, S., & Biaggio, A. M. (2006). Brazilian Children's Conceptions Of Peace, War, And Violence. Peace and Conflict, 12(1), 49-63.
  • Wagner,W., Valencia, J., & Elejabarrieta, F. (1996). Relevance, Discourse And The “Hot” Stable Core Of Social Representations. British Journal of Social Psychology, 35, 331–351.
  • Zamperini, A. O., Menegatto, M. U., Travaglino, G. A., & Nulman, E. U. (2012). Social Representations Of Protest And Police After The Genoa G8 Summit: A Qualitative Analysis Of Activist Accounts Of Events. Pap Soc Represent, 21, 1-30.
There are 39 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Psychology
Journal Section Araştırma

Kübra Özkan Demir 0000-0001-7230-8467

Publication Date September 27, 2021
Submission Date May 10, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 26 Issue: 103


APA Özkan Demir, K. (2021). Barış Çalışmalarında Sosyal Temsiller Kuramı: Gruplararası Farklılıklar ve Bağlamsal Etkiler. Liberal Düşünce Dergisi, 26(103), 37-60.