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Acil servise başvuran pediyatrik travma olgularının değerlendirilmesi.

Year 2023, , 17 - 21, 30.04.2023


Amaç: Çalışmanın amacı Kocaeli Derince Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi Acil Servisine travma nedeniyle başvuran 18 yaş altındaki çocuk hastaların demografik, epidemiyolojik özelliklerini, takip ve tedavi sonuçlarını saptayarak ulusal verilerimize katkıda bulunmaktır.
Yöntem: Kocaeli Derince Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi Acil Servisine 1 Mayıs 2021- 1 Mayıs 2022 tarihleri arasında travma nedeniyle başvuran 18 yaş altı çocuk hastaların dosyaları ve hastane kayıt defteri retrospektif olarak incelendi. Yaş, cinsiyet, ay, yaralanma yeri (ev, okul veya okul dışında), travma sebepleri (düşme, trafik kazası, yabancı cisimle kesi, yanık), vücutta yaralanma bölgeleri (kafa, toraks, abdomen, alt ve üst ekstremite, çoklu), konsültasyonlar, acil serviste yapılan işlemler, yatış, taburculuk ve mortalite oranları gibi özellikleri kaydedildi. İstatistiksel analizleri yapıldı.
Bulgular: Çalışmaya dahil olan 310 hastanın çoğu erkekti (n=198, %63,9) ve Nisan- Mayıs aylarında başvuru sayısı yüksekti (n=104, %33,6). Okul dışında yaralanma oranı (n=143; % 46,1) okuldaki yaralanmalara (n=48; % 15,5) göre daha fazla idi. Oluş şekli incelendiğinde düşme (%68,2), yanık (12,9) ve trafik kazası olgularının (%6,7) daha sık olduğu gözlendi. En çok ekstremite yaralanması (%62,9) tespit edilirken kafa yaralanmaları (%16,1) ikinci sıklıktaydı. Çalışmaya alınan hastaların 178’inin (%57,4) acil serviste takip ve tedavisi yapıldıktan sonra taburcu edildiği, 132 hastanın (%42,6) hastaneye yatırılarak tedavi edildiği ve 1 hastanın ex olduğu tespit edildi.
Sonuç: Okul çağı çocuk yaralanmalarının büyük bir kısmının nedeni önlenebilir bir sebep olan düşmelerdir. Çocukların yaşadıkları yerlerde güvenlik için koruyucu önlemler yaralanmaları azaltabilir. Çocuklar ve anne-babalar başta olmak üzere okullarda ve diğer mekanlarda kazalardan korunma eğitimleri verilmesi, sağlam altyapılı ve güvenli oyun ve spor sahalarının yapılması kaza ve yaralanma oranlarını azaltacaktır.

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destekleyen kurum yok


  • 1. Davis JH, Pruitt JH, Pruitt BA Jr. History. In: Mattox- KLeditors. Trauma. 4th ed. New York: McGrawHill; 2000. p.3-19.
  • 2. Brook U, Boaz M. Children hospitalized for acci- dental injuries: Israeli experiences. Patient Educ- Couns. 2003;51:177-182.
  • 3. Pitone ML, AttiaMW. Patterns of injuryassociat- edwithroutinechildhoodfalls. Pediatr Emerg Care 2006;22:470-474.
  • 4. William E, Hauda II. Pediatrictrauma. In: Tintinal- li JE, Kelen GD, StapczynskiJS. Emergency Medi- cine: A Comprehensive Study Guide. McGraw-Hill, NewYork 2003;1614-1623.
  • 5. Fingerhut LA, Annest JL, Baker SP, Kochanek KD, McLoughlin E. Injury mortality among children and teenagers in the United States. Inj Prev. 1996;2:93-94.
  • 6. Pekdemir M, Cete Y, Eray O, Atilla R, Cevik AA, Topuzoğlu A. Epidemiologi- calcharacteristics of traumapatients. Ulus Travma Derg. 2000;6:250-254.
  • 7. Akoğlu H, Denizbaşı A, Ünlüer E, Güneysel Ö, Onur Ö. Marmara Üniversitesi Hastanesi acil servisine başvuran travma hastaların demografik özellikleri. Marmara Medical Journal. 2005;18:113-122.
  • 8. Sözüer EM, İkizceli İ, Avşaroğulları L. Trauma Characteristics of Primary-school-age Children in the Emergency Department. Türkiye Acil Tıp Dergisi. 2004;4:2.
  • 9. Durkin MS, Laraque D, Lubman I. Epidemiology- and prevention of traffic injuries to urban children and adolescents. Pediatrics. 1999;103:e74.
  • 10. JamersonPA, Fish AF, Frandsen G. Nursing Student Research Assistant Program: A strategy to enhance nursing research capacity building in a Magnetsta- tus pediatric hospital. Appl Nurs Res. 2011;24:110-113.
  • 11. Gül M. Epidemiological analysis of trauma case sapplying to emergency department. Selçuk Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi. 2003;19:33-36.
  • 12. Cooper A, Barlow B, DiScala C, String D. Mortality and truncal injury: The pediatric perspective. J Pediatr Surg. 1994;29:33-38.
  • 13. Akay MA, Gürbüz N, Yayla D. et al. Evaluation of pediatric traum a cases applied to emergency department. Medical Journal of Kocaeli. 2013;3:1-5.
  • 14. Doğan Z, Güven FMK, Cankorkmaz L, Korkmaz İ, Coşkun A, Döleş KA. Evaluation of pediatric cases pre- senting to the emergency department of our hos- pital because of trauma. Turk Arch Ped. 2011;46:156-160.
  • 15. Atlı B, Eren ŞH, Coşkun A. Evaluation of Pre-School (0-6) Age Group Trauma Patients Etiology. JAEM. 2014;13:172-175.

