Bu çalışmada Karamenderes Çayı’nda bulunan istilacı Carassius gibelio (Bloch, 1782) türünün beslenmesindeki ontogenetik
değişimin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Arazi çalışmaları Yaz 2012, Sonbahar 2012
ve İlkbahar 2013 mevsimlerinde gerçekleştirilmiştir. Balıkların yakalanmasında
elektroşoker ile çeşitli ağlar kullanılmıştır. Beslenmedeki ontogenetik
değişimi belirlemek için, balıklar çatal boylarına göre dokuz gruba
ayrılmıştır. Balıkların sindirim kanalı içerikleri besin bulunma sıklığı,
sayısal bolluk ve hacimsel oran kullanılarak nisbi önem indeksi ile
hesaplanmıştır. C. gibelio
bireylerinin mevsimlere göre bol olan boy grupları sırasıyla Yaz 2012 (18-20
cm), Sonbahar 2012 (6-8 cm) ve İlkbahar 2013 (27-29 cm) şeklindedir. Beslenme
şiddeti Yaz 2012’de 15-17 cm, Sonbahar 2012’de 3-5 cm ve İlkbahar 2013’de 24-26
cm boy gruplarında en az olduğu belirlenmiştir. C. gibelio bireylerinin ontogenetik beslenme alışkanlığında
zamansal ve mekânsal olarak farklılıklar gözlenmiştir. Büyük bireyler yaz
mevsiminde daha çok hayvansal besin ve sonbahar mevsiminde alglerle beslendiği
ve küçük bireylerle büyük bireylerin besinleri arasında yaz mevsimi haricinde
önemli bir çakışma olmadığı belirlendi. Küçük ve büyük bireylerin besinleri
arasında herhangi bir çakışmanın olmaması, gümüşi havuz balığının
Karamenderes’de yerleşme başarısı için bir avantajı olabilir.
Akbulut M, Çelik EŞ, Odabaşı DA, Kaya H, Selvi K, Arslan N, Odabaşı SS. 2009. Seasonal benthic macroinvertebrate community distribution and composition in Menderes Creek, Canakkale, Turkey. Fresen Envıron Bull (FEB). 18(11a):2136-2145.
Alcaraz C, García-Berthou E. 2007. Food of an endangered cyprinodont (Aphanius iberus): ontogenetic diet shift and prey electivity. Envıron Bıol Fısh. 78(3):193-207.
doi: 10.1007/s10641-006-0018-0
Al-Hussaini AH. 1949. On the functional morphology of the alimentary tract of some fish in relation to differences in their feeding habits: anatomy and histology. Q J Mıcrosc Scı. 3(10):109-139.
Aydın H, Gaygusuz Ö, Tarkan AS, Top N, Emiroğlu Ö, Gürsoy Gaygusuz Ç. 2011. Invasion of freshwater bodies in the Marmara Region (northwestern Turkey) by nonnative Gibel Carp, Carassius gibelio (Bloch, 1782). Turk J Zool. 35(6):829-836. doi: 10.3906/zoo-1007-31
Balık İ, Karaşahin B, Özkök R, Çubuk H, Uysal R. 2003. Diet of Silver Crucian Carp Carasssius gibelio in Lake Eğirdir. Turk J Fısh Aquat Sc. 3:87-91. Bergman E, Greenberg LA. 1994. Competition between a planktivore, a benthivore, and a species with ontogenetic diet shifts. Ecology. 75(5):1233-1245. doi: 10.2307/1937449
Bobori DC, Salvarina I, Michaloudi E. 2012. Fish dietary patterns ın the eutrophic Lake Volvi (East Mediterranean). J Bıol Res-Thessalon. 19:139–149.
Bolnick DI, Amarasekare P, Araújo MS, Bürger R, Levine JM, Novak M, Rudolf VHW, Schreiber SJ, Urban MC, Vasseur DA. 2011. Why intraspecific trait variation matters in community ecology. Trends Ecol Evol. 26(4):183-192. doi: 10.1016/j.tree.2011.01.009
Cortés E. 1999. Standardized diet compositions and trophic levels of sharks. ICES J Mar Scı. 56(5):707–717. doi: 10.1006/jmsc.1999.0489
Costa MJ, Cabral HN. 1999. Changes in the Tagus nursery function for commercial fish species: some perspectives for management. Aquat Ecol. 33(3):287-292.
