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Issue: 25, 1/15/23

Year: 2023

One of the most vital duties assigned to the Justice Academy of Turkey by the Presidential Decree No. 34 is to make publications. The Law and Justice Review is one of the three journals published by the Justice Academy of Turkey. In this framework, the Law and Justice Review publishes scientific, social, and cultural articles in English, French or German languages, which are designed to have the widest appeal to those interested in the law - whether as practitioners, students, teachers, judges or administrators - and to provide an opportunity for them to keep abreast of new ideas and the progress of legal reform.

The Law and Justice Review, published by the Justice Academy of Turkey is an international, peer-reviewed, periodical, and open access review, whose publication life began in 2010. It publishes articles in English, French or German following a double-blind peer-review process.

Articles submitted to the Review must be original, based on research that contributes to legal discourse and prepared by using appropriate research methods in the field of law and justice. In this context, this Review publishes articles, decision reviews, and book reviews that contribute to the perspective of the theory of law, examines international and national jurisprudence and practices in terms of legal practice, and expands the theoretical ground of legal practices through comparative studies when necessary.

Researches or reviews that evaluate, criticize, and reveal new and remarkable views on previously published works can also be published.

In the texts to be sent to the Review, the authors must comply with the ethical principles, publication policy and, citation and writing rules. The evaluation process cannot be started for the articles that are not prepared in accordance with these principles and rules.

As explained above, the authors who will present an authentic perspective on issues in the field of law and Justice will be given priority. The editorial board of the Law and Justice Review will be pleased to receive submissions from national and international scholars all over the world.


The Journal of Law and Justice is an international peer-reviewed journal in publication twice a year. Articles to be published in the journal must comply with the following writing and publishing rules:

The journal includes peer-reviewed articles in English, German and French. The articles that receive the positive opinion of at least two referees are submitted to the approval of the editorial board with the request for publication.
The journal is published semi-annually (in January and July).
Articles submitted to the journal must not have been previously published elsewhere or sent for publication. If published elsewhere, the copyright should belong to the author.
The responsibility of the articles published in the journal in terms of language, science and the opinions put forward belongs to the authors.
Articles should be sent to lawandjusticereview@taa.gov.tr adress
Articles should be in accordance with scientific publication and writing formats in international standards.
Articles should contain "Title" not exceeding 14 words, "Abstract" between 150-250 words and "Keywords" between 3-8 words. "Title, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction and Conclusion" sections should not be numbered in the articles. The title, summary and key words should also be written in Turkish and English beside the language that it has been written
For in-text quotation and citation, the 4th edition of the OSCOLA reference style should be used and the footnote citation system should be preferred.
The main parts of the articles and the bibliography should be written in 11 font size and the footnotes should be written in 9 fonts, the "Times New Roman" character should be used with 1 line spacing, the text should be justified, 2.5 cm page margins on all sides should be left.
Articles should not be less than 3,000 words and more than 12,000 words, including the bibliography.
The academic title of the author, name and surname should be written in capital letters and centered under the article title. The work place, name-surname and e-mail address of author should be stated in the footnote.
The article author is notified by e-mail on whether the articles will be published or not.
The royalties and review fees to be paid to the authors and referees are paid after the journal is published pursuant to Article 23 of the Turkish Justice Academy Publication Regulation. 20% of the royalty fee of a peer-reviewed article is paid to the referees.
Two free journals are sent to the authors whose articles have been published in the journal.
The copyright of all articles published in the journal belongs to the Turkish Justice Academy. Articles cannot be published elsewhere without showing the resource.
The electronic version of the journal can be accessed at lawandjustice.taa.gov.tr/

Ethics Committee Approval Form

In line with the decisions taken by the ULAKBİM TR Directory, "Ethics Committee Approval" is required for studies (research that requires data collection from participants using survey, interview, focus group work, observation, experiment, interview techniques) to be published as of 2020. In studies that require ethics committee approval the article, article submission form, and letter of undertaking & conveyance must be sent to lawandjusticereview@taa.gov.tr along with the Ethics Committee's approval document. Information about the approval (committee name, date, page number) should be included in the method section and also on the first page of the article. For the articles sent to our journal and requiring an ethics committee report, an ethics committee report should be obtained even if the data from 2020 and before were used.

If the article is not requiring ethics committee approval, this should be stated on the first page of the article.

Studies that require the approval of the Ethics Committee are as follows:

1. All kinds of research conducted with qualitative or quantitative approaches that require data collection from the participants by using survey, interview, focus group work, observation, experiment, interview techniques.

2. Use of humans and animals (including material/data) for experimental or other scientific purposes

3. Clinical studies on humans

4. Animal researches,

5. Retrospective studies in accordance with the law on the protection of personal data.


Stating that an “informed consent form” was taken in case reports,

Obtaining and specifying permission from the owners for the use of scales, questionnaires, photographs belonging to others,

Statement of compliance with copyright regulations for the ideas and works of art used


Law and Justice Review Dergisi yılda iki kez yayımlanan uluslararası hakemli bir dergidir. Dergide yayımlanacak makalelerin aşağıda belirtilen yazım ve yayım kurallarına uygun olması gerekmektedir.

