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Buzağılarda abomazum ülserleri

Year 2018, , 84 - 94, 30.12.2018


Abomazum ülseri, abomazum mukozasının derin katlarına kadar uzanan doku
kayıplı patolojik bir durumdur. Abomazum ülserlerine hemen her yaştaki
sığırlarda rastlanmakta birlikte özellikle buzağılarda görülür. Oluşumuna göre
primer ve sekunder abozum ülseri olmak üzere ikiye ayrılır. Patolojik olarak;
Perfore Olmayan Ülserler, Ciddi Kanamalı Fakat Perfore Olmayan Ülserler, Lokal
Peritonitis İle Karakterize Perfore Ülserler ve Diffuz Peritonitis İle
Karakterize Perfore Ülser formları vardır.
Abomazum ülseri olan sığırlarda; sindirim problemleri, melena, ağrılı lokal
peritonit, akut yaygın peritonit ilişkili hızlı ölüm veya sadece minimal
abomazum kanaması ile birlikte kronik bir sindirim problemi görülür. Subklinik
olarak görülen abomazum ülserleri ise genellikle otopsi ya da hayvanın
kesiminde ortaya çıkmaktadır. Abomazum ülseri olan buzağılarda prognoz; kanama
ve perforasyonun şekillenmesiyle kötüye gidebilir.

Bu derlemede, buzağılarda abomazum ülserlerinin epidemiyolojisi,
etiyolojisi, patogenezisi, klinik bulguları, tanı ve ayırıcı tanısı, tedavi,
koruma ve prognozu ele alınmıştır.