De Roos AM, Persson L. 2013. Population and community ecology of ontogenetic development. Princeton, USA: Princeton University Press 538 p.
Ekmekçi FG, Kırankaya ŞG, Gençoğlu L, Yoğurtçuoğlu B. 2013. Türkiye içsularındaki istilacı balıkların güncel durumu ve istilanın etkilerinin değerlendirilmesi. Istanbul University Journal of Fisheries & Aquatic Sciences. 28:105-140.
Gaygusuz Ö, Gürsoy Ç, Özuluğ M, Tarkan AS, Acıpınar H, Bilge G, Filiz H. 2006. Conversions of total, fork and standart length measurements based on 42 marine and freshwater fish species (from Turkish waters). Turk J Fısh Aquat Sc. 6:79-84.
Goodell K, Parker IM, Gilbert GS. 2000. Biological impacts of species invasions: implications for policymakers. In: National Research Council, ed. Incorporating science, economics, and sociology in developing sanitary and phytosanitary standards in international trade. Washington, DC: National Academy Press. p. 87–117.
Hureau JC. 1966. Biologie comparée de quelques poissons Antartique (Nototheniidae). Bulletin de l’institut Oceano graphique (Monaco). 68:1-244.
Hyslop EJ. 1980. Stomach contents analysis. a review of methods and their application. J. Fish Biol. 17:411-429. doi: 10.1111/j.1095-8649.1980.tb02775.x
Ilhan A, Balık S, Sarı HM, Ustaoğlu MR. 2005. Carassius (Cyprinidae, Pisces) species in inland waters of Western and Middle Anatolia, Southern Marmara, Thrace and Western Black Sea Regions and their distributions. Ege Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 22(3-4):343-346.
Jeppesen E, Jensen JP, Jensen C, Faafeng B, Hessen DO, Søndergaard M, Lauridsen T, Brettum P, Christoffersen K. 2003. The impact of nutrient state and lake depth on top-down control in the pelagic zone of lakes: a study of 466 lakes from the temperate zone to the arctic. Ecosystems. 6:313–325. doi: 10.1007/s10021-002-0145-1
Kırankaya SG. 2007. A comperative study on growth, reproduction and feeding biology of mirror carp, Wild Carp (Cyprinus carpio L., 1758) and Prussian Carp [Carassius gibelio (Bloch, 1782)] in Gelingüllü Dam Lake (Yozgat-Turkey) [PhD Thesis]. Hacettepe University. 199 p.
Labropoulou M, Machias A, Tsimenides N, Eleftheriou A. 1997. Feeding habits and ontogenetic diet shift of the striped red mullet, Mullus surmuletus Linnaeus, 1758. Fish Res. 31(3):257-267. doi: 10.1016/S0165-7836(97)00017-9
Miller TEX, Rudolf VHW. 2011. Thinking inside the box: community-level consequences of stage structured populations. Trend Ecol Evol. 26:457–466.
doi: 10.1016/j.tree.2011.05.005
Nakazawa T. 2015. Ontogenetic niche shifts matter in community ecology: a review and future perspectives. Popul Ecol. 57(2):347-354. doi: 10.1007/s10144-014-0448-z
Nikolsky GV. 1978. The Ecology of Fishes. London, England: T.F.H. Publication Inc. Ltd. 352 p.
Özuluğ M, Meriç N, Freyhof J. 2004. The distribution of Carassius gibelio (Bloch,1782) (Teleostei: Cyprinidae) in Thrace (Turkey). Zool Mıddle East. 31:63-66.
doi: 10.1080/09397140.2004.10638023
Partal N. 2014. Distribution and feeding ecology of invasive Carassius gibelio (Bloch, 1782) in Karamenderes Stream, Turkey [Master’s Thesis]. Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University. 89 p.