Dergide İngilizce, Almanca ve Fransızca dillerinde hakemli makalelere yer verilmektedir. En az iki hakemin olumlu görüşünü alan makaleler yayımlanması talebi ile yayın kurulunun onayına sunulur.
Dergi, altı ayda bir (Ocak ve Temmuz aylarında) yayımlanmaktadır.
Dergiye gönderilen makaleler daha önce başka bir yerde yayımlanmamış veya yayımlanmak üzere gönderilmemiş olmalıdır. Eğer başka bir yerde yayınlanmışsa da, telif hakkı yazara ait olmalıdır.
Dergide yayımlanan makalelerin dil, bilim ve ileri sürülen görüşler bakımından sorumluluğu yazarlara aittir.
Makalelerin lawandjusticereview@taa.gov.tr adresine gönderilmesi gerekmektedir.
Makaleler, uluslararası standartlardaki bilimsel yayın ve yazı formatlarına uygun olmalıdır.
Makalelerde 14 kelimeyi aşmayan “Başlık”, 150-250 kelime arası “Özet” ve 3-8 kelime arası “Anahtar Kelimeler” bulunmalıdır. Makalelerde “Başlık, Özet, Anahtar Kelimeler ile Giriş ve Sonuç” kısımlarına numara verilmemelidir. “Başlık, Özet ve Anahtar Kelimeler”in yazılan yabancı dilin yanı sıra Türkçe ve İngilizce da yazılması zorunludur.
Metin içi alıntılama ve kaynak gösterme için OSCOLA kaynak stilinin 4. Edisyonu kullanılmalı ve dipnot atıf sistemi tercih edilmelidir.
Makalelerin ana bölümleri ve kaynakça 11, dipnotlar ise 9 punto ile yazılmalı, 1 satır aralığı ile "Times New Roman" karakteri kullanılmalı, metin iki yana yaslanmalı, sayfanın tüm kenarlarında 2,5 cm boşluk bırakılmalıdır.
Makaleler, kaynakça dâhil 3.000 kelimeden az, 12.000 kelimeden çok olmamalıdır.
Yazarın akademik unvanı, adı ve soyadı, baş harfleri büyük olmak üzere makale başlığının altında ortalı olarak yazılmalıdır. Yazarın çalıştığı yer ismi ile elektronik posta adresi, adı ve soyadına ilişkin dipnotta belirtilmeli
Makalelerin yayımlanıp yayımlanmayacağı, makale yazarına e-posta ile bildirilir.
Yazar ve hakemlere ödenecek telif ve inceleme ücretleri, Türkiye Adalet akademisi Yayın Yönetmeliği’nin 23. Maddesi uyarınca dergi yayınlandıktan sonra yazara ödenir.Hakem denetiminden geçen bir makalenin telif ücretinin % 20’si hakemlere ödenir.
Dergide yazısı yayımlanmış yazarlara ücretsiz iki adet dergi gönderilmektedir.
Dergide yayımlanan tüm yazıların telif hakkı Türkiye Adalet Akademisine aittir. Makaleler, kaynak gösterilmeden başka bir yerde yayımlanamaz.
Derginin elektronik versiyonuna “lawandjustice.taa.gov.tr/" adresinden ulaşılabilir.

Ethical Principles and Publication Policy

Law and Justice Review of the Justice Academy of Turkey is an academic review in which studies/articles in English, French and German are published following a double blind refereeing process.

Studies submitted to the Review should be prepared by the use of appropriate research methods in the fields of law and justice and should meet the original study conditions based on research that is capable of filling a gap in the relevant field. Researches and reviews, which evaluate or criticise a previously published article and set forth novel and remarkable views on the subject, can also be published. Researches, unpublished papers, case studies and compilations, in which a concept or a theory is discussed, criticised or explained, may also be included.

Studies to be sent to the Review should be unpublished in elsewhere; in terms of previously published studies, the copyright should belong to the author. This should be stated on the first page of the studies that are presented as a paper and then prepared in accordance with the article format.

The review is published twice a year in January and July. Furthermore, with the decision of the editorial board, a special issue can be published at most twice a year.

The publisher and executive editor of the Law and Justice Review is the President of the Justice Academy of Turkey.

The Law and Justice Review has editorial independence. No fee can be charged at any stage for the review.

Evaluation and Publication Process

After the drawing up of the reports on pre-assessment and plagiarism, carried out by the editor, studies submitted to lawandjusticereview@taa.gov.tr e-mail address are either subjected to evaluation process or directly rejected.

In case the studies submitted for publication lack the required academic quality or do not comply with “Ethical Principles and Publication Policy” of the Review, they are rejected before the refereeing process begins. Studies passing the pre-check process are sent to a double blind referee. When necessary, they may be sent to a third referee. Referees or editorial group may ask the author to make corrections or changes in his/her work.

The author has the right to withdraw his/her article at any stage.

The editorial board expresses its opinion for the studies whose refereeing process has been completed, at the meeting held before the publication. Even if both referee reports are positive, the editorial board may decide not to publish a study by taking into account the warnings and opinions in the negative and positive referee reports and by providing the reasons.

