Ethical Principles and Publication Policy

General Information
Laodicea Journal of Rehabilitation Sciences, the official publication of Pamukkale University Faculty of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, is an open-access, free, scientific publication published electronically and in print in accordance with the principles of independent, impartial and double-blind refereeing. The magazine is published once a year in December. The writing language is Turkish and English.
The journal publishes original research, invited reviews, systematic review and meta-analysis studies, interesting case reports and letters to the editor. The aim of the journal is to publish original studies of the highest scientific, ethical and clinical value regarding health and rehabilitation.
Laodicea Rehabilitation Sciences ensures that the articles it publishes must not have been previously published or submitted for publication elsewhere and must not have commercial concerns. It undertakes that the article to be published has been indirectly or explicitly approved by all authors and the responsible person at the place where the work was carried out, and that if accepted, it will not be published elsewhere in the same form in Turkish, English or any other language.

Editor and Field Editors
Editors and field editors have ethical duties and responsibilities based on the "COPE Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors" and "COPE Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors" published as open access by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
Editors and field editors:
• Ensuring that every article published in the journal is published in accordance with the journal publication policies and international standards,
• Improving the quality, originality and readability of the journal,
• Conducting business processes in a transparent manner without compromising intellectual property rights and ethical standards,
• They are responsible for taking precautions against relationships and conflicts of interest that may arise between authors, referees and third parties in order to complete the impartial and independent evaluation processes of the articles.
Editors make positive or negative decisions based on the importance of the studies, their original value, validity, clarity of expression, and the aims and objectives of the journal. They implement the "Blind Review and Evaluation Process" policies included in the journal publication policies. In this context, editors ensure that the evaluation process of each study is completed fairly, impartially and on time, without conflict of interest. An external, independent editor may be invited to manage the evaluation processes of articles written by the journal's editor or editorial board members.
Manuscripts sent to Laodicea Rehabilitation Sciences go through a double-blind peer review process. To ensure an unbiased review process, each submission is reviewed by at least two independent reviewers who are experts in their field. Referees are obliged to keep information regarding the manuscript confidential. In case of a conflict of interest, the referees notify Laodicea Rehabilitation Sciences about this issue.
Referees cannot use the work sent to them for any purpose until the evaluation process is completed and published. Referees should use a polite and constructive language when evaluating the article and avoid bad comments and expressions. Referees are responsible for evaluating the article in a timely manner and paying attention to ethical rules.

The scientific content of the articles and their compliance with ethical rules are the responsibility of the author(s). Research protocols of experimental and clinical studies and case reports must be approved by the ethics committee in accordance with international agreements (World Medical Association Declaration of Helsinki "Ethical Principles for Medical Research Involving Human Subjects"
Research that has received ethics committee approval and is conducted in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki is accepted into the journal. In studies conducted with human elements, authors must state in the "METHOD" section of the article that they conducted the study in accordance with these principles and that they received "informed consent or consent forms" from the ethics committees of their institutions and the people who participated in the study. Authors should be able to document informed consent or consent forms from patients or participants when necessary. Information regarding the participant's approval, the name of the ethics committee and the ethics committee approval number should also be stated in the "METHOD" section of the manuscript. For studies that do not require ethics committee approval, an exemption certificate obtained from ethics committees appropriate to the design and content of the study or an informational statement written by the responsible author (for meta-analysis, systematic review, invited review) must be uploaded to the system. If animal elements were used in the study, the authors state in the "METHOD" section of the article that they protect animal rights in their studies in line with the principles of the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals ( and that they have received approval from the ethics committees of their institutions. must specify. Each person listed as an author must meet all four of the authorship criteria recommended by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors ( and shown below:
• Must contribute to the planning of the study, collection of data or analysis and interpretation of data,
• Must contribute to the preparation or revision of the article draft,
• Must read and accept the final version of the article to be sent to the journal and published,
• Must agree with other authors that questions regarding the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work have been appropriately investigated and resolved, and must be accountable for the work in all its aspects.
The scientific content of the articles and their compliance with ethical rules are the responsibility of the authors. All studies will be scanned by the journal's technical editorial board using licensed similarity detection software (CrossCheck by iThenticate/ The similarity rate in the content of the article, other than the contents of references, tables and figures, should not be over 20% and there should be no similarity with the authors' previous works. Articles with a similarity rate above 20% are rejected without being sent to the referee. If plagiarism, citation manipulation and data forgery/fabrication are suspected or detected, the editorial board will follow and act in accordance with COPE guidelines. The author responsible for communication is the author who carries out all kinds of correspondence from the presentation stage of the article to its printing. Contact writer:
• Ethics committee approval certificate,
• Copyright transfer form (Must be signed. Author names cannot be added and the order of authors cannot be changed later, except for those who have signed this form.)
• Author contribution form
• Conflict of interest form
• The broadcasting rights agreement documents must be scanned and uploaded to the system.
Quotations, tables, figures, etc. previously published in the article, books or magazines. If available, authors must obtain written permission from the copyright owner and authors of the relevant article, table, figure, survey and scale (survey/scales for which special permission or certificate is required for use in validity and reliability studies); must send the permission letter along with the article and indicate this in the article. For photographs that may reveal the identity of the patients, signed permissions of the patient or their legal representative must be added and it must be stated in the "METHOD" section that these permissions have been obtained. If the papers presented at scientific meetings have been previously presented and/or published in abstract form, they must be stated on the title page.

All copyrights of the articles published in our journal belong to Pamukkale University Faculty of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation.

The statements or opinions in the articles published in Laodicea Rehabilitation Sciences reflect the views of the authors, not the views of the editors, editorial board or publisher. The editors, the editorial board and the publisher do not accept any responsibility or liability for such material. The final responsibility for the published content lies with the authors.

Last Update Time: 6/18/24, 6:34:36 PM