Aim & Scope

• The purpose of LivenARCH+ Journal is to provide an academic environment for reproducing and sharing thoughts, knowledge, practices, achievements and experiences among all the actions and actors of international and national platforms where the discipline of architecture is in contact with the subject of “LIVable ENvironments and ARCHitecture”.

• LivenARCH+ Journal aims to open various approaches from all scales and different cultures to academic circulation in a common field of literature, to produce new architectural information aimed at the vision of the future of architecture. In the light of this aim, it is expected that the actions of the profession and the information produced by its actors will be related to the main theme of “LIVable ENvironments and ARCHitecture” and its potential sub-themes.

• The sub-themes that create and develop architecture in all its dimensions have been identified as; “philosophy/history/theory/discourse”, “criticism/method”, “nature/environment”, “human/behavior/public health”, “politics/policies/laws/regulations/ethics”, “economy”, “identity/culture/tradition”, “urban/city/landscape/rural”, “technology/material/sustainability”, “conservation/transformation/re-use”, “design/interior design”, “arts/aesthetics” and “education” and have been opened to the researchers’ scientific sharing.

• In this context, LivenARCH+ Journal publishes articles in “Architecture”, “Cultural Studies”, “Environmental Studies”, “Urban Studies”, “Regional Urban Planning”, “Art”, “Ecology”, “Construction Building Technology”, “Civil Engineering”, “Green Sustainability Science Technology” within the WoS categories in accordance with its purpose and content.

• LivenARCH+ Journal, which is published twice a year in January, July and an additional Special Issue, includes theoretical and applied studies on current issues within the scope of design disciplines and research, discussion and opinion articles prepared on the basis of sciences related to the field of design. In this context, it is expected that the articles to be included in the scope of LivenARCH+ Journal will be original and scientific research studies, whose contribution to the relevant literature has been proven by qualitative, quantitative, experimental and analytical methods.

• LivenARCH+ Journal is an academic, independent, international, double-blind peer-reviewed, open access and online electronic journal which its articles should disclose original data that has not been previously published or submitted for publication elsewhere. 

• The articles deemed to be in accordance with the submission rules and the scope of LivenARCH+ Journal are sent to at least two referees who are experts in their field for scientific evaluation. LivenARCH+ Journal Editorial Board members who discuss the appropriateness take into account the reviewers’ comments on each submission. The final decision for all submitted articles belongs to the Editor In-Chief.

• LivenARCH+ Journal does not accept late article applications, but puts the late articles in the process to be evaluated in the next issue.

Period Months
January July
Last Update Time: 7/29/24, 2:25:48 PM