  • Ahmed, A.F., Constable, P.D., Misk, N.A., 2002. Effect of an orally administered antacid agent containing aluminum hydroxide and magnesium hydroxide on abomasal luminal pH in clinically normal milk-fed calves. Journal of The American Veterinary Medical Association 220, 74-79.
  • Ahmed, A.F., Constable, P.D., Misk, N.A., 2002. Effect of feeding frequency and route of administration on abomasal luminal pH in dairy calves fed milk replacer. Journal of Dairy Science 85, 1502-1508.
  • Aksoy G. 2016. Abomazum Hastalıkları. In: Gül Y, (Ed.). Geviş Getiren Hayvanların İç Hastalıkları (Sığır, Koyun-Keçi). Medipress Matbaacılık Yayınları Ltd. Şti., Malatya, pp.531-579.
  • Assis, R.A., Lobato, F.C.F., Filho E.J.F., Uzal, F.A., 2002. Isolation of Clostridium perfringens type D from a suckling calve with ulcerative abomasitis. Archivos de Medicina Veterinaria 34(2), 287–292.
  • Balcomb, C.C., Christie, C., Heller, M.C., Chigerwe, M., Knych, H.K., Meyer, A.M., 2018. Pharmacokinetics and efficacy of intravenous famotidine in adult cattle. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine 32(3), 1283-1289.
  • Braun, U., Bretscher, R., Gerber, D., 1991. Bleeding abomasal ulcers in dairy cows. Veterinary Record 129, 279-284.
  • Braun, U., Eicher, R., Ehrensperges, F., 1991. Type 1 abomasal ulcers in dairy cattle. Journal of Veterinary Medicine Series A 38, 357.
  • Constable, P.D., Ahmed, A.F., Misk, N.A., 2005. Effect of suckling cow’s milk or milk replacer on abomasal luminal pH in dairy calves. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine 19, 97-102.
  • Erdoğan HM, Çitil M, 2016. İlaç rehberi. In: Gül Y, (Ed.). Geviş getiren Hayvanların İç Hastalıkları (Sığır, Koyun-Keçi). Medipress Matbaacılık Yayınları Ltd. Şti., Malatya, pp.538-576.
  • Groth, W., Berner, H., 1971. Untersuchungen über das labmagengeschwür das kalbes bei milchaustauschermast und bei frühontwöhnung. Zentralbl Veterinarmed 18, 481-498.
  • Hund, A., Wittek, T., 2018. Abomasal and Third Compartment Ulcers in Ruminants and South American Camelids. Veterinary Clinics of North America: Food Animal Practice 34(1), 35-45.
  • Jelinski, M.D., Ribble, C.S., Campbell, J.R., 1996. Descriptive epidemiology of fatal abomasal ulcers in Canadian beef calves. Preventive Veterinary Medicine 26 ,9-15.
  • Jensen, R., Spraker, T.R., Glock, R.D., Jones, R.L., Collıns, J.K., Falck, D.E., Kerschen, R., Hoff, R.L., 1992. Abomasal erosions in feedlot cattle. American Journal of Veterinary Research 53, 110-115.
  • Katchuik, R., 1992. Abomasal disease in young beef calves. Surgical findings and management factors. The Canadian Veterinary Journal 33, 459-461.
  • Lilley, C.W., Hamar, D.W., Gerlach, M., 1985. Linking copper and bacteria with abomasal ulcers in beef calves. Journal of Veterinary Medicine 80, 85-88.
  • Marshall, T.S., 2009. Abomasal ulceration and tympany of calves. Veterinary Clinics of North America: Food Animal Practice 25, 209-220.
  • Melendez, P., Poock, S., 2018. Outbreak of clostridial abomasitis in dairy calves. Veterinary Record Case Reports 6: e000573.
  • Nakamura, T., 1986. Pathological studies on ulceration in the abomasum of cattle. Bulletin Faculty Agriculture Tokyo University Agriculture Technology 28, 1-47.
  • Odde, K.G., Kiracofe, G.H., Schalles, R.R., 1985. Suckling behavior in range beef calves. Journal of Animal Science 61, 307-309.
  • Ok, M., Sen, I., Turgut, K., Irmak, K., 2001. Plazma gastrin activity and the diagnosis of bleeding abomasal ulser in cattle, Journal of Veterinary Medicine Series A 48, 563-568.
  • Radostits MO, Gay CC, Hinchcliff WK, Constable DP., 2007. Veterinary Medicine 10th Edition Saunders Ltd, London pp. 370-374.
  • Roeder, B.L., Chengapa, M.M., Nagaraja, T,G, 1988. Experimental induction of abdominal tympany, abomasitis, and abomasal ulceration by intraruminal inoculation of Clostridium perfringens type A in neonatal calves. American Journal of Veterinary Research 49, 201-207.
  • Souza, L.M., Assis, R.N. Rego, R.O., Santos, J.F., Coutinho, L.T., Souza, J.C., Mendonça, C.L., Afonso, J.A.B., Souto, R.J.C., 2016. Clinical, laboratory and anatomopathological findings of abomasal ulcers in calves. Ciência Veterinária nos Trópicos 19(3), 20-28.
  • Thomas J, Siman F., 2007. Diseases of dairy cattle 2 th Edition, Saunders Ltd,,London pp. 164-174.
  • Wensing, T., Breukink, H.J., Van Dijk, S., 1986. The effect of feeding pellets of different types of roughage on the incidence of lesions in the abomasum of veal calves. Veterinary Research Communications 10, 195-202.

Abomasal ulcers in calves

Year 2018, , 84 - 94, 30.12.2018


Abomasum ulcer is a pathological condition with a loss
of tissue that extends into the deep layers of the abomasum mucosa. Abomasum
ulcers are encountered in cattle in almost every age, it is encountered
especially in calves. According to the formation it is divided as primary and
secondary abomasum ulcers. Pathologically it is divided as non-perforated
ulcers, severe hemorrhage but non-perforated ulcers, perforated ulcers
characterized by local peritonitis, and perforated ulcers characterized by
diffuse peritonitis. In cattle with abomasum ulcer; digestive problems, melena,
painful local peritonitis, acute generalized peritonitis associated with rapid
death or only minimal abomasum hemorrhage with a chronic digestive problem is
seen. Subclinical abomasum ulcers are usually appear in autopsy or animal
slaughter. In calves with abomasum ulcer prognosis may deteriorate with
occurence of bleeding and perforation.