Partal N, Yalçın Özdilek Ş. 2017. Feeding ecology of invasive Carassius gibelio (Bloch, 1782) in Karamenderes Stream, Turkey. Ege Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 34(2):157-167. doi: 10.12714/egejfas.2017.34.2.07
Pinkas L, Oliphant MS, Iverson ILK. 1971. Food habits of albacore, blue fin tuna, and bonito in California waters. Fish Bull Calif. 152:1-105.
Post DM. 2003. Individual variation in the timing of ontogenetic niche shifts in largemouth bass. Ecology. 84(5):1298-1310.
Prince ED. 1975. Pinnixid crabs in the diet of young-of-the-year Copper Rockfish (Sebastes caurinus). Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 04:539-540.
doi: 10.1577/1548-8659(1975)104<539:PCITDO>2.0.CO;2
Rogozin DY, Pulyayevskaya MV, Zuev IV, Makhutova ON, Degermendzhi AG. 2011. Growth, diet and fatty acid composition of Gibel Carp Carassius gibelio in Lake Shira, a brackish water body in Southern Siberia. J Siberian Federal Univ Biol. 4:86-103.
Rybczyk A. 2006. Selected aspects of biological characteristics of the Prussian Carp (Carassius auratus gibelio Bloch, 1783): food, feeding, and condition. Acta Scientiarum Polonorum. Piscaria. 5(2):69-82.
Sakai AK, Allendorf FW, Holt JS, Lodge DM, Molofsky J, With KA, Baughman S, Cabin RJ, Cohen JE, Ellstrand NC, McCauley DE, O’Neil P, Parker IM, Thompson JN, Weller SG. 2001. The population biology of invasive specie. Annual review of ecology and systematics. 305-332. doi: 10.1146/annurev.ecolsys.32.081501.114037
Shannon CE, Wiener W. 1949. The mathematical theory of communication. Urbana, USA: University of Illinois Press 125 p.
Specziár A, Tölg L, Bíró P. 1997. Feeding strategy and growth of Cyprinids in the littoral zone of Lake Balaton. Journal of Fish Biology. 51(6):1109-1124. doi: 10.1111/j.1095-8649.1997.tb01130.x
Sun J, Liu D. 2003. Geometric models for calculating cell biovolume and surface area for phytoplankton. J Plankton Res . 25(11):1331–1346.
doi: 10.1093/plankt/fbg096
Tarkan AS. 2013. Yabancı tatlısu balıklarının dünyada ve Türkiye’de giriş yolları, etkileri ve bunlardan korunma yöntemleri. Istanbul University Journal of Fisheries & Aquatic Sciences. 28:63-104.
Weber MJ, Brown ML. 2013. Spatiotemporal variation of juvenile common carp foraging patterns as inferred from stable isotope analysis. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. 142(5):1179-1191. doi: 10.1080/00028487.2013.802253
Werner EE, Gilliam JF. 1984. The ontogenetic niche and species interactions in size-structured populations. A Rev Ecol Syst. 15:393-425.
doi: 10.1146/annurev.es.15.110184.002141
Wilbur HM. 1980. Complex life cycles. Annu Rev Ecol Syst. 11:67–93. doi: 10.1146/annurev.es.11.110180.000435
Windell JT. 1978. Estimating food consumption rates of fish populations. In T. Bagenal (Ed.), Method for assessment of fish production in freshwaters.. London, England: Blackwell Sci. p. 227-254
Yalçın Özdilek Ş. 2008. Karamenderes’in doğal ve istilacı balıkları. Paper presented at: Ezine İl Değerleri Sempozyumu; Çanakkale, Türkiye.