Editorial Responsibility

The editor first reviews independently the studies submitted to the Law and Justice Review within the framework of the Ethical Principles, Writing and Publication Rules, Publication Directive and Publication Policy, taking into account the public interest.

Editors have responsibilities for accepting or rejecting a text. While making this decision, originality, intellectual property rights, compliance of the study with scientific ethics, and its contribution to the law, justice and literature are taken into consideration.

Editors are not allowed to share the studies submitted to the Review with persons or institutions, other than referees, members of the editorial board, publishers and authors.

Responsibilities of Authors

Authors should form the study in accordance with the writing and publication rules and, especially, the accepted citation system.

Authors are required not to publish the studies in elsewhere or not to sent them for publication before.

Where the studies submitted to the Review for publication have been published in elsewhere or the assessment process is ongoing for publication, responsibility lies fully with the authors.

Studies submitted for evaluation should not contain any plagiarism and should be original.

Authors should not use a sexist, marginalising or discriminatory language.

Authors should indicate the grants and supports they have received for their studies as footnotes in their articles.

It is necessary for authors that they have obtained ethics committee approval during the data collection processes they have carried out through methods such as surveys, observations, experiments, interviews, and focus group studies. The authors are required to submit the ethics approval document, which is required for certain studies, along with the article and, as stated in the decision made by TR DİZİN, to indicate in the article that “Research and Publication Ethics” are complied with. If ethics committee approval is not required, this should also be indicated in the article as a footnote.

The study should clearly indicate that permission has been obtained in the event of use of scales, surveys or photographs belonging to others and that copyright is respected for the use of intellectual and artistic works used in the article.

For articles produced from theses, the study should state as a footnote that it has been produced from a thesis, and thanks should be clearly presented to the person providing support to the author in the study. Ethics committee approval is not required for these articles.

Articles based on theses must be written by a single author. Presenting duplicate publications as separate publications without any reference to previous publications is considered as a repeated publication. The author should avoid repetition and display diligence to send authentic and original researches.

The author is required to fill the Article Submission Form and the Undertaking and Assignment Form and submit them along with the article.

Editorial Board

The President of the Justice Academy of Turkey, the editor in chief of the publications of the Justice Academy of Turkey, and the publication editors are permanent members of the editorial board. The editorial board is composed of permanent members and four instructors to be selected by the President from the law faculties of universities.

The term of office of the members selected from the law schools of universities is one year. The members whose term of office expires can be re-selected.

The editorial board is entitled to make use of assistance of experts on the subjects it deems necessary.

The editorial board accepts “Ethical Principles and Publication Policy of the Law and Justice Review ” and makes its decisions accordingly.

The editorial board, which convenes after the refereeing process of studies has been completed, informs the editorial team of the Review about the negative aspects in the referee’s report and informs it in case of a suspicion of breach of publication ethics, such as plagiarism or conflict of interest or breach of copyright.


In the event that referees consider themselves unqualified to evaluate the studies submitted to them for evaluation or they think they cannot evaluate a study within a given time, they should inform the editor and withdraw from the evaluation process.

If there is no response within a week after a proposal for the evaluation of a study is submitted to a referee, a proposal may be made to another referee for evaluation instead of that referee.

Referees should notify the editor if they find any plagiarism, text recycling or any situation that may create a conflict of interest for them in the articles sent to them for evaluation.

Individual criticism of the author should not be made, and evaluation should be made in an impartial manner.

Referees are obliged to evaluate the studies submitted to them in a fair and impartial manner and to maintain confidentiality required by the blind refereeing process.

Referees should not share the study they have evaluated with anyone other than the editorial group, and should inform the editor about the conflicts of interest.

Plagiarism Reports

Before the evaluation process starts, a similarity check is made through plagiarism software. The percentage of similarity should not exceed 25%, including references. If the study is produced from a thesis or an assignment, the similarity percentage should not exceed 50%. When the above-cited percentages are exceeded, the author is asked to make changes.

Special Issue Editors  

While preparing the issues they assume, special issue editors are deemed to accept “the Law and Justice Review’s Ethical Principles, Writing and Publication Rules and Publication Policy”, with which the editor of the Review is expected to comply.  

Special issue editors may be asked to share the documents of any particular issue, when deemed necessary.

Copyright Regulation

When an author submits a study to the Review and the study is published, he/she accepts that the right to first publication of the study belongs to the Law and Justice Review.

The author is required to sign the “Undertaking and Assignment” Form and submit it, together with his/her work, to the e-mail address lawandjusticereview@taa.gov.tr.

Privacy Statement

As regards the studies submitted to the Law and Justice Review, contact details of authors or referees are not shared with third parties or institutions under the Law no. 6698 on the Protection of Personal Data and are used only for the review.

Makale gönderim ücreti yoktur.
Ayrıca, yazar ve hakemlere ödenecek telif ve inceleme ücretleri, Türkiye Adalet akademisi Yayın Yönetmeliği’nin 23. Maddesi uyarınca dergi yayınlandıktan sonra yazara ödenir. Hakem denetiminden geçen bir makalenin telif ücretinin % 20’si hakemlere ödenir.