Evaluation of pediatric trauma cases admitted to the emergency department

Year 2023, , 17 - 21, 30.04.2023


Aim: The aim of the study is to contribute to our national data by determining the demographic, epidemiological characteristics, follow-up and treatment results of pediatric patients under the age of 18 who applied to the Emergency Service of Kocaeli Derince Training and Research Hospital due to trauma.
Method: The files and hospital registry of pediatric patients under the age of 18 who applied to Kocaeli Derince Training and Research Hospital Emergency Service between 1 May 2021 and 1 May 2022 due to trauma were retrospectively analyzed. Age, gender, month, place of injury (outside home, school or school), causes of trauma (fall, traffic accident, incision with foreign body, burn), injury sites in the body (head, thorax, abdomen, lower and upper extremities, multiple), Features such as consultations, procedures performed in the emergency department, hospitalization, discharge and mortality rates were recorded. Statistical analyzes were made.
Results: Most of the 310 patients included in the study were male (n=198, 63.9%), and the number of admissions was high in April-May (n=104, 33.6%). The rate of injuries outside of school (n=143; 46.1%) was higher than injuries at school (n=48; 15.5%). When the way of formation was examined, it was observed that the cases of falls (68.2%), burns (12.9%) and traffic accidents (6.7%) were more common. Extremity injuries were the most common (62.9%), while head injuries (16.1%) were the second most common. It was determined that 178 (57.4%) of the patients included in the study were discharged after being followed up and treated in the emergency department, 132 patients (42.6%) were hospitalized and treated, and 1 patient died.
Conclusion: Most of the school-age children's injuries are caused by falls, which is a preventable cause. Protective measures for safety where children live can reduce injuries. Providing training on prevention from accidents in schools and other places, especially for children and parents, and the construction of safe and well-structured playgrounds and sports fields will reduce accident and injury rates.


  • 1. Davis JH, Pruitt JH, Pruitt BA Jr. History. In: Mattox- KLeditors. Trauma. 4th ed. New York: McGrawHill; 2000. p.3-19.
  • 2. Brook U, Boaz M. Children hospitalized for acci- dental injuries: Israeli experiences. Patient Educ- Couns. 2003;51:177-182.
  • 3. Pitone ML, AttiaMW. Patterns of injuryassociat- edwithroutinechildhoodfalls. Pediatr Emerg Care 2006;22:470-474.
  • 4. William E, Hauda II. Pediatrictrauma. In: Tintinal- li JE, Kelen GD, StapczynskiJS. Emergency Medi- cine: A Comprehensive Study Guide. McGraw-Hill, NewYork 2003;1614-1623.
  • 5. Fingerhut LA, Annest JL, Baker SP, Kochanek KD, McLoughlin E. Injury mortality among children and teenagers in the United States. Inj Prev. 1996;2:93-94.
  • 6. Pekdemir M, Cete Y, Eray O, Atilla R, Cevik AA, Topuzoğlu A. Epidemiologi- calcharacteristics of traumapatients. Ulus Travma Derg. 2000;6:250-254.
  • 7. Akoğlu H, Denizbaşı A, Ünlüer E, Güneysel Ö, Onur Ö. Marmara Üniversitesi Hastanesi acil servisine başvuran travma hastaların demografik özellikleri. Marmara Medical Journal. 2005;18:113-122.
  • 8. Sözüer EM, İkizceli İ, Avşaroğulları L. Trauma Characteristics of Primary-school-age Children in the Emergency Department. Türkiye Acil Tıp Dergisi. 2004;4:2.
  • 9. Durkin MS, Laraque D, Lubman I. Epidemiology- and prevention of traffic injuries to urban children and adolescents. Pediatrics. 1999;103:e74.
  • 10. JamersonPA, Fish AF, Frandsen G. Nursing Student Research Assistant Program: A strategy to enhance nursing research capacity building in a Magnetsta- tus pediatric hospital. Appl Nurs Res. 2011;24:110-113.
  • 11. Gül M. Epidemiological analysis of trauma case sapplying to emergency department. Selçuk Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi. 2003;19:33-36.
  • 12. Cooper A, Barlow B, DiScala C, String D. Mortality and truncal injury: The pediatric perspective. J Pediatr Surg. 1994;29:33-38.
  • 13. Akay MA, Gürbüz N, Yayla D. et al. Evaluation of pediatric traum a cases applied to emergency department. Medical Journal of Kocaeli. 2013;3:1-5.
  • 14. Doğan Z, Güven FMK, Cankorkmaz L, Korkmaz İ, Coşkun A, Döleş KA. Evaluation of pediatric cases pre- senting to the emergency department of our hos- pital because of trauma. Turk Arch Ped. 2011;46:156-160.
  • 15. Atlı B, Eren ŞH, Coşkun A. Evaluation of Pre-School (0-6) Age Group Trauma Patients Etiology. JAEM. 2014;13:172-175.
There are 15 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Clinical Sciences
Journal Section Research Article

Emrah Çelik 0000-0001-6356-0804

Publication Date April 30, 2023
Submission Date February 3, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


Vancouver Çelik E. Acil servise başvuran pediyatrik travma olgularının değerlendirilmesi. Maltepe tıp derg. 2023;15(1):17-21.