Yalçın Özdilek Ş. 2017. Seasonal and ontogenetic diet shift of two sympatric cyprinid fish species from the temperate Karamenderes River, Çanakkale, Turkey. Turk J Zool. 41(1):67-81. doi: 10.3906/zoo-1603-34
Yalçın Özdilek Ş, Jones RI. 2014. The diet composition and trophic position of introduced Prussian Carp Carassius gibelio (Bloch, 1782) and native fish species in a Turkish River. Turk J Fish Aquat Sc . 14:769-776. doi: 10.4194/1303-2712-v14_3_19
Yılmaz M, Bostancı D, Yılmaz S, Polat N. 2008. İki farklı habitatta [Eğirdir Gölü (Isparta) ve Bafra Balık Gölleri (Samsun)] yaşayan Havuz Balığı (Carassius gibelio Bloch, 1782)’nın beslenme rejimlerinin karşılaştırılması. Jounal of Fisheries Science. 2(3):233-240. doi: 10.3153/jfscom.mug.200707
Ontogenetic Diet Shift of Invasive Gibel Carp (Carassius gibelio, Bloch 1782) in Karamenderes River (Turkey)
The ontogenetic diet shift of
invasive Carassius gibelio (Bloch, 1782) was investigated in
Karamenderes River, Turkey. The fieldwork was performed during summer 2012,
autumn 2012 and spring 2013. The fishes were caught by electrofishing and using
gill nets. Nine fork length groups were used in order to assess the ontogenetic
diet shift. The gut contents were assessed by the index of relative importance
that was calculated from the frequency of occurrence, numerical abundance, and
volumetric analyses. The most abundant length groups of C. gibelio were
18-20 cm, 6-8 cm, and 27-29 cm length groups during summer 2012, autumn 2012
and spring 2013, respectively. The feeding intensity was the lowest in the
length groups of 15-17 cm during summer 2012, in 3-5 cm length group in autumn
2012 and in 24-26 cm length group in spring. Seasonal variations were observed
in the ontogenetic diet shift of C. gibelio. Large specimens consumed
more animal materials during summer and more algae in autumn. There was not any
significant niche overlap recorded between small and large specimens except
summer. Any niche overlap between small and large specimens might be
advantageous for the establishment success of invasive Gibel carp in
Karamenderes River.
Akbulut M, Çelik EŞ, Odabaşı DA, Kaya H, Selvi K, Arslan N, Odabaşı SS. 2009. Seasonal benthic macroinvertebrate community distribution and composition in Menderes Creek, Canakkale, Turkey. Fresen Envıron Bull (FEB). 18(11a):2136-2145.
Alcaraz C, García-Berthou E. 2007. Food of an endangered cyprinodont (Aphanius iberus): ontogenetic diet shift and prey electivity. Envıron Bıol Fısh. 78(3):193-207.
doi: 10.1007/s10641-006-0018-0
Al-Hussaini AH. 1949. On the functional morphology of the alimentary tract of some fish in relation to differences in their feeding habits: anatomy and histology. Q J Mıcrosc Scı. 3(10):109-139.
Aydın H, Gaygusuz Ö, Tarkan AS, Top N, Emiroğlu Ö, Gürsoy Gaygusuz Ç. 2011. Invasion of freshwater bodies in the Marmara Region (northwestern Turkey) by nonnative Gibel Carp, Carassius gibelio (Bloch, 1782). Turk J Zool. 35(6):829-836. doi: 10.3906/zoo-1007-31
Balık İ, Karaşahin B, Özkök R, Çubuk H, Uysal R. 2003. Diet of Silver Crucian Carp Carasssius gibelio in Lake Eğirdir. Turk J Fısh Aquat Sc. 3:87-91. Bergman E, Greenberg LA. 1994. Competition between a planktivore, a benthivore, and a species with ontogenetic diet shifts. Ecology. 75(5):1233-1245. doi: 10.2307/1937449
Bobori DC, Salvarina I, Michaloudi E. 2012. Fish dietary patterns ın the eutrophic Lake Volvi (East Mediterranean). J Bıol Res-Thessalon. 19:139–149.
Bolnick DI, Amarasekare P, Araújo MS, Bürger R, Levine JM, Novak M, Rudolf VHW, Schreiber SJ, Urban MC, Vasseur DA. 2011. Why intraspecific trait variation matters in community ecology. Trends Ecol Evol. 26(4):183-192. doi: 10.1016/j.tree.2011.01.009
Cortés E. 1999. Standardized diet compositions and trophic levels of sharks. ICES J Mar Scı. 56(5):707–717. doi: 10.1006/jmsc.1999.0489
Costa MJ, Cabral HN. 1999. Changes in the Tagus nursery function for commercial fish species: some perspectives for management. Aquat Ecol. 33(3):287-292.
De Roos AM, Persson L. 2013. Population and community ecology of ontogenetic development. Princeton, USA: Princeton University Press 538 p.