        In this review, epidemiology, etiology, pathogenesis,
clinical findings, diagnosis and differential diagnosis, treatment, prevention
and prognosis of abomasum ulcers in calves is discussed.


  • Ahmed, A.F., Constable, P.D., Misk, N.A., 2002. Effect of an orally administered antacid agent containing aluminum hydroxide and magnesium hydroxide on abomasal luminal pH in clinically normal milk-fed calves. Journal of The American Veterinary Medical Association 220, 74-79.
  • Ahmed, A.F., Constable, P.D., Misk, N.A., 2002. Effect of feeding frequency and route of administration on abomasal luminal pH in dairy calves fed milk replacer. Journal of Dairy Science 85, 1502-1508.
  • Aksoy G. 2016. Abomazum Hastalıkları. In: Gül Y, (Ed.). Geviş Getiren Hayvanların İç Hastalıkları (Sığır, Koyun-Keçi). Medipress Matbaacılık Yayınları Ltd. Şti., Malatya, pp.531-579.
  • Assis, R.A., Lobato, F.C.F., Filho E.J.F., Uzal, F.A., 2002. Isolation of Clostridium perfringens type D from a suckling calve with ulcerative abomasitis. Archivos de Medicina Veterinaria 34(2), 287–292.
  • Balcomb, C.C., Christie, C., Heller, M.C., Chigerwe, M., Knych, H.K., Meyer, A.M., 2018. Pharmacokinetics and efficacy of intravenous famotidine in adult cattle. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine 32(3), 1283-1289.
  • Braun, U., Bretscher, R., Gerber, D., 1991. Bleeding abomasal ulcers in dairy cows. Veterinary Record 129, 279-284.
  • Braun, U., Eicher, R., Ehrensperges, F., 1991. Type 1 abomasal ulcers in dairy cattle. Journal of Veterinary Medicine Series A 38, 357.
  • Constable, P.D., Ahmed, A.F., Misk, N.A., 2005. Effect of suckling cow’s milk or milk replacer on abomasal luminal pH in dairy calves. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine 19, 97-102.
  • Erdoğan HM, Çitil M, 2016. İlaç rehberi. In: Gül Y, (Ed.). Geviş getiren Hayvanların İç Hastalıkları (Sığır, Koyun-Keçi). Medipress Matbaacılık Yayınları Ltd. Şti., Malatya, pp.538-576.
  • Groth, W., Berner, H., 1971. Untersuchungen über das labmagengeschwür das kalbes bei milchaustauschermast und bei frühontwöhnung. Zentralbl Veterinarmed 18, 481-498.
  • Hund, A., Wittek, T., 2018. Abomasal and Third Compartment Ulcers in Ruminants and South American Camelids. Veterinary Clinics of North America: Food Animal Practice 34(1), 35-45.
  • Jelinski, M.D., Ribble, C.S., Campbell, J.R., 1996. Descriptive epidemiology of fatal abomasal ulcers in Canadian beef calves. Preventive Veterinary Medicine 26 ,9-15.
  • Jensen, R., Spraker, T.R., Glock, R.D., Jones, R.L., Collıns, J.K., Falck, D.E., Kerschen, R., Hoff, R.L., 1992. Abomasal erosions in feedlot cattle. American Journal of Veterinary Research 53, 110-115.
  • Katchuik, R., 1992. Abomasal disease in young beef calves. Surgical findings and management factors. The Canadian Veterinary Journal 33, 459-461.
  • Lilley, C.W., Hamar, D.W., Gerlach, M., 1985. Linking copper and bacteria with abomasal ulcers in beef calves. Journal of Veterinary Medicine 80, 85-88.
  • Marshall, T.S., 2009. Abomasal ulceration and tympany of calves. Veterinary Clinics of North America: Food Animal Practice 25, 209-220.
  • Melendez, P., Poock, S., 2018. Outbreak of clostridial abomasitis in dairy calves. Veterinary Record Case Reports 6: e000573.
  • Nakamura, T., 1986. Pathological studies on ulceration in the abomasum of cattle. Bulletin Faculty Agriculture Tokyo University Agriculture Technology 28, 1-47.
  • Odde, K.G., Kiracofe, G.H., Schalles, R.R., 1985. Suckling behavior in range beef calves. Journal of Animal Science 61, 307-309.
  • Ok, M., Sen, I., Turgut, K., Irmak, K., 2001. Plazma gastrin activity and the diagnosis of bleeding abomasal ulser in cattle, Journal of Veterinary Medicine Series A 48, 563-568.
  • Radostits MO, Gay CC, Hinchcliff WK, Constable DP., 2007. Veterinary Medicine 10th Edition Saunders Ltd, London pp. 370-374.
  • Roeder, B.L., Chengapa, M.M., Nagaraja, T,G, 1988. Experimental induction of abdominal tympany, abomasitis, and abomasal ulceration by intraruminal inoculation of Clostridium perfringens type A in neonatal calves. American Journal of Veterinary Research 49, 201-207.
  • Souza, L.M., Assis, R.N. Rego, R.O., Santos, J.F., Coutinho, L.T., Souza, J.C., Mendonça, C.L., Afonso, J.A.B., Souto, R.J.C., 2016. Clinical, laboratory and anatomopathological findings of abomasal ulcers in calves. Ciência Veterinária nos Trópicos 19(3), 20-28.
  • Thomas J, Siman F., 2007. Diseases of dairy cattle 2 th Edition, Saunders Ltd,,London pp. 164-174.
  • Wensing, T., Breukink, H.J., Van Dijk, S., 1986. The effect of feeding pellets of different types of roughage on the incidence of lesions in the abomasum of veal calves. Veterinary Research Communications 10, 195-202.
There are 25 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Review

