Bergson ile birlikte felsefi düşüncede, Freud ile birlikte psikanalitik düşüncede Proust'la birlikte otobiyografik edebiyatta merkezi meselelerden biri olmaya başlayan "bellek" konusunda ilgi yirminci yuzyılın sonlarına doğru toplumsal ya da kültürel belleğe kaymıştır. Modern dünyanın ....
Hafıza Mekanları Kültürel Bellek Medeniyet Mekan Modernizm Tarihi Yapılar
The attention to "memory". that has become one of the main discussions in philosophical thought with Bergson, in psychoanalytic thought with Freud and in autobiographical literature with Proust, has shifted to social or cultural memory towards the end of the twentieth century. ' As the modern world makes societies forget anything by time. this issue emerge as the responsivenes of our time to modern world. From this perspective, biggest impact of the cultural amnesia (memory loss) in today's world has been on civilizations.
Considering the civilization as sedentary life (urbanity) in its simplest meaning, it is quite normal to state that civilizat ions leave traces in the spaces they settled. In this sense. the effect of a space as a carrier of cultural memory is valid for all different historical contexts. The main reason for t his is the encoding power of the space. The historical buildings that appear in the cities as the traces of civilizations are in a way the memory spaces of these civilizations. With these aspects, the historical buildings stand out not only as a nostalgic image fullling the post modern societies longing for past but also as memory spaces bringing these civilizations to life. In this study the focus is on the secret role of the historical buildings that help the civilizations to keep up in today"s world. in our daily life and their reactions.
Civilization Cultural Memory Historical Buildings Memory Spaces Modernizm Space
Birincil Dil | Türkçe |
Bölüm | Makaleler |
Yazarlar | |
Yayımlanma Tarihi | 15 Mayıs 2014 |
Yayımlandığı Sayı | Yıl 2014 Cilt: 1 Sayı: 2 |
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