Ekmekçi FG, Kırankaya ŞG, Gençoğlu L, Yoğurtçuoğlu B. 2013. Türkiye içsularındaki istilacı balıkların güncel durumu ve istilanın etkilerinin değerlendirilmesi. Istanbul University Journal of Fisheries & Aquatic Sciences. 28:105-140.
Gaygusuz Ö, Gürsoy Ç, Özuluğ M, Tarkan AS, Acıpınar H, Bilge G, Filiz H. 2006. Conversions of total, fork and standart length measurements based on 42 marine and freshwater fish species (from Turkish waters). Turk J Fısh Aquat Sc. 6:79-84.
Goodell K, Parker IM, Gilbert GS. 2000. Biological impacts of species invasions: implications for policymakers. In: National Research Council, ed. Incorporating science, economics, and sociology in developing sanitary and phytosanitary standards in international trade. Washington, DC: National Academy Press. p. 87–117.
Hureau JC. 1966. Biologie comparée de quelques poissons Antartique (Nototheniidae). Bulletin de l’institut Oceano graphique (Monaco). 68:1-244.
Hyslop EJ. 1980. Stomach contents analysis. a review of methods and their application. J. Fish Biol. 17:411-429. doi: 10.1111/j.1095-8649.1980.tb02775.x
Ilhan A, Balık S, Sarı HM, Ustaoğlu MR. 2005. Carassius (Cyprinidae, Pisces) species in inland waters of Western and Middle Anatolia, Southern Marmara, Thrace and Western Black Sea Regions and their distributions. Ege Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 22(3-4):343-346.
Jeppesen E, Jensen JP, Jensen C, Faafeng B, Hessen DO, Søndergaard M, Lauridsen T, Brettum P, Christoffersen K. 2003. The impact of nutrient state and lake depth on top-down control in the pelagic zone of lakes: a study of 466 lakes from the temperate zone to the arctic. Ecosystems. 6:313–325. doi: 10.1007/s10021-002-0145-1
Kırankaya SG. 2007. A comperative study on growth, reproduction and feeding biology of mirror carp, Wild Carp (Cyprinus carpio L., 1758) and Prussian Carp [Carassius gibelio (Bloch, 1782)] in Gelingüllü Dam Lake (Yozgat-Turkey) [PhD Thesis]. Hacettepe University. 199 p.
Labropoulou M, Machias A, Tsimenides N, Eleftheriou A. 1997. Feeding habits and ontogenetic diet shift of the striped red mullet, Mullus surmuletus Linnaeus, 1758. Fish Res. 31(3):257-267. doi: 10.1016/S0165-7836(97)00017-9
Miller TEX, Rudolf VHW. 2011. Thinking inside the box: community-level consequences of stage structured populations. Trend Ecol Evol. 26:457–466.
doi: 10.1016/j.tree.2011.05.005
Nakazawa T. 2015. Ontogenetic niche shifts matter in community ecology: a review and future perspectives. Popul Ecol. 57(2):347-354. doi: 10.1007/s10144-014-0448-z
Nikolsky GV. 1978. The Ecology of Fishes. London, England: T.F.H. Publication Inc. Ltd. 352 p.
Özuluğ M, Meriç N, Freyhof J. 2004. The distribution of Carassius gibelio (Bloch,1782) (Teleostei: Cyprinidae) in Thrace (Turkey). Zool Mıddle East. 31:63-66.
doi: 10.1080/09397140.2004.10638023
Partal N. 2014. Distribution and feeding ecology of invasive Carassius gibelio (Bloch, 1782) in Karamenderes Stream, Turkey [Master’s Thesis]. Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University. 89 p.
Partal N, Yalçın Özdilek Ş. 2017. Feeding ecology of invasive Carassius gibelio (Bloch, 1782) in Karamenderes Stream, Turkey. Ege Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 34(2):157-167. doi: 10.12714/egejfas.2017.34.2.07
Pinkas L, Oliphant MS, Iverson ILK. 1971. Food habits of albacore, blue fin tuna, and bonito in California waters. Fish Bull Calif. 152:1-105.