Saim Ekinci This is me 0000-0001-8749-6958

Nuri Mamak 0000-0001-9752-9709

Publication Date December 30, 2018
Submission Date December 18, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018


APA Ekinci, S., & Mamak, N. (2018). Buzağılarda abomazum ülserleri. Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Journal of Health Sciences Institute, 6(2), 84-94.
AMA Ekinci S, Mamak N. Buzağılarda abomazum ülserleri. Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Journal of Health Sciences Institute. December 2018;6(2):84-94. doi:10.24998/maeusabed.498888
Chicago Ekinci, Saim, and Nuri Mamak. “Buzağılarda Abomazum ülserleri”. Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Journal of Health Sciences Institute 6, no. 2 (December 2018): 84-94.
EndNote Ekinci S, Mamak N (December 1, 2018) Buzağılarda abomazum ülserleri. Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Journal of Health Sciences Institute 6 2 84–94.
IEEE S. Ekinci and N. Mamak, “Buzağılarda abomazum ülserleri”, Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Journal of Health Sciences Institute, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 84–94, 2018, doi: 10.24998/maeusabed.498888.
ISNAD Ekinci, Saim - Mamak, Nuri. “Buzağılarda Abomazum ülserleri”. Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Journal of Health Sciences Institute 6/2 (December 2018), 84-94.
JAMA Ekinci S, Mamak N. Buzağılarda abomazum ülserleri. Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Journal of Health Sciences Institute. 2018;6:84–94.
MLA Ekinci, Saim and Nuri Mamak. “Buzağılarda Abomazum ülserleri”. Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Journal of Health Sciences Institute, vol. 6, no. 2, 2018, pp. 84-94, doi:10.24998/maeusabed.498888.
Vancouver Ekinci S, Mamak N. Buzağılarda abomazum ülserleri. Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Journal of Health Sciences Institute. 2018;6(2):84-9.

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