Post DM. 2003. Individual variation in the timing of ontogenetic niche shifts in largemouth bass. Ecology. 84(5):1298-1310.
Prince ED. 1975. Pinnixid crabs in the diet of young-of-the-year Copper Rockfish (Sebastes caurinus). Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 04:539-540.
doi: 10.1577/1548-8659(1975)104<539:PCITDO>2.0.CO;2
Rogozin DY, Pulyayevskaya MV, Zuev IV, Makhutova ON, Degermendzhi AG. 2011. Growth, diet and fatty acid composition of Gibel Carp Carassius gibelio in Lake Shira, a brackish water body in Southern Siberia. J Siberian Federal Univ Biol. 4:86-103.
Rybczyk A. 2006. Selected aspects of biological characteristics of the Prussian Carp (Carassius auratus gibelio Bloch, 1783): food, feeding, and condition. Acta Scientiarum Polonorum. Piscaria. 5(2):69-82.
Sakai AK, Allendorf FW, Holt JS, Lodge DM, Molofsky J, With KA, Baughman S, Cabin RJ, Cohen JE, Ellstrand NC, McCauley DE, O’Neil P, Parker IM, Thompson JN, Weller SG. 2001. The population biology of invasive specie. Annual review of ecology and systematics. 305-332. doi: 10.1146/annurev.ecolsys.32.081501.114037
Shannon CE, Wiener W. 1949. The mathematical theory of communication. Urbana, USA: University of Illinois Press 125 p.
Specziár A, Tölg L, Bíró P. 1997. Feeding strategy and growth of Cyprinids in the littoral zone of Lake Balaton. Journal of Fish Biology. 51(6):1109-1124. doi: 10.1111/j.1095-8649.1997.tb01130.x
Sun J, Liu D. 2003. Geometric models for calculating cell biovolume and surface area for phytoplankton. J Plankton Res . 25(11):1331–1346.
doi: 10.1093/plankt/fbg096
Tarkan AS. 2013. Yabancı tatlısu balıklarının dünyada ve Türkiye’de giriş yolları, etkileri ve bunlardan korunma yöntemleri. Istanbul University Journal of Fisheries & Aquatic Sciences. 28:63-104.
Weber MJ, Brown ML. 2013. Spatiotemporal variation of juvenile common carp foraging patterns as inferred from stable isotope analysis. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. 142(5):1179-1191. doi: 10.1080/00028487.2013.802253
Werner EE, Gilliam JF. 1984. The ontogenetic niche and species interactions in size-structured populations. A Rev Ecol Syst. 15:393-425.
doi: 10.1146/annurev.es.15.110184.002141
Wilbur HM. 1980. Complex life cycles. Annu Rev Ecol Syst. 11:67–93. doi: 10.1146/annurev.es.11.110180.000435
Windell JT. 1978. Estimating food consumption rates of fish populations. In T. Bagenal (Ed.), Method for assessment of fish production in freshwaters.. London, England: Blackwell Sci. p. 227-254
Yalçın Özdilek Ş. 2008. Karamenderes’in doğal ve istilacı balıkları. Paper presented at: Ezine İl Değerleri Sempozyumu; Çanakkale, Türkiye.
Yalçın Özdilek Ş. 2017. Seasonal and ontogenetic diet shift of two sympatric cyprinid fish species from the temperate Karamenderes River, Çanakkale, Turkey. Turk J Zool. 41(1):67-81. doi: 10.3906/zoo-1603-34
Yalçın Özdilek Ş, Jones RI. 2014. The diet composition and trophic position of introduced Prussian Carp Carassius gibelio (Bloch, 1782) and native fish species in a Turkish River. Turk J Fish Aquat Sc . 14:769-776. doi: 10.4194/1303-2712-v14_3_19
Yılmaz M, Bostancı D, Yılmaz S, Polat N. 2008. İki farklı habitatta [Eğirdir Gölü (Isparta) ve Bafra Balık Gölleri (Samsun)] yaşayan Havuz Balığı (Carassius gibelio Bloch, 1782)’nın beslenme rejimlerinin karşılaştırılması. Jounal of Fisheries Science. 2(3):233-240. doi: 10.3153/jfscom.